The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Medicines Medicines Medicines Traveling Ci Ci Ci me Scalds Sore Nippjea Sore Throats Skin diseases Scurvy Sore Heads Tumors Arrangement On and after Monday May 30th 1853 Passenger trains run daily (Sundays excepted) as fol LEAVE SPRINGIELD or Greenfield South Vernon Brattleboro Keene and Bellows alls at 805 a in and 145 Northampton Holyoke and way stations at 545 and 805 a in 145 and 845 in Chicopee alls at 830 and 1150 a 110 400 and 645 pm Rutland Burlington Windsor White River Junction Wells River St Johnsbury and White Mountains Northfield Montpelier St Albans Og densburg Rouse's Point and Montreal at 805 a and 145 in RETURNING LEAVE 855 a ni and 305 950 400 800 230 1240 and o05 tn ROCHESTER LOCKPORT AND NIAG ARA ALLS RAIL ROAD On and after Wednes day May 4th 1853 Passenger Trains will leave Roch ester for Niagara alls and Buffalo as follows 1st Train Mail Express at 700 a 2d do reight 1040 a in 3d do Accoinmadation 400 4th do Way Express 645 Stopping at Brockport Holley Albion Medina and Lockport and at other stations only to put oil passen gers from ast of Rochester Returning Trains leave Niagara alls at 705 a 1005 a in and 500 in The Steamboat Chief JusticetidCTr i Robinson leaves Lewiston lor Toronto daily on the arrival of the 700 a in Train from Roch ester The steamer Rochester also leaves for Hamilton at the same time are from Rochester to Toronto $3 are from Rochester to Hamilton including Dinner on the Boat $350 Through Tickets sold at the Ticket Otlice in Rochester WARREN COLBURN Rochester myl'J tf i these others I with their virtues 1 am tiuxv lenuerea ny their merns comparatively active and can take exercise withou inconvenience or pain which I could not do before Signed HENRY COE North street Lynn Norfolk LHC Inflammation Jaundice Liver complaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urine Scrofula or Evil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Tic Doloureux Tumors Ulcers Venereal affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause 8 in tne United Strand near Temple Bar London and by all respecta 'v i 11 Is no zxi 1 4 4 1 a NEW HAVEN JIARTORD AND SPRING IELD On and after MONDAY July 18th 1853 Passenger Trains leave Springfield daily (Sundays excepted) as follows At 700 a in 1110 a 125 and 730 for Hartford and New Haven and at 845 in for Hart ford Hie Trains leaving at 1110 a aud 730 ni are Express Trains aud stop only at Hartford Middletown Junction and Meriden und connect at New Haven with Express Trains for New ork RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE New Haven at 750 a in 1105 a 305 610 in and 755 Hartford at 645 a 930a in 1220 445 745 in and 900 The 700 a and 125 trains from Springfield arrive in Hartford in time for the trains of the Hart ford Providence and ishkill Railroad OR NEW YORK Trains of the New York and New Haven Railroad leave New Haven on the arrival of each regular train from Springlield MIDDLETOWN RAILROAD Trains going north leave Middletown at 800 am 1120 a in and 635 going south leave at 800 a 1120 a 220 and 800 Returning leave Berlin at 855 a 1220 303 715 and 838 pm Connecting with the trains of the Hart ford and New Haven Railroad at Berlin jylG SIKES Jr Supt New Summer Arrangement July 18 1853 TRAINS ROM NEW YORK or New Haven Accom At 7 and 1130 a 4 and 510 The 4 in train is Expressed to Greenwich Ex press At 8 a 3 and 5 The 8 a train stops at Stamford and Bridgeport the 3 in at Stam ford Norwalk aud Bridgeport the 5 in at orwalk aud Bridgeport or Port Chester and Norwalk Special Accommodation Trains At 845 a and 615 for Norwalk and at 130 and 410 lor Port Chester or Boston via Hartford Springfield and Worcester Express At 8 a and 5 The 8 a in stops on Hartford at Meriden Berlin and Middletown Hartford aud Springfield The 5 at Hartford only or Connecticut River and Vermont Express At 8 a for White Mountains and Mon treal or Accommodation Trains of the New Haven Hart ford and Springfield At 1130 a and 3 or Canal Nt 8 and 1130 a Accommodation to New Haven or New Haven and New London At 8 a to Norwich Stonington and Providence and 3 to New London only or Housatonic and Naugatuck At 8 a and 3 Express to Bridgeport or Danbury and Norwalk Accom At 7 and 845 a and 4 Express TRAINS TO NEW YORK rom New Haven Accom At 500 605 730 aud 935 a and 4 in Express At 110 and 930 rom Norwalk and Port Chester Special Accom trains from Norwalk At 545 and 1130 a from Port Chester at 530 a and 4 in See large bill of advertisem*nt at the Station Houses and principal Hotels jyl6 GEO WWHISTLER Jr Supt Phillip Burrows Johnston Livingston Charles oster Theodore Sedgwick William Stone William Whetten John Dunham William Kent Watts Sherman I Edmonds Bellow4 alls at Brattleboro Keene Greenfield at 630 and 1040 a 1240 and 505 Northampton at 700 855 and 1130 a in and 245 and 550 in Chicopee alls 900 a and 1220 145 5 and 710 The train leaving Springfield for Northampton at 545 is a reight Train with Passenger car attached The trains leaving Greenfield at 630 a aud 1240 and Northampton at 855 a and 245 are reight Trains with Passenger cars attached Stages leave Willimansett for So Hadley So Had ley alls and Mount Holyoke Seminary on the arri val of all regular trains from the North and South Leave Northampton for Amherst East hampton and Williamsburg on the arrival of trains from the North and South and from So Deerfield for Ashlield and Conway on the arrival of the 145 train from Springlield Stages also leave Greenfield for Shelburne alls Coleraine and Charlemont on the arrival of the 145 train from Springfield BRIGGS my30 tf Master of Transportation New York via Worcester Spring neiu ul art lord anti jacw iiaycii Albany via orcester Springlield 550 Troy Saratoga Schenectady Utica Syracuse Rochester Buffalo Niagara alls HAMPDEN SS At a Court of Pro bate hidden at Springlield within and for said County on the 5th day of July A 1853 on the peti tion of Jatesh Jones Isaac Kibbe Samuel Church John JI Chinch Ann Adams who Claim to hold their shares in the leal estate of Charles Church late of Blandford in said count deceased intestate praying that partition thereof be made among the Leiis of said deceased and those holding under them or dered thatthe consideration of said petition be referred to a 1'robate Court to be holden at Westfield in said county on the third Tuesday of September next at nine o'clock A then and there to be heard and de cided upon and that the petitioners give notice to all persons interested therein by causing an attested copy of this order to be served upon them jiersuiially at least fourteen days before said day if they can be found it in this State and if not then by causing the same published in the Springlield Weekly Republican print ed in Springlield three weeks successively previous to said day at which time and place they may be heard concerning the same OLIVER MORRIS Judge of Probate Copy Attest 3w7 II SMITH Register Mount pleasant institute AM1IERS1 MASS A Nash A Prin 1 his school oilers a safe pleasant and profitable home lor boys from 8 to 16 and those above the latter age can remain it of the right character till prepared for business or college '1 he rudiments of a substantial English Education are taught in the most systematic aud practical manner Special attention is also given to those higher branches of science adapted to qualify young men for active life whether in agriculture commerce or the mechanic arts In the Classical Department the instruction in Math ematics Greek and Latin is accurate and thorough Terms: per half year in advance including Tuition (in all branches) board washing mending fuel and lights for boys under 14 $80 for those from 14 to 16 $90 and for those upwards of 16 $100 Students in the scientific department can attend any or all of the college lectures without extra charge Circulars detailing more fully the plan of instruc tion forwarded to order rpO the County Commissioners for th County of Hampden The undersigned inhaL itants of the town of West Springfield would repD sent that the location of the Ruud oil the jxitit ion Roswell King and others by the former board of Coir missioners through the Jami of Alfred Busworth ai others is injudicious and what the public necessity tn Convenience does not require We therefore pray honors that said road us located may be dwvoutmuid and such location or alteration be made as will suit the convenience and necessity of all concerned or interested JULIUS DAY aud others West Springfield June 28 1853 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Hampden ss At a meeting of tin County Commissioners holden at Springfield within and for said county on the 4th Tuesday of June in the year of our Lord 1853 And now upon the is tion aforesaid the County Commissioners deemin a view of the premises expedient and proper give? tice that they will meet lor the purpose of said vi at the dwelling house of Harvey Smith in West Spring field on Tuesday the sixteenth day of August next St nine o'clock A and it is ordered by the County Commissioners that a copy of said petition be ser 1 by the Sheriff of said county or his Deputy upon Clerk of the town of West Springlield in said count thirty days at least before the said sixteenth day August and that all other persona and corporation' interested therein be notified by publishing a copv said petition and this order thereon in the Springiieid Republican a public newspaper printed in said county three weeks successively the'lust publication tf fourteen days at least befoie the time ofsaid vi And it is urther ordered by the Commissioners that copies of said petition or abstracts containing thesub stancc thereof and this order be posted up by said Sheriff or Deputy in two public places in the tow of West Springlield fourteen days before said 16th da of ilugust and that notice be given in manner afore said to all persons and corporations interested that the County Commissioners deem a view of the prem ises expedient and proper and that a view of the ane will be taken by them at the time aud place aforesaid GEO MOKKlb lerk True copy of the petition and order of the County Commissioners thereon Attest 3w6 GEO MORRIS Clerk TTN1TED STATES LIE INSURE ANCE ANNUITY AND TRUST CO Charter uiin pci petuity by the State of Pennsylvania 1850 Crawford ti jmiay Mutual system of Life Insurance with the security 01 a Stock CamtnL Knirlich tJon No premium notes and io assessments The mixec 1 adopted by this company an the best English oflices secures the distinct and coni bmed advantages of all other systems Thepresentval ue of annual dividends is payable in cash on demand or deducted from future premiums at the option? the msured California Life Insurance and iierm i granted for Oregon and the Sandwich Islands Lt re duced rates of premium New England Branch 18 Congress street Boston LOOMIS Agent No i2 oot wiy71 NOTICE is hereby given that the sub scribers have been duly appointed the last Will of William Bradway late of in the county of Hampden deceased and )il'e upon themselves that trust by giving bonds as directs' And all persons having demand 1 lhe estate of the said deceased are required to ex same: and ail persons indebted to the said called upon to make payment to HIRAM NEWTON WULARD BRAD WAV July 5th 1853 Summer Arrangement Monday May 9th 1853 Pas senger Trains will leave as follows: Providence at 720 and 1130 a in and 400 Worcester at 650 and 11 (X) a and 410 The 720 a hl train from Providence connects nt Worcesterwith the Express trains from Boston for New York and Albany which leave Worcester at 925 a With he Accmniodation train for Springlield and Albany and all intermediate stations which leaves Worcester at 930 a in With trains of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad for Norwich With trains of the Worcester and Nashua Railroad for Lowell Nashua Manchester Concord Withtrains of the itchburg and Worcester Railroad for itchburg Keene Bellows alls The 1130 a train from Providence connects at Worcester with the afternoon Accommodation trains Worcester of all the above mentioned Roads 400 train from Providence connects at vy orcester with the Express train from Boston to New York via Springfield and New Haven which leaves Worcester at 555 Passenger's by this train can also arrive in Albany the same evening im an accommodation train leaves Springfield for Albany ou the arrival of the Express train from Boston 1 With the Steamboat train for New York via Norwich Passengers for Way Stations on the Western Rail road between Worcester and Springfield except for West Brookfield and Palmer will take the 720 or 1130 a train from Providence The 11 a train from Worcester connects at Wor cester with the morning trains from Norwich Spring lield itchburg Nashua and Lowell At Providence with the afternoon trains for Boston Taunton New Bedford all River and with Steam boats for all River and Newport The 410 train from Worcester connects at Wor cester with the Express train which leaves New York at a With the morning Express and Accommodationlra ius from Albany and with the mid day Accommo dation trams from Norwich Springlield itchburg Nashua and Lowell andtlie 6 50 train froTn Providence connect with the'trains of Vi" NoXT1 Wtorc1esteIr road at Waterlbrd These At Millville witll Coaches lor Sl wt with Coaches for East Douglas p1 at with Coaches for Grafton Whitinsville England Village Upton and MiJlforft OU New 1 he 20 a in train from jrovidAnr Woouflocket with Coaches for Mi 11 ford Ce connecta al mylO tt SAAC SOUTHWICK To the Bill and Com Brokers City Marshals and Police Oibcers and the public generally ofNew England the Middle States and Canada The Association of Banks for the Suppression of Counterfeiting will pay to the person who shall furnish information which shall lead to the conviction and sentence of the parties herein mentioned the following sums to wii A REWARD TWO HUNDRED ITY DOLIARS for each person convicted and sentenced I'or engraving a plate or plates for counterfeit Bank Bills or dies foraltering Bank Bills and A REWA Rn TWENTY IVE iOLLA RS breach person con victed and sentenced lor uttering or passing counter feit Bank Bills said sums to be paid upon the nresenti tion of the certificate of the Judge or the nroseci officer of Hie Court where such conviction Ihallbe provided said counterfeits are on the Banks in New England Suitable rewards will also be paid for the conviction and sentence of the makers of Counter feit com or of dies for the same and for the uttering of such com lhe above are additional to any rewards authorized by State laws "Per order of Executive Committee J' GORDON Secretary Boston June 7 8toaw VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OR SALE Two farms situated in West Granville Mass one known as the homestead of the late Samuel Curtiss containing 253 acres This farm is very pleas antly located about half a mile North of the center of Granville and possesses one advantage over moun tain farms in general it being comparatively a level farm The quality of the land is good and suitable for all purposes of farming and is suitably divided into mowing pasturing It has a valuable tract of timber of about 100 acres There are three barns a comfortable dwelling and other necessary out build ings on the premises One other farm known as the Curtiss Parsons farm and situated half a mile North of the one above de scribed containing 315 acres of land of good quality andsuitably divided for farming purposes This farm has 75 acres of timber land It has a modern dwelling house in first rate order three large and good barns with a supply of water in each ot the yards This farm will pasture in a good season 60 head of cattle and win ter something less These farms are well watered and well fenced and arc the most attractive mountain (arms known for sale Their location is pleasant and convenient and they are in all respects desirable and attractive and xvill be sold cheap or further partic ulars inquire on the premises of the first described farm of he subscriber LOWEL CURTISS West Granville July 12 8w7 Traveling rSWESTERN RAIL iiM Summer Arrangement xrilNDAY June 20 1853 Passenger "'ay Station or Springlield Hartford and Northampton 230 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WORCESTER or New York and Albany (Express Trains) 925 mor New York and Way Stations 930 a or Springfield Hartford and Northampton 430 in PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE SPRINGIELD or Albany 815 and 1115 (Express) a 1250 and 730 or Worcester and Boston (Sec Trains) 815 a and 145 or Worcester and Boston (Express Trains) 130 and 930 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE ALBANY or Spriuglield Worcester and Boston 715 and 845 a and 330 and 700 Trains connect at Albany ith the Albany and Sche nectady Troy and Greenbush aud Hudson River Rail roads at Chatham our Corners with the Harlem and Hudson and Berkshire Railroads at State Line with the Housatonic Railroad at Pittsfield with the Pitts field and North Adams and Stockbridge and Pittsfield Railroads at Springfield with the Hartford New Ha ven and Springfield and Connecticut River Railroads at Palmer with the New London Palmer and Willi mantic Railroad at Worcester with the Providence and Worcester Worcester and Nashua Norwich and Worcester Railroads je26 tf HENRY GRAY The best Refrigerators now in use sold by WILCOX myl tf Rear of City Hall CO The subscri bers have formed a partnership under the firm pi 11 A 'Robinson Co and will continue the Lumber business at the stand heretofore occupied by Henry A Robinson in Water street where they will keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of Lumber and Shingles which they will sell on the most favorable terms ROBINSON HENRY A ROBINSON Springfield May 24 1853 my28 HAMPDEN SS Ata Court of Pro bate holden at Springfield within and for said county on the fifth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three on the pe tition of Mary A Phelon Guardian of Charles 1 representing that it nould be for the benefit of said ward that liis right or share in certain real es tate situated in West Springfield being one undivided half of the whole of the real estate of which his father died seized should be sold and the proceeds thereof put at interest according to the provisions of law in that behalf ordered that the consideration of said is tit ion be referred to a Probate Court to be holden at Springfield within and for said county on the fourth Tuesday of August next at 10 o'clock A then and thereto be heaid and decided upon and that the said Guardian give notice to all persons interested therein by causing an attested copy of this order to be pub lished in the 'Weekly Republican printed in Spring field three weeks successively previous to said dav at which time and place they may be heard coucefniug the same OLIVER MORRIS Judge of Probate Copy Attest jy9 3w7 SMITH Reg of Probate jpOR SALE The subscriber in order Jt to make new arrangements in his business his entire stock of Goods for sale comprish" i and well selected stock of Dry Goods Groceries ery Hardware Ready Made Clothing will be sold together with the store at a bar gain Any one wishnig to engage in trade in ant country village wifi find this to be a rare oSrnrt8 nity of locating in business as the subscriber busiXThe can welled preKil'U West Brookfield June 1 fO the County Commissioners for the I County of Wo the undersigned Se lectmen of Brimfield in said County in pursuance of instructions by a vote passed at a town meeting holden on the fourteenth day of June one thousand eight hun dred and fifty three do humbly represent to your hon orable board thatthe old road leading from Briintield to Monson and Palmer and commencing near the house of Sumner Parker and ending a few rods West of the house of Widow Sarah Charles has been discon tinued so far as the land of the said Parker extends leaving the westerly part of said road open and we do further represent thatsaid road is calculated to mislead the public travel and is a source of expense and incon venience to the town We therefore humbly pray your board to view said road and discontinue the same NATHAN ROBINSON and others Selectmen of Brimfield Brimfield June 161853 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Hampden ss At a meeting of the County Commissioners holden at Springfield within and lor said county on the 4th Tuesday ot June in nJ year of ourLord 1858 And now upon the aforesaid the County Commissioners deeining a view of the preiruses expedient and proper give notice that they will meet lor the purpose of said view at t)e dwelling house of Widow Sarah Charles in Bh'mtiJid on luesday the ninth day of August next nt fOUI! and it is ordered by the County nJ missioners that a copy of said jAtiUon be served bv tlJ Sherifl of said county or his Deputy upon the Clerk ot the town of Lrnnlieid sate county thirty days nt least before the said ninth day of August atid that all other persons and corporations intel ested therein be notified by publishing a copy of Raij petition and this order thereon in the Springlield Republican a public newspaper printed in gate county three weeks success ively the lastpublication to be fourteen days at least before the time ofsaid view And it is fui ther ordeied by the Commissioners that copies ofsaid petition or abstracts containing the substance thereof and this der be posted up by said Sheriff or Deputyin two pub lic places in the town of Brimfield fourteen days be fore said ninth day of August and that notice be given in manner aforesaid to ail persons and curporutioii interested that the County Com missioners deem a ii of the premises expedient and proper and that a vx of the same will be taken by them at the time and plus' aforesaid MURRLS Cleik True copy of the petition and order of the County Commissioners thereon Attest jy8 3w6 GEO MORRIS Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts HAMPDEN SS At a Probate Court holden at Springfield within and fur said Coun ty on the first Tuesday in July A 1853 a certain in strument purporting to be the'last Will and Testainent of Ann late of West Springlield in aid County deceased being now presented to me lor Pro bate by Edmund and Daniel White the Executors therein named it is therefore ordered that the Consideration of'the robafe thereof be releired to the Court next to be holden at the 1'robate Of fice in Springlield in said County on the fourth luvr day in August next at ten of the cluck in the forenoon and that 'notice thereof be given by the said Executors to the heirs of the said deceased that they may then and there appear and show cause if any they have why the said instrument should orsbould not be proved and allowed by causing an attested copy of this order to be published in the Republican a newspajier pi intvd in Springlield three eeks successively previous to the time of holding said last mentioned Court OLIVER MORRIS Judge of Gopy Attest jy7 3w6 SMITH Reg of Commonwealth of Massachusetts HAMPDEN At a Probate Court holden at Springfield within and for said Coun ty on the first '1 uesday in July A 153 a ceitam instrument purporting to be the last Will and lesta inent of Dobcas Cone late of Wilbraham said County deceased being now presented to me lor 1 io iih nf ('al son 1 one the lx UY ALLlkh VW llv ilv 1 1 1 ecutor therein named it is therelore ordered that th consideration of tiie Probate thereof be releried Court next to be holden at the 1 robate Viict in Springfield in said County on the fourth 1 uesuiq in August next at ten of the clock iu the fotenuvu and that notice thereof be given by the said Marj Co to the heirs of the said deceased that they maj i and there appear and show came 'j why the said instrument should orsbould not be pi ut and allowed by causing an attested copy ot tlJ to be published in the eek Itepubfican a uepq a uer unified in Siiringbekl three weeks succession previous to the time of holding sate last mentioned CouI OLIVER MORRIS Judge of II SMITH Reg Coininonioealth of AlassachnettSe HAMPDEN At a Probate Court holden at Springfield within and for said Coun ty on tlie first "1 uesday in July A 1853 ascertain instrument purporting to be the last ill ana nent of Calvin Bedortha late of est Springlield in said County deceased being now presented to for by Joseph Bedortha the Executor thei named it is therefore ordered that the consideration of the thereof be referred to the 1 robate Com next to be holden at the Probate Office in Springfield in said County on the fourth 1 uesday in August nex at ten of the clock in the forenoon and that notice thereof be given by the said Executor to the liens the said deceased tliat they may then and there ap pear aud show cause if any they have why the satu instrument should orsbould not be proved and allo" eu bv causing an attested copy of this order to be pu lished in the Weekly Republican a newspaper pnu in Springfield three weeks successively previous to time of holding said last mentioned Court OLIVER MORRIS Judge of Probate Copy Attest vz jy8 3w6 SMITH Reg jLvecufors 3" Oil I 1 TVOTICE is hereby given tMD scriber has been duly ebbkr late of lust Will and Testament ol 1 Jt a' (lcCellsed Brimfield in the county ol giving bonds as has taken upon himself 'having demands the law directs Ami all Jised are required to upon the estate of the said tutbetaid exhibit the same aud pnyineiit to estate are called upon July 5th 1853 PREPARED SUPER PHOS A PH A LIME of the most approved quality especially beneficial to 'Turnips and all other Root 1 Agents No 234 Water Street and 12j est Street corner of Dey Street New York A fertilizer producing all the immediate effect of the best Peruvian Guano with the advantage of being much more lasting in the soil Thoroughly tested and found to more than realise the expectations of all those who have already tried it The best evidence of this is the largely increased demand this season over the past year Put np in bags of 160 lbs barrels 250 lbs each Buyers will please be particular to observe our brand upon each bag or barrel Also for sale American and oreign ield and Gar den Seeds MoNARY BUCK Sole Agents Sign of the Good Samaritan Hartlord Ct JC13 1 lmodaw3 At MARBLE WORKS (Successors to A Tomlinson) SPRINGIELD MASS rMIE Subscribers having lately pur JL chased of Messrs A Tomlinson their Marble Works coi ner of Main and Williams sts comprising their entire Stock Machinery and Water Power for the manufacture of Marble also the entire stock fit Marble of the late firm of Dwelley Keep of this City and havingerected a newshop opposite theNorth Church on Mani st a few rods south of the Depot they are prepared to furnish Monuments Gravestones Tomb ablets Counter Tops Pier and Center Tables Soda ounts Chimney Pieces or any other kind of Marble Work at the shortest notice at either of the above named places from the largest and best stock of foreign and American Marble ever offered for sale in this city Having purchased the above named iots ol Marble at very low rates they are prepared to sell at prices which cannot fail to suit all PARKER CO Springfield April 12 1853 Having disposed of our interest in the Marble busi ness to Messrs Parker Co (as noticed above) we cheerfully recommend them to the favorable notice oi our friends and former patrons as men of integrity and experience and as meriting the confidence bf the public A 3 8 TOMLINSON april 12 fii THE TAPE WORM I is Ge most difficult worm to destroy of all that I infest he human system It grows to an almostindefi nite length becoming so coiled and fastened in the in i I testines and stomach affecting the health so sadly as I to C21llSC iSt VitllK Xr tinmen a tl i tnrl seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hasten Coco bay mg them to an early grave In order to destroy this hiego foot I AV orm a very energetic treatment must be pursued it vlulbnuns would therefore be proper to take or 8 of my Liver Chapped hands Pills so as to remove all obstructions that the Worm Corns (soit) Svrun mav act rlirectlv unrm lie Worm iii'ii miwt I Cancers be taken in doses of two table spoonfuls three times a Contracted and stiff joints Ulcers day These directions followed have never been I Elephantiasis 'Wounds known to fail in curing the most obstinate cases of I fistulas Yaws TAPE WORM Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway READ THE OLLOWING! Strand near Temple Bar London and by all res And you cannot be indifferent to this appeal IIu pectable Druggists ana DealersinMedicinesthrough mauity calls upon you to do your duty It is only one the British Empire and of those of the United out of the many thousands who has seen its wonderful States in pots at 374 87 and $1 50 each Whole effects sale by the principal Drug houses in the Union and by Dr Sir Gratitude to you the Messrs A Sands New York and Redding inventor of a highly valuable medicine prompts this Boston humble testimony in its favor as being a safe gentle or sale in this city only by Bliss Haven yet powerfully effectual remedy for Worms Having in Cabotville by Bag had much experience in knowing theeffects of various I is a considerable saving bytakingthe large preparations my wife who was well skilled in minis sizes tering to children in distress pronounced it the best Directions for the guidance of patients in she had ever used and would use no other while yours every disorder are affixed to each Pot could be had au 5 '52 eoply A daughter of ours became seriously diseased Her symptoms were alarming but her mother at once fPVHE ROAD TO HEALTH HOL sought for a remedy for Worms Having obtained 1 LO PILIS Cnivnf Diunrdnwrl TW yours by the time she had taken half a bottle Sir and bad Digestion Lhsordeied Liver tbe joy it gave an affectionate mother to see the im Copy of a Letter from Mr Kirkns rboiniat 7 provement in her child she being about five or six 1 Prescot st Liverpool dated 6th years old She passed an immense quantity of worms To Professor Hollowav 6 18u1' turned tteTe Vlovtev Hnte8 SiR Your Pills anointment have stood the high JAS BOWEN Minister of the nd ot however the virulence of theattack wassoalarm Late Pastor ot tll0 Soatbamptia Medicine in use that will eradicate Wonns re? dose she had great relief She continued to take them tainty and will not disagree with the most delicate a tlou" used only Giree boxes she is now in Stomach Be careful you get the genuine article ie of perfect health I could have sentyou see that the signatuae Hobensack is on every i 6 tut the above from the severity of bottle 01 every the attack and the speedy cure! think speaksmuchin favor of your astonishing Tills a LIVER PILLS siBed KIRKUS No part of the system is more liable to disease than Extraordinary Cure of Rheumatic ever in VanDie the LIVER it serving as a filterer to DUrifv the blond If Land or giving the proper secretion to the bite so that mw Of5yrtterun Town Courier wrong action of the Liver affects the other imuortant Mn Ircfi 1st 1851 by Major XValch parts of the system and results variously i if 'Liver Connigan nineteen years of age resid Complanit Jaundice Dyspepsia We should at 1 owlb bad been suffering from a violent Lucwwie which every symptom that might indicate 1 7 oi two montns which bad wrong action of the Liver These Pills comnos antrey deprived her of the use of her limbs during ed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heathc she was under the care of the most eminent sick namely 1st an Expectorant which augments mebca 1 men in Hobart Town aud by them lier case the secretion from the Pulmonary Mucus Membrane ls consjIJered hopeless A friend prevailed upon her or promotes the discharge of secreted matter 2d an I 2 ce Pills which she consented Alterative which changes in some inexplicable and Joolaildinanincredible8hortspaceoftimetheyef insensible manner the certain morbid action te' ti a I eriect cure 7 system 3d a Tonic which gives tone and strength tn wre a ain and Tightness in the Chest and Stomach the nervous system renewing health and vigor 7n At Person 84 years of age parts of the body 4th a Cathartic which acts in uer rom Son Proprietors of the Lynn feet harmony with the other ingredients and operating Advertiser whoCan vouch for the following on the Bowels and expelling the whole mass of cm? statement rupt and vitiated matter and purifying the Blood" Tap August 2d 1851 which destroys disease and restores health "loocI po Professor Hollcwtiy ri desire to bear testimony to the good effects of xr TO EMALES I Bor some years I suffered severely You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in i0Xn a pain and Ggbtress in the stomach which was many complaints to which you are subiect Tn also 'accompanied by a shortness of breath that pre they have been about lam 84 years of age uciiciik lestorjiiff their lunotinnai I i lunuiiig my aavancca stage or me rangements to a healthy action purifying the 1 dls have so relieved me that I am desirous that ouier Ilinas soeitectually as to put to flight all7X muia oe made acquainted plaints which mav an com I now rpndppAri headache giddiness dimmS steifi nain back and offered the miblte diseases upon the following 1118 Ior aJJ Signed 1 henry COE I 111 11 It A Tl'CV'T I 1 ('ll juwvivajj tbv IUKNUE Im LNorui Hiieet Jjynii xnui Physicians bavin bn? These celebrated Pills are xoondei fully efficacious ni ceipt of thfi'r Tnnniifnni nift sA tlie re I 41? tion say that the ingredients of which Ague 7 posed makes them the best Pill in use for aft Agthma of the Liver impurities bf the Blood 1 wleases fom our own but on the Skin that of the best medical authority in I 15owcl complaints All diseases requiring the use of an A itern £tates CoiiC8 Jar5atiyc Medicine that clme Constipation of bowels uwjjireaiea with the ahnvra vmiM consumption most satisfactory success GEO WOOI)bM nthe Debility CROWLeI Dropsy nonebnt iose Erysipelas of Agents wishing new sunnlics Xnii tit* aents must address' the xN Gout iX Wcwe nnaaeiplna luuigesuon cause old by all Druggists and Merchants in th tt fi Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway 244 States nT8intbeUnited StrandnearTempleBarLomlonandbyallrespecta lamphlets giving Certificates of cures ble Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the diflerent sections of the country lw th ed ln British Empire and of those of the United States in cines can be had gratis of the aboYe medi1 boxes at 37jc 87c and $150 each Wholesale by the BLISS HAVEN rmro prineijial Drug houses in the Union and by Messrs A CUNDALL Sjiringfield KN'f tQTPARD Sands New York and Redding Co Boston ialsano Druggists general 1 's Eor sate in this City only by Bliss Haven pPnceeach25cents 'g ayovertheStatC in Cabotville by SBagg No 8 State street BostA i i tt?" There is a considerable saving by taking the agents Greenleaf Kinslev Na A Tr? larger sizes' York wholesale agente 1 I if Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box New York Advertisem*nts TTmzwv tLXZ I IrXTi a 1 ri A rvonntr 1AO Ci fssiSISWIW 'AVORCESTER AND esSeesxasuua ras MOURNING' STORE 551 sengcr trains will run as 111 BROADWAY Bartholomew Weed i Llavc oicesicr at 630 a in 1115 a 415 arc dajy adding to their extensive stock of Mourning iAni ut Giotuu Junction at 805 a IoO iu (jOODgj every novelty for full and half mourning 535 i i9 costume Our attention being devoted exclusively to Arrive at Nashua and Lowell at 840 a i Mourning Goods and our facilities being superior to 612 pm 850 a 110 pm 620 pm others we are enabled to oiler the most extensive and Leave Nashua and Lowell at i30 a in lloo a stock and at lower prices than any other estab 530p 715 a llo0 a m44o pm lishment in the city Mourning Bonnets Mantillas? Arrive at Groton Junction at 80a a oop Talmas Dresses constantly on hand or made to 600 irnm 7 on order at the shortest notice We offer superior induce Arnve at orcester at Jlo am o0 pm 7 0 pm mentg families adopting irst Mourning as our stock CONNECTIONS WITH OTHER ROADS of Bombazines Canton Cloths arnese Cloths English Trains arriving at Nashua connect directly with Crapes Canton Crapes are unsurpassed in trains of Concord Boston Concord and Montreal quantity quality and price Orders sent to us will be Northern and Vermont Central Rail filled witll fidelity and dispatch and goods sent by Ex roads All Trains from Nashua connect directly with press to any part of the country The reputation of the down Trains from the above named Roads New Mourning Store for fair and honorable dealing Each Train to and from Groton Junction (except the the best goods and lowest prices is too well known by Evening Train from Nashua) connects with upward jfs patrons to need further comment Persons in aud downward Trains of the It itchburg Railroad and want of mourning goods are respectfully solicited to Stony Brook Railroad to and from Lowell favor us with a call As many of our friends and cus At Worcester 630 a in train connects with Steam tomers have been ill treated in another House where boat train from New York via Norwich 1115 am they have visited through mistake we would particu connects with Boston and XV' orcester Providence and larly request those purposing visiting our establishment Worcester Norwich aud Worcester and Western to note the name and number of the New Mourning Railroad trains 415 connects with trains from store 551 Broadway between the St Nicholas and all above named roads including the Express Train Metropolitan Hotels New York from New York and Albany Train arriving at 915 BARTHOLOMEW WEED connects with the a trains of all the above Merchants visiting the city will find it to roads including Express Train to New York and Al their advantage to give us a call apl53m bany That arriving at 2 with ni trains of above roads That arriving at 720 with the New York Steamboat Train via Norwich VlUHl KhblOKED Spectacles HO ITCHBURG AND WORCESTER TRAINS longer needed By use of a simple instrument in running in connection with Worcester and Nashua vented by the subscribers sight may be retained trains leave itchburg at 5 45 and 8 a 1240 atid through life without glasses or it may be restored after 00 in glasses have been worn many years This wonderful Leave Worcester at 630 and 1115 am 230 and effect is produced without pain or inconvenience Cer 415 in tificates of cures from Rev urney John REIGHT TRAINS run daily each way between Stuyvesant Esq Devines Esq and others of Worcester Groton Junction Nashua Lowell and equal respectability can be seen at our office The ef itcliburg ficacy of the Cups was shown by experiments in a Eor connections with the other road at Worces recent lecture in Springfield by our agent Dr ter Groton unction and Nashua see Snow and XV il Brainard The Cups will be forwarded to any person Pathfinder and Railway Guide by mail on receipt of $5 Agents wanted Through Tickets are issued at Worcester for Bur BALL CO lington Montpelier Wells River and White River 3mo No 100 Nassau st York Junction at the same fare by each of the different routes via Nashua and itchburg but no change ol I oo vr a tx a ixt curs is made on the Nashua route 1 RASS VALLEY GOLDMINING treight Train with passenger car attached stop VS" COMPANY Capital $250000 in 1250 shares ping und starting from Lincoln Square $200 each Winchester President The rich STOWELL quartz claims owned by the Company exceed 400 in XV orcester June 15 1853 number covering a surface of 100 acres in the richest and most desirable part of Grass Valley NEWPORT via The whole THE machinery IS IN California nvxz omi and will be put in operation immediately It is the 1853 the steamer PERRYCapt Woolsey will run each way each edav withtrains1 opiDvidencend A few shares the stock for sale at par Pamphlets Worcester fbllows Providence and conlaining the Charter) By Laws Map may be Leave Newport at 5 a and 1J obtained at the office if by mail enclose two three Leave Providence at 9 a and Op cent stamps Or on arrival of trains from Worcester and Boston Wltb (Er Passengers may procure through tickets at Rail drafts on New York or current funds) road stations of New 1 ork and New Haven Railroad i New York oi Western Railroad Albany or Provi deuce and Worcester Railroad Providence arere 9mny seen from 10 to 2 my 10 2mo ARE I i Newport and Worcester $150 Ytirk vin WnrnPQfpr Snriiicr I A DVD TT A 8 ciifyiaiH houo nmv in cfnT'O afinaf nri fn arrive 5 50 I i rfvgnorii uit rmo uhu dpiljsii vi all grades and colors required for the manufacture or 600 every description that is made They would respectfully call the attention of Paper Makers to their present stocks now afloat which they will sell at a re duction on the price of these goods in store and in lots to suit at the usual credit for approved notes or lib 10 90 eral discounts for cash Sample Bales of Scotch Rags nncocxipr will be forwarded for approval on application to pass ener rLAug i ittwii? je8 2mo 124 ront street New York it the nreseut arrangement for running trains over the New York and New Huven Hartford and Springlield and Western Railroads passengers have the advantage of a day route to and from New York Albany Saratoga and Newport leaving either TTSV" Ti'rr'T'irT? A TIT ZAxxxxxJX terminus in the morning and arrive at the other in the IN 1 (secured) evening of the same day JLJ PATENT HYDKO An examination of any of the recently published ELECIRTC VOLTAIC CHAINS consrructed to be Railroad Maps will clearly show the eligibility oi this worn under the garments are the most wonderful dis route to those traveling from New York Northern covery in Medicine and Electricity ol the present day Western and Central portions ofNew Englund to New relieve without pain or shock the instantaneous uoit Passengers and Baggage conveyed free of charge ly acute nervous pains such as head ear and tooth between the Bout and Railroad Station in Providence ache rheumatic pains tic doloreux and by their ISAAC IL SOUTHWICK mild but continuous and perceptible action on the jy20 3mo Providence and Worcester Railroad bodv diseases of such as gout local paralysis nervous complaints liver diseases dis gtr NIGHT LINE OR NEW aPrear asif by amiracle They have been applied with BBSSLdteggft A VV the greatest success in all those dreadful diseases in OLK 1 he steamer 1 raveler Capt children commonly called convulsions as aiso in cases John Downs will leaveNew Haven lor New 4 ork) ev ofteething under difficulties and disorders of the bow ery night at 11 clock Returning leaves New York es They precipitate metals from their solutions de every afternoon at3 clock Sundays excepted compose water deflect the magnetic needle in short tl RICHARD PECK Agent show all the phenomenon of a powerful voltaic pile Ttwwa 'Pi I 1 he instruments producing these ellects weigh about IN 1j VV LHvlk me two ounces can be folded up in a pocket book are al and elegant steamer Granite ways ready for instantaneous use and will last a man State Capt Joseph If King will leave Hartford his lifetime for himself family and his friends from the foot of Talcott street every Tuesday Th urs against that number of diseases ana complaints in day iindSaturduy at3 until further no which mild streaming electricity is a perfectly safe tice certain and wonderful speedy remedy The price of a All persons are forbid trusting any one on ac complete chain is from $1 to $5 batteries $10 $2250 count of tlie above bout or owners Incredible as may seem the above facts any person can WM SAVAGE Agent easily convince himself beforehand at the depot of Hartford April 25 7ino their truth The importance of the invention has been aCKnowieagea America by the Academy ot Medi STEAMBOAT NOTICE cine of New York and the Chains have been applied with great success in the Medical Colleges the Citv lhe new Steamer City of Hart Bellevue and Island Hospitals Brooklyn City will leave Hartlord lor New i YoiR num lout of Stalest every Monday Wednesday PhylaYs and Surged in LondoniheASn and 1 i iday at 3o clock I an ivmg in New Xoik National de Medecie at Paris by the Imperial aculty at about clock A Returning will leave New af Vienna by the Royal aculty at Berlin and other York Horn leek Slip ev'ery 1 uesday fhursday and scientific institutions of the highest order including Saturday at 4 clock 1 arriving in Hartlord at the principal hospitals in Europe about 6 clock A in time lor passengers to go The proprietors are in possession of testimonials too' th by the early D'ains 1 assengers leaving Spring tjle Ranie effect from all the above institutions inAmer wlth thh PnVfnr' inw be JU tUU! t0 counw ica and Europe as well as of'the most eminent and dis' i ii i tinguished members of the profession in both hemis i 11 lilb ibeU with especial regard pjiereS) and invite the public to examine them to he iialety und comfort ot passengers and no ex ull and illustrated descriptions one for persona sPan lu A ie i1S URe and one for scientific men with copies of testimo object Jersons visiting the VV orld I1 air will find tlie njals and a number of cases cured in New Y'ork and cheauer than tun otlwr route but Europe may be obtained gratis at the office They cheaper than any other route win be forwarjed) lree oj postage t0 any part of the orwurd Deck do United States in answer to pre paid inquiries contain er ii JjecK ing three cent postage stamps smith STEINERT Sole Agent 1 SMITH No 108 State st Hartford jyb 3mo No 568 Broadway corner of Prince st New York pf A Rr EQ RD PHIL Agents in Springlield Brewer myl2 3mo fl DELPHIA AND BALTIMORE er a er oi i or a Steam Propeller Line via Dela MEW YORK MAY 31 1853 wajy aHU RUJitan Canal The Steamer JOSEPHINE LW Directors of the Association for the Exhibition Capt Morison ROUGH READ Capt Giwmly of the Industry of all Nations give notice that the leaving each port Thursdays Running time from Exhibition will be opened on the 15th dayof July Ltarttord to Philadelphia 42 hours to Baltimore 60 In making this announcement the Directors avail hours Arrangements are made to forward goods to themselves of the opportunity to state thatthe build ittsburg Cincinnati St Louis and all other places ing which they have erected and the Exhibition which West via Lluladelphia or via Baltimore Merchandise they have prepared will they believe fully meet the insured at the lowest rates ot premium just expectations ot the public iiori CO Agents It is proper that it should be known that inorder 4mo to afford ample scope for the inventive talent and skill of our countrymen in machinery and aari PERCUSSION SEAL cultural implements we have increased the size of the IL 11 SHIPLEY BROTHERS Merchants aud Bankers Percussion Seal Press for stamping En bave now for ie tuirnoseZof PvhiimldJ 80 A laA yelopes Checks Drafts This invaluable invention thousand square (eet nearly live acres hundred is now extensively used by the Banks and Merchants Not I mt I th aad al Pal CiTS east and west and is so compact in form that it can be mpnt of minpvilnrv a carried in the pocket or stamping Checks or Drafts best scientific talent of thoron has or to prevent counterfeiting they present great induce alld fug UomnA employed inents to all needing them They cost but little and alid the loundation is tlius laid of a most valuable na are warranted to give satisfaction for one year Sam colleclion ot the InlIeral resources of the coun jX' 'St'SS 16 Sttte ft Pictor bad to open th ExbibMon y2tl WMQKT LANE Sole Agent andlfX'' 'SS tectural beauty which it has been the object of the As sociation to attain have produced delay and it has been impracticable for the Directors notwithstand ing their utmost vigilance and their most earnest de sire to announce the opening at an earlier day To Builders and Purcha thSft it sers of DAVID II SUMNER has worthy of the confidence manifested towards it by the tor sale at his Mills at Quechee alls Hartland Vt government of the United States a confidence which an extensive assortment of Seasoned Pine Lumber lias elicited a cordial response from the governments of manufactured out of the up river corky or pumpkin foreign countries It will unquestionably be the comprising most kinds of Lumber usually kept most attractive and interesting collection of the works an establishment of the kind viz clear 2d clear and of art the results of science and the productions of common Boards and Plank 1 Ij 14 and 2 in thick industry that has ever yet been made in this country Shingles sawed and rived all qualities Clapboards and will tend to increase the active emulation of the Door Stuff Pickets Blind Shades Sash Stuff Lath age in every branch of intellectual development As his establishment is near the Railroad he can The sole charge of the interior of the buildim its supply orders 1 roni any part of the country for any division arrangements classification and has amount ot Lumber from 1(XX) ft to any number of car been confided to two officers of the Navy of the United loads with promptness and dispatch States Captain Dupont and II Davis and NB The subscriber will stop in Springfield for a the sanction of the government given to theappoint few weeks and will give his personal attention to the ment of these gentlemen who have so much distin orders of any in this city and vicinity He may be guished themselves in the special services in which found at the office of the People's Mutual ire Ins Co they have been employed affords proof of the conli No 12 oot's Block from 9 AM to 12 and persons dence reposed and the interest felt by the highest au wishing to purchase will do well to call before looking thorities of tlie country in the general obiects of the elsewhere BRIGHAM enterprise juuls oi tne Jy7 l8t Agent for Sumner These gentlemen have organized their department as Secretary of the Superintendent otjmuel Webber Arrangement of Space and Classi ncation 1 rot Sillitnan and Chemistrv Johnson Agricultural Implements Joseph Holmes Machinery Edward Textile abrics elix Sculptor The Officia! Catalogue and the Illustrated Weekly Record of the exhibition are to be published in the building) by Messrs Putnam Co under the supervision ol the Association The directors have sensibly felt the confidence re posed in them by their fellow citizens in all parts of the country end they will continue to makeevery ef fort to satisfy their just expectations DIRECTORS Mortimer Givinffstoii Alfred Pell August Belmont Alexander Hamilton Jr George Schuyler Elbert Anderson Henry Dunham II XVaddell Jacob A Westervelt James A Hamilton Samuel Nicholson xr JHEODORE SEDGWICK President Wm Whetten ice Pres Treas and Stuart Assistant Secretary Im2aw ir ATTT ATPtYM frn Prnrnrv I COMPOUND I READ! READ! READ! READ I I YON KAUIAIKUJN toi 1 rcserv pure cod liver oil and lime ing Restoring and Beautifying the Causing A CURE OR CONSUMPTION COUGHS COLDS irvC ADI it to grow luxuriantly and giving it asoftand curling ASTHMA BRONCHITIS GENERAL D14BIL I LiCrlLi A ZxULiTu lUNCrURE appearance of the most delightful character IheKa AND ALL SCROKULUS HUMORS The Great Resterali re aal Inviuorutor of tnairon neutralizes the effects of disease climate and Tho lnt qncopcdpil Hrorh I the System old age in preserving and restoring the Human Hair A 1 nrfipip which has mmlo even after a Baldness of many years cleanses the scalp directions of I rofessor Stone) in combining the Oil I LlllS BRWiy from Dandruff and its natural impurities immediate and Lime so perfectly that the taste of the Oil which I wonderful cures was discovered by DR JESSE ly relieves symnatlietic attacks of Nervous Headache ls s9 nauseous to persons generally is entirely over I HAMP'ION of Louisville Ky now in fine health in and cures all cutaneous diseases of the Skin such as come and it can be taken by the nKMt delicate females I the 79th year of his age and is acknowledged by those Erysipelas Salt Rheum Itch As a Toilet Article with pleasure And as regards the benefit ol this arti w10 have used it to be the best family medicine in for giving the hair a rich soft glossy and curling ap cleover the clear oil the following case by Prof Stone use and is vAkrAnted free from all mineral pearance nothing has ever been discovered tocompare is sufficient to convince the most skeptical lhe young I substances'1 By its mild action on the Stomach withits incontested its incontestible virtues it im lady was 24 years of age Liver and Kidneys it will I cure the i diseases of parts the fraorance of the most delightful and exotic disease was one of unmixed phthisis which those organs with all Chronic Complaints as Dys flowers and'is free from all mineral properties or any been expected to terminate in the course of a few pepsia Cough Asthma Bronchial and Lung Affections substance which can color the skin or stain a months fatally The upper part of both her lungs was pains in the Back Side and Breast Consumption hat' or Bald and Grey Heads itis pre eminently ben filled with tubercles and in some places were begin Scrofula its Rheumatism Gout Neuralgia Vistula elicial The Kathairon restored my hair after a bald nin to soften The case was evidently a bad Bowel Complaint Worms Nervous Debility with ness of 12 years A Jay Courtright 76 Bond st The treatment of cod liver oil was at first used but all diseases arising from Impure Blood This admirable preparation can be had of all without marked improvement The phosphateof lime As a EMALE MEDICINE ithas noequal! Itwill reputable dealers throughout North and South Ameri was then administered with the oil and the result as change the Complexion from a pallid to a blooming ca and the Islands of the Ocean in large bottles for 25 the case of many others was soon apparent The one ri cents patient was rapidly getting Wherever introduced it success is unbounded It Sold to the trade at a liberal discount but commis CONSUMPTIVE COUGH AND GENERAL DE 1 has Certificates from Hon Henry Clay Hon sioned in no instance BIL1TY CURED I Johnson Vice President of the United States Hon BARNES Proprietor Boston June 1 1852 John 11 Jerome Mayor of the City of Baltimore 161 Broadway New Y'ork KTDr Wilbor Dear Sir: Last Spring I was the Spanish Consul JudgeDavis Lund Washington Sold in Springfield by KBliss flaven Se afliicted with a severe Cough which had so completely from a Chaplain of the Navy from the State gurandE Stebbins in Northampton by II owle prostrated me that I was unable to leave my room Department Washington from the Brother of the and by all Dru £rists everywhere mb 10 6mdaw89 My friends considered me in a decline but hearing of physician to the Emperor of rance who was cured by your COMPOUND COD LIVER OIL AND I it after all other remedies had failed and from hun health for the mil HE) 1 sent and purchased a bottle and commenced dreds of others making up an amount of Testimony using it I began soon to perceive its beneficial effects never before given to any other discovery of medicine Only 2a cents ter pint bottle and te and am happy to say that after using it for two mouths A trial of it will convince the most skeptical cents only for the mammoth bottle holding 2 quarts i have entirely recovered my cough having left me We invite the public to call and get Pamphlets and Buy this and try it if you wish to live to a good old and my strength returned Respectfully yours see Certificates of Cures Read the followingcertili age and enjoy all the comforts of a life ol perfect MARY WILLIAMS cates of undoubted testimony neaitn Caution On account of the great reputation of rxnn Tohn it Temme Manor of the Citv of VEGETABLE SHERRY WINE BIT this Compound for all Lung complaints the subscriber BaiSre or OJ tne 7 TERS would caution the afflicted against using any except I Office Baltimore Aug 23 1852 Very palatable and healthy composed of Rock Rose aiuactured by him as he has the only recipe in the I take great pleasure instating that I nave exam Wintergreen Sarsaparilla Yellow Dock Root Wild combining the 1 due Oil with Lime jned tle namcs of those who have signed certificates Cherry Prickly Ash Poplar Bark or Weak therefore as you value your respecting Vegetable and ness Loss of Appetite Sour Stomach and an un health purchase none except that manufactured by among them I recognize gentlemen of the healthy state of the Stomach Bowels and Blood Me ALIAKB IV 1LBOK Chemist tability viz: Jos Stapleton Wm A Schaeffer chanics armers Clergymen and Public Men in gen fob Court street Boston uunan and others I also cheerfully testify to the eral All of'the above classes of people from hard SPriaSied b7 A' No 4 high standing of'the house ofMessrs Mortimer Slow constant and unremitting labors either of the physical House by 1 Kent Chicopee and druggists brly WO) for the past twenty years have enjoyed the or mental organs feel at some seasons of the year the generally jy 6 ly entire confidence and esteem both of our merchants need oi a gentle Ionic and no meuicnie can be better dmtv tn tv nTrnTTir and citizens generally JNO JEROME adapted for their purpose Try them all ye lovers ol A CrKJNU Or DK CH A Voice from the Birth Piace of Christopher Columbus good Bitters and good health and you will find them CELEBRATED MEDICINE used by him with the Discoverer of America a cheap effectual and pleasant remedy and sold every such distinguished success in the cure of Coughs Con I US Ship Cumberland 1 ior the low price of a cents for a pint bottle sumption Catarrh Asthma Heart Diseases Dispepsia I Genoa Sardinia January 17 1853 and 0 cents for the mammoth bottle ho ding 2 quarts Gonorrhol Piles emale Complaints Dr Messrs Mortimer GeiitIeilie The lhelaigest bottle tne low est piice and the beatBit Abdominal Supporters Shoulder Braces In first Lieutenant of this ship who has been suffering ters in all creation tLAKlih bliaron Mass haling Tubes and Lectures on Consumption and the many years from the Dyspepsia and who has been Manufacturer Sold by nearly all the Druggists and art of preserving Life and Health to old age nearly restored to his usual health by the use Grocers throughout the United States and Canadas Lombard Cundall Goodrich's Building Vegetable desires you to send him one Lombard Cundall wholesale agents lor Spring Bliss Building) Main st Springfield dozen bottles of that medicine nela ana sold by Bliss Haven begur and Kent Chicopee have been appointed Agents for the I The Tincture you sent me was received in good or VVebster bpn'ngneld fvexit ana Bagg I sale of the above articles and will keep them constant I der and I take pleasure in informing you that it has Chicopee mb 29 3mo ly on hand I been used with great success by several of our officers PT rrTT A nr TT TivrriTv zvm Dr Bookto Invalids and directions incases of Dyspepsia UlviL JiiCxl'b JL TXJdJLJIi iXXRALJL I Promoting Health and Instructions to Mothers in I I am respectfully yours DR INVIGORATING the management of may be had gratuitous VERNON ESKRIDGE Chaplain A Phenomenon in Medicine Professor bycalhng at the stores as above march lyd MORTIMER MOWBRAY Proprietors No 304 Invigorating Elixir or Cordial The eighth wonder of enmi' riiiwr orzv nnix ir Broadway Yand 240 Baltimore St Baltimore Md the botanic world! bOAlLUilYGTO DRIXK I I Price ftlper Six Bettles for $5 1 he Invigorating Elixir and Cordial introduced into I 4 NEW delicious Tenroerance Bevpr I Taylor Jr Boston General Agent for the New medical practice by the great chemist physician and AMBROSIA! MAD' Thi nvcplhmf I England States and British Provinces Wilsonair traveler Dr Morse has for its basis an oriental herb age' AMBROSIAL MLAD This excellent BANK qo 15 Hanover street Wholesale Atrents first brought from the deserts of Arabia by Compound is prepared from the best Spanish Narsaya and for sale only by LOMBARb CONDAlE that eminent which has been endorsed lts dark repulsive appearance being jelg Cm Block by the medical colleges of all the great cities of Eu beautifully transparent and entirely free from all im I 1 rope as the bestpreparation extant for the purities Its qualities as a beverage a single trial will HERE IS YOUR REMEDY CURE NERVOUS diseases pre eminence over all other preparations by TTnllnwn Ointment A rnn mirae No language can convey an adequate idea of the im ts freedom from all noxious ingredients agreeableness Holloway Ointment A most miraC mediate aud almost miraculous change which it occa 01 and 118 exceeding cheapness one bottle being ulous cure of Bad Legs after 43 suffering sions in the diseased debilitated and scattered nervous to male Jbrty glasses of the beverage Extract of a letter from Mr Wm alpin of 70 St whether broken down by excess weak by na OZCaution lhe Proprietors of this excellent pre st Weymouth May 15th 1851 ture or impaired by sickness tbe unstrung and relaxed Paretion having spared no expense to bring it to per To Professor Halloway: organization is at once re braced re and built iection would caution purchasers to buy none but what At he age of 18my wife who is now 61 caught up The mental and physical symptoms of nervous bas thelac simile of Wilson airbank If Co on every a violent cold which settled in her legs and ever since disease vanish together under its influence The stoop azvvr t'atppivi no nr I that time they have been more or less sore and greatly ing trembling victim of depression and debility be 13 and 15 Hanover I inflamed Her agonies were distracting and for comes a new man He stands erect he moves with a 8treet Boston Sole Manufacturers Sold by all Drug mouths together she was deprived entirely of rest and firm step his mind which was previously sunk in ana urocers tiirougnout tbe country sleep Bvery remedy that medical men advised was gloom or an almost idiotic apathy becomes bright CtDALL wholesale and retail Agents tried but without effect her health suffered severely buoyant active and he goes forth refreshed rejzenera I for bpnngfield and vicinity who will supply dealers at I and the state ot her legs was terrible I had often ted and conscious of new vigor to his accustomed oc the prices my2 4mo read your advertisem*nts and advised her to try your cupations Nor is the effect temporary On the con 1 ills and Ointment and as a last resource after every trary the relief is permanent for the cordial proper I ONG LOOKED EOT1 COATE A I remedy had proved useless she consented to do ties of the medicine reach the constitution itself and bhe commenced six weeks ago and strange to re restore it to its normal condition Well may the prep wk rThia8p3Dr ALP Bug late is now in good health Her legs are painless aration be called the 1 8 reparation stands at he head oi without seam or scar and her sleep sound and undis medicinal wonder Jc8 bfen tested the last 7 years al I turbed Could you have witnessed the sufferings Ox of the nineteenth century It is as the first scientific I Westein and Southern cities and gave satisfaction my wife during the last 43 years and contrast them men in the old world have admitted that miracle oi Hn ows aside aflviS wilhherpix simtenjoyment of health you would indeed medicine heretofore supposed to have no existence saves aB hard an ten 111 V'e nleaH8 ol 80 greatly A STIMULANT THAT entails no reactton 7 aur jutiiig uie suncnugs ui a iciiuw creature Its force is never expended the case tviulopium 7 WM' HALPIN alcoholic preparations and all other excitants 1 Sate fey Jr Lomtakl ftCmJ a Bad Le Thirty in its operation perpetual in its happy influence upon dall BM ofc Co 15 io Vt! the nerves the mind and the entire organization In ua 1 1 0 a co api 2md Copy of a letter from Mr Wm Abbs builder of Gas cases of Neuralgia Headache Vertigo pan in the Ovens of Rushcliffe near Huddersfield dated May nerves or tlie face and the various train of Nervous ttti SdOO CHALLENGE 31st 1851 Attentions it will produce a cure in an astonishing Whatever concerns the health and hap To Holloway short period of time and it will also remove Depres pincss of the people is at all times of the most valuable i 8YlcJXd aPerod 30 years from a bad sion Excitement Restlessness Sleeplessness Incapac I importance I take it for granted that every uerson I he result ol two or three dalerent accidents at Gas ity for Study or Business Loss of Memory Confusion will doall in their power tosave the lives of then clfil Orks by scorbutic symptoms 1 had Giddiness Blood to the Head Mental De dren and that every person will emleai or to prm recourse to a vanety ot medical advice without deriv bility Hysteria Indecision Wretchedness Thoughts their own health at all sacrifices 1 feel it myut to aiiy laneld ald was even told that the leg must be Of Self Destruction hear of Insanity Liver Com solemnly assure you that WORMS according tothe YV't opposion to that opinion your ills plaint and all diseases incident to females monoma opinion of the most celebrated Physicians are'the pri Ilave ed a cnplete cure in so short ma vague terrors palpitation of he heart const ipa rnary causes of a large majority of diseases to which feW had not witnessed it would credit from whatever cause arising it is it children and adults are liable If you have an appe qiat Jd wit aupq there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony tite continually changeable from one kind of food to Liu ii ct absolutely infallible It will increase aud restore the another Bad Breath in the Stomach at 1 IT tAutJ oftbl8 8tatement can be verified by Mr appetite strengthen the emaciated renew the health the Nose Hardness and ullness of the Brv 1 England Chemist 13 Market street Hudders xxyox xl niuuuc uuiiuiiiiui vougn aiow never 1'uise remember that cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits and prolong all these denote and you should at once an Extract of a letter from Mr rederick Turner of Pens hfe 1 ersons of pale complexion or consumptive hab ply the hurst Kent dated Dec 13th 1850 itsare restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom WORM SYRUP To Professor Holloway and vigor changing the skin from a pale yellow sick An article founded upon scientific principles com Dear Sir My wife had suffered from bad Breast for ly color to a beautiful florid complexion pounded with purely Vegetable substances being per niore than six months and during the whole period mark the misery feet ly safe when taken and can be given to tlie most Hiad the best medical attendance but all to no use 1 hat never fails to punish the violation of tender infant with decided beneficial effect where Having before ht'aled an awful wound in my own leg laws function after function gives way under this de I Howel Complaints and Diarrhoea have made them by your unrivalled medicine! determined again to fusion 1 alpitation oi the Heart periodical Head I weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm use your Pills and Ointment and therefore gave them aclies cld and shivered state ot the frame frequent Syrup are such that it stands without au equal in he a trial ler case nnd fortunate it wan I did so for in fits ot abstraction dislike to society melancholy re catalogue of medicines in giving tone and strength to 'ess Hal a month a perfect cure was effected and the hgious monomania heats and flushes ol tlie face on I the Stomach which makes it an Infallible Remedy for I benefit that various other branches of my family have the slightest occasion a desire that existence should those nlllicted with Dyspepsia the astonishing cures derived from their use is really astonishing I now terminate tlie stomach is put out of order the appe performed by this Syrup after Physicians have fiiled strongly recommend them to all mv friends tile becomes capricious a train of youthful dyspeptics is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all Signed REDERICK TURNER set in such as flatulency constipation produc I others I The should be used conjointly with the Ointment ing night sweats heaviness and torpor after eating in most of the following cases fetid breath furred tongue THE TAPE WORM Bad legs Gout zir This is the most difficult worm to destroy of all that 5ad breasts Glandular Swellings Of those who have used this extract is I had heard infest the human system It grows to an almostiiutefi ihirns Lumbago youi Cordial highly spoken of but was one of the in nite length becoming so coiled and fastened in the in Bunions Piles ci edulous in regard to its merit having tried various testines and stomach affectiiijr the health so sadly as Jie 01 Moschetoes and Rheumatism xxlculvihvb auiu ivi yiic suiue purpose (ainerent aarsapa to cause St Vitus Dance its that those alllicted alld Elies nilas wiuioui uerivingany oeiient 1 Had almost giv en up all hopes of deriving any relief and when 1 pur chased some of your cordial I had no faith whatever of its benefiting me but it 1 feel stronger al though not three weeks 1 am satisfied the half dozen bottles I took will cure Another says: had consulted several distinguish ed physicians Some said 1 could not be cured Oth ers prescribed this thing and that but 1 found no re lief until I procured some of your Cordial I must say it completely cured Another says: was surprised at the effect your Cordial had Why did I not hear of it before? It would have saved me much expense besides years mental and bodily suffering Prepared by MORSE and for sale by CHAS RING General Agent No 192 Broadway New Y'ork to whom all orders must be addressed And sold for $3 per bottle 2 for $5 6 for $12 $24 the dozen Sold in Springfield by BLISS HAVEN in Bos ton by Burr Perry No 1 Cornhill Russell Spald ing Spencer 128 Washington street etridge Co: in Providence by Balch Son in Hartford John Pitkin 186 Alain st in Worcester by Green Drugaist ly an 1 6mw92.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.