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- The Salt Lake Tribunei
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- Salt Lake City, Utah
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A 4 28-HOMES FOR SALE 28-HOMES FOR SALE 28-HOMES FOR SALE Property for Sate Apts Dup lexs Frontaq MINK A 1) PENS FOR SALE 4 UNIT APT II0I-SE () mutatInn 4A INc( ml: A sit)71 Tntal hthrtfl breath cf opnrZ al! t- trair a -1 3 tubmif p(1 twrtot a 'lc! 20() ft ctt 01t-e Porto i unqs hop it It tem for Ontt-haf tun 41 ektatedtmst SO42 I1fl prb 1001) Ail pri 10h mak rrrIper filorrt and 4 mo i Piny or1hod A sit hpAt watpr hear A flop brwk 1A 'tutu 2 tluchx north of '1rnidp trioa re Look to 0 buv Stibuilt yuur terns Cal t)-1717 or iit7 (I A NI) ROA DurhArn fleavar A rent!" WIT nr Mut' Ini 5-1 Wonted HIGHEST PRICES PAID AMUNDSEN for vow- clnel or unel1 Ilt)vog cows sol ptgs P'or prt171Pr er-vice CALL COLLECT UTAH BY-PRODUCTS Co Salt Lake 4-28 18 or 6--C233 1 -r1 2 1AnT1 P1z 4 A 01AI APT See th stnry hj I0fIg ow In fi 11tt )Ive! pulvate re tratts ro pr 940 041' 9- 9t1 tile In-PP went NI riE9-Pd Call nr I0047 A I A1 Re SON Ile4 I or -It II Solo rlai 4-114411 JT LISTED! Very sattractiv duplex of 5 and 6 rms 11 firs tile baths and drains auto sa heat blowers dbl a arge I 01 95x I 25 ft furn Nea 13th and nrdi So Ptlee KS ON 3ilt I )40 cq land Lots of ige and Puna it frt Very 141trae 5- rm 1-story semi-colonial with cement basement 1ltit air stoker heat nd blower If garage chicken coops for itout Int) hens I keep well 'a it deep welt pump fot- pot-- p(tses LaWns I ncluded ii Ea lige It is an pleat spot I iir sma 11 fa toily pi' CP only 11)N EEL 001) think this home is pi iceit right It is a ti-rm 1-stot bit i collonia I fin throughout it itt flrs Some of Hie rms al pet PEI There sIe Re bedrrus Lots of closet spare Cement basement hot air 1 urn anti stoker I MI garage sit on 1 1-3 acres of land with plenty of water We would Itke you to see this and make us ot ler before Aug 15 SOUTHEAST BENCH on a paved St with a soul ex posure A most at rat rm home Ige I spacious but-hen IL firs I hrOtigh011t Ftill cement basement auto heat I'him home is complete'' turn and may be Lad for S11500 AND well-built 2-story brick of 9 rats 5 of whieli re betirms arr Ito that you may tent Erns 110t ii heat plumbing Sit near I 'ni a 111 fuly Cross hospita I line A VERY NEAT 4 rm armicoloola betel( pit Oft A enrtiPr it A IWO conveniences Iti rage anti Wut shop Iltire only if 79tli 2-HOMES FOR SALE 017t rm ramhir moth nearly 1 acre in young fruit ft long a 1) mod kitchen with brk liar 3 frosty het-trine silt nil furnace Pries cur 30() Terms Mrs r) son 63210 JUST Bountiful nar Cleo erly crossing 4-rtrr frame Lot a good horns for $3000 Call Olsen 3-706g THE curest new '2-bertrirt borne you ever saw for only $6950! lane in UNION 'altar transportation is good Ind lases lire- 10W Big discount for or terms to respon party Mrs 1111A NIn 6-3246 DUPLEX-1-ot sedoin find a duplex Where tho own-r can ItYtt in a IPxorloon apt contosting of Iwo full-sized beautiliir Nk 1111 tile iira in 3 nice betirms nursery Hod Jfl roorin on rnam fl 10VPiV rms fully turn Separate front end hack entrance On view lot Beauttfoliv landscaped Dhi garage Owner A-id accept suitable 5-rm house For cletatts call Olsen 3-70ris 3-RM HOME in MURRAY gas equipped! only $3950 with big discount for cash! Mrs Dawson 3-1111 BOME In HUNTER 'with nearly 1 are choice ground All furn and gas equipped mod Only DOVIN Mrs Dawson 6-3246 ICKE IA med possssion Mod -5-rm brk insulated Coops for 2300 New brooder house for 1000 Dbl garage end egg house Fruit trees and berries Good garden space 6(10 pullets Terms Mr trisen 1-7(168 DUPLEX IN MURRAY Gan ht 3 I -rin each tpylt Good In prop W13 rake ear tin riown payment Airs Driisoto 3-3246 Liorio LAKE spanish type hotnp Gals ttle (tran Jost right for a roop)r! tins lg lot ltr berries troll gatden In ttoiy $69LAP Terms Mrs pawsion 6-3246 5 LITING Inn Imer I 11 UM ht ili it 2 811 I rtns hhutnent Hot Vat or he: Nev IN pain! sand In lip top mitlit ton It ni Cain he bought int i 1r II 21 itci A brive modern STMer heal )o elv flI flea rpmpieteiv Inv tiiMied i't fit full nIlnr 4 1 :4 71-11 1 NgT 4 rm! NI0plet 1111T8Uze 14 461 tad 2 fltI of ctlowe ontn1 It tt lvveuthte Vi ilia iiittliii 111 04 SaIef Te tits 0N -1-IFI I I Iti A 1 tititt brick Halm it Iijt f) it Int I I 2 iii titithe tst bale Icaa! I kr I hit gt I It upnt 1 emodried Lot 62 it 1- -31-0en and fruit ttee $712-p) 'Terms YE 11'S BEST Br Full Ar're rneN1- ern 5- room home jd a le-ITtnia Ilig)m a $4950 300 tin Sr30 a 111071 $470) 12 t7 SleAart (')Hy 4 Nr (dd otira 2 bedrooms lo kitchen ii Ii I lia floors gam heat A taehed 'Very ruce yard Vevet ule garuen Fin neightnt innd Tit I 1 Iui 1111CK f)wner I rido hii 12 4 for late nmdel I rom I 1-1 tn id 1 tome inea so a Tit! Temple In-1110e hekv jar Co 'a a er Len ter arid gas 1131 rola 1 Neil I '3' 1 '2'11 NI Al ItIN 4 Let 11 I NN in 4t ICI 1010 Iieiat tit Iii iifl t' 1 ot hi A 21A PI I I pi 1411 2E-HOMES FOR SALE YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARK OPEN EVENINOs SEE OUR PIrTUR GA LI ERY I OST Cr 'NI ET iro Ply rw moder home Cottonwood -prs re you'll he thrilled wIth th rnn re tnied fen tt res of hle thence Cot tonwood home Iltn it tyl pervlsed by I he owner 5 11 Lams 111 ra modern 4 flQ a re or ground niel' landscaped We'll h' ha ITV t) Show Una place any tr me Li Ilsrl'arloy on loafer lane One of 1 he pry in 5-room ftif- OR ()my 7 en rs told no approx 1 Ill hte groond commodious rooms 2 bedrooms shtror oak tionr 2 lull ba Bin fed or don iza rs Inn trees bertes end Forman oot sox er tra ts rerred ImmeI in to mAs101 'V pr ulttomr lrnUnrr Nort est rewee part nt 't Ise eiV -)11-rnem hrik ro'o Li-bedroom home NW 117p srarrap a I ha rdwood 11)11 wiII banernett Antomahr gas heat and hot water hearer Near erchoola and xrellent Ivor aervme Are vas look tnz for rral comfort la a good southeast location on Gilmer drl 11 Yale ward: Vera it I 5 SAII-Prze rooms 2 rrom ex tendolc VIII width of bonne ftreolor butt DA tures II i rti wood floors 'Basement IIrrae od ar4rer: eprro toriphed room and fruit room Dontrle gararre and st branttSul'y landscaped front tn Pne lp Irloek pr-mr nn nt Fn rt Lox els 47- colorn 2-be1room hom th pia C07111t1 Ovk ner ta being I rarPrrred and poaspplon la hal at rrore Trrgp oarsorra tr 11 din1 to IMP se shr-ertiO et aft' 2 ere IntP 1170 1tr001101 Ft11 ti840rriet 1410 111-- nne and hot wa rer hewer IgP lot larolacaped A beam lot lit le home Owner n'tions to P11 LOVPIV elR forrily home 7-room hrp-k 4 bedrooms bnsement re stoker LS O' lot torely 'Woo HOMES--Nnt Houses" CA PSON-BOW ltd AN INC Don? bus' a Tou Yi be oto much ria brier with 1 It F' This one in laritioevib Gardens it you a HOM requires roome with TILE ia kt chen anti bath beautiful plan A Idiot floor amilaernent room mot finished bedroom In the I basement Gas automatic heat and water heater lanotwaped CA PSON-I-MWM A INC of HOMES wilt hp likeet Na RANCH-I VP home oil the fring ItibUNTIFIYI Fall anti wooer re sneaking In (An lip th radiant heat ail-copper 1 oJ the Jr a cu: I yo'ir late clean lir AL-UHF-CI rrr REDWOOD limp he coloring is coin piel a room lin In tiny room with A How: ths y011 eta n't art i (Jay rorg A PSON INC Write down erything YOU watit in A we'll viait it):) PA RK- W-ICY in Layton near Clearfield -AA tot you'll Id tbe answer to your questions New gee range 4 tta rooms 2 bedrooms central hentina 11141 bkspment tot 550 20 ft Walur heater lin mediate leissession CA PSON-130WMA Ni INC Every clay ee make it a rule to rv to secure a moderately priced listIng for a family requirtilz a are HOME ttb a 'very small inx et nositt This Ii nn WOOF) Ay einoi wih at least seven nreIS sorn work 'Yes hut the ny ner has ailowed for it Ts eel it of plumbing We will be ha ppv to heir yno iit wIth the owner he is ask Ing anti belie be ill he 'very reasonable About the Io fl tin volect CA PS( IN- lif)Vii'M AN INC Ita a tOrarstw to open your wtrolow hit 110 cool a (ter a hot tiR how rest NI you weep Located on a corner lot on 217' Flaat 5 rooms wrh rime room in ha Aernent phin A NtITIIER BEnroom elooleta The yard is BEAUTIFUL Et enirgs tall: Marl Wirtbln 7 SA I bob tm loom 6 4 1 toin ''-'21 Itotiertn 7 7N: Nt rt 1'Pirnan 4 7hQ Mr kn Bruui 3 Mr Bill filo A 31-LOTS FOR SALE or Ogden 4533 WaSA1(711 Kennels Fox Oral or aYle Murray 245 -EIS1-4 Fiso Aft Fox pay livy4toa dead or Rive Murray 149 for obi liva ooriei Fr Rreodyr4' Co-no Phmlne ICriVar 51 and Baby Chicks ALL KINtY4 BABT -7FucKs LANUS POCT-TR Of Li IV I El 18 rifle -Salt Catcr Zeibtute 'July 31 1947 28-HOMES FOR SALE 28-HOMES FOR SALE A QT MIT I ItC 3-yr -014 1try i tn Ih brit a rag a re rrottmt frwt trea 3 rows raaphotrrirs: ktrt so flP font tires ft rPtlact t-1P 11t1 P1r Irt11 71' CTFAN COM PORTA 4 1rm 1tot rot ti viral in? 1 11 too noA 5 VT OA A o'n ERR tam-Inca ped A pawn ereit nrr'o 4 mortgaga and pit men a of onV $45 Irer mu Call '41 A ttIC A PrITZ Ft rat rr tor from tmtAn ACIPS rtte ttto ittnI ner tr ortowo frr emrt et) garage ranary so1 stootmlid hro hom otxi -111 1rpeted ONLY A 00 1-4 7 tt r) 1 Iwo Flr IC atmo 5-rrn WORTII rotontul Cr tiled ftrepco la ie ze tiln I fr 2 trat4ter rm iktot IOUS Wed frn F7t I 5 COT'NTRIT VIFW Rambler rear 1-3fluntILII" or hard uitel for etra apt attarbert $2000 Inki'N S30(r! Eggett Btfi i7 IMA(-NA 5Irg rrrs rIv tn-ront r1 pa Int ed 'fc tot 3 garage GOOD BUY 1rM 1 4 s7-1 pco4 4-rm Ok hoM Ishn A ktvg tOA Eurry on 47 1 PIA- 4 A Nr) 4-5 vr1- 404 bek ga heat tol'orl frs I 40 lrNn tht littrotto e'v htFrnai1 7-1227 A INCI1M 7th rlikt anti Vflwartett Hero Is ON T-10 trk for vott 'LI4 JNCOM of 1-T no 2-rm tt 11 i entrance A siomoe owner's tI I an and tn mo A Ao114 hAPil 241he cl ter I-14 n1 1 Ft rry 1m rr tI i 1cts itlxisry ed 11tVoti hi IC 11Po? P-PI 1 4i trn rtlaIr heorrna r410- I ttit VAS II 71(1 1 41 -Hip? I pr yp4ttel 4 wit' NTI h1 trail 11 1 ton t1! triArter lat LiSted I 01 4 Pt: 1 tsdrm rid fir I re and i to ff 1 berrtes A 10 2 4t al 0 al l'asture th tF CHOICE build Inv 811A in (Ittt'it A RI) I 2Ist or 2 nt SItt tit Wiimon or Blain A co A I out rtlt Ulf togns to tract oft 1 11 iv irriVI I ert Vie 10S: 110 f'IIIIC twAttlent4 Itt art to tit $1170) Vol ArAllier114 xt art tn at $1 t) 2 V11 'Ott Sol th 11-1241 karV PIZIo an41 pr-o to tA tawle et tt4tk S'illtl- BY ehorki fueiorted Warted Hatchtry VA Griptroon crroro----Nyvy Wo-rt Cro atrag conr4 into a 4ti urn' A lot of now! n-1 ttrid Lett -K 3S5 nt tre F-TV Enhrt ova: row' 1 Lett it ti 1-11' 8 in! Four sY1 nrri FPF SS Pr eter a anowl bty A tout isSlot oron It cnn ea 4 ar -roo --I 1 1 rtt c'n 17 arre of 1nd oir frult or on r-n SAPFourroorn a NA tn and ens -rtr ra flirrare tnac horn In tn Nrr: -room brif-1( FA' Ix an Piettl rdttf- roo-roryL tv-iroer4 or a oan11-1 riorre Out-of-town owner is 17T1-1 anul roar anti lvrr rnorn 3 4 a ropa he-trnnr t-of a a tr roa r-od front rrr NT-1t- I In I '-i r-in Varar a ri tr)1-t IN' Yrs -IL Ls Yr roorn ntt Lt raw a ar I-1 owr rtr htatr ar111t 'e Llt 1c a I a tz bs- Ine'r rv rt tt a not 1 'Oct 4 or tor nor 3 hIC I a tfttri attker a otl 'er heR rnorn tr- hl' wateof on 2 roona fnr -n0 tp rnvvg4 frolt 1 1 7-1 A- rld-n I i 2 41' nr1 I mr-r re -1 te 1 1 'rl St ottnrrli ra I ha en? it It 4 trrol 5 13 i Pore LT i vriYv hre I 5 rft'11 C41 I 1 1" 104 3 rt-- ''rt-F 4 2 rt neel ott tar q4j PRrrprt t- A MO' 1k rat 41 t' i on a ne art rn attract mr1 'a I tax "--21 Nt a 414 111704---Nyw tn mod a Cm IaS a 4 Snort -ro I-nmo rt urn A lot of g-Knoll tortad Lot 7A5 f-tt treptt SEW Entt a orirei ro1 -'1E 14x2r14 tt co Four tr--ro a k'v reA1111 tor For Iter bo le noel 701 at-t 34- -71 SIStlet raoL1 Nrt t-a't not a- -orso a I 1 en ft rota f- 7 7 arre of land eor frult ro or room NVW -11 a -rex tn It ad be In RI trItco trr horn In tr $10144'0 4- -rcw'rn "Fre 11'' 'vire VAS la an PieI dtt- roe-roro frier4 or a ramlv ho'rtr Out-of-LoAn owner is 17T14' Sn'alk roar t--trr anti MA 3 4 p7- a'er tall res' Ar-1 soL-ri front ga ro NT-IA- I -1-Nr: 11-a 1 rarev p- 2 a ev La rg rnfra 0 Lt er rtr tatr ro' 'et 11-At IA I a) Lit I a for Ii SO4 r4''1' 7 tttor 1114 tte1 1-ft Vire- nak ILee I gittker a 4 arlore 140111 In tr-o t1otte41 on rag o' rta roorta for "on() ntf front I so 1 7-0-1 A' ATY 4 st 2 41 npal Ota- -4 I 0r re -1 I eo I ar 1 r1 VW A 4' Ar ''ttorrn t'e a I a tr rAr a be on? for- ta a Fle i or 1 LT i 1 SII INC aitor '201 9 1757 l'99 491 111 11 I BETTILYON WICKS It 0 11 Tt 11 8 A 1 fl 159 East Broadwav 3-15s75 LellItigft taI S91A1 5-t)525 7-14476 Mt 1r POULTRY WANTED trrirRelot 1212 nri 71 gri )1( rttt ftvrstr LArtk frPrt stok tiltct from fattna 11440 3t4 ittkott ctoit POULTRY VANT ED Conta 7-2181 I711014E ft41 F7 40- ery rtt JENt4EN 14 so 1 PULLTRY V't ANTrD EXI CULLING VIAI-LIN1 A LL 6-4t-111 oaireect ci tot-1 1titttt l't tva non A11 14 204-tt toraco Itt gtoALry Chlkrt Ltrt 710412 1144'1 5- kirttiPr tiros flot 7314 cwr 4 IZ11! 11i 4 011Vt ptVe 1 l'ropet 77 S1! PI ST At I FEDERAL Ital 41 in tip BARGAIN ULLY I upr Capson-Bowman Inc iltZt 11N1t11 114 Kamf dt11 or 'Mt Tie se pprox 1770 tgl 1 ()4) $ro1 tis 11 Iu tit ittoPri "itt'At' tos fli nt- pt-ttnerttA mtartrig at $1 11 it tOre "tot tot to nor how tii ATM io" 11ok 1111'fi11K hilt1 t1111 fir I "Pt UP a dehired I sC relOor 20t 710oon 1 I to ttt I 141 4b7 I 11)1 I Vt' 1 iT tr net 51 qt1- I 1111 sk a 131 tot 111 111Wa 0 it a if 3ot Ith T' 71 IC PrP111101 7411 1101114A -I 14 7 Otoo totkon 11)1 1 I 177 kotion Ikn In tritit trera A tviplp v4trr ItIrttd fr kor -V t1111P A ist1 rAr ('i NI It Wit ot Itjt iiot-t11t1 11 ArtIri itettt 410C1-1-1 wil) Y1 ALao inat h)cket Grain and Feed BROCKBANK 41 14 rv 1 10 vt uotrI Vtcr 1 icA 1: 1444 4-on t't lini 1A 141 bai41 taiy otL ton or ion 1 lrfla er-91111 14r4r 0)1) flay at reit 1r1re St 04 $fur 91414 McConaughy INVFTMFNT Co A 2n5 Knrnti Bldg 1 4 ePAPE 11)St 1: AND INC( orgentid4 ppoottettl expenal ply built 5-rot ft note cliff tlettem ttl Toll 2 two! itt haactroott apt ur of ter Kve4 ft1 or 7-mm7 1 I 1)- A rm 'pa lit1110 I eel Imo: alltex ftreptaro gate heat Veti swim 2-ear IKAISIV filth 11Vt -tiod I 4 Pitt Ahell Meal Ct terms El es 72018 tr 740)67 $M411 1( YM VNT rittV title Ito ely 4 tCkind neW apariK ling col trat me end move tomot apaettota end 24tratglit -well arntret ith a WO oc it 'Pitt and ykri ter On Dig oLtt01 Pare lot cantle of tire 4)N $t00 Eds es 7-to ttii or ii-A431 crOonial 2- bedrtn model floor Oen ontv 4 r4 cid 1arle livable ro Knotty pine rm in tmaemetit knot tre4 and eiv Irt raiseatoorr It var Kft 9o-0 7119 or 1' 111 Fmir btlrritp 2 lip s4nd 2 to haaemont vr otld trettrito (14 heat ami ter I Ito-- Ware e)notatte dreoratiOTI ilttl rriltiii ttitoign Ivtxurtoua lentltennltrOC $1 I 75() or oiler 7-2311 or THREE B1rHLAND PARK JOU and dell tzht nut Kikcmistle Ia ntisea ping $11:950: Eves 6-64 11 or 6-1246 SOI TO SEX' ENTIENTIf A Vrr rm col brk wIn 4 bed rm 2 coMplet a whs Ao1r1 rarpeing eo4ed lin0 etc Lot xl 5to ()N LI 12U00 1441: '4 or 7-12016 Pr!) ertee to 4t 141 N0114 s1111 )103 i liii 1 1))) 411 p100 111 lorted )1 To A '1414 1114 Nt414 141111 104 ref PitAr'T P1 A)' A 1 t) Ittt II1rIIIIr 4i tlt Itl t11 NI11 ti (eo rIN 1 I CUP' ItjitI III ti yII le S011t1 'tem! Utt I ttttl ikeItt4 her 44 tal fettotreg I Ni I' )t- ()ts: oty tIt'rt 4p Kam I hsrl A 11 1L-14 fir' it NI II et if iiIA NI) VA 7 int I et CA' 11d 0- itr10 t1 rtiri e11(1 11 1 44114t etlir eg 4)A ty 41 A ti4441 Fr IIIIILkIl I ft 1) SOi rr 4 htrie 0'1 1 Ill ee rt tkhet eW i 1111 ke ro' trIll rlte fltr-3e 44114140 tticrt 'I tt' it rA1-110 CI It A I -r 1(11 1A NEAR 17111 1 2 Frtit tree Int Iti An lan OrgatiltOlon llr2 Wemt n-tsih YNlittp 9' 9 247'! 9 (I- 111'1FX m-!) able ham ge iiv rm 11 "fl Door diming room Witted gam range Infra bath and bedtm Oak flooit gait li vi ler lb Fifer Kinilitd aernetit rxri 4 tiedloom Mil may he a rrangei-V Owner may trade 110vd or 9-302'2 (11 f'N 1 Si on I kmmt ie! Atdin tiout OA In lK LIAMt 111110 rm New trativim 1ant wafer heater et en fr hens Cow harri pg pen and bout n() volinz rr tt cies Rasmussen 4 I or- VONEY MAKEit hoMe and mem TIM) on 1110wav 91 in Cedar li iil home or minim 1 hominess In Lake am iown pm met For fibi details tail 1Ur 4 titil or 71-171' lk CFA: Hi near Oth ramt tth A rimiling atream i our bacit rl a nit 4 -1'cfn modern hme all for $25t) Terma a rbiz Lnal larnmwotth 4-15461 or 7-67 LOCITED noAr Stgar mrirt modrt ear-old 3-bedroom oL hamement ol 1-et and water hea'er I I-arr fine pat den moll witI fruit treem and berrims A II for $75o0 Dial Chapman 4-S461 or 3-ROOM rOTONI brtek 1'01 hsrrt stoker ardw ond floorm dram On At tin11 )Aca 5201) dow For detail ra1 lien-Gerson 4-64A1 or 4-3437 ED LEWIS CO in 1 Thin iovrly clarrtt L11-4t64fIrlt crop a- int nri 1 0 mut na I I I 'T' pw I Birds Rabbits mte iloItto or )1 ttp 1 1 hridcr vk es no4 rmlo rr At tlr! Tit 0 4 I I I 11 Tm14 i I101t14 11 1r a at TI eon dwav 4 a477 BEAUTIFUL HIGHLAND PAPK 4-rm brick hardwood 11001-11 fire-lace half 114 air for-not 4 Lea automatic gals water beater garage lois or hruhe and 'II) OR VI Tnt a I pro $6750 kicemfras 7-6222 or tr2 4 3 CotNTY I arms excellent ground frolt pientv of Ater 4-rm colornai frame ran ieat Imm poss or rti'243 ERICK COLONIA $10Sori 41 rms large front room comer indow a 2 Poart1 bedrooms Ivo hn and 1a -gam I rnace Oh hme er k- rn co $wotnewt location 770oki VIHriT 'TIME Lis-rEn Ownr I ra naterre4 -old brick tolomal Imre rooms iinePered I ront eniranc learte to large jtng r-sran 10 beg ill if ul wimlows and ircolace Dinmg room built-in crona cut-Otarde French rioora lead to atm in rar Large itrhen 2 rice Nedrrrs pintv of cloets spela fatdre irt height Iful 1)ip gatn toil hem? tztocr hero 1E111Ft-a nee1 int iont garage gh so rapt itT IOTA exreL virw tf entirAo sr Reasonativ priced at $12 Atul terms Eenir as 7-S9O4 or 5-9z41 McKINZIE 1r4o A In 1 4-04 TY La I e- 1 tit tr 774 rr elr if Tfl one 'rcoo va A t- a ati 3of op I Ti ra'anr 't4 (do Yr MIN 5 r-an I FICtr rr owe ltnI 10 1 NVr14 Cr4 11 4 TF LT ftrpk fp1 4-rom nmo At)r1 g4ten In ra 1-1 1rrs if Not aro a r1--e Cat me to Inatett 1 1-7 t-q1 Trrrn' 4 tn 4-r-11 a an nrnt On 1 (r I' Ira Ret onea in Inv 4 tno- 7 ro rnnm vkrt Porn t4ton en a tr tr rt at re 1art1 an t-ht PiPrItV -9 v411 It if 11 71 AhrM Ho'rtlAy I -atort Co1 Grermou641 MAI ale l'! rot' rt nrre In 6 o-6 10-aton 1 1 acr P14 01 4' 171t1 r-o nl 17Tn ittt lrt Trw ft cl pr mo7oral Y- tr- rrror etr tan 111L 44 fIC 0 s4 tratsterrett e411more 4 47 cot cf Ivan ari arta rffr cr'oniat 1-k 66 l'h norri titIrtlt at FRtn ar ant at fl rk ea tric lore 1t ny cooa4or terms Motweal 1137 EXQUISITE COLA lX IA I rem' rms prewar entry In it 110 Iiiat a 'mai ern kUcilvn Itie rIJflI fijI l000t firnr I oher floor IriIu Lot bout rolxi()(0 rule ittt lot Nra ill mod 14111 Old 10dort: term pENrit Exritsit 2 betirtrtOtt cod Itt per ttntlit 1ne tiivrr fruit tree And ern garage with erberad Col toont 104st fL odu'ts tot1) 1 erme EXWILATTE COLON IA ern Troir Crops ideal tor dotor 7 1u old 5 ftno Villa Maid is tomtit and re rf I ton I tt helot I At rge IIIn 111k I tied Jot it er! modern rien tonidetely itoiRted In per tet ond auto beat cars terms slr lNtii UN ellipleX 4 and 4 2 hedroome et toott em one Kde ATacionOk kitchens yith titt)mg flort HUT" hNv 10 '0 101 ta er vr2 I t11T)4 PKNCH ely bed room col oak loor heat ip all brimt eit irit All lnnils'sprt tttt 1rriv awl eW a UltV terms NEAR EAST HIGI 1ri4 bungalow riopitex 4 end 2 rso otd 2 complete bathm ha rd oe1 2 Pier ranges 1 ref rig Oniv erreq NEAR 27T-1 So A') WII Ir bliniza 1th i-a mi tia ter tins "a Wen tot ls ao Alllraliti terms 7Th EAT N6AR so Fine lot I Nnic-l44 a tam 1' and -r11 crw! I V'esP bath suzLe rut- Otil I -010 GADD1S IrIvEsTmENT Co 17 South Main 4 17'll5 cafe business A rA I money maker bicat ed reasonably priced Es ening' call Mrs Hill 4 -lits44 pmtN P1AICI LIi RENT Branilnew bettlit 11111 tv 0 irrol ihip brdrnrti horfl eXcel tent souttoot At ThriPP lortors kitt er toilittre leer briel( or I ram's Ott flAittrarratic gas beat lull straight ba seri-101s Improvements inelinte sidewalks curb tdreet surf acino and Alm strips These homes limited to I Only possession Evenings call Mrs Schow 5-11426: Mrs Hill 4 -3S44 Mrs Cushing 6-6266: Mr Hi rdesty 8-2S3S Mr Cutler 7-7305: Mrs Larsen 6-3079 A niett family home on xtrPot Home has three bedroom tze kitchen Kr-18 heat lo ek em1 yard Huy this or molv I 74nt down at Slit it m(Vwn Evenings cad! Mr )1aroesty Ftitt tot sh t-tate te urret 400-1 Itte 1e1 rr 10 7 27t3 trout to 7 1 nt N-1)st4 tLAP141 l-614 btrtrgntittl Cockerot l4n4ltantt ellamnion 701 44 4m4 anti tm set 31 11'04 tin SKYLINeTKtittels A 1--t-t't Cr1 I etr Ia1 ers S111 sore Levton-Ka 1Tr-J-3 177 (00 net- kennes vro cluittfk: tpt sere 1orr4 Vine St 1 ttot kZ trrserter 4-2077 le 4 At 4 t-1 Crwkers l'PRUX t'rnr-ta-e on I 4t-ttto 11ZennLs- Co-4er3 So nur erv tLgar- s'il1 1244 Indiana 5-3042 TOY tOX Estate Laans t7 erotts ANe and duce en Produce WESTERN KNIGHT st1 1 21') a'r '117 i A N('F I hq Pil 2 11 1v 116 UTAH Cy' ANT titTill'itRAN rapcrns ew: LOWF1ST ItAl ittraA hen arl- N4ILLER VIELE borleg st tnnetl a "i TIr N11ILLER VIELE borlec strAncia a "1 ni I I r1101 1m'ssnt II iil1LA ND Rh trh rid lt In ply 1findit irm 111-01 ill I la nls ief j43 1" 3t a 33 he1 rt t- se hAth and ra I N'cl rin rol a r4 et 141(1 4-snT8 Realtor's I II Exonnro I' nw n4 9 COOK (PA nPr I it 44P 10 I -Real Estate Wanted tor toolV Newnott Realtors 4-1948 FINE 7-room home on Nve 2 fireplaces recreation room 4erfect landscaping You Ph011idIllee it For spot tad 5-6334 brg home Craei new in orfect bench location ()e of the really nice tiorntt th district You should left tikig St i000---PrOkIl hom roads to Ill()e right in on large lot b9g4U1 ft In good location VCREAGE 11tilt4 4 700-4 -t st ucco home Carpeted tile drainUoard and 41 acre Close in south S9000-6-rm frame home with lasmt and furnace and 2 acre of good land In Cedar valiey $10k50---41-rm brk home and al acre of Land on highway at Centerville FARMS acres of good farm land wott shares of Wittlot gorn fruit some equipment and a 4-rtn home hear Ltiuthell Utah East Of RFALTY co--PPATTOR n2 Eactatige PI Offset 5-1754 IFIN 5-1tOONI PRFWAR 110M1 'pare old In perfect condimn NCP livirg room with firepikee dining room tin roamer china rineete kitrtien 2 nice and on main floor and 2 bedrooms end bath in nicely finiened basement Finker heat garage and st-1 landscaped lot Priced low at 12'100 ON' 6-rm home Compieteiy new inside 112 baths nitw size rooms ail curtains stove and refrigerator washer automatic Ironer Pt RV Tod muet pee ineide to appreciate the care and exienet they have gone to make thie a real livable home OWnfr moving and a rign1111 to sell Price reduced to $15750 for immediate s'oe ArTIVTt IFTRiPPTrlz" cornNIAL TO $17 WO for hoick pale fvre bat it and draiinhoerd gas furnae double attrait Full basement IA ivh large emumerit room tairgeovs landscaping sprinkler pseternl at treetiveiy located ankious to sea Make offer REALTY AND CONiwTR Co 12S 4-a4g1 BUY 4-rm aml sleopino porch unit rear 3 17th south and etti East ff750 down and $0 per mown Property Nalue and terms can be beat Phone and let ba show this bargain to you toddy Lake'a beet buy! 5 rm brick home at 9iiti-3rd Avenue FurTIAC In excellent condition Dalt floors in row rooms Extra room In basement We the key lee this ono immediateiy $7S00-5-room brick in tip-lop condition Located a few blocks from Sugarhouse Owner has otner home and has priced home for quick sale Gas heat Attract iv" yard gate ge a oil work shop Front room ea cl'14 Uly liS300 completely furtomhed 0- Herr'u an relit hooch her-gam for nomeono Must be sold as owner ban bought larger home 4 rms basement gas I urntier garty 1Pt tie show you this lovely borne today Lot 5047118 PAVH Ft a a raa A -ro-e'41 koLr-: Acwwl Am t-r a a t-r- i I a7s In "-T! a -1 a A 1 -r it I-1 -0- 1 a a 11 0-1 a-1 dr 64''? Fr r-n f-anlit rAr aa a 27-h Co-r A fr--1 a begi 4 1-atho a bo4 io (- 4 rr 4 ir1 1141' ere 4r rr tty Atirl arr I SI a -a that ran In a as U-61 tav a be-tt )ma Cs we LI- ig 7r) A f-sr-resi Ea-1r 6-7O42 41-tr 4T 7-4f 4 4 4-427 1112Y1---FTVE-RrICAI HOME arra' ra -nil a a natan'a 1" an $104)1J al pisTPIr-r Near orwi a 2 zet 14 4141 -rti 7 4 1 Pava :) r-ro brtr bat ska loastet teatr arra of ai Cosner -al Ca 4-c'64 or 1447 5 ro4rrt urit 7-4 ore ar-t a sr' can tano tn rtKrt laa a 12ra rona 0or ra-e Terry ram ba arranged Caii r-r NCI: TO rf 5 st1 4 4-r-o ap co-r rrtet -1 a 1 rer for S5iio per es i40 et tap 2 beltooms Ca3 or 4 41TY CnMPANT 11 Pe4or 4 A 1 1 PA Vi Sra-THY Arr- -4 -rnom rood hr 2 biflet ittrhen ail hen? Pod nfbt sort- red for rarg tr011 Prwo $4975 and $1475 4-4 tnsesglon 1-13v: ON SILVER mod co 011 rPFtt 1PC rnrz neer hesr Coronletvv personal ProPrrtY TR A 4-room Vnont As (27h 21st 144t 11r '34s Un4fle1 --toom In 11- rnra onr full hitsement not stir frn hi(PA Pr ra 4 ykf fl txrdn munee and er4 r)V rt! hOITI nearer tvv4n 4 4- rico 39-40 1 A I al I Tt ft A rOrn rr044rn hrt :4 14-1-44441x (01 1144414 hot 4er 1r) 410 egir tLpt tnr fnmt airorn OnJ) $3150 trade or teTr trade what you tas for vnt )ou 4 APPLES MILLER VIELE SCOTT BADGER INVESTMENT CO Eenit 67 Vi est 141011i1V ay 204 3 260 Main St 7-Stitto) HOMES FIRST SECURITY I SPECIAL $500 DOWN N'Ve will build for yinj a lovely new horne with full bascrnent and gas furnace on a I 3-aere orclia lot in Centerville ea i111 lot has a proS 2S large fine fruit trees tit Neter irria water and gas tuial twice of new home and ructiard Jot Is only $7750 Only a few lots at this outstanding of fer -05N0-4 riL biIk on avenues gaa heat gap' tr lot $6950---Cleantat Flung In town choice south side district 'seep-Atonal place terms $1150 down-7-rm Millereek tnbkr furnace lot 1 tA ft NAAtie city Water price Only KALt'vl -1 N-n 71774 ATTINTION AT liopEt ar4 and isaq 1 ritv 1e A nen ul Cabe nn a Isiiscs peel 1t cnnient to 74 mir wr Lneaed in -int 'midst fst Pew two-n111 eir a ra011 -we ti 1ssemeni gat: 1Jrnaf 14rd out! tiuor and Il cikeienr 1(iV1ET 4hTUF4RT TilrK pmme Ti)' es re nhi 4 rwirne on 3 mreoe Uurnist1 rooms I be basement Cho -44t-inwn ow nee ea Immodioev iiALlt It di11 lot fdv165 rii Irtiare and sns re was tist rola in basement allies in lk lichen bat awl one bedroom TL1 I is a real trot 14 2nd So Realtor n-7611 Excellent 1114 Mt Lumen tkection Bard ood 00rm tile work Ranga and rerakera tor Individual heating pianta puaesaion one pule about Aug IU st nrwe t151100 6- ftortNI BRICK being re-mode ted Poasesalon In Ft bnut 2 eeks New loom T1PW wiring and unnbing new deeorat tug 111b IT) heat Lot 7 6rx 50 Lontti ed near 13th South 111 2nd Eaat term 4 int ereat Cu A TMINfl 5-1100M corner bedrooms dining room loret te work brick COTIPt Met it11 A bout 3 yenroo old Neat and clean perfet cond tt Ion Fifit bamernent antoma tte hen garage Fine Itwat tott Near 15th East and 3flth South- A real buy Rt $q750 e1gN call Foutz 8-1018 lira bet 6-S193 Shnmway 5-7942 Brown 9-0024 Alder 5-4269 TTTST COMPANY' NrIn at 'Eshenge 54gAl OPEN the clone to bappinsth Two lande4epe4 aerniolonlal ta IP tincrl crt have ailed for Two helrootris wlh mple cinet 'hare Full (Prong yo(m) nic long bvIng nnorts vsltto a tharnora Ihroplare lite hornet moat he 011 to be lip- tyle-tooi CALI NOW! vk re mak '00 4i rxm coo trios Se iet our Lnyne Alto in 10 rhr4 flihti 114 Veil vn4 fi-icri that dream home Cotrinlele boldinir iWrOre Spp nor inotate4 roor rivet aotpriot Ino Call or drop in and get too ACT I RV I le Ex PI Ra Ph 4-A578 Dependable SrI'VICP Since 1 b97 Eves call: 7-4219 3-4784 li-9776 ur 705-J NEW LISTING -room frame ti yrs old 2 bedrooms pieta tif clumet space Tile bath end the orainboards Finished room lit base'tient gas heat garage in' eel irate this excellent buy Mr Ga-nt -44 95 SEK T1119 A TTP ACTIVE 412-room Ira me rambler 2 bedrooms bilwd floorm gpA furnace and water hem ter A tached gara 14 lot box 1 ii0 A rca I buy In a choice Iocalion Ni Mnrra 9-3nsg BlGil LAN PARK STRI CT4 12-rm 'shake rome hist redecorated 2 bedrooms unusually atrai tIV kth-n: living room is nd hall carpeted I inished room in basement Gm 11 FOUR In southeast location Completely furnished including sloven and re frig $172 tier month income lif rrtf GARFF LYNN FT-M0 Realtors 620 Dooly Bliig Dial 9-3751 WILL ACCEPT $1 450 DOWN and balance at per mom on him 2-bedroom gam- heated home Built-in garage 7 yrs old near 27th South nice lot A good bus' fm hitt tun 6350 ONLY $1600 DOWN you 4ll buy this 3-beitt-cmim blitigalow la 'tort hwest tist C4mvfolient for railroad and oil workers Newly decorated with II A furnace and large lot family home Immediate poession SECURITY REALTY BEACON ttrsV 11FAL7nR 1-141 4 '1InN 230-Feet Fro-t e4 4 12 rnarn 12 I er tip 10-11 yarn tair On 2ntt rAr Rcrim te hi et 3 tiri-mett Fruit trees gowod Naticr VILL HANDLE rr 411-rm tr erA it'f- A-LI c-1 Cotla Lt ok hr heri re co el no in iitrnirr artel orr t-it iket 1 itdot titilv SUGAR HOUSE WOODBURY 139 So 2nd East 9-1915 ALDER WALLACE COPPC)RATION 4-4121 PF A LTORS I I I PI Tpmplo LET 17S stIW YOU NEAR COUNTRY In a District of Fine Resittemem BEAUTIFUL AND OUT brick colonial with' stoker hest alter sof tener electr water tietier gorgeous drapes a all- eirpriN On it lot that is handsomely landscaped Call trs for apooitilinent to see NEW BRICK 1101f Fst FOlt $7950 each FOlir room i ti and utIlity rooms furnace blos es on lot -0s14 ft Clean beighLiortnoti near schools Prig htiorhood near schools P1(ora 39 recneng Plae 5-74'55 5-74 'Nfl Thomas 47547 Ilenrrork 7-0537 Rot 556-W )0(Wft ren1ale one prier close to rm ifit ettooi Ii 101 Irrtgetims eratr itiPni for fruit garden mod 1(tioe S12600 featly ter me It- retore1411ne job 5-rm etr mod brice heurme sod el pch leniscaveti Only $6000 Term or trade 1:1111 home Or rest of 17th hear 27th South (-1 I earl Iliritile 11-1-(LI from 51120(1-511500 cvnir-F: Fort coOKINr1 AN -41 T-1 4 00 DN hal 4 if) tar 4 -ra immEnt-E cA sit 1 yr tm I l'a rh it it tit ill rnt oal A I I 7 1 irst IVAl 1-1S a ill Oltv olltrUZIA nr TR I I rfg si-25 to 51 5: 4615 a tl" "nd "'rY I l'''''' I a hation service T0R0N TO CO ril rpfit mg Is Her rtea cr Foa land Prit Interrst on unpaid Pal Total hri YELLDW traitor arent 0H-0e 41 50 Wo'IrLbls4paiyz I COTS 2 -1 I re cash for tutable 2 or-3 bo Del free Ilid 04SO-R5- la ER A RE TAV40 liONIFS In Orem bedroom Pomo Li Badger 3-7631 tosin se sit Fast A $1 hs as' 4i A i la ble for irnmett poss bot mired right and both itiadfy -1A111- 8 13 I- CON ACT 8 Bangerter ''sal etri No 14--oir 1 Homes are fully mod 4 -rniA Bernard Bradshaw jsball 1111 hstnt A and in exe! Icq-- al 1171A EV ERBEA RINt iras berries for saa Mark Cru5grwe Draper Utah IVity IA a it if von a re a qua ailed 36-Farns Acreage Ranches MI ver II Ild ne a home' ASTRACHAN tr a ne pa rnt 9 1 anes $notitt SI-ILENHI hi sOUTHEAST DA I ItY FARM cril In Ifsnlarl I 4 it 'A IN rane Ma home ha 120 arres near Loos elt XIllh I ds7--1' 1EI! I I Iles hedrrils and smg Ifort Foil A 6 60 60 i 7 2514 or to2s s4 totant tt Rid nice sipg room now pla ed to a Ira barley winsai I rihd for I 7 tier too lit clox ei sod aa to up WEALTHY a ohlr -Fa cooialrat tat I heti! eli li 1 't- a ter i 1 1 A 1 1 A rei le li It4 I rley 10111 talist A ol hcait trtl 1M 31I 11N to 10' ninet ito iin1Ing ii ractor pow er trt a pi Call tod a tilokser entliplete 1111 ing equipment ---irlovirerll Plclorts Imes AMERICAN A A ILA141-1: NOW- for planting Into cow mini a i cirmi to cov i Hoisted) 1ien today name odahes i3'" a vl a t'r Ph r-111 evergreens trees 1101 I Nta 1 ir or 1 a Indy orclat rti anti 1111 I and tm I taotrre wfsrs ierenr 1 I B-011v a Realtor 717' l'" Tb' "rin 'II PR0WN'S specis1le prepared at te- he ter I ha a 111110 a ea unlit Lawns la od sa fdng itta fIik a I- 5312LaUnRd APord r) rtvor CO 2 to Nti4140-71(i1N t-i Aril corn Metely I iirnis1 C-11 for 1 further forma i on Rom! -ti'l 44 FAIL tai NTY FARM a i 1 lith I-Loal 4-S544- TH IS AvoNrg 'r 40 es of gotc1 i 1 it the swim end of I tali mint ind In Oorel room rtiod andhY1rdl ttnfti 2s icif orLaFtm-eceoc- urat sfs crn LA shome loa I ed In r1) 'A It" I wti tir rmilt rroorn Incise warn 1 hIS 1 4 S' msa-n total pro Ci-lillift At ri ttu tlign" ha 'IL and lo1le' A10 VA-E remove trees No sob too Aarg clean a lord chm4en coopsstacd and gra na rY or 'maw 7-1355 9-3405 EST DEA I TN CITY There is a good team a nd a full 4 -rnn frame WM Iltilit room Soil Fertilizer line of marhinerv to operate an Plant 45- ed 11 heels loro-4 ha and Model in e's erv' respert La rge lot oe nic garden irigation water Very grain Price $12710 0 10 Tes ca 1 all A lif also kRDE-N INSUR OM rca sotia ble 5 yea re old be arranged ONLY the' very- hest- MOUNTArsi" A NCI tett i 1 Ire rs la mei see rare 132- ('hitester I 1117 Y0SIINC1 FA RM sitalled now Pane riaranteti 11 PR TNE DEA I 060 acres I ton IVvom Inc' BROWN FIXRA 1 CO-Highland Park hung la rge 600 a- re Imgated hale oc JI11 inrln rtvar room c-s1 orna'e It'e A (irtoolli 1011P0 WI! fl full basement hglits and water Ore 2- 1 rih W)--11 4-544 firs-ir drain and laundry taps Doh SI 200 down sproill 7-7326 room bunk house large milk barn SPROUL granarY sheds and 4-car garage Three tractors Rich and ertua Ideal for lawns REAL MTN SANDY 10A147 8701I- jobn Opp! tny Hv yard or load and and ravel chopper feed mixer grain drat! Children's whit pav sand DrIvoP ALTY COMP A NY wows and a i ha ving ednitornent 40 a gravel sp read fres ei A- sieads '1 1 Fl "nd Smith Realtor 5 les 2 ol 121 steiulls ad 0 GOOD Top son sAND GRAvz $7500-MOVE IN NOW oi cav lieh ttOUll 22 heifers 15 yea rilngs roost ra-IS971 -ineks6s eir arra prngei-e 4750m) Good terms HA ULEIG he RA DA VIS Neat 2-bedroom colonial near 24 th Colimited capital availabl for PION1ER ST 81111 South and 5th Eamt Large 4 Mg fartn and ranch loans room iceptace 1)1 ea I tast room -prA sand gravel et otters flit dtra Eta 1k ka I taaNIPA NY ittolier heat lawns idimle gar ealtor age soil hauling Vallacs 2386 lecx Arm Arnall roop wol law( 117 Brosidwav Phone lrsnl 6-1'414- home A I liA11- NI KR tiolf7f) eafi3O00 t-v-1T LE hiANcli near EX PEIgr LAN I SICA PING Lawns nos -----fr---- Vernal! 1010 co res patented nd hi too et Lilt-den wet 2elor lau leed 3411 air reiii ttUlt 1 vuled a tr stale4 Call tia 5-Sri ts-16- 29-Income Property-- atial fenced 200 bushel Kra 40 sP '1 ava lin hi Imm ed ar 1000 1 iitl' hay est dilated crop 1141 :20011 yards fill dirt 1554 17ra Apts Dupless Frontage al rana rirs alletts 4-rm hous tree- soui Ideal duinp 3-s4 47 V91'311-- H1-11Is-- I x- 4 4 'a" 11-" IteneP I ehi re'el 1 1ir) e'lli'tc' v17tri 111 0'1 47-Fuel Cool Wood CM I wd 3 on to other Oas hr(- cit ft i taa aes 1ead forest tole ranges One side rtited tor rimt 70 Iy 1g 1kno )uti1)4 ca- coal Ge14 --1-J 53-2 fdi (miter occalpies the ot her ritt11-t1 tin A shiey fot est inde- prompt del 120 13th la S-n741 I motile ga rage pendent Is a ter nglit ell eater need- I7 '4)------ rit I rbr 5 ed iltil 21S- It- 4711-Suilding Materials tAllctwo-room apti rt menus Hot air stoker 1 I ICI: EN FA NI 2 II creR eon tio heat large lot 4 gara gA Illness for 300 0 Lovely modern bra home NW cED LUI'ilEER forces iminediat sale Located ori Iota of trees fru!) eg A DA DY a -) ST st 2x4 2x6 2x10 2'12 A LUE at $20 (M- Fine ordier $17000 DI 'C froyn $20 000 13E6 I ah 1'10 1a12 'OITA) Ineli inn 4I it ITO' 1 45-W for a conck 1031e lieu' Mirk duplex BEST RANGE IN Dcciii- NEv GARBAGE CANS $2CO Five rooms on the 1st floor 4 rooms Over 5000 acres near Tablona 100 in he basement nil furnace and New and 'Red Dorrs and Windows Rires 0 Irr 50 dry farm rest good eater heater la acre of garden 8lders riards are hillside range land 7 milea forest Anti orchard Kra 0 Located in 5-FT BATHTUBS ArtVistel 1-mtil running Ultimo-I propr Melts urehilni IotutlOoti notov ell :20 Milih cous milk ins pa 191100- Bit l'71- lor etal militfs 130 head While Sinks La atfltien Tooet room a pa rtinrot A splendid ildrnin Plumbing Pipe Cab Sinks lace Ford tractor arld all equipment A nu 111'14 I toti erms Reservoir Al ocked wit tr fdt00 trout ALLIED BLD MAT CO $2000 -SIX apartments Four 1 numerous IA 111 lf1KI 100 Iliiieriri mi 1 -75 North 1m 5-S217 room and 2 1 rorooin apart men) a sill range 250 head --JO rm house 'dill 4 sleeping rOOITIA 2 stokers -folly TY11(1PrIl S'i) flon 1101 211s-R PLYWOOD PANE' LS invcme $400 fro per month 3 la Acitcls But N1-1 FP I -Look It 51)--NEW i lSting In 34-unit $24 5 EACH 4750 er al 1350 No oncLWest Extra men1 ()nu' am' fine soil sOMP fruit trees all under 1 one-room apart merit ad furnished A RA DEC 18 -IN PLT-woon fuiLia tion Wonderful horn sites hot water neat splend di tOCILLitill it 1 414 li It size 1 eat for near In 'nutria Actraol ROCK PA It: A LT Realtor tonna etc A) la rEet az e7 a SANDY OFFICE 619 3' 0-x7f a x7 end 4 11x7 ft 5-244 ED EEN1 Is 70a1 VA A Ll DIMENSION LL'34BER la Itealtor SPLENDID i' re'4 ----')f let11 16 -4 feet 117 1-1 Brdwy pp 1 ra ore lord ompleteiy fenced 400 416 WE ST ARD NRTH acres Irr la niii 1-1-rm home near and 1 triplex 5 occupancefi of 4- schools and town Priced et only Prc ft 5c ry good na1 rm Approx rental I 125 $17atiita Mr l''I iirra rald per sq I a 1 0c A 41)(1 r--1 I NVESTI ENT -1 dill'IPL" a Nicely tor ated for GOOD used 1i-m thin la al titter per year tip-drier $4500 GA REF REA 1 ri- 620 Don Bldg wood re sq ft 7c S'g A TE ST AN r) 27Til so 51 Tell T- BL ILDERS 1-storv bids 222 sets on lot SLPPLY CO FINE RANcil CLOSE TO cITY-- 73x 150 Slid a big for any ellittll of "Fverytians for the ri a ii business For lease or sale Ca be used for stork gait le or N-4ACIS Fully enn a ith marhy ST A fr ST BET 911 and ti Sea da 'I-I u00" 216z 68i I Li gin rua1-- ca tlo horses An bldgs Cal squire 60)(125 ft of ground Call us for 4-i tio or 4 11 soling It 12-)a- knotty pins err) n- he)- 1-T II RE AI TY AND CONSTR CO lap 4 11 rne roortne ST ATE ST A ND 111 'ON ST PPnr- 2x6 Zig 2x10 2909 il RodERTI ES Call us for EDP SA LE-4 -mod' Pri1f411 ranch on 713 properties on the 2 se Atreets We Woim rat er In famous Sun Vaflev 'r'' rl' flay ha fin V01 tint -r 1 I 0 hast 'ire fcrootri hotiAe prem anti roolmg 45 50 ST 3 acres 1 '25 inehrs ak Hey bE ERA! 100 P18 enlfir'ee 1-1 0 Id BC' II nERs 'Itf 011 herries Vt-rite 1'A INT A POOF CO 2693 tstate It A 0 IZ ph N1'v iii it-V Idn) SCREEN 159 Bro adw Pnone 3 ay -3875 -A Al ER IC A' 1-011f 3 I ac es nd 1 SCREENS Ss-rkE41 DOORS Evenings Call: Prerropt -6q1 7 ora -'47 a ertd 140 I rat trees errtes 5-room home insIde completely re- 6-05 7 2 21 5- 0 5 2 5 71009 and pas nte All for 417C--Machlnery Pip Tools 4-5921 5-9461 A 11I NCI REALTY A- BIDtl CO 0000 E-1-- 6m----ncEiwelgti 91-- pa---- Itcur 60n-w EVeninC9 and Sunday 6-'21 4 ft l'-in std $00 PRICK duplex of 4 rooms CM I mAte 3 un the rit her Wks lie4- 11011 I111144X Oriel aide riited tor 3'? fill ow ner occtipies the ot her 1 'Mille l'1 147iii---- I' it I PLENI rif one 5 and '2 Iwo room apartments Hot air toker heat la rve lot 4 ga ra gs Iliness forceg iminediat gale Loialed on ST est $17000 REDICED from $20 mid for a oluck sale brick duplex Five rooms on the I st floor 4 rooms in he hagement oil furnace and a I er heater Is acre of garden and orchard Kdrao Located In relmrd l''''''''''init BRICK "'lir PI" room a pa rift-lents Splendid itiMarri Avenue 111'14110n 'ft rots $26000 IX apartments Four 3 room and 2 vs orooin apart mown idol 4 sieepinK rOOITIA 2 stokers in-me $40 ut) per month 5475iiii--N ENV liSting 11 la 34-unit apartment house 13 Oa o-rooin and I one-room apartment 31 furnished Ilot er heat spletidc1 location near Int 1)011V i1M MclicI AN HY OFFICE 11d vs le fl 1 9 11-Ni Is i'civilANY EeLtit or 7 1 1 Pi- cvnir-F: Fort roOKINr1 AN ATINf' 1 irat 1040 I 25 tO SI :5: 4615 Lania ni Pr' fransiarenr aTpl a SI per bo I free Mid 04So-R5 tOssn lit" APRICOTS hi iv 2-1 fr Bangerter 2s0 41r1 ERBFA RIN1 traeterrtes rr sa-a Mare (r(ugrw I)raver Utah AST RACII AN Ira reTar-nt jares )rix hi 11grIls74 14f-ny VEIt 7 27)14 or A IA HY 1t a 01 Uv 14 I I Est 44--LFlowrs Moots Tr A A 'LABIA: NOW 'for ntlnif Into your fJ11e111 tOkiaar rose baahe Phr-111 eiergreens tree annul a peren- ta ie No taourr wrs np-ii'lv prepared gt t) LAADV ta BROWN FLuRAL CO Nursoes and Jottlan rtvitr loth I-1a1 4-'1544 ATER tiycintha 2 for Liu rooti and 'att Sid LarnceoUrga IT'S' 4 South ONLY the sery MOUNTA 10 a also Cl ARDF-N I NSURANCi: lameiseeres aall(d ri arantt BROWN FLORAL CONureenee J111 inrflan eves Irth 1 REAL MTN SANDY LOAM l-)1-1- Rich and fertlaa Ideal for lawns Hy yard or load Sand and cave) Children's whit pav sand Drlvowav gravel spread fres EL AL land ()wet 644973 GOOD TnP SOIL AND GP-AVE: taNFRAL HAUL-LNG PAY DAVIS PIONl-ER 81111 PLA sund gravel eintirs (Ere lialotrtg V21cs 2386 Mn 6-1414 --EXPERI7 LAN' SCA ed den wet New iaNt nit hogtfailL Caii tin 5-S174 1--167 a atinhi Imme1 144141 210411) yar4s 1i1 dirt t5ft 17rt swo rt 1 tfrel dliTnr) 3-11S-L Pip Toots 10000 FT 6-tra 11ciatwelgtt-ntpfa3000 ft 12-in std pp A A RT EN uni one avant a il 14103 clean St and 10 AI Pr duoit re1nr4-4 to I 7- loon PR V16- mom t1J rent more int to '11 a aood by A I PIN cittri E-1-traut If ut bornPa rin trea twillit all aroun1 rtxelent 7 room colonial 3 rooms vioa a not ner Ora It main I iclor ta many tiwto--- beiroorn (tom wak ing room 11a battle a ailra a ral ham--v homy ilrle SI SLinday call Mrs 3-444 A 159 So Main 1111T) 10et VETERA Ns 2'13e DROOM RICK 1IOM 7'111 tonaemen a Only ft 600 down vments like rent beneh View bds Hardwood loom tIh minks lard? liv rooms with p( lo indows YOU can 8 trd thee homes hem TODAY LOME WITH (ROUNL) A A cflEg In Son Jordan I'mteI 113 On 131h West Plenty or NA Pr Nwv remodeled et tul rerloeoratel 2 bedern horn OTOS' 61 'op SMI do payment end err COW went terms can be arranged OWLTO I NI MALLORY 971 17: 21st Fto Realtor A 7212 'Kt 6-57S 1 4-4 cS1 1NV Realtor 32 TrIxchar go Pl Room 302 4-f1497 74471 414214 3-1015 9 27445 I REDUCED I 000 11 ETW I- EN 21 et ANT) 22n4 17 4 ST IN ONE OF THE MOST TsIVIE RESIDENT! AL DISTRICTS IN CITY Flegant golden buff brick that combines excellence quality will bra ut in deeign -Every room spacious 24 nd ts''nfly luxurions This home or beauty will be loy formr 51R900 Wright 4 4794 or Bakr 4-6301 MAIN REALTY 1u1Re or 4-S319 or 9-472 toIT CV I it: BE WTI-Ft I SIX-ROOM BRICK AMont-entis home limit and 110- f-0T Ia4se 1ea1p-vg 9 rrhitoo 44 materiala beautiful i teVe viithoriw and 1 'rep Re- in Ins cAtpet10 Pirh 4rpr 11 nititiy 1re then kith I iiLtd frtlogre A RP ti io IvPIV hnrr Your Irma bnme ood 9-3114 It re 3-8590 4-6431 Invstment Co Realtors Eve 3-7411r Inr 562 6-6471 6-2'45A EAST 511IL rector4 on this 412-rm 111 yr brick I SOO down wit hamte prooe-rty Immed Poss call its for details PROPERTY--8-rm brick gond pa nt and paper home In excel fond hot totir heat and gas atr holtter 'On RRICK Finished hstnt rtn looker Peat corner Int SI WO down and 145 per month WiI tathois Rnmedia' possession 426 Italtor 6 1)'S 2e47 044 2 brk horny tign on 2 011 no to-roril Pr! 1 1 braement rbr rg I rA 114 ftr $9 Pi' Of fl AT sma rkfl t'v-e Lors'e41 on "---1 As rer zni East OFFTP Irr ts eorlx-evi erk--- -nn 1nr ra- Me 4 Fr" eorro J0114 04 Ssr mk 11 'Pl4 YTC1 HARF1S REALTY 1'1044 ft tl l'- 1)n72-----INer 4 ah xra re! 11P bre a or' Tr-r cre---1 73--)rtiftli 140-1-er -r-tt-: mg1rn hrk ral- te me 4 In ra--e Var" te tru-h ph rt 2-4 El-tt3rt Ur liatove -t re" 1ot-1r 5-rer St ect 'h ox'Lra trm ear rr Nr rrt Cos ILL Mr TA gel F'A TAYLCR Pcr 4 c' 4 42 Ilah AT 2310 South 7th East Three-bedrom brick in perfect condition YOU wlI apprezliste the tenacious living ih roomy kitxlien the larce hssetnent tifl stoker hat nod the asrdon plot With free irrigation ft ter rrir redilcd to SR9'O AT 414 South lst West Sandy I'Ish 2-heriroom frame totis 100 font Int In Ex rrlyn and Prrail fruits Betsutttut shade trees Its ot find at 45500 OLYMPUS Realto 7-3997 6-5625 9-4031 7-14673 1-0914 TOT CAN PARK AT 1 Snli STATE WOOD REALTY MILL CREEK Realtor 6-3991 7-0187 Fo1 498-J Mur 9102R3 S-6589 4-77k7 215 So Mein Realtors McGUIRE-5-rtn brick Mingalow 2 bedrms large living rm near 37ttl Sc in good home Inc Poss soon WARREN Cottonvi owl canyon modern cottage can lie lived in 'ear round Completely turn $3500 McGUIRE EXCHANGE state R-2321 Eve and 501 call 7-87E1 70630 7-5520 "SNOW-WHITE" or 5 erns Pt zahtantial big Idt TleW maroon carpets in liv rm and din rm newly papered and pawl ed idp Rnd out Irge mod Is itchem Igo master bedrm ample tii4Ifl and bkit $ii1O turn blutaer Vert tilnitts ficoAers PhriihR 1eltety lawn fish pond rock garden See thin bfore ONLY $8950 easw term4 1 nun port TORONTO Co 36221 Realtor Atlas sun 4-1605 7-SO14 3-3485 HIGHLAND PARK DUPLEX NOW ONLY $13500 Each ant has 5 lovely rn separate gas furnace dbl ettrage etc A dandy buy Call 64245 HOME L) EMT APT Only 3 yrs old Era construc Mtn and has new furnace tooker and blower Near 1i East Botmt opt rents for 440 per month Total price $11Noo Call 6--IMt3 COOMBS Realtor 5-0205 ft-'1801 f3At1 8a 4-BEDROOM $9950 N-at 7-year frame colonial Itt 8th East sear Linert park Large I A1104 aped Jot obade and tk IHn ijLi b4111 With automat le helt Anti hot stet' Eleo rante retrtg Vert hiintis and linoleum Call rARL VV HARMER Realtor BY OWNER trade nriciI etinity in a MIA' i me in Oztlen for home In east Salt Lake 4-room modern home wit lurnisord room In basement Gas furnace water lit ater and nge and elect ric refrig Phone 2-A353 Ogden or 7-9970 Salt Lake Co "SNOW-WHITE" or 5 rms Plutot ant la I big Prt TleW maroon carpets in iiv rm and din rm newly papere4 and painted in- gide Rnd out Lge moil ls it ellen Ige maiider nedrm ample clogela rig174 4111 1114 A tit turn blower Ven blinds Li erg PhriihR el et lawn fish pond rock gar- See this before or ONLY Ssii50 lintri pos TORONTO CO 3- 6221 Realtor Atiag Wilg sun 4-1605 7-6014 3-345 HIGHLAND PARK DUPLEX NOW ONLY SI 3500 ERch ant 5 k'velY s'D3rmle gam I urnace dbi at rage etc A dandy buy Call 64245 IlOSIE A L) EISMT APT Only 3 yrs old Era construe thin and has hew furnace glor EXFCITINE lust traintiferred Will Pell Inviv 514-rm real brick colonial 1ocao4 rear Yalecrest A ye un 17th This home shows 1-'141 care The ground 11111 tvide are tri excel ahape toctr filkilo With new awning cat pets water ant tcner and healer Igtokr with blower OPEN Ivenings 5 to at 2124 Preston 41925 1 large 5-rm red brick Move nett In to apsciolla sod comfortable Hri wd flra et -wall bamt aut) gts beet garage ierze lot met- flI) ort ft tor n11 SI 1500 with 200 down It's th best buy in inwn CHENEY RATTT 4-2117 es Tft4fig HOLT REALT SION r-n 1 ra varaz 110 f1r-111es -1 rats ra CS 41 r1 New ens i )-t her Isatee Cwner I I 9 4401 94401 PEALTY COMPANY 9-17c0 reottne 216 Tolvti Pdr 24 Matti PUNGALOW GtxiD qualtv matertala and workroart Spnrinfill 11 ing rd dinIry to 4 lose'v bedrrns A 1 neW (1nril mr111 Yttil tp hatn 5 rotoed rtna ft bamt: Coo extra Pin-fed otoher utt mace An ideal Lome for a family oe to mais into 4 nic ARIAL k'rice reap CANT 7 km 349n0 A 1041 1T home cloo in on troll VSot Yurnaet atolir mind roof arts aot 3 xra n1 is statrav f-orrt 1-ort to 4 loelrmo -You nor td hotGr aloe S4to5r) vi: 1T)11 11V aLl'ult 3 2215 4-776 41 N- FOR A LOT Want it lit ir1loo1 rant? OK! ha vwtt nip or v0- 1 21t 14o'f pc frool the 1ttt loA All 1vd aI this to lat 1-tt a ail0 in rt-tv $11no Nr) PA sh reartv tn 0 into Sea It today and Inak votte offer! DECKER-MONRCE 3r1 West 15th South 5-rm frame modern xr111 hat 1trgo os4 me $14 Nett 2th 1aoCt 1-1rtr brk full born lista pext hiorer Iar -rurchaaed rtA kh000e pain' paper aud rrttot extras 1et details PFALT 5-2792 es 7-5090 or 4-9770 $7500-11RA ND NFW nearly ready for (ICC ti 5 roomn gas heat many attractive lea turem County tocntioti AND LIVINct QTRS On litzhla nit dri in county A Moat acre ground Terma PARISH REALTY Fontlea Pt Realtor 11261 21Pt 7-4141 7-4474 erutigp Country club-3-bed rm ram bier 1n re try rm Hollywood Type 1 lichen Immediate posp Ynull like the Wed fireplace and bath full brit ht beautiful fPnved yard A good buy at S12900 3-4113 PROCKRANK REALTY CO 15 Exchange Pi Realtor 5-2948 STEWART'S 4-3732 'rye 5-1171 I 7500---WITH 5 ACRES Siihmtantial morlern brick bung low co 39th South with Iftwoli tam 1v orchgrdi paorten (1uhlo garm ze tiarn tnp a pasture Owiier triiid for hay rirt cattle rRoch of eqR i vaiiip tu Vvaatrh CfMnt liARNIKRii REALTOR 3-PEDROOM horne In cruinty 1 yr GartigP fruit tree berriem larz lot Owner trarpferrert 1970 FIccftrd Dr (37 So 20th NEW-NORTHWEST Irere 2-heeiroom frhrirk welth bomt automat go heaT and eater Lot ft k)trhn and hroaktaat rrolm Tha uniaua I a Ils I hest (t -ovr)01e: Call EArt Itarmer reahnr 34275 no 4-rrn hrk rolomal tallit)a Cr1 bamt Tim St high An eget bench enAwFoRn ATTY 311 BROOKS ARCADE 9-1836 13cetmte 82944 MM 367-3 Mid 427 2:1 Psio-n 'r 3-4Se 7 6 7-dt It F171s7 WrAl A' 14 21 TIFW ea 1S0-410 Ml7V ALT 4 t-171 issn trs $:41 taN FEALTY 111 3RrrVA ARCADE 9-11176 6-2944 11176 6-2944 i44 I PA WASN'T HERE COME IN MR BRAOFOR 0 VERY FINE FAR farm At aoI aild laater milt farm marh 5-rm ecap Int 200 Near thiN YON(E IN 'r 7-1225 No arenta for Sole HAVE A GOOD TIME 70t)00 ft "-An lumber var erICLta MONSE-Y IRON 41c 750 3rd West $-5769 H1114r caT7 T) Buckeye angle dCifir ar-1 clouble drum pow-r control gy ut 2500- 2342 Last 2s'01 So 7-40-Q5 neelOarrow toc-a roier $14 50 4-3544 E) HELLO MR DUGAN BYE BYE MR DUGAN e------ 4 146 THIS ATERNOON SEXTON- 7 WELL-TM NI READY e4A i OH-'1ER NoT SHOULD 1 MP ePPIDFORD Alb- BE 11 WHO ARE YOU? CART-ER SOMEONE 'SEXTON NEW? Pop 44 11 I iy I 11 STATE REALTY REGisTERED ArnericAn smadal: breel coming Prtrew rwonabie for thaw type of hurse show or Pleasure Ifni INTERNATIONAI 1ri th horwe rack knt cond $495 175 1st V1v-a 1A77 1ax r-ar r4-1-7- c-Zv 7 ex I trIrr area a-A toto cam1 644 tP-Olt bar-Ca arpt wee! EP E-LeCHEMIN ANT 4 nevi 7 F4L TV le ELN 4 rrr- te- a0 at-rfa Inar1 Ems effr S2cilb rmatt Pn ftftee 5 cr 63S kio 5t1 East UPT1 Na! 1'0 rrAir 3 Pas rmmrne-4 are Grp tvrt 1 tke as 4-4-room it- A IV i T1" 7: n-275 )1 (2torac tractor a (-Air Wood hydra iglu a dozer Hai boen workd 40 bra Sea at LLam eitera 717 So Waat for Sale I I A THOROI 7111PREIM stallion 2 years old Excellent rarinlz pcwpeet retzstered In trainifig And readv to 'inn 'Make of ler 4 4 072 I 1 HOLSTEIN cows he! rers I Conde n0 ng n1 chine tttiliman nch 01k Icy Utah and I melt all kinds Of to estocit Any Amount 6-9031 2n2Bnptnn pwir IS-1317 nr 9-5125 SEE 24 KELSEY AVE 6-rnom firebrirk Lanw Furnat atnher Otte bed ra-n In basemaot akth Well-tewe a ea rPrt I-nt lanced Ka-race ahan tvl Pate Fall" HA PMFR Ftea'tnr 14'1275 RAY' 30a20: Int 2o0 FThe entmly tore t)nn Hixv man ran make home fin tine I-I nut of price ny it Sit TAfKi If 1 72W OWNYR-- 2i ramhIrr In Perk nt -rrro urn n'tarla gstz r-er In $11000 6-claw 9 I k' YPt pi tora(st tAelv tn mnse ri I rn-rt and bill Wee Zera fhuiS ON ig xeItivo oak des's- 36160- anh 9-Z01 4 1Af'TORY Hoo er var' 153 El IE 11NE aer Ex' cord (mit 9-2st tet 9 IP10 a tn-'-3 MTT Fell 212-r nnrge $1041 17:17 izt so 1 --711 A'7 110: -Y (jWiR 1It rr t'--rr-A rwly- a ya :21 2 IA 1-x r- IN 1 An 4tr i 043 DCP 254J 00 '''(1 V11: 41 11st lit i per mo I 111 I' F-Ft tter a 1 111 111111 N1111 71)Av 1 ro flet 101 4:1 3-1 leTZKrAt mach Loa 3603 to I CO' I1-1 or home es'ee---- 3 3 NVemt I 11016e Eros 1)3 li Broad a i I.
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