The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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nf CltVtlAMO PLAIN BlAltK 1OV lUNPAf MAT 1 1 Htlp aH4 Mate GLASS CUTTER Art glass cutting experience helofuE hourtv rite ard overtime THS NOVELTY LIGHTING COR 2480 22 SL HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEER Tarte New York City engineering firm requires men experienced in rating end selection of Heat Exchanger equipment for ue in oil refinery chem'cal plant and steam power planta State age education and previous ex perience an aalarv expected BOX "77 REAt SERVICE 110 West 34th St New York Grill Counterman EXPERIENCED HASTY TASTY DRIVE IN INC Inquire 1 1 3 PynrA Grocery and Produce Men OR SUPERMARKET Some experience necessary SALARY APPLY Bi Rite 13883 Cedar Rd YE 2 7272 GUARD 3S to so: zood ptiyIc1 con dition tor oullde work: no police rec ord Give telephone number ate helfht and weight Box 189 1 7 lein Dealer HANDYMAN OR USED CAR LOT UCIID 95TH MOTORS 9H0 EUCLID GA M052 HARDWARE We have opening for young man tor general office work and estimating with a know of builder hardware pre ferred Reply by letter stating qualifi cations and salary dired Box 21716 Palin Dealer hardware: men Experienced for new Bonanza Hardwaretert in Meadowbrook Merchandise Mart ull or part time 420 Northfield Rd 8 Bedford MO 2 9010 HAWAIIAN guitar teacher Will train you if necessary for Detroit territory Joseph Rogers833 Michigan Detroit Mich TAqhmoo 5 1233 Heat Treat I Supervisor Must hava considerable production ex perience with sheet metal and with jig and fixtures Alao experience with wide variety oC alloys Need not have college degree Bend complete qualifications in flrat irt ter Interviews will be arranged for qualified applicants Solar Aircraft Company DES MOINES IOWA ft' Ice Cream Drivers route: guaranteed wlarv plu commission 2 870 Woodhill UNCLE MARTY'S ICE CREAM ICE CKEAM PLANT MAN EXPERIENCED ONLY: salary steady HE 2 114 4 Industrial Engineer With 4 to 7 experience In time study standard data and proc essing: must have college education and supervisory ability: excellent op portunity for right individual: age limit to 40 years Qualified ap plicants submit resume in Box 16717 Plain Dealer Insurance Adjuster ire snd marine experience necessary or qualified applicant desirous of cb taininr poaltion with established stock company Excellent working conditions company car expense account and lib eral starting salary Mr Werner St Paul ire A Marine Insurance Co MJ 1 8733 Insurance Traineetarge nationally known casualty com pany will lure college graduate with some accounting training for position ar payroll auditor to cover Ohio and head quarter in Cleveland Salary Car and account: bonus and retirement plan Replies ihould slate full quailfl cations draft status and salary expected Box 9712 Plaln Dealer INTERNAL AUDITORS WANTED BY A Large Industrial Concern in Birmingham Alabama Qualifications required: Must have an Accounting Degree or equivalent through diversified ac counting experience Position de mand industrial auditing hack ground Systems and procedures experience desirable These posi tions offer a real challenge Io in ternal auditors who would like tn participate in the establishment oi an effective internal audit organ ization' Please Applv to OHIO STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 1242 West Third Street Cleveland Ohio Jf unable to apply in person please submit resume of experi ence and training Investigator Age 22 to 28 for making insurance and employment reports interest ing outside work no selling or collecting salary expenses vaca tion etc Must have at least high school education and good tjping ability or interview phone CH 1 0368 INVESTIGATORS Will employ a limited number of men tor training a investigator minimum qualification ax? 24 30: height VR" to 6' high school graduates absolutely clear background free for occasional travel: alrv while in training goud future to those who qualify Answer own handwriting listing education and pre vious business history Detective Agency1 814 PUBLIC SQUARE BLDG JR ACCOUNTANT Major Oil Company Mm opening for capable young man under 30 to train lor prwltlon of ad vanced responsibility must be college graduate with accounting major: ahiac tive starting aalary and periodic merit increases exceptionally good security package Reply by letter giving complete resume of education standing In graduating clau school activities work experience 'if any marital status and expected aalary Box 27710 Plain Dealer BOX 27710 PLAIN DEALER JR SALESMAN Men with sale experience to learn the heatinc and alr condillonlnc Earn while you learn Drawing account and commission Apply at 2766 25 St from 9 ft Keller Operator Must have general job shop experience 1 1 ighrst ur 1 rate to A operator Excellent working conditions plus nu irerous employee benefits 55 to 60 hours per eek Box 14713 Plain Dealer LANDSCAPER: Home experience good a compensation: steady work rlei Co 1567 70 Sat 6 in: Sun 8 40 a JMon 7 10 LATHE HAND Abie to set up work and read blue nrlnf hourly rate: overtime Ak tor Jed Stewart Bolling Co 3190 6S LITHOGRAPHER: maker and albumen: Eourlv rata Bns 1 Plain T1alr 20 Hsl Wanted Mala 20 Help Waited Malt Help Wanted Malt Htl Wanftd Male Industrial Technician Do you want a Super of people hi job i The Glidden Co animation Salary OT: I iWfi AMVHf vtliWll 1 i Columbus and Toledo intfrrw(r1 in high earning! anu the best plilnrl fuIur: opportunist for advance WANTED SENIOR Electronics Engineers field and he will be thia vry wprk not junt ni cd boiiif ot ou new men have Loan Man POSITIONS AVAILABLE WILLIAM I NOW IN THOMAS SALESMAN ARIZONA $200 to $400 ality I 5821 Broadway Box 28516 Plain Dealer Lumber Yard TALLY MAN Mint he experienced Hourly rate SALESMAN SALESMEN CLERK Inc 7405 Lorain Av Bon wit Teller SALESMEN SALESMAN Sterling Lindner Davis WRITS TO: I Clary Multiplier Corp Aircraft Company Cleveland 14 Sales Manager SALES ENGINEER a 10 SALESMEN Davton Rubber Co Box 15613 Plain Dealer SPOTTER BOY Systems and Punch Press Mich Procedures Sales Trainee Savings and Loan Clerk tVlih mortgage department experience Roe 31914 Plain Dealer side former military pruwel ana stri jo ionipnia We Only Need Eight Salesmen largest ord Dealer offer you on the job training leads and new ord rtemnnstrators fur All Inquiries held in confidence Proof ot cituenahin required As surance is required that reloca tion will not cause th disrun tifn of an urgent mlHtarv project all day Monday and Tueertay until are sftlaty requirement Dealer non in heat frat work nut ot town can earn l0 per week and up CH 1 7559 SALESMAN HOMEMAKERS GUILD 2300 PA YN A TUCSON The Sherwin Williams Co World's Largest Paint Mfr TEXAS BOL1 COMPANY We have an excellent onporturilty fnr a man with original equipment power tiaiisinlssion aeilinx experience In our northern Ohio territory working with industrial atcounls good salary plus commission Plus bonus and expense mth car allowance full experience histnrv to Industrial equipment division not anply unleax vou have necessary experience Naturally with your penses and get settled mrnt rnat to roat connection Mr ariv honilv late Mnin PrintlriBi 4 11! hofrinh years at 3025 Ex 75 iKinjitnan bus) Order Clerks SIMONIZE man: Experienced only: hour ly rate 1673L Kinsman Rd Shaker netgnij SALESMAN OR SALESLADY Experienced tellable Ht primanent posi tion for wholexsle noue: 40 hours sal ary 31 1 Schofield Bldg SALESMAN rtti or part time In city experienced fcr nir conditioners lead and I'anvasBhig EV 2 362Q Off Rapid ransit and Crm 'Jown Bus Line RERIGERA ION serviceman hcipc: steady year round salary periodic pay increases Applv Ideal Dispensers Inc 244 1 83 No phone cHlIs phae RESTAURANT for' downtown variety stnrr salary and commission paid vacations no Sun: aiah past ex perlence Box 2217 Plain Dealer we'll help moving ex see that SHOE SALESMAN To sell ana l'ms In one of Cleveland's most successful shoe stores Experience Is necessary Excellent compensation See Mr Holbrook or Mr Smith THE STET SON SHOP 1861 East 6th Street 1331 ElICLID AVE RECEIVING We interested in 2 top ilight men under 30 who are seeking a position with a future this com pany a recognized leader in the business forms field local BOX 1 211 HOUST ON TEX To assist in important physic research project in scientific research and development or selling plv rnthuslasm and drive to earn $6000 and over on a salarv and c'mnilkton hash Write In detail and enclose recent snapshot Box 23617 Plain Dealer SEE OUR AD IN TODAYS SPORTS SECTION nre ranh1e nf Ttu a rkrm I rvriOtkin 52 wrek' a year and anv salesman worth his Pit and who willing to work hard can provide his family with tne highest eamtn? he ha ever madem Boltin" an) urHt a Me in nti I snme peak week the year Must tave a tervtreahte rar ahhnueh no extensive traveling is necessary honest with you neti ax mrercgira ynu anvitiiy thing to oner us to represent ua In salesman or district IbOou rra: wnne oringllviden PP and evening noon SALESMAN 4 0 60 years to repiesenl Industrial rooflnj and painting IO' commissions car mentis ro 1 5827 SALESMAN1 Rylon hoaieryf'rocd guaran tee Echo lloelciy 3375 6 St Pj BOX 5555 DEP EE TUCSON ARIZONA 50 closed Want representa tive tn represent a modern well equipped machine tool and diehop located in the Greater Cleveland area Mint have a background in es timating designing and soliciting lords dies jig fixpne and special MACHJNEsY aff rouhd capable of act up and operation: real opportunity for icllablc man willing to assume responsi bility small West Sid? shop: stat? ptal I fir 1 1 on fu 1 1 yBoxS 4 8 I nDca ic Maintenance SALESMAN We have an excellent opportunity fur an experienced salesman between the aces ot 28 and 35 who is definitely inter ested In establishing himself with a sta ble and ptosressive internationally known manufacturing firm sales experience in the meat packing Industry is desirable but not necessarily essential however a successful Industrial sales background is a definite requirement If you are Interested In a position that offers lub stability and financial security we may be Just Hie company for you and your future We want a man who is ulti mately willing to relocate State' full detail of background and earnings Re plies held strictly confidential Box 19114 Plain Dealer Must canvas and must obtain good nri''prcis no arlllnc wlU guarantee 4100 per week: must quality: must have above average men who sin's to improve h(s situation through permanent poalilon with mort gage loan eortcspnndcnf in Union om metre Ruilding if Ot Euclid): 5 day week rwellent epportunlty tor advance mni Hrpirrs mminniriai qitAiuranons ano Bus mi 3 Plain Houston lev family man preferred Salary men Per sonal interview will he ar ranged Ideal living conditions in the nations fasten gimvin" city To qualify 5011 should have an degree or equivalent and 2 or more years of design and in strumentation experience in one or more of the fol lowing fields: sub audio audio UH pulse work You must becapable of creative development work and follow through on your ideas from con ception to final check out 'turned nut tn hcmmr ale man Be pgers and dealers with no inveM hvr nme If you are selected 1 the canechv nf manag'r we wH you McDonna Co 10128 Surcrlpr A 3 fn J030 Experience In building line preferred product nsliunstlv rccocnircd and ac cepted large terntorv available RE 1 4455 SALESMAN: or TV and appHancci inside selling for Lakewood branch: ex perienced only excellent oppui tunlty for the right men: salary and commission Atlas Radio Go 714 Prospect Mr Ddim Horizons Inc BR 1 1601 JOS RYERSON SON 5300 lakeside SALeSNGINEER wantcdlleatlng or vcntllallnfi experience selling indus trials contractors engineers an co desires to open office: drawing account against commission Box 33314 Plain Dealer salesmen most beautiful hath nw and ouiiqing demand 1 1001 Madison Aie IVO 1 8300 in von and will nay trained Phone Mr LIWY May 3 LITHOGRAPHIC: combination camera man plate maker and striODcr for small tradeshop GL1 4 148 LITHO CAMERAMAN $6 000 year to start Experienced in stripping layout surface and deep etch plates Capable r( managing complete tamer rooms Lat mr Printers Inc Pittsburgh 6 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN wanted win OHice office SERVICEMAN with soda fountain re pair experience steady year round: salary periodic pay increases Apply Ideal Dispensers Inc 2441 83 No phone calls please SERVICE MECHANICS Employment for service mechanics with 4 to 5 years' mechanical and electrical experience In the servicing of automatic machinery to install and service auto matic bowling equipment: 5 training out ot town with salary and ex penses Mr Hardlk AT 1 3160 American Machine oundry Co PinsnotteraDIvIMon SERVICE STATION MAN Mechanically inclined must have city refeiences good hourly rate 17202 St Cla I SERVICE station manager: Steady: fam ily man: will train Mav Center Mobil 4000 Mayfield SHEET metal worker: Light gauge: able to carry a job from blueprint to com pletion with minimum of supervision: familiar with variety of sheet metal ma chinery: able to read micrometer must be careful workman: dav or night shift In your reply state experience snd when available Hourly rate overtime Box 1 59 1 PlainJDealer SHOE man: Experienced shoe man to manage and sell high grade shoes salary and commission: downtown Cleveland Box 7614 Pl atn De a I er Cleaner rough and silk synthetic steady woik weekly rate 15417 Kinsman Rd STOCK Lor Bolt and Nut Plant 20 Laboratory IVhile engaged on inter esting advanced elec tronics projects you and your family can enjov the beauties and relaxed liv ing of the Southwest Tucson's dry health giv ing climate and outdoor activities are enjoyable all year 'round If you would like to talk further about this oppor tunity just send us your complete resume Include a telephone number where you can be reached for local interview arrange merits or a now revolutionary lawn sprinkler system for the Do YourscU market This Is a fast selling high profit rrci tn consumer item selling for less than $100 Will be displayed at Do It Yourself shows where direct leads are Obtained Unusual opportunity available fnr the nglil man capable ot handling a sales staff Write outlining background and ex perience 22017 Plain Dealer Lucas Bonng MiTT Experienced opetMnr on emi nrodnc1lon REAP ESTATE SALESMAN Opening fnr a full time aale person: license and car required Salary und commission Io the rirhi nartv Plume for apnointmrul br 1 0376 WE NE KUML LNC 9 2 Ave REAL salesman with or without for Lakewood office Elab ilihed 34 year ull rn opcratmn A CAMPBELL SON LR net roil eallor BO 2 3232 Sales Representative nr modern 3ggrcive tool and die shop Mut have iollowinj Box 4616 Plain Dealer Excellent opportunity fnr 2 men nf tnnd character Must be ambitious honest and willing worker Sales experience pre ferred but not essential Excellent op prrtunity with reliable corpotatlon Lcads commlssion APpoiiUmeni only Cail Mr lutenhison KE 1 3443 If you Ijavc a college education or it equivalent and proven sales ability write Box 2217 Plain Dealer or call KA 1 9100 Mon Eli 8 5 Old established jobbing ma chine shop in West Side Cleveland has excellent oppor tunity for men with the fol lowing qualifications: Man for diversified work in re ceiving delivery and shipping operations in branch retail siorh ull time Salary Apply after 12:30 Monday Sales Correspondent Grsphic Arts experience preferred ca pable of looking after sales after train ing part time travel: excellent nppnr tvnity for aggressive man Write In full detail experience age and references Box 1021 2 Plain Dealer PUNCH press operators: Night shift: must be experienced in setting up for xhtrt rum: light gauge: sheet metal parts: 50 hours per week hourly rate lesxe do nt apply iinle experienced State availability Box Juuls lam Dealer SALESMEN Big Money Earnings for Men Experienced in Home Presentation WEEKLY EARNINGS EASILY Minimum 2 )ear experience in anahring evaluating pm puMiig writing and inktail ing administrative procedures in accounting and production areas College degree pre feyed Our firm is national!) known' engaged in the processing of fixd and located in Battle Creek Michigan If interested Mihmit resume and salary requirements to Wanted by Dealer of Nonferrous Metals Allying local rtock to cover Cleveland and adjacent terrltoiy: knowledge of use of nonferrous metals useful but not es sential must have car Writ? atating experience ace education and salary expected References required Box27j 7 riaiii Dealer SALESMAN The Cleveland Trencher Co CLAIR National sales organization wants to employ one key salesman Applicant must have good sales icu'ird We offer high Income local position thorough field training and opporunily tor ad vancement Tins a splendid opportunity for a lifetime career with a rep utable firm Write full details Box 10012 Plain Dealer Must be aggressive and ex perienced in machine shop practice alea and have es tablished contact Salary and SALESMEN or old etAbhhed real estate office door to door canvasxlng good salary and commission Call ME 1 0116 for ap pointment SALES OPPORTUNITY Young man 25 30 vr of arc Inter ested in permanent connection with large national food manufacturer and distributor thl offer a splendid oppor tunity for the right man Milling to learn the purines from the ground up must be a hard worker and willing to travel PAt time: college education coupled with the proper personality ti essential a man selected must have the ability to meet and get along with customers ax well a coworker Do not answer Unless definitely Interested in this tvpe of Ikwltion Write Box 23517 Plain Dealer giving aue education diaft and maritaltius past experience and ny other Our Salesmen Sell hat Is heir Only Duty Hus is a national organization with top rating INTERVIEWS 10 TO 5 SALESMAN Experienced to tell atherllsinj promn cnnnecuon wnn uiive must have car be able to Sales Engineer I'abricating I Jepartmenf Large aieel tsunpany excellent oppor tunity Lr right nwn Route Men Uollcctois of Part Time Workers Milk men dry cleaners insurance men salesmen etc Earn extra money while servicing your regular customers We have a household item which will sell itself on sight Il Is Inexpensive yet brings a good profit to you with no Investment on your nart Call EV 2 3348 or A 1 6978 Hughes the lead ing center for advanced electronics now has sev eral openings for quali fied circuit engineers io work on electronic rest facilities development windows and doors Also a line of awnings and canopys Have openings for a few good qualified men Sellin Cleveland and surrounding counties bALKbMAN' Rrwlng machine experience mt neressnry very ood comanwHun (JT 1 29R Preference "ien in num who had experience in this line of work with £Hnd proApecfiie rtwimnrr Big our Lumber Co 7555 Bessemer Ave Real Estate Salesmen Excellent and urfiimttM opportunity for exprrifnrrq juu tint? Cleveland largest ttnd office Volume sales of used homes Large building urogram under wav to meet demand of our present market Attractive commiMion arrangement and full offtta asririance Aunlv in person JIMMY BROWN Realty Cn 5249 Pearl SH 9 150(1 9 to train full nr part fime nirnty of lutiruii West ISU 1 3308 Salesman or saleswoman for large long esl nffh Cleveland VV Lakewood Rocky River and suburbs: New and old er homes Exchange excellent oppor tunity loor time Liberal mmrrilsrirn Help in clnsinc and financing Inquirlm conf ideii 1a Call Mr KHhan? for ap pointment rank Kilbane Co MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE tl60iDrtro)l Realtor 'LA 1 2722 REAL ESTATE SALESM EN Need 2 full time men experience not necessary good floor time: full office arslxtancc Work in Brooklyn Parma and adjoining suburban areas Excellent opportunity for good Income Liberal commissions Call Mon for Interview HALADAY REALTY () State Rd Realtor ON 1 9499 REAL ESI WEE Salesman wanted to specialise In sales nf Rocky River and nrlview properly Must be top class in every respect High earnings under our commlsahm bonus Plan Call Broker AC 1 J480 McLaughlin Multiple Listings REAL Women We nerd sale hr ln for our new Brook lyn Parnu office If not licenced we will help you pass the real estate test Commission Multiple Listing JUBEK Sr WEED REALTORS 4M9JjTATE RD 1 0775 REAL ESTATE: Experienced man or woman for fuH tlrne porifioo: best of facHHIc location pee Mr Corhan or Mr Ncracher Courte Rcaltv EV 2 0660 4078 Mayfield at Winston REAL ESTATE: Experienced man woman for full time position best of facilities location See Mr Corban or Mr Ncracher Courtesv Realty EV 2 0060 4078 Mayfield aWInston RECEIVING W4 haw nniv torn ntnx a metinrr 4 managed businea t'j Wonders how tecure and Would like to make a change to i belter himself men from Akron Canton Set Up Man 2d sh*t Hourly Rate Apply jit Peranti Rop Soc Products Inc 16110 Brookpiyk Rd MA Men a NcfwSn Middle age couple for East Side motel Call after 6 MO 2 6540 MASTER 'MECHANIC Opportunity for practical marier me chanic In heavy industry plant in San dusky srea steady work nf a supervisory nature for national company good op portunity for permanent location Box4117 Plain Dealer MEAT SALESMAN To call on restaurant and hotels: must be experienced salary and commission Give resume of previous employment Boxl5Ll7 Plain Dealer MECHANICALLY INCUSES If you are dependable with good ref erences and are Interested In learning to service rlrten adding machine and cal culator and qualify we will train you Salary while tialning Applicant must be 19 35 single military exempt Phone EX 1 50 Mr McNeil for Interview METAL sorter and eTeaner experienced for wrap yard Apply Parkwood Iron Metal Co 4917 HrdyoKe Ave MULTI LIT OPERATOR be experienced mulHiith and varl nperalor able in manage modern simp scheduling work and ordering au iunir ony epuiy PRESSER Rough pert time hourly rate 15417 insman Rd PRESSER: nr wool department: steady work: hourly rate: experienced rmlv SWEET CLEAN LAUNDRY A DRY CLEAN1NGCOU7JO Lexington Ave PRESSER: Experienced Top Cleaner 2O9 19Superiur SW 5 PRINTER Experienced compositor or combination man preferred LA 1 3621 Call any Um PRODUCE Salarylkhare prof it must have some experience CH 1 1962 Days I 1 8097 Eve PROE SSIONAL SALES Extending financial service by appoint mrnt age 2840 vllcge bafkgrmind in law teaching Mira accounting help ful 2 year training program: beginning salary to $72no with inceniive in creasea Box 1 4J1 7 plain Dealer PRODUCE man experienced IV 1 7729 Eves YE 2 961W SALESMEN Do vou know hardware and house fur nishiiua? onrn termorm hi snd out of city uox to SALESMEN (3) Aluminum storm dnnra and wb'dnwst cnmmluR'H Cah MU 1 7282 or apply at office 1 1 8 1 5 st Clair SALESMElTcn Experienced op beginner 'xeeilrnt earr ing fast moving offer re Mr Low 510 Public 8quai(? Bids has an opening In tha retail branch or gtnLatlon for an yung qiii Knowledge of business administration de sirable but not necessary Salary and bonus excellent onporl unify foe advance ment Apnly by letter to Mall jr Bax 563S Cleveland 1 Oh in Age 1 8 tn 20 full time opening good opportunity fur young man interested in retailing Store dis count and other employee benefits The Bailey Co Ontario and Prospect STOfK loom helper wholesale hard ware $130 per hour must be ex perienced and have references 1 3464 20 Help Wanted Male Production future? iTraln to H1 industrial finishes prefr WHO rectnt college gradaau 23 A chTU iiiajvt ut ini rwrutiaj rf year training program salary a bonus arrangement hi trnwry SALES MANAGER Ambitious man to train for DISTRICT SALES MANAGER One capable of train ing and supervising 10 or more sale men in Cleveland and vicinity Between 30 45 years old have a ear: and experi ence du eel to the ciHisuuier sales management Over 3 generations of success based on high caliber field man acenuint tralntng Annual guarantee plus rnmnilsslonx and bonuses assure earnings in excess of $10000 first year No traveling The success of our entire organization based on repeat business engineered ales low pressure tactics and ihnmugh field training Thi may bo your opportunity or personal Interview rnll Mr Johnston EV 1 3269 8 10 a in ur 5 7 Munday Tuesday or Wednesday SALESMEN SALESMAN DOES YOVR PRESENT SALES JOB Mill offer the opportunitv you hoped lor when you were hired? It not and you have some knowled of selling come to We sell ord car and trucks Otir men make tup money and they like selling cars for 39 year oid established dealerships that nas progressive ideas We will guarantee Step right in line with an out standing organization and sell California redwood and alu minum combination stor Qualified Leads No Soliciting No Digging SALESWOMEN Dream Come True A good helling item A fari esv sale Sell No collection Highest comtnlKSti'n A pav dav every dav with car or without ALSO CREW MANAGER SEE MR GIBSON 'AT ONCE242 EUGI ID AVK OICE 26 SALESMEN or saleswomen Excellent xde line np'ntiiidtv with old eatahllshedfilm full territorial rights pin 10 rommtcaion assure good steady Income to one xolHng dept dry goods specialty gift and variety stores with our popu lar priced line of handkerchiefs Marts handmade Philippine Infants' wear: territory covered: replies confidential Box CPD1812 Equity 221 41 St New 36 SALESMEN or saleswomen: Profitable side line of popular priced Infant and cli'ldreif wear you are now calling on children dept dry gxxl gift and variety stores this 1 your opportunity to make a eolld connection and enluy consistently good Incom: full territorial rights: high commission: write in con fidence stating lerrlt covered Box CPDITOn Equity 221 41 St New We with man drafting tor experience Gall for wnoointment Aerial Surveys Inc UT T243J PRESSMAN oHB orXsQ Harris presses Also young man Inter ested In learning a printing or litho graphic trade steady hourly iMe A CLERK iorxl Opportunity Store Picmint SALESMAN excellent opportunity for an ENTHUSIASTIC SALESMAN EXPERI ENCE IN THE BEVERAGE OOD DRUG OR TOBACCO HKLt PRE ERRED BUT NOT REQUIRED SAL ARY EXPENSES CAR ALLOWANCE AND OTHER BENEITS STATE IN DE TAIL AGE WORK EXPERIENCE EDU CATION ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER WRITE BOX 93H PLAIN DEALER Office serving Mtple Heights Bedford am! Southeast Cleveland has opening fnr young man age 23 27 to learn the loan and finance business Permanent position seasonal lay Must have ear 5 dav week and many other em ployee Salary and car allowance MR SNYDER The City Loan Savings Co MO 2 0200 20 SALESMAN SALESMEN Sales Trainee you $400 a month while learning We will carefully train you We make a demrtnatrator available CONTACT MR GIBSON Birkett Williams 4601 Euclid ORJ tyOO oreman 2D sh*t 3038 vearx old hnurly rate Apply In pcrMm Rop Loc Prothicrs 16110 BROOK PARK Must typ rmt Miiunlle: personnel office LUKE'S HOSPITAL 11311 SHAKER BLVD MULTIPLEX OK KELSH STERIO PLOTTING OPERATORS District Managers A'rTV'rirsN' We are an direct telling' A Vnif a man iCompanr d'lllnr with lwn onrr 1 7 uu nue our proauct raa ren jietu texted ad proven we have only been in in year During tMx time we have gained enough Knowledge lo go full steamahrd now witii tsr expansion program need high caliber responsible home loving men who have a real ambition to fill the ponitinnt We are now open ing tn Cleveland and aurrounding aub rix We mviif YoungVrtrn an rrmtndln nffor AtMU ilijtplv th hrxt nrrmAt'flhn fnr whh nir dir1 I mhnf amiiiar with iatc rmna imt th? right company Would like'to compete for cash equipment as well a tooling 4iS monthly a lev contest I OtllDflllV I 2 it 111 wncn inry rrei rnry Lie vompany juiaicu HMmakint Thia i a pe We are interested in employ ing a high caliber salesman Must have ar least 3 jears in tangible and specialty sales experience and a good sales Minimum income $7OOO $8OOO first ear plus inanyjringe benefit rhis i an unusual and highly ethical opportunity with a AAA firm No traveling Op portunity for advancement Give full details first Jettcr SHAER 2005 Chester Ave WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO 47 8 Davenport Ave skilled union man: high cl ask West Side residential wmk LA 1 51 13 PAINTERS experienced only union wagPs35l8E1 1 SthW A1 463 PAPER cutter ull or part time hourly rale The Pcrimutcr Printing Co 1965 E66 PARTS man i e3 rJ Diesel distributor prefer married man with some knowledge of management: excellent opportunity for good man tlnlv letter nnlv stating qualification and salaty desired Box 331 16 Phln Dealer PHARMACIST' HOSPITAL Interesting opportunity in progressive hospital pharmacy 40 hour wee1: no aiiiiiay Sunday or work required part time lw available Anolv nrraimnel office ST HOSPITAL 1 11311SIIAKERBLVD PHARMACIST Young regirierrd: a chance of lifetime to own hl own More In a town of 7 non having I other drugstore act at once Box 324 16 PlainDealer PHYSICIAN: Thoroughly qualified for hiduririal practice locum ienen 200 Republic Bldg Plywood Salesman Th man seek la nnw emplnved in a retail lumber comnanv Has experience tuning W'xl Possesses SALESMAN Ical: nationally advertised ladle' sweat er and fpnrtswear concern want trav eling salesman with car for luwa and Missouri: single man with experience preferred slate age experience marital status and all details Dox XI4I0 Plain To renreaent ux iii Cfeve land cxcliun ely Paper label Mutt have experience selling label or printing Give complete detail furi letter if vou want additional allied line Potential earning SttOOO annuallv Kahonazou Label Com tiny Kala i a xuo i ch a an SAI KSMAN: Nationally advertised In dustrial Portable Tul Lliiv Esiablishod Ohio territory No objection to other line or Inlenh uriic full details ate experience ilune etc i' 1333 8 Mile Rd Detroit 20 ntendent ither ock Hughes Analyst 20 Htlg Wantt Mala SUPBRVISOR YotuU sun 24 l) 35 national organiza tion fc ai opening for young maa inter ested in a tutare to raperrtoe work rf £ersrnnel do experience nxeasary mut free to travel ilngle expense allow ance while tialning salary driver licence Apply 520 Citizens Blds be tween 10 and 12 TECHNICAL SALESMAN Major Oil Company Has opening for younz man under 30 to tram for responsible Mie position: some experience desirable but not essential must be college graduzte with degree io engineering or chemistry major perma nent position with excellent opportunity for advancement complete security pro gram and attractive starting salary Reply by letter giving age educational background experience and other per tinent data BOX 10216 PLAIN DEALER TECHNICIAN Position available in instrument manu facturing department for capable man with theory and experience in electronic Interesting work excellent working con ditions and employee benefits Hourly late Brush Electronics Co 3631 PERKINS AVE Diyuion ofClevite Corp TELEPHONE salesmen to dill on eat accounts good aalary 5 day week ex cellent opportunity for advancement Box 22716 Plain Dealer TENORS for Trinity Cathedral $4 a Sun Write A Kraft 2021 22d Tool and Diemaker 1ST nr 2D sh*t irst rlasa man wanted Experienced on small precision dies High hourly rale ilh plentv of overtime The Weather Proof Co 1407 40 St (Between St Clair and Superior) TOOL AND DI MAKERS: Experience in metal stamping and fabrication in dustry desirable Must be willing to relocate State wages desired Write Box 18214 Plain Dealer TOOL AND DIEMAKERSIRST CLASS THOMPSON PRODUCTS INC 23555 EuclldAve Tool Designers 55 hour week hourly rate Hygrade Design Service 5003LEET AVE Toolmakers 47 Hour Week High hourly rate paid vacation and' holiday Hospitalization health and welfare insurance QUALITY GAGE CO 3559 CROTON AVE 20 Htlp Wri4 Mall 10 Help WnatH Ml Trainees If you are between 20 and 2 and would like a position vrhich and ha good future opportunities uerodd like ro talk to yw we furnish the car and all ex No experience necessary in our field but at least 2 jear of college preferred sched uled salary increases paid vacations other employee benefit Commercial Credit Corp Room 27(J Hanna Bldg See Mr Mueller Truck Mechanic and Body Man Man for work on various makes of trucks and cais stead work hourly rate Roseman Structural Iron Works tine 1 2 2 9E 80 Warehouse Supervisor NIGHTS Prefer man 40 tn 45 years of ae experienced in handling men freight activities and general warehouse operationState education experience fjnh resume and salirv ex pected Write to Bnx 10512 Plain Dealer WASHER With experience in running industrial machines in woolen mill or laundry 3d shift Hourly rate Lion Knitting Mill 3256 25 WATCHMAN OREIGN SERVICE The Arabian Americas OU Com pany ha immediate and futur ooerhirs for candidate hi tn foUowing claMiHcatwoa IBM TABULATING MACHINE OPERATORS HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION AIDE Minimum 3 years industrial hospital experience BOILER IREMAN High oressure boiler exrrinr ro ouir'd PETROLEUM MARKETING SPECIALISTS Minimum 3 year bu Pnt perience JOB ANALYST Industrial wage and salary expert ence required SOCIO ECONOMIST A or Ph INSPECTION ENGINEER Degree 5 years experience in specting pressure vessel and oil handling equipment CRANE AND TRACTOR MECHANICS COMBINATION WELDER Minimum 5 years toumeymin high pressure refinery experience re quired MARINE DIVER Patrol plant buildings and ground on 2d shift The Research Center of Clevite Corp 5W 05 St CL 1 5000 Welders Experienced arc welders Must be able to weld in all positions blueprint reading dcsirabje Applications accepted daily 8 3 :30 in except Saturday Electro Motive Write giving full particular! re gardmg personal hittory and work experience Please include telephone number Recruiting Supervisor Box 13 Arabian American Oil Company 505 Park Avenue New York 22 New York Top Notch Clothing TOOLMAKER Good hourly rate The Weatherhead Co 300 131 Toolroom Machinists Milling Lucas Boring Mill 1 Jig Borer i Tool Repair High Hourly Rate EMPLOYMENT OICE Open Mondav through riday 8 :15 A to 5 riendly Place to THE CLEVELAND PNEUMATIC TOOL CO 3781 77TH ST BROADWAY Corner Marble and 77th St Experienced In telephone skip tracing no outside work good salary based cn ability Choice of 5 or 6 day week Industrial Survey Collection Service Inc 1263 Citi TRAIC CLERK NIGHTS 12 to 8:30 a Man with clerical and tvping experience to process bills of lading shipping reports etc No traffic experience neces sary Permanent steady posi tion with good salary and many benefit The Hauserman Co 6800 GRANT AYE (Between 71 and th Willow reeway south of Harvard) Assistant to traffic manager cpaiiding East Side indus trial plant Rate hcciig and analysis Considerable actual experience necessary Excellent benefit plan Send details ex perience and salary desired to Box 15213 Plain Dealer TRAIC CLERK Young man with 2 yean: ex perience with rail and 'or truck rate Should know rate develop ment and routing Permanent position salary lib eral benefits Call for appoint ment Dairypak Inc ON 1 7200 250 Brnrikpark Rd TRAIC TRAINEE Collfgc graduate or equivalent back grouiid handle offirt work knowledge of tptng train tor admin Wration and operation work A wonder ful opportunity for ambitious wunr man to become part nf prorreMtve inbusirv Salcrv $315 a month Box 33414 PlainDealer Div General Motors Corp 8500 Clinton Rd 1st Street of Denison off 73 WELDER Experienced in inert gas tung sten and meral arc welding of light gauge aluminum Only those previously qualified under gov ernment requirements need applv BOEHM PRESSED STEEJ CC 2219 631 St WINDOW cleaners and wall washers: ex perienced: union scale Apply in person 131 Cax on Bldg 4 ruebauf Trailer Co needs A Toolroom oreman Apply at the Employment Office Monday through riday SA to 4PM Man Wanted Excellent salary and commission assured plus other store benefits Ex perienced only need ap ply as this position is one of the most desirable in the Cleveland area Apply in person to MR MYERS 5 General manager of BAILEY LAXE SHORE STORE 22S and Lake Shore Blvd ONE VACANCY LET Last week we advertised fnr three GOOD men Alter extensive interviewing ve have contracted two representa tives We need ONE more Are YOl the man we want? If jou are we have to offer ou: SPECIALIZED TRAINING UNLIMITED LEADS TOP COMMISSION CONTRACT AND SECURITY YOU MUST HAVE 1 SALES ABILITY AN AUTOMOBILE AMBITION AND ENERGY Miller and Walker Rds Avon Lake Ohio YOUR BIG BREAK This Is the bl? break for one or two mon between tho ages of 25 and 35 who would like to break Into the manufacturers' acenrv busi ness and eain 5800 a month and more in the process We will tram you open the accounts for you aim set aside protected teirltory for you in the Cleveland area and northern Ohio You will be working with salesmen remonstrating au tomotive equipment to new cur deal er bump shups and ileet opera tions This ft a big money job even great er future tut vou must be willing to learn fast work hard pav vour own expenses use your own car 'and work on strictly commission basis Automoth mechanical bump shop or equipment sales experience de sirable but not necessary Cincinnati Toledo and Pittsburgh territories also open Write: SW illis Associates 18131 Janies Couzens Hwy Detroit 35 Mich Large Management and Real Estate Co Interested active high caliber mar ried man for MANAGEMENT DEPART MENT Will train sales and mainte nance experience helpful must be neat in apnearanre and ability ta work with people salary MRS HUTCHINGS CH 1 6213 PART TIME $2 Per Hour Guarantee! Has the cost of living Pinched vou? If so you can earn from $80 190 per week working from 6 to 9:30 Monday through rldav Do not apply unless you own car: must be nat appearing Will interview at 1120 Chester Ave Room 237 Mondav May 3 at 6 sharp Mr Mahrle Young Business Executive Young man between 26 and 40 with executive ability good education and pleasing personality who is accustomed to active contact with the public If qualified write briefly stating ace edu cation business experience minimum cwne requirements and other pertinent Information The position a perma nent one with a nationally known com pany Nn relocation unexcelled ng ranse Income growth Al) letter will be answered Box 10912 Plain Dealer PART TIME LORAIN AND ELYRIA $75 per week work 6 930 week night 2 6 SaL: good education appearance and ca necesuarv or Inter view call person Tuesday May 4 at 7:30 no other time Bring wife If possible No phone call pleosc MARTI PARRY CORP 3801 Payne Ave BOY after ochooi summer vacation hourlv rate Apply tn person onlv Ban ney prug Comer Delrott AV 3 ROYS to wist manager tn local order department Aprlvr 9 a onlv 2083 4 th Room 205' WORLD INSURANCE CO 506 PUBLIC SQ BLDG PHONE: MA 1 6851 The School Child Accident Policy Co 1 COUPLE To work In "small private home Lhe in Wife to be housekeeper and cook Man tn do some driv ing and take care ot yard' Box 16417 Plain Dealer Are You Our Man? A small established West Side plant employing 50 has an opening for a dependable man wHth practical ma chine shop and engineering experi ence a knowledge of office work and' some selling experience in the area State work educational and family background and salary desired Box 32S16 Plain Dealer SUMMER POSITIONS Interview public 10 week period travel optional many teachers earn $800 $1300 transportation salary monthly bonus Interview's arranged to suit your needs Write for detail Dept Box 4008 Cleveland 23 WANTED Northeastern Ohio man between the ages of 25 and 35 Must qualified tn service present accounts in large old established agency writing all lines A good knowledge nf either Casualty or ire insurance Is a Salary open Wonderful opportunity fnr ad vancement State age experience naritai status and other pertinent con fidential Information Bex 7914 Plain Dealer ATTRACTIVE opening: New restricted territory this IncMlty man nr woman with executive ability free to travel can qualify Car helpful No house to house canvass: no collecting no com petition Contact civic club leader on new exclusive fund raising plan tNa coat to clubs Earn $150 to $200 per weekly commission plus monthly bo nuses Rush qualification to Mr Peters Suite 530 Law Bldg 1207 Grand Avenue Kansas City Mo Real Opportunity In Cleveland and vicinity with a lm international Must be bond able 25 to 45 years if age with late model car Excellent pension plan and benefit with many opportunities for ad vancement Personal Interview Monday 9 a only 1375 Euclid Sth floor Klock YOUNG man to sell men furnishings experience preferred opportunitv Uopal Shirt Shops 303 Prospect PART TIME SELLING Increase your present earning 1112 MEN: Average $40" weekly cdTecT on established accounts hi jre tlm no elbng2063 E4lhSL Room 205 el Ul how to'Tnake $20 a day full or part time and bonus penisStudiq 2a KARN $3 hourlyraaler'HU' pat Crime 4 14 chotirid Bldg WORKING rrut knew rostsTTncnu making: complete control of kitchen pr sonnei No buying CH 1 4540 MAN single whUe oober help'care nt horaes board salary Bo 168X7 Plain Dealer.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.