The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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AROOSTOOK FOR NEWS WANT ADS DIAfl 6441 THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE FRIDAY MAY 30 1941 10 Three-Inch Anti-Aircraft Gun at University OBITUARIES Yankee Division Says "So Long" To Its "Old Man" became regular carrier In April 1903 He retired Oct 31 1933 His widow Lydia Shepherd Wilson survives Services will be in Burpee funeral home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock interment will be In Achorn cemetery Former Bangor Man In Charge Of Big Project Brann Supervises Spectacular Review Is Farewell Tribute to Wooduff Land Division Wate--town MRS SARAH OIVREN Mrs Sarah Olvren widow of Thomas Oiv'ren died Thursday after a brief Illness at her home 232 Grove street She was born in Houlton but had lived in Bangor 50 years Surviving are two daughters Miss Julia Olvren and Mrs John McCarthy and three grandchildren all of Bangor and a sister Mrs Rose Law lis of Houlton Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St John's Catholic church MRS EARL GILPATRICK LUBEC May Mrs Earl Gll-patrick who died at a Calais hospital after surgical treatment was the daughter of Joseph and Mae Andrews Cook and was born in North Lubec She graduated from Lubec high school in 1919 and afterwards taught in Alexander and Trescott For several years she had been postmistress at Whiting where she was active in all community work She was a member of the Community church Lubec Grange and the Eastern Star Funeral services were conducted Wednesday by Rev Wass and Rev Judson Jones Surviving are her husband a son Carroll 'her father and one brother James Cook of Eastport -sir HARRY Hit ANN Friends of Harry Brann formerly of Bangor and now of Water-town will be interested to learn that he has been placed -m charge of the land Acquisition Division which is to acquire 84000 acres of land that will be added to and made a part of the present Pine Camp Military Reservation near Watertown Mr Brann opened an office in Watertown on April 21st and has a force of some 48 people consisting of engineers appraisers negotiators attorneys stenographers etc Included in his staff is Russell Scribner of Winterport formerly ot Bangor Marion Jewell of Brewer and Unwood Day of Shirley who are employed In the engineering division In addition to this work Mr Brann is also responsible for the acquisition of scire 6000 acres ot WILLIAM LAWRENCE William Lawrence 80 died at bis home in Brewer Thursday He was employed by the Maine Central railrcad lor 43 years retiring in 1930 Surviving is his wife Mrs Emma Lawrence three daughters Mrs Merle Spiller and Mrs Charles Sawyer both of Brewer and Mrs Roy Jackson of Massachusetts and a sor William Lawrence of Brewer a brother Charles Lawrence of Bucksport three nephews nine grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren Funeral services wil be held from the late residence 21 Blake street Brewer Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock French Students In Trip to Quebec BHS Students Taking Leave on Annual Holiday Tour CAMP EDWARDS Mass May 29 The Yankee Division said "so long" tonight to their "old man General James A Woodruff retiring comrander of the First Corps Area Army officers called it the most spectacular review ever held in New England with 19000 officer and men and 2000 army vehicles parading on floodlighted Logan field More than 15000 awed spectators cheered the colors as they paased the gaily bedecked reviewing stand The soldiers were In full field equipment Steel helmets and fixed bayonets glistened in the beams of 35 searchlights that swept across the troops as they gave a last "eyes right" to their departing' "skipper" The massed bugle and drum corps of the division filed past the general softly sounding "Taps" the soldier's lullaby And a the thud of irerchlng feet died In the distance the ten regimental bands merged into one huge unit of 300 men swung to a halt in front of the reviewing stand and with a flourish of bandmaster? batons played to General Woodruff "Aulld Lang Syne" HODGDON May Miss Mildred Estabrooke 31 daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Estabrooke died at her home May 14 She was born in Hodgdon tut had lived in Amity nearly all her life Surviving besides her parents are two brothers William and Guy Estabrooke of this town four sisters Mrs Leigh Campbell of Merrill Mrs Robert Ivey of Houlton Mrs Fred Williams of Amity and Mrs Don Pollard of Cary Funeral services were held at Dunn's Funeral home May 16 with Rv Stetson Lincoln officiating There was a large attendance and many flowers This morning at 8 o'clock a gay group of Bangor high school students will leave Abbott square for Quebec City The trip is sponsored by the BHS French department and will be made by bus Accom land and the leasing of some 150000 acres of land at Fort Devens Mass and the leasing of some 50000 acres of land at Camp Edwards FUNERAL SERVICES Funeral services for Charles Edgar Sleeper will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock fron the late residence off Garland street With Bangor about to become one of the aerial defensive outposts of the I'nlted States increased interest is apparent in defense against aircraft warfare At the University of Maine where it is used to train Reserve Officers training Corps students Is one of the few anti-aircraft guns in this section of the state I Shown above in traveling position the gun capable of hurling a 15 pound explosive projective 29000 feet vertically into the air has since been superseded by a 90 mm run but is still valuable as a training piece I The gun a 3 inch type weighing 8 tons 1" constructed so that it can be towed behind a Jfruck at over 40 miles an hour A six wheel four wheel drive truck is used for this purpose When in action the wheels are removed from under the gun the outriggers spreading out to give it a Arm base A well trained crew of nine men can operate the gun so that it will Are 30 shells a minute This type of gun is equipped with a direction mechanism which locates an airplane computes its speed elevation and future position and transmits this information by electricity to the gin three dials then turning to the proper figures The operators of the gun merely have to adjust the gun by hand wheels until three other pointers coincide with the settings made by the direction mechanism and stlrrt firing HARRY ROBISON Harry Robi-son 51 of Millinocket died suddenly Thursday while 6n business at Penobscot county court house suffering a heart attack Funeral services will be held in the late Millinocket home Sunday afternoon at 2 'clock Mr KbbLson was a member of the Millinocket lodge A and of the International Brotherhood of Pa per mill Workers He had lived Millinocket 37 years He is survived by his wife Mrs Nellie Robison a son John Robison of Millinocket three daughters Mrs Norman Malone of East Millinocket Mrs Dorothy Pullen of Bangor and Miss Mildred Robison of Millinocket two sisters Mrs Elizabeth Johnson of Fernie and Mrs Jean Sewall of Nelson and a brother John Robison also of Nelson A granddaughter Norma Jean Malone of East Millinocket and several nephews una rueces also survive Mass Until recently Russell Scribner had charge of the leasing of land at Camp Edwards under Mr Brann Mr Brann is also responsible for the agricultural project which in the past few years has acquired land in' the state of Maine and is known as the Land Acquisition Division of the Soil Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture with offices in the Exchange building in Bangor Brann was associated with Louis Kirstein St Sons of Bangor "from 1920 to 1923 and acquired his early training in that office He attributes his knowledge of this work very greatly to the very experience he obtained while in the employ of that concern He has been engaged In real estate work more or less since that time Funeral services for Mrs Lillian Hoyt Drew were held Thursday afternoon from White Hayes funeral parlors with Rev Ephralm Drew of Harrington formerly of Kenduskeag officiating There was a large attendance and many flowers Burial was In Mount Hope cemetery School May Bfe Opened Here For Flying Cadets School Supt Pierce Says Show of Sufficient Interest Needed panying the group will be Mists Estelle Beaupre head of the dei-partment Miss Alice Bocquet and Mr and Mrs Ernest Legere A similar trip was sponsored lasjt year and proved such a success that another was arranged Noit ony do the students have a chancre to see points of historical interest but they also actually hear Frenclji spoken and have a change to try out their own French Several stops will be made oiji the way up including one at Bingf ham dam and one near Jackmam for a picnic lunch Headquarters ltk Quebec will be at the St Roche hotel in Jacques Cartier square Saturday wil lbe spent in sightseeing in and around the city with guides A trip will also be made to Ste Anne de Beaupre with a stop at the Montmorency Falls In the evening many plan to attend French movies The return trip will be made Sunday with a stop Funeral services for Mrs Eugenia Fellows were held Thursday afternoon from the Fellows Private hospital with Rev Basil Gleason of Brewer officiating There was a large attendance including the nurses and alumni There were Superintendent of Schools Arthur Pierce announced yesterday that SPOTLIGHT PARADE MRS FLORA YOUNO OLD TOWN May Mrs Flora Young 84 died Thursday at the I many flowers Burial was In Bel- British Announce Destroyer Lost in Bismarck Battle More Than 100 of Bismarck's Crew Safe as Prisoners home of her daughter Mrs Alfred fast with committal services at the Baston 62 Veazie street after a grave in Locust Grove cemetery for lunch By Oscar Shepard Jury Disagrees In Davis-Kaufman Conspiracy Trial long illness Mrs Young hrl made her home with her daughter for 14 years and was beloved by all who Motion Pictures Now At Bangor Opera to Those With Sufficiently Good Ears IJhat Joe Louis Did Hit Buddy Baer After the Gong Funeral services for Martin Burns were held Thursday morning from St John's Catholic church with Rev James McFarlane officiating There was a large attendance and many flowers Bearers were Walter Burns Stanley Leen John McGrath Charles Chaplin Royden Daigle and By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS refresher courses for Flying Cadet examinations will be set up at Bangor high school under a plan worked out by the state department if a sufficient number express interest in such courses As previously stated in the NEWS persons with less than two years of college training may now enter the Flying Cadet program but these persons must pass certain qualifying examinations The refresher course plan which is now operating In more than Massachusetts high schools and academies calls for the payment of a ten dollar registration fee and three to five months study accord -ing to the individual school set-up order to establish a course of this kind in Bangor Interested persons In this area should communi-rate with Joseph Chaplin principal of Bangor high school or Superintendent Pierce LONDON May An admiralty Students taking the trip are! Willard Pierce Jack Lord Alfred Keith' Jenny Johnson Janice Ames Floyd Smiley Gloria Redman Lou-ine Kimball Frank Wood Dorothy Cole Richard Martin Barbara Wood Betty West Philip Murdock Margaret Knowlton Janet Stevens Betty Connelley Mary O'Connor John Clement Robert Hannemann jane Terrio Arthur Norwood Rosalie Shapero Joan Garland Virginia Graham Frederic Bean Marion Conners Robinson Speirs Sherwood Jones Mary Freese Freeland Jones Anne COnners Hope Redman Bonnie Cratty Albert Win-chell John Ballou Robert Day Bruee Comins and Doris Ayer The principal question in fistic circles has been whether Joe Louis smashed Buddy Baer before or after the bell had Patrick Mooney Burial was in epilogue to the thunderous death Mount Pleasant cemetery of Britain's 42100-ton sounded in the sixth round of their recent fight in washing- Hood and Germany's giant battle- ton knew her She leaves five children Mrs Caroline DeLaite of Kingman Mrs Ethel Bartlett of Hampden Mrs Charlotte Hammond of Bangor Jay Albert Young of Detroit and Mrs Laura Bejle Baston of Old Town also 13 grandchildren 12 treat-grandchildren a alster-in-la Mrs 3 Mix of Drewphin-tfuion two nieces one nephewr three grand-nieces and three grand-nephews Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mr and Mrs Alfred Baston 62 Veazie street Interment will be in Forest Hill cemetery Funeral services for Lewis Charges that Louis had fouled which lit sustained would haw been a sorry way to lose a Were dismissed i by the Washington boxing commission There was never any serious contention that having heard the bell-he struck the blow deliberately He simply said he didn't hear and the ring having known no cleaner a fighter iheh fans believed him So much for that But there has been a wicked con- I ship Bismarck disclosed today Hint a British destroyer was sunk by German planes at the end and that more than 100 of the Bismarck's crew are safe as British prisoners After British torpedo planes helped to sink the 35000-ton Bismarck in revenge for her destruction of the Hood Nazi aircraft BBdershal were held Thursday afternoon from the late residence in North Orrington with Rev Paul Walker officiating There was a large attendance and many flowers Bearers were Alvin Joy Neal Mc-Nevins Bowden and Ora Goss Burial was in Marston cemetery North Orrington with committal services by Rev Walker PHILADELPHIA May (AP) A federal Jury reported tonight it waa unable to agree on a verdict at the trial of retired It Circuit Judge Warren Davis and Morgan Kaufman on charges of conspiracy to obstruct Justice and defraud the United States The panel received the case at 2:16 (E 8 T) and reported its stalemate to Federal District Judge Robert Pal-lard of Richmond Va at 9:15 (E 8 T) He discharged it after receipt of the report Davis 74-year-old Lawrence -vifle Jurist who was- appointed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals In 1J20 and Kaufman Scranton Pa attorney were indicted with William Fox bankrupt movie producer on March 28 Fox pleaded gulltyv pounced on the victorious British troversy as to just when the bell did sound eardrums could fleet and sank the 1850-ton destroy- i At the end of the fight pictures super-sensitive Cruiser Destroyed By Dive Bombers In Crete Battle Winterport High School Seniors To Hear Baccalaureate OLD TOWN May Funeral services for George LenTest were held this morning In St James Episcopal church Rev' Gordon Qlllett officiated and there were many beautiful floral tributes Bearers were Jordan Jr A Grose Howard Berry Howard Gardner Dana Libbey and Francis River Interment was in Forest Hill cemetery with committal er Mashona with probable loss of I now being shown in Bangor Opera one officer and 45 men House the screen voice declares: Meanwhile the admiralty said meaning the audience-British ships had picked up more i "will now be able to decide for than 100 survivors from the Bis- yourselves marck after her destruction 400 But at the performance this miles west of Brest last Tuesday writer attended a majority of this while only three survivors of the audience couldn't possibly have de-Hood had been accounted for elded for thmsejves Why? Because "On the day after the sinking i no was heard save by those of the Bismarck the admiralty with super -sensitive ears Certain-annpuncement said "some of our lv dldn'l near ilnoi the naval forces which had taken part est trace oflt-and we were in the Bv The Associated Press CAIRO Egypt May Dlve- During the week and a half DEXTER CLEMENTS BELFAST May Dexter Clement 73 retired contractor and builder who had also served on the city council died suddenly on Thursday morning He had lived in Belfast for 33 years He was born in Newburgh the son of Elijah and Lorraine iTinney) Clements Surviving him are his wife Maude one son Walter and two grandsons besides nieces and nephews Kla funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the CraiR-Gcsner Memorial on Church street Rev Frederick Hayes of the First church officiating Interment will' be in Orove cemetery I lonr trial the rovernment eon- bombers in endless assaults (8pcll to The Banfor Daily WINTERPORT May The Baccalaureate service for the high school graduating class will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Winterport Methodist church Rev Frank Hall will deliver fhr sermon have destroyed in Suda bay the 8250-ton cruiser York as she lit WW- I I I 1 I 14 tended that Fox gave Davis financial favors in return for action favorable In cases growing out of Fox's bankruptcy which were penJIng in the court before Davis' retirement In 1939 Kaufman was described by special assistant Attorney General Walter Gahagan Jr as the "go between" have detected it This raises an interesting query Was the sound of those other bells due to natural recording or was it "dubbed in" a mere studio effect? The precise second was nev-fr so Important before And knowing how much depended upon a split second did the makers of this picture deliberately neglect to dub It leavifig only the natural recording all but Indistinguishable though it was? Anyway it wjas one of the most vividly dramatic fights ever caught by the camera When Louis was knocked through the ropes in the first round he was up again with a speed that tpok the audience's breath away i newspaper photographers must! have worked like lightning to catch him with his feet pointed skyward Baer's anguish is alrnost painfully obvious in the closing rounds the camera makes him look like a giant beside the bronze menace but a very impotent giant "Affectionately Yours" Is the feature picture PITTSFIELD May Funeral services for Jerry Davis 7 son of Mr and Mrs Alton Davis drowning victim were held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at Shorey's funeral chapel on Park street Rev Josephine Folsom pastor of the First Universalist church officiated and interment was in the Warren Hill cemetery in Palmyra ly crippled and under intermittent repair But official announcement indicated all but seven of her 600-man crew two dead and Ave wounded got away unscathed Shortly thereafter the middle-east command announced: "Our troops have withdrawn to positions east of Suda bay" Mrs Helen Pease In Hospital After Crash roaring of the crowd the whole bizarre scene might have been in pantomime One Boston sports writer declared the sound of this bell "like a light dish dropped on a heavy carpet Apparently it hadn't registered in sound recording Leavinc the theatre however we talked with an Opera House employe who said: "I saw the picture twice The first Urn? I heard no bell but the sec- structlon of the German battleship were heavily attacked by German aircraft 'During these attacks Mashona a destroyer of the Tribal class (Commander Selby was hit The board of admiralty regrets to announce she subsequently sank and one officer and 45 ratings are missing" British warships and long-range ties said would be released toda no serious Injuries develop was riding in a car operated by her son Allen Pease The Pease car which was headed toward Bangor was In collision with a secopd car operated by Mrs Patch of Bangor as the Patch car was about to turn left into the driveway of the Bangor Floral company police said Both vehicles were extensively damaged Estimate 5143 To Register For Draft in Maine Mrs Helen Pease of Medford Center was resting comfortably at JAMES MacDOUGALL TriOM ASTON May James MacDougall died today at his home Warren He was born at Rose-bank Ont son of Peter and Lsa-belia MacDougall For the past eight years "fie has made his hor in Warren his business being in connection with the Warren woolen mill of which he was part owner He was a 32nd degree Mason and was a member of Kora Temple Order of the Mystic Shrine at Lewis-ton He is survived by his wife Mrs Alice Marble MacDougall: three Catallna (American-marc) and 0nd time I did hear infinitely Sunderland flying boats still search- faint but still distinguishable I'm ed tonight for the Prinz Eugen sure I wasn't mistaken But I'm the Bismarck's cruiser escort which i equally sure that very very few Latest figures show tha' 40 per cent of all women in the United the Eastern Maine General hospital others could have heard" last night after being taken there States between the ages of 20 and for observation following an auto- 34 now hold licenses to drive Bijou: Last showinjs today of Census Bureau Calculates mobile accident on outer State "Love crazy a comedy starring Automobile drivers obtain the be-r street near Red Bridge late yester 'How long after the blow before you heard it?" was asked "Several seconds!" So if we accept this unbiased testimony the matter is settled William PoWell and Myrna Loy vision when the windshield is tipped day morning 832000 to Register in July 1 Mrs Pease who hospital authori- i back slightly at the top Park: Richard Arlen and Andy Devine in "A Dangerous Game" left her before the sinking But the British acknowledged that the Prinz Eugen might by this time have reached some friendly port The possibility that she might be still at large in the open Atlantic and In a position to prey on British convoys left the admiralty no alternative but to continue the chase or assign larger warships to protect convoys in the threatened area In every other fight picture we and Tex Rttter in 'Take Me Back CARIBOU May 29 Funeral services for Mrs Elizabeth Stone Burns were held Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs John Gee on the River road with the Rev John MacGorman of the United Baptist church officiating Two vocal numbers "In The Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross" were rendered by Mrs Blanche Monteith and Mrs Cora Irving accompanied by Mrs Louise Kidney Bearers were two nephews George Nightengale of Presque Isle and Herbert Nightengale of Fort Fairfield and two grand-nephews Gcortje Morris and Harry Morris both of Limestone Interment was in Evergreen cemetery Among those from out of town attending the services were Mrs George Btone Mrs Flora Sylvester Mrs Eugene Locke Herbert Nightengale Mrs Ronald Grant Charles Stone Mrs A Wathen Mr and Mrs Alden Nightengale Mr and Mrs Garfield Nightengale Mrs Edith Flannery and Melvin slaters Mrs Christine Milliar Mrs rrcall the bell has sounded loudly to Oklahoma 4 Basket Babies Britain Paratroops at the end of each round In this not only In the sixth round but in all the others only 01ympia: Roy Rogers and George "Gabby" Hayes head the cast of "In Old Cheyenne" Agnes Stewart and Miss Kathcrine Stewart and by several cousins Services will be at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the Warren Congregational church conducted by Rev Clark French Buprlal will be in Fairview cemetery- Saturday Night in Africa Late Local Lines ROCKLAND May Miss Carrie Brain ard died Wednesday at her home 31 Masonic street She WASHINGTON May 29-AP The census bureau calculated today that 832000 21 -year-old men Would have to register for selective service on July President Roosevelt recently fixed his second registration date for men who have become 21 since the first registration last Oct 16 The census estimate was below the 1000000 guess of army officials but the bureau pointed out that while there might be that many 21-year-olds in the country on July 1 a certain percentage of them -were that age at the time of the first registration and filed then Although acknowledging that various factors made the state-by-state estimates unreliable this breakdown was given on the basis of available statistics: Maine 5143 New Hampshire was a native of South Thomaston the daughter of George and Emily Hall Brainard She Is survived by a sister Mrs Evelyn Hix of Rockland a niece Mrs Emily Fabcr of Peoria 111 and a nephew Harold Bur Miss Mary Stover who yesterday concluded 14 years service as clerk of the Bangor municipal court was honored with a testimonial check from contributions given by members of the Bar court house attaches and other friends In appreciation of the willing and courtesy assistance she had given them in their business transactions at the court Miss Stover will be married on Saturday Libby all of Fort Fairfield Mr I and Mrs George Morris Mr and 1 Mrs Harry Morris and Mrs Burns Phair all of Limestone Mr and Mrs Everett Ford of Mapleton Mrs Antone Beaulleu of Phalr Mr onH (lrrrtTt Mlchtpnoalp nnri gess of Rockland 1 II fjjf lfctfbaet uSTTS-r I Mrs Philip McLaufHn of Presque Otis Burtchell of and Mrs nWlr I hv Rpv 1 Charles Mac- i Mars Hill 2922 Vermont 2192 Massachusetts 25826 Rhode Island 4705 Connecticut 10816 Donald Interment will be in Friends will Achorn cemetery please omit flowers Bowdoin President Addresses Last Chapel Thursday Morning '-SjjflM Birr" Devens Dances Will Be Well Attended by Chaperones at Least Dorothy Thompson And Dr Hu Shih Honored by McGill MAURICE WILSON ROCKLAND May Maurice Wilson 70 retired letter carrier died today at his home on Willow street He was born in Rockland the son of Charles and Harriet Robinson Wilson He entered the postal service in April 1896 as substitute carrier and FUNERAL DIRECTORS FORT DEVENS Mass May AP) Dances for enlisted men at Fort Devens and nearby communities are going to be well attended by chaperones at least Head Hostess Ruth Robinson said today after a coirir4ttee conference that future dances must be attended by at least one chaperone tor every five to ten girls BRUNSWICK May 29 (AP) Whatever may be ahead for us President Kenneth Sills of Bowdoin college said today "we should all try once to reconcile the ideas of peace and freedom and if we believe we cannot have freedom with peace or peace with freedom act accordingly" Speaking at the last chapel service of the college year Sills said he had "slowly and inevitably come to the conclusion that dreadful as war is there are alternatives worse than war and living in a world where freedom is mockery is such an MONTREAL May Dorothy Thompson American author and journalist and Dr Hu Shih Chinese ambassador to Washington received honorary doctor of letters degrees today from McGill university The university's highest award the honorary doctor of laws degree went to Princess Alice wife of Canada's governor-general and to Avfolrrvlm Air Finn a 'rl ftritih hifrh CROWE FUNERAL HOME a rnr Kit-hard Crnwr it FUNERAL DIRECTORS II FKnl Arc Dal Britain's fledgling paratroops make their first jumps from contraptions like this a basket attached to a eaptive balloon Photo shows hole in bottom of basket simulating opening in fusclases of from which parachutists take off It's the same the world over come Saturday night so this member of the South African engineers corps in Kenya colony sliced a gasoline barrel in hall and put himself piuj uoap and water in it Mourning doves fed their young on "milk- a fluid food brought up from the crop i commissioner for Canada alternative".

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.