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Abt SRBI Inc. 1-1

2012-2014 LIRR Origin and Destination Report

Volume I: Travel Behavior Among All LIRR Passengers

August 23, 2016

Prepared for:

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

2 Broadway New York, NY 10004

Submitted by: Abt SRBI

275 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10001

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Abt SRBI Inc. 1-2

2012 LIRR Origin and Destination Survey

Table of Contents

1. Background and Objectives ................................................................................................... 1-7

2. Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 2-8

2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2-8

2.2 Sampling Plan ................................................................................................................. 2-8

2.3 General Passenger Count Methodology ......................................................................... 2-9

2.4 General Travel Behavior Methodology ........................................................................ 2-10

3. Pretests ................................................................................................................................... 3-11

3.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 3-11

3.2 Assessment of Head Count Designs ............................................................................. 3-11

3.3 Questionnaire Version Results ..................................................................................... 3-13

3.4 Training Evaluation ...................................................................................................... 3-13

3.5 Summary of Outcome of Pretests ................................................................................. 3-13

4. Implementation of Data Collection ..................................................................................... 4-15

4.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 4-15

4.2 Training ........................................................................................................................ 4-15

4.3 Passenger Counts .......................................................................................................... 4-16

4.3.1 Figure 1 – Sample Eastbound Count Sheet .................................................... 4-17

4.3.2 Figure 2 – Counting Clicker ........................................................................... 4-18

4.4 Survey Questionnaire ................................................................................................... 4-18

4.4.1 Figure 3 – Sample Westbound Count Sheet ................................................... 4-19

4.4.2 Figure 4 – Sample Questionnaire Cover ......................................................... 4-21

5. Data Entry, Processing and Weighting ............................................................................... 5-23

5.1 Count Data .................................................................................................................... 5-23

5.2 Survey Data .................................................................................................................. 5-23

5.3 Survey Cleaning ........................................................................................................... 5-24

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5.4 Geocoding ..................................................................................................................... 5-25

5.5 Survey Data Expansion ................................................................................................ 5-33

6. Results .................................................................................................................................... 6-40

6.1 Passenger Count Data (Head Counts) .......................................................................... 6-40

6.1.1 Departure Branch - Weekday ......................................................................... 6-41

6.1.2 Departure Branch - Weekend ......................................................................... 6-43

6.2 Travel Information – Weekday and Weekend Westbound Customers (Survey Data) . 6-44

6.2.1 Trip Purpose ................................................................................................... 6-44

6.2.2 Trip Frequency ............................................................................................... 6-45

6.2.3 Westbound Trip Origin – Location, Type, and Time ..................................... 6-46

6.2.4 Westbound Origin Station and Train Boarding Time ..................................... 6-50

6.2.5 Station Access Mode ...................................................................................... 6-52

6.2.6 Parking ............................................................................................................ 6-53

6.2.7 Transfer Stations ............................................................................................. 6-56

6.2.8 Westbound Destination Station ...................................................................... 6-57

6.2.9 Station Egress Mode ....................................................................................... 6-58

6.2.10 Train/Bus Use ................................................................................................. 6-60

6.2.11 Westbound Final Trip Destination.................................................................. 6-61

6.2.12 Ticket Type ..................................................................................................... 6-67

6.2.13 Timeframe of Eastbound Trip ........................................................................ 6-69

6.3 Travel Information – Weekday and Weekend Eastbound Customers (Survey Data) .. 6-71

6.3.1 Trip Purpose ................................................................................................... 6-71

6.3.2 Trip Frequency ............................................................................................... 6-72

6.3.3 Eastbound Trip Origin – Location and Type .................................................. 6-73

6.3.4 Eastbound Origin Station ................................................................................ 6-76

6.3.5 Eastbound Station Access Mode .................................................................... 6-78

6.3.6 Eastbound Transfer Stations ........................................................................... 6-80

6.3.7 Eastbound Destination Branch ....................................................................... 6-81

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Abt SRBI Inc. 1-4

6.3.8 Eastbound Station Egress Mode ..................................................................... 6-82

6.3.9 Eastbound Final Trip Destination ................................................................... 6-83

6.3.10 Ticket Type ..................................................................................................... 6-84

6.4 Demographic Characteristics of LIRR Customers ....................................................... 6-86

6.4.1 Home Location ............................................................................................... 6-86

6.4.2 Education Level .............................................................................................. 6-87

6.4.3 Occupation Type ............................................................................................. 6-88

6.4.4 Employment by Industry ................................................................................ 6-89

6.4.5 Licensed Drivers ............................................................................................. 6-90

6.4.6 Motor Vehicle Ownership .............................................................................. 6-91

6.4.7 Household Income .......................................................................................... 6-93

6.4.8 Gender ............................................................................................................ 6-94

6.4.9 Age ................................................................................................................. 6-95

6.4.10 Race/Ethnicity ................................................................................................ 6-96

7. Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 7-97

7.1 Appendix A. LIRR Daypart Definitions ....................................................................... 7-97

7.2 Appendix B. LIRR Branch Definitions ........................................................................ 7-98

7.3 Appendix C. Training Manual ...................................................................................... 7-99

7.4 Appendix D. Paper Questionnaire .............................................................................. 7-114

7.5 Appendix E. Sample Screenshots of Web Survey ...................................................... 7-116

7.6 Appendix F. Frequent New York City “Places” ......................................................... 7-118

7.7 Appendix G. City/Town Boundaries with 85% or Greater Coverage ........................ 7-120

7.8 Appendix H. MTA LIRR Station Locations Used for Geocoding ............................. 7-131

7.9 Appendix I. Regional Zone Numbers ......................................................................... 7-137

7.10Appendix J. “ZIP Buildings” List* ............................................................................ 7-139

7.11 Appendix K. Detailed Count Tables .......................................................................... 7-141

7.11.1 Notes ............................................................................................................. 7-141

7.11.2 Travel Patterns by Daypart: Weekdays ........................................................ 7-141

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Abt SRBI Inc. 1-5

7.11.3 Travel Patterns by Daypart: Weekends ........................................................ 7-141

7.11.4 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekday Westbound ................................. 7-142

7.11.5 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekday Eastbound ................................... 7-143

7.11.6 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekend Westbound ................................. 7-144

7.11.7 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekend Eastbound ................................... 7-145

7.12Appendix L. Detailed Survey Tables ......................................................................... 7-146

7.12.1 Notes ............................................................................................................. 7-146

7.12.2 Trip Purpose ................................................................................................. 7-146

7.12.3 Trip Frequency ............................................................................................. 7-147

7.12.4 Trip Origin Location ..................................................................................... 7-148

7.12.5 Trip Origin Location Type ........................................................................... 7-149

7.12.6 Trip Origin Time .......................................................................................... 7-150

7.12.7 Home Location ............................................................................................. 7-151

7.12.8 Origin Station: Westbound ........................................................................... 7-152

7.12.9 Origin Station: Eastbound ............................................................................ 7-156

7.12.10 Station Access Mode: Westbound .............................................................. 7-156

7.12.11 Station Access Mode: Eastbound ............................................................... 7-157

7.12.12 Parking Location ......................................................................................... 7-157

7.12.13 Paid Parking Characteristics ....................................................................... 7-158

7.12.14 Minutes Walked to Train Platform ............................................................. 7-159

7.12.15 Scheduled Departure Time ......................................................................... 7-160

7.12.16 Transfer Station .......................................................................................... 7-161

7.12.17 Final Destination Station: Westbound ........................................................ 7-161

7.12.18 Final Destination Station: Eastbound ......................................................... 7-162

7.12.19 Station Egress Mode: Westbound ............................................................... 7-166

7.12.20 Station Egress Mode: Eastbound ................................................................ 7-167

7.12.21 Number of Trains or Buses used to Reach Final Destination ..................... 7-167

7.12.22 Final Trip Destination ................................................................................. 7-168

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7.12.23 Final Destination Location Type ................................................................ 7-169

7.12.24 Time from LIRR Station to Final Destination ............................................ 7-169

7.12.25 Destination Arrival Time ............................................................................ 7-170

7.12.26 Total Trip Time .......................................................................................... 7-171

7.12.27 Ticket Type ................................................................................................. 7-172

7.12.28 Ticket Purchase Location ........................................................................... 7-173

7.12.29 Timeframe of Eastbound Trip .................................................................... 7-173

7.12.30 LIRR Stations Used for Eastbound Trip ..................................................... 7-173

7.12.31 Scheduled Departure Time of First Eastbound Train ................................. 7-174

7.12.32 Eastbound Trip – Subway Access .............................................................. 7-175

7.12.33 Education .................................................................................................... 7-176

7.12.34 Occupation .................................................................................................. 7-176

7.12.35 Industry ....................................................................................................... 7-177

7.12.36 Number of Licensed Drivers in Household ................................................ 7-177

7.12.37 Number of Vehicles in Household ............................................................. 7-178

7.12.38 Vehicle Availability for Westbound Trip ................................................... 7-178

7.12.39 Number of Car Trips into Manhattan per Month ........................................ 7-178

7.12.40 Household Income ...................................................................................... 7-179

7.12.41 Gender ........................................................................................................ 7-179

7.12.42 Age ............................................................................................................. 7-180

7.12.43 Hispanic Origin ........................................................................................... 7-180

7.12.44 Race/Ethnicity ............................................................................................ 7-180

7.12.45 Importance of LIRR Service in Choosing Home Location ........................ 7-181

7.13Appendix M. Complete Count Summary Tables ....................................................... 7-182

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1. Background and Objectives

This report summarizes the 2012-2014 Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)/ Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Origin and Destination (OD) Survey, conducted by Abt SRBI, Inc. for the MTA. The study involved two processes. First, it captured train boarding and alighting figures by way of head counts. Second, it provided a more in-depth travel and demographic profile of customers by way of self-reported surveys.

The OD Study was designed to provide a complete, geographically detailed representation of LIRR passenger travel patterns. Thus, it generated data that will serve as inputs into decision and benchmarking models as the LIRR undergoes significant service changes in the coming years (i.e., East Side Access). Specifically, it will be used to augment MTA’s regional transit ridership forecast models used to support development of New Starts transit projects. It will also satisfy MTA’s requirements for ridership data collection within the past 5 years to validate the performance of these models. In addition, data collected will be instrumental for compliance with Title VI reporting. Finally, the data obtained will also be used to satisfy a multitude of information needs in the day-to-day operations of LIRR. Abt SRBI collected the surveys and passenger counts from September 2012 through May 2014.1

The results are reported in two volumes. This report, Volume I, refers to travel behavior among the universe of LIRR customers. Travel and demographic data was collected using self-reported surveys collected onboard LIRR trains, by mail and web. In addition, passenger count data was also collected onboard Eastbound and Westbound trains. This report presents descriptive findings from both the survey and count data collection efforts. Although passenger count summaries from head counts (not from the self-reported surveys) are presented in the body of the report and in the Appendix, these should be used with caution. The figures may overstate actual ridership at specific locations by unavoidably including persons who transfer from one train to another. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

A second volume - Volume II of this report takes a closer look at specific subpopulations of interest as identified by LIRR.

1 Some time periods were avoided. See Section 2 (“Methodology”) of this report for discussion on scheduling.

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2. Methodology

2.1 Overview

The methodology was designed to meet the objective of capturing the universe of LIRR passengers for station boarding/alighting counts per station and self-reported detailed travel behavior. LIRR has been conducting these surveys for many decades; however this survey was completely redesigned to improve overall accuracy, capture travelers using new inter-agency transfer points (i.e., Port Authority of New York & New Jersey AirTrain JFK) and provide consistency to OD data captured for other MTA agencies, particularly MTA Metro North Railroad (MNR) from 2007. To meet this goal, development of the new design was a long, careful process and involved several tasks including the development of a new sampling frame, survey instrument, data collection protocols, and data processing. Throughout the process, quality assurance and testing were employed to ensure accuracy and unbiased findings. Also, each phase required approval by a large committee of MTA, LIRR and AECOM (statistical consultant) representatives before implementation. The final outcome was data that met or exceeded the thresholds set by MTA for sample size and quality.

2.2 Sampling Plan

The sampling plan called for passenger counts to be collected on every train operated by the LIRR, encompassing travel on weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. In order to obtain the most accurate snapshot of “typical” ridership across all LIRR branches, weekday fieldwork was conducted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only. Mondays and Fridays were excluded from the field schedule to eliminate any biases that might be caused by residual atypical weekend travel. Daypart definitions for the field period can be found in Appendix A.

Similarly, the main portion of the field period did not include holiday times, extra trains on holiday eves, and summer months, which were deemed as atypical. In addition, there was no field work during severe weather, and schedules were modified when possible to minimize ridership biases that could stem from fare increases, special events, and scheduled track maintenance work. One major weather related incident was Super Storm Sandy, which struck New York City in late October 2012 and resulted in major service disruptions on LIRR. The OD survey was suspended until January 2013 due to atypical LIRR service following the storm.

A supplementary sample of 24 specially targeted “Summer-Only” trains was separately fielded in July and August of 2012. The discussion on these trains can be found in the supplementary report on special populations in Volume II and is not included here. Note that some of these unique summer trains operated only on Fridays and Mondays.

Every station was included in this study and was assigned to a branch based upon LIRR definitions. However, there were no dedicated trains for the few City Terminals Branch stations located between Jamaica and Woodside. Instead, these stations were completely canvassed within other branches. In contrast, the few trains servicing only the Jamaica to Atlantic Terminal route are reported separately.

Daypart definitions may be found in Appendix A. Branch definitions can be found in Appendix B.

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2.3 General Passenger Count Methodology

In the main portion of the study, passenger counts were collected onboard the universe of 1,662 Eastbound and Westbound trains. This excludes the additional 24 “Summer-Only” trains mentioned above and reported upon separately in Volume II. The onboard counting methodology was previously used in the Metro-North Railroad 2007 Origin and Destination study and found to be the most effective and accurate way of collecting data. It was also identified as a way to avoid counting errors at LIRR stations where numerous entrance and egress options make it very difficult to track passengers properly (e.g., Jamaica, Woodside, and Penn Station) or where LIRR platforms act as thoroughfares for other transportation modes (i.e., using the Woodside platform to access the subway).

Generally, two field interviewers were stationed in each train car– one at each door in each car within each train set.2 Typically two doors opened per car; however, in some instances during rush hours on multi-platform stations (e.g., Hicksville and Jamaica), the number of open doors per train increased twofold since both the left and right doors open. Despite doors opening on both sides, two interviewers per car were used in these instances as well. Counts at these stations could still be completed with two interviewers per car. At each station, the interviewers were required to count all boarding (“ons”) and alighting (“offs”) passengers at their respective doors. Between stations, one of the interviewers would walk through the car and count the total number of passengers seated and standing.3 The car counts were later used to reconcile and validate door counts. Once validated, full train head counts were tallied and submitted on a rolling basis to MTA and LIRR for review and approval. After approval, Abt SRBI constructed a full matrix of station and branch head counts. Having the on, off, and onboard counts for whole trains provided the most complete picture of the activity within the train runs.

Note that, although passenger count summaries from head counts are presented in this report, they are to be used with caution. The figures represent people boarding trains and include those who transfer from one train to another, resulting in overstated counts. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

In addition to the head counts, Westbound trains (e.g.: toward Manhattan) also included a survey component. While SRBI crew members would be assigned to perform head counts of passengers, their partner would be responsible for distributing surveys to newly boarded passengers. Each agent was required to return to their post at the train door to prepare for counting as the train approached the next station. More on this effort is described below.

Exhibits of training manuals and collection tools may be found latter in this methodology section and in Appendix C.

2 Generally, there were two field interviewers per car; exceptions were very low ridership trains where it was deemed more cost efficient to reduce staff.

3 For bi-level trains with high ridership, a third crew member was stationed in each car in order to count onboard passengers on the upper level.

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Abt SRBI Inc. 2-10

2.4 General Travel Behavior Methodology

Concurrent with passenger counting, distribution and collection4 of surveys took place onboard all LIRR trains to all passengers traveling Westbound, towards terminal stations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Western Queens. The survey instrument asked respondents about both legs of their trip when applicable (return trip, or corresponding Eastbound trip.) In addition to door counts at station stops, at least one interviewer in each car was responsible for distribution and collection of paper surveys between stations.

Restricting survey distribution to only the Westbound direction was deemed the best method since it allowed for collection of most data for both legs of trip and avoided question redundancy, heavy burden on passengers, and unnecessary costs. The overall response rate was 48.6%, which exceeded the 40% that was targeted. Exhibits of training manuals and collection tools may be found later in this methodology section and in Appendix C. The survey instrument may be found in Appendix D and E.

4 A web and mail option was also offered to passengers who wished to fill in the survey at a later time. Each survey had a unique code that was respondents had to enter in order to submit survey via web.

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3. Pretests

3.1 Background

Pretests for the LIRR OD project were conducted on May 2nd and May 3rd of 2012. The pretests were intended to meet numerous objectives.

First and most importantly, the pretests were required to test two possible full-scale designs for data collection. One involved head counts and survey distribution per train at the station platform, and the other involved onboard counts and distribution. For each of the two designs, survey distribution was Westbound only.

Additionally, two versions of the survey instrument were tested for completeness and response rate. At issue was the placement of the residence address question for those who did not start or end the trip at home. In one version, placement was early in the survey, right after the start location question; in the other version, it was at the end of the survey, just prior to the contest invitation. This test was conducted because it was unclear which placement of the residence question would be more effective in eliciting a response (i.e., is placement up front in the survey with another address question more effective than placement towards the end of the survey with other background questions?).

Additionally, the pretests were administered to help identify any issues with general training protocols, from which revisions could be made prior to main implementation.

3.2 Assessment of Head Count Designs

Design #1: Station Platform Head Counts

The platform-based design pretest was conducted on Tuesday, May 2nd from 8am to 9am at Hicksville station. Peak hour was chosen as the time period given train frequency and ridership volume. Similarly, Hicksville was selected as the site given its ridership volume and complexity as this station has two above-ground platforms servicing three tracks and both Westbound and Eastbound travel. Counts and survey distribution for ten trains were completed: six were Westbound and four were Eastbound. The train types of train sets included Electric (M3 and M7 equipment) and Diesel. Three SRBI field crew members were assigned to each platform, two responsible for counting passengers getting on and off from one car and one for survey distribution; the car selected was deemed to be highest in traffic given its location immediately adjacent to the access stair and escalator. In addition, one person per train (onboard) was dedicated to collecting surveys just prior to Jamaica station. Supervisors and senior level Abt SRBI project manager observers were also present.

The total count for Westbound passengers yielded a pseudo onboard ridership count of 143 for this one car at Hicksville during the entire peak period. This count was within a reasonable range given expected ridership (average per car of 102 from 2011 Ridership Book) and adjusting for the position of the car adjacent to high-traffic easy platform access points. This pretest noted that there may be an issue about capturing an exact count per train on platforms that service both Eastbound and Westbound trains during the same time period, and in incidences where passengers arrive at a platform too early and allow a train or two to pass by before embarking on the chosen train (e.g., they may be waiting for a friend, an express/local train, or for a non-peak, lower cost train).

Questionnaire distribution was more problematic. First, one of the two platforms at Hicksville served both the Eastbound and Westbound direction, with a significant Eastbound ridership. Thus it was not

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easily detectable whether any particular waiting passenger was heading Westbound and should have been given a survey. It was not surprising, therefore, that some Eastbound passengers were given a survey in error. The “on” count was 143, yet the number of surveys given out was 148. Given that not all Westbound passengers agreed to take a survey, this finding suggested a significant number of Eastbound passengers were given a survey in error.

Moreover, response rates were low. Of the 148 distributed, keeping in mind that some were given out in error, the number of surveys received back with at least something filled in was 31; the minimum criteria of having both origin and destination station records, and traveling Westbound brought the number down to 27. The response rate, calculated by dividing the number with an OD station traveling Westbound by the “ons” was 19%. This was far lower than the 40% goal.

Design #2: Onboard Head Counts

The onboard design pretest was conducted on Wednesday, May 3rd from 8am to noon on the Long Beach Branch. Both peak and non-peak hours were captured and included two Westbound trains and one Eastbound train. The Long Beach Branch was selected for the pilot because the train duration was not too long (each trip took about an hour) and each train started or ended at Penn Station. Moreover, this branch had the full range of station proximity configurations - in close proximity (2-3 minutes apart) and stations that were further apart. These trains included electric train sets only. Two SRBI field crew members were assigned to each car. One person was responsible for door counting and distributing surveys; the other was responsible for door and onboard counting. Supervisors and senior level Abt SRBI observers were also present.

The station-to-station “ons” counts for the first Westbound train (#825) correlated nicely with the onboard counts at each station, with most counts reconciling exactly. Valley Stream, Jamaica, and Woodside had minor discrepancies between the reported onboard counts and the expected onboard counts based on boarding passengers. The difference between the two numbers ranged from four to seven passengers in each case. This was likely due to passengers moving between cars. Counts on the second Westbound train (#833) were very similar. The only onboard count discrepancies occurred at Lynbrook, Valley Stream, and Jamaica. For this train, counts were at most off by two passengers. The table below shows onboard counts as they compare to the counts in the 2011 LIRR Ridership Book.

Table 1. 2012-2014 LIRR Survey Pretest Counts and 2011 LIRR Ridership Book Counts: Comparison of Onboard Counts

Train Car

Onboard Count

Number of Cars

Approximate Train Onboard


2011 LIRR Ridership


825 59 10 590 570 East of Jamaica 89 10 890 900 West of Jamaica

833 27 10 270 210 East of Jamaica 35 10 350 300 West of Jamaica

The process appeared to go smoothly for all stations except at the initiation station, where passengers climbed onboard before we could assemble our crews in place. The process was also difficult at Jamaica station, where counting both “ons” and “offs” simultaneously for double doors was very difficult.

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Questionnaire distribution went smoothly with no particular problems or issues. Of the 111 surveys that were distributed onboard trains, 54 were returned, yielding a 49% response rate, far higher than what was achieved with the platform approach and exceeding the 40% goal.

3.3 Questionnaire Version Results

Of the 95 eligible collected surveys (with an OD station pair) across both pretest data collection protocols, 33 were version 1 (place of residence question was early in the order of questions) and 62 were version 2 (placement of residence question was later). In each version, most gave an address that was their home address and so the residence follow-up question was not needed. Of the ones where that question was required (9 total), 3 were version 1 and 6 were version 2, roughly an equal proportion. All 3 in version 1 answered the follow-up residence question. Only 2 of the 6 in version 2 answered the follow-up residence question.

Table 2. Results of Pretest Questionnaire Testing

Version 1 (earlier in the

question order )

Version 2 (later in the

question order) Number of surveys completed 33 62 Number of respondents needing the follow-up residency question

3 6

Number of respondents who answered the follow-up residency question

3 (100%) 2 (33%)

The sample sizes were quite small; however it appeared that version 1, with the residency question earlier, was more effective in eliciting a response to the follow-up residence question where needed.

3.4 Training Evaluation

The pretests confirmed that the general training protocols were effective as no other noteworthy operational issues were encountered apart from what was presented above.

3.5 Summary of Outcome of Pretests

Based on the findings from the pretests, several decisions were made for the main study. First, to respond to specific pretest objectives, it was decided that the onboard design would be employed, mainly because it yielded the required response rate Second, it was decided that version 1 of the questionnaire with the follow-up residence question earlier in the question order would be used because it yielded more complete responses.

In addition, count procedures would be adjusted. At the initiation station, we would count onboards as a substitute for the “ons” to account for the fact that customers may have already boarded before we

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were able to position the crew. Also, at stations where doors open on both sides, counts of only “offs” and onboards would be conducted; the “ons” would be derived mathematically.5

Most importantly, MTA/LIRR and Abt SRBI agreed that the pretests were necessary and yielded important information to allow for a more efficient, accurate and smooth implementation process.

5 While not an integral part of the pretests, it was also determined that major transferring activity at Jamaica led to counting errors. Thus it was determined that station counts were best gathered by recording “onboards” and “offs” only, with a mathematical computation of “ons.”

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Abt SRBI Inc. 4-15

4. Implementation of Data Collection

4.1 Overview

Data collection took place after the pretest determinations, starting in September 2012 and concluding in May 2014.6 This length of data collection was needed to support a high-quality and well-supervised field team, resulting in superior quality in collected data compared to results from past OD projects which had attempted to complete similar levels of field work in a more truncated time period. Field work was halted during holiday times and summertime due to atypical ridership patterns, and during the time period immediately after Super Storm Sandy in October 2012. Special consideration was made at scheduling around special events, including a spring fare increase and track work when possible. A total of 1,662 trains were counted, not including the special summertime effort, encompassing the entirety of the LIRR system at the time of fieldwork. Over 200 in-house Abt SRBI staff were mobilized to count and survey the LIRR system over the duration of the study.

Each shift was staffed according to train set information provided by LIRR, with crew size based on the maximum number of interviewers needed for the largest train on a shift. Each shift was headed by a field supervisor. Shifts were designed to be as efficient as possible, minimizing both the number of deadhead (non-working) trips necessary to field all trains and the downtime between working trains. Deadheads were used only to shuttle workers to initiation stations when there were no other options. In rare instances where no LIRR service was available, staff were picked up from the Abt SRBI midtown Manhattan office and shuttled out to their start location via vans.

Field supervisors were responsible for distributing field materials (pencils, surveys, count sheets, aprons) to staff and collecting them at the end of the shift. Staff members were also equipped with LIRR-issued ID badges, safety vests, and clickers for counting. Onboard trains, their responsibilities included taking detailed notes about train conditions and monitoring staff to ensure established protocols were being followed. Collected materials were stored in a private room in Penn Station, from which it was then transported to Abt SRBI’s office.

Weekly status meetings were held while field work was in session. During these meetings, Abt SRBI would provide updates to the MTA/LIRR on the previous week’s field work, as well as discuss any outstanding issues, such as upcoming deliverables or any challenges that had come up during the week. Abt SRBI also kept a running train tally that tracked the week-to-week progress of field work. This train tally was provided for MTA and LIRR before each weekly meeting. The survey schedule was also provided to MTA/LIRR for the following week.

4.2 Training

Training sessions were integral to proper preparation for fieldwork and were held regularly at Abt SRBI’s office. All new staff members were required to complete training for the study before being eligible for field work. In addition, Abt SRBI re-trained all staff after a long period of downtime, particularly after Super Storm Sandy and the summer months.

The training was comprehensive and covered the following general topic areas:

6 Field work was also conducted for 24 additional seasonal “summer only” trains during July and August of 2012.

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Overview of the study

Dress code

Role division onboard trains

Directions on how to use clickers

How to complete the count forms

Proper behavior

What to do in the event of service disruptions

What to do at the end of a shift

The full training manual can be found in Appendix C.

In addition to formal training sessions, field supervisors reinforced established protocols on a regular basis during the course of fieldwork.

4.3 Passenger Counts

Passengers were counted on all Eastbound and Westbound trains in the system, with the exception of special trains during holiday and summer periods (see Volume II for supplementary special trains counted during the summer). Field staff were stationed at each train door and responsible for counting the boarding and alighting passengers at each station. Between stations, one agent in each car would be responsible for obtaining a total onboard head count of people within the car. When necessary, bi-level trains would also be staffed with a third crew member whose responsibility was to obtain the onboard head count of the top level of the train. In cases of extremely low ridership, some trains would only be staffed with one survey agent per car.

As mentioned in the Pretests section, at the initial station for a train run, onboard counts were collected in lieu of “ons”. At Jamaica, staff were instructed to focus on only the “off” counts because it would be difficult to count both the “ons” and “offs” at the same time given that the doors often open on both sides at this major transfer point. The “off” counts were chosen over “on” as this would reduce chances of errors in counting given customers tend to line-up before the train arrives. The on counts for Jamaica were then imputed using an arithmetical formula based on the onboard figure at the prior station, as well as the “offs” and onboard numbers for Jamaica station.

Field staff used clickers and recorded counts on a custom count form that were pre-populated to specify the train number and the scheduled station stops (See Figures 1 and 2 below) for each train. At the end of each round trip, field staff would submit all count sheets to the field supervisor, who would review each sheet for completeness.

Counts were submitted to MTA/LIRR on a rolling basis for review and approval throughout the duration of the study. This is described in more detail in Section 5.1 (“Count Data”) of this report.

Note: During the period when the counts were performed, weekend service on the West Hempstead Branch was suspended due to budget cuts. Therefore, no weekend count data is available for the West Hempstead Branch.

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4.3.1 Figure 1 – Sample Eastbound Count Sheet

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4.3.2 Figure 2 – Counting Clicker

A counting clicker (see Figure 2) was used to keep record how many customers were getting off and boarding.

4.4 Survey Questionnaire

The OD survey questionnaire was offered to passengers on all Westbound trains. Questionnaire distribution took place concurrently with the train counts.

Survey packages were carefully prepared for each car in a train. Each package was packed generously, at approximately 125% of expected ridership, in order to eliminate the risk that a field interviewer would run out of questionnaires to distribute. As an extra precaution, the supervisor also carried supplemental surveys to distribute if needed.

As an added level of quality control, each survey had a unique PIN number on the cover page and the PIN number on successive surveys in each bag would be in sequential order. The Westbound count forms included a field where the interviewer had to enter their top serial number at each station (see Figure 3 above). The sequential ordering of PIN numbers helped Abt SRBI track the survey range for each train and each station within a train run. As the PIN ranges were used for control, once a train has been fielded, no questionnaires from the corresponding range were repurposed for other fieldwork.

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4.4.1 Figure 3 – Sample Westbound Count Sheet

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The survey questionnaire was distributed in a paper survey format to any customers willing to take it onboard all Westbound trains. It was designed with the assumption that the primary response mode would be administration and collection onboard trains. However, respondents were also given additional options to return their surveys via postage-paid Business Reply Mail or by completing a corresponding web survey. In addition, the questionnaire was available in both English and Spanish both in paper and online.

In total, 119,002 completed surveys were obtained over the course of the field period, exceeding the 40% goal. Of those, the vast majority 117,504 (98.7%) were collected onboard trains. Very few respondents mailed back their surveys, 1,175 (1.0%) or completed it online, 323 (0.3%). In all, 3,998 surveys (about 3%) were completed in Spanish. Almost all of these were completed onboard using the paper instrument. None of the web completes were in Spanish.

The front panel of the questionnaire included an appeal to customers to help LIRR improve its service by participating in the survey, information about the cash drawing to further incentivize participation, and information about how to access the survey online. Each questionnaire cover (see Figure 4 below) also contained a unique PIN number (Password) that served 3 purposes for the study:

Unique identifier – each PIN was only printed once, so there were no duplicates in the study. This identifier was consistent across both paper and web surveys.

Web survey access – each PIN served as a password for access to the web survey for respondents

who wished to complete it online. Once a survey had been completed, that PIN was locked out from the web survey, ensuring that each PIN number would only be used once.

Train association – When preparing materials for field work, Abt SRBI kept a record of which

PIN ranges were packed for each train. Since the PIN numbers were unique and consecutive, it was possible to track exactly which surveys corresponded to any given train. This was important and could be used to confirm or refute reported travel behavior, as well as fill in missing station information from surveys if possible.

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4.4.2 Figure 4 – Sample Questionnaire Cover

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The order of questions within the survey followed the respondent’s Westbound trip from the start, asking about their trip origin, origin station, and station access mode. Some questions on parking were then presented to respondents who accessed their Westbound LIRR station by car. After asking about any potential transfer stations, the focus then shifted to the destination station, destination location and destination access mode. After the Westbound related questions, the survey then asked about the respondent’s corresponding Eastbound trip. The next section collected demographic information about the respondent. At the end of the questionnaire, respondents had the opportunity to enter into a drawing (10 prizes of $250 each) by providing their contact information.

The copy of the full paper questionnaire can be found in Appendix D along with example screenshots of the web survey in Appendix E.

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5. Data Entry, Processing and Weighting

5.1 Count Data

All field materials were returned to Abt SRBI offices from collection holding areas in Penn Station, where they were reviewed for accuracy and clarity. While in-field assurance checks were done by supervisors on site, each field person’s count sheet was once again reviewed in detail in the home office to ensure they were consistent with the data input instructions that were outlined during field training and reinforced over time. Once the count sheets passed quality assurance guidelines, they were grouped by train and data entered.

The detailed train information provided in the entered count data was checked for accuracy and the count numbers were compared to the original counts sheets as necessary to confirm that no errors occurred during data entry.

Once the counts passed through review, they were submitted to the MTA/LIRR for approval. Any substantial discrepancies between expected ridership counts as provided by LIRR, and the counts obtained during field work were isolated and reported. When possible, Abt SRBI would also suggest explanations for what may have caused the discrepancy (e.g., special events, weather conditions). If the submitted counts were determined to be unrepresentative of typical travel, a train was flagged to be recounted. 36 trains (of the total 1,662 LIRR trains counted, or 2%) were recounted in this process.

Count data was delivered periodically over the course of the study. There were 23 sets of intermediate count data delivered, followed by an aggregate dataset containing all counts for all trains at the end of the study.

Note that, although passenger count summaries from head counts are presented in this report, they are to be used with caution. The figures represent people boarding trains and include those who transfer from one train to another, resulting in overstated counts. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

5.2 Survey Data

After surveys were collected from the field, they were separated based upon their completion status into three categories:

1. Questionnaires with both origin station and destination station questions answered (regardless of completion status of the rest of the questionnaire)

2. Questionnaires with no responses in either origin station or destination station questions 3. Blank questionnaires

If both the origin station and destination station questions were answered, the survey was counted as a “completed” survey. Any questionnaires that had other information but were missing either origin or destination station were set aside to see if they could be converted into a completed status using other available information to derive the origin or destination station. This was done primarily by referencing the “top serial number” for each station on the Westbound count sheet to determine the origin station where the survey was distributed. Additionally, in-house editing staff tried to determine whether the reported trip origin or trip destination was in close proximity to any of the stations on the train run. Any questionnaires for which both the origin station and destination station were not reported or could not be additionally determined, as well as all remaining blank questionnaires, were

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not included in further data processing. Out of the approximately 125,000 surveys returned, about 6,000 (5%) were excluded in this process. Each completed questionnaire was stamped with a unique ID and unique ID ranges were documented by train. These IDs served as an additional control measure to ensure each survey was matched correctly to the train it was surveyed on.

A web form, which was nearly identical to the web survey for respondents, was designed for data entry. This allowed Abt SRBI to track data entry progress, manage the format of the entered data, and enabled a more seamless merging of the paper responses with the respondent self-administered web responses.

Abt SRBI reviewed the entered survey data in batches, performed any necessary cleaning, and delivered the cases as intermediate datasets to MTA/LIRR. The survey data was delivered over 6 intermediate waves, followed by an aggregate dataset of all unweighted records at the end of the study. A fully weighted aggregate dataset was also delivered to the client.

5.3 Survey Cleaning

In order to qualify as a completed survey, a record had to contain both an origin and destination station. These two data points were required for data expansion. Using count data for reference, reported origin and destination stations were aligned to the control counts.

If the origin station was missing, a reviewer would refer to the count forms of the corresponding train. Westbound count forms contained fields to indicate the topmost survey PIN number for each station. This information would enable a reviewer to identify which station the survey’s PIN number was associated with. For example, if the topmost serial number for a train that stopped at the Babylon station was 052137 and the topmost serial number for Lindenhurst, the next station, was 052141, then a survey with the serial number of 052140 was handed out to a person boarding at Babylon station.

Other questions in the survey were carefully reviewed for consistency as well. In any instance where a sub-question was filled out but the parent question was not, the parent question was filled in by a review. Some examples include:

If a respondent did not select that they transferred at an LIRR station, but then specified a station where they transferred, the “yes” option to the “Did you transfer?” question was filled in.

If a respondent specified a subway line for their egress mode, but did not fill out the parent question indicating that the subway was used, the subway option was be filled in.

If a respondent wrote a response in an Other-Specify field, the reviewer would make sure the “Other” option in the parent question was also selected.

In addition to this type of cleaning, Abt SRBI reviewed the aggregate survey data after it was data entered to determine whether any “code-ups” into existing response categories were necessary. For example, a code-up to the existing category “Recreation” was made if a respondent indicated “have a meal” or “see a play” in the Other-Specify response for the trip purpose question since those are considered recreational purposes.

For some questions with Other-Specify responses, if a substantial number of respondents gave similar verbatim answers (typically more than 3% of initial waves); new answer choice codes were developed to aggregate these responses. For example, in the “address type” questions (Is this the address where you…?), a number of people reported either the address belonging to a person they

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were visiting or that the address was a place for recreational activity. New response codes for “visit family/friends” and “participate in recreational activities” were added to more clearly display these responses.

Any question that prompted a verbatim response from a respondent was left unedited in order to preserve raw data. The same is true for all Other-Specify responses that could not be coded up. For example, verbatim responses such as “too long”, “a few” or “-1” to Question 11 (“Please indicate how many minutes it took you to get from your parking spot to the train platform ”) were left unedited in the dataset. Similarly, responses such as “100018” or “train” to Q16 (“After exiting your last LIRR train, how many subways and/or buses will (did) you take to reach your final destination?”) were also left unedited. These responses, which indicate inadequate or erroneous reporting by the respondents, were retained to maintain the completeness of the data collected.

5.4 Geocoding

The address information collected from the respondents was central to the OD survey and an extensive set of geocoding procedures was developed and implemented to enable mapping of the address data. The agreed upon procedures included the following steps:

Step 1 – Survey data were organized into “waves” (or batches) with address question “consolidation” for geocoding.

a. Waves – Completed survey data was divided into 6 “waves” (chronological batches) of data. Each wave was then geocoded accordingly. Address data were processed one wave at a time, thus Wave 2 geocoding did not begin until Wave 1 geocoding was finalized. At the end of the study, an additional final data quality review of all geocoding was conducted for the entire dataset from all waves.

b. Consolidation – Survey questions with address data requiring geocoding were Question 3 –Trip origin location (Q3), Question 6 – Home location if trip did not begin at home (Q6), and Question 17 – Destination location (Q17). Each of these had distinct address fields such as:

“Q3ADD” (address) “Q3CITY” (city/town) “Q3ST” (state) “Q3ZIP” (ZIP code)

For geocoding purposes, the three questions containing address information were temporarily consolidated (with unique identifiers based on Respondent ID and question number) in order to make geocoding more streamlined and uniform. This process aided in geocoding by ensuring duplicate address information was coded identically among the three questions After geocoding was completed the original Q3, Q6, and Q17 fields were populated back to their original question structure via the unique identifier.

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Step 2 – Consolidated address table (created in Step 1b) was then categorized according to the input data quality in QADD, QCITY and QZIP.7

The data was organized as follows to geocode according to level of specificity and degree of completeness of input data:

a. Complete location (data provided in QADD, QCITY, and QZIP) b. Address only (data provided only in QADD, not in QCITY and not in QZIP) c. ZIP code (data provided in QZIP, not in QADD, but possibly in QCITY) d. City (data provided only in QCITY, not in QADD, not in QZIP) e. Null (no valid address data provided in QADD, QCITY, and QZIP)

Step 3 – The Complete Location (Step 2a), Address (Step 2b) and City (Step 2d) data from categories described above were reviewed manually and standardized.

a. Manual review of address records was completed to standardize the addresses, manually fix spelling errors, fill in missing data fields, and align data into correct data fields. General internet lookup tools were used to complete this manual address standardization process such as Google, Google Maps, Bing, Bing Maps, Yahoo, etc.

b. Street or intersection addresses as organized in Step 2b were assumed by default to be “New York, NY” if no QCITY and QZIP were provided. Unless noted otherwise as QST ≠“NY” or place names outside of New York City, such as “Huntington Station” or “Newark”, QCITY and QST were standardized to “New York, NY”. For example, if only “6th Ave” was provided in QADD, with QCITY and QZIP null, this record was standardized as “6TH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY”, with “New York, NY” defaulting to Manhattan if Borough was not specified.

c. Records with city only input in QCITY from Step 2d were manually standardized to correct city name with spelling errors fixed.

Step 4 – The standardized address records (Step 3) were geocoded as QACCU 1, 2A, 2B, 3, or 4.

a. Bing Maps REST services API was used for geocoding (WGS 84 coordinate system) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701715.aspx. Bing Maps API was used as the agreed upon geocoding software for availability of geocoding street data for the entire LIRR region uniformly. Use of ESRI GIS geocoding tools, geocoder setup, would have required gathering and management of street GIS layers from the different municipalities and counties, adding time, costs and inconsistencies through the region. Bing Maps API was used for the open source output of the geocoding precision (address, intersection, street, zip, city etc.) compared with other APIs such as Google Maps which does not provide this information in an open source manner.

7QST (State) was not used as criteria for this organization step. If data was provided in QST it was carried forth in all occurrences. If QST was not provided it was not a limitation as QST was filled in as result of geocoding output, and as per LIRR ridership is contained in NY State by default.

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b. The variables QX (Longitude) and QY (Latitude) were populated accordingly using geocoding output. Similarly, the variables QADDGIS, QCITYGIS, QZIPGIS, and QSTGIS were also populated using the geocoded address.

c. The geocoding output included a “precision” field used to populate QACCU as output

geocoding accuracy (i.e., what precision the coordinates represent). This variable can be used to guide use of geocoded address data depending on the type and intent of analysis being used. i. QACCU = 1 = House number, street, city, state, and ZIP code (resulted in geocoding at

the full address location) ii. QACCU = 2a = Street, city, and ZIP code (no house number) (resulted in geocoding to

the street centroid within the zip code) iii. QACCU = 2b = Street and city (no house number, no ZIP code) (resulted in geocoding to

the street centroid) iv. QACCU = 3 = ZIP code (resulted in geocoding to the zip code centroid) v. QACCU = 4 = City (resulted in geocoding to the city centroid) vi. QACCU = 0 = Ungeocoded (resulted in no geocode)

Step 5 – City and/or Zip only survey data, as noted in Step 2c and Step 2d, were geocoded.

a. For ZIP code data from Step 2c, a standardized list of all ZIP codes in the greater New York City region was used with ZIP code center point coordinates (i.e., centroids). The input data ZIP codes were joined to this list via a table join. QX (longitude) and QY (latitude) were populated for QZIPGIS, QCITYGIS and QSTGIS accordingly as well. By default, records with ZIP code and city were attempted to be geocoded to ZIP code accuracy first. If these could not be geocoded (i.e., the input ZIP code provided was not valid), then these records were geocoded to city as noted in Step 5b.

b. For city data from Step 2d, a standardized list of all cities (i.e., cities / towns) in the region was used with city center-point coordinates (i.e., centroids). The input provided cities from Step 2d were joined to this list via a table join. QX (longitude) and QY (latitude) were populated as well as QZIPGIS, QCITYGIS and QSTGIS accordingly.

c. Remaining ungeocoded records from 2c and 2d not geocoded in processes 5a and 5b were

manually examined and corrected to join to the ZIP code and city tables accordingly.

Step 6 – Additional adjustments to geocoding results were made after completion of all geocoding from Step 4 and Step 5.

a. All input locations for major transportation stations (NY Penn Station, Grand Central Station, Atlantic Terminal, JFK Airport, and LGA Airport) were checked for identical uniform geocoding. As these are exact locations, the geocoding precision was updated as QACCU = 1 for these as well.

b. As listed in Appendix F, a list of common New York City “places” was developed, and provided input locations matching these were checked for identical uniform geocoding accordingly. As these places were in-between a street geocoding accuracy and city geocoding accuracy, such as “SoHo”, the geocoding precision was updated as QACCU = 3, equivalent to the precision of ZIP code geocoding.

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c. As listed in Appendix G, a list of all cities/villages/towns in the region comprised of 85% or greater land coverage of only one ZIP code was developed. This list was used to geocode to ZIP code centroid coordinates for QACCU = 3 instead of only the city/town centroid coordinates of QACCU = 4. For example, if “Glen Cove, NY” was provided the ZIP code centroid of “11542” was added to the input as “Glen Cove, NY, 11542”; this town is comprised of only one ZIP code covering 95.4% of the town boundaries.

d. As listed in Appendix H, a list of all LIRR train stations was developed, and provided input locations of train stations matching these were checked for identical uniform geocoding accordingly. As these are exact locations, the geocoding precision was updated as QACCU = 1 for these as well.

Step 7 – After geocoding and adjustments were done final data quality checks were run.

a. Geocoded data with QACCU = 2A and QACCU = 2B were checked to see if the output address had a valid ZIP code field. QACCU was changed to reflect this (i.e., records with ZIP code were coded as 2a; records without ZIP code were coded as 2B).

b. All QACCU = 3 geocoded locations to ZIP codes were grouped and examined for uniformity of coordinates of identical geocoded ZIP codes.

c. All QACCU = 3 geocoded locations to place names were grouped and examined for uniformity of coordinates of identical geocoded places, in Appendix F .

d. All QACCU = 4 geocoded locations to cities were grouped and examined for uniformity of coordinates of identical geocoded cities.

e. Final coordinates in QX and QY were examined in tabular format for appropriate coordinate range in positive/negative sign accordingly.

f. Final coordinates in QX and QY were mapped and examined for locations in ESRI ArcGIS software.

g. Final coordinates in QX and QY in New York City were mapped and examined for New York City Borough locations in ESRI ArcGIS software. For example “5th Avenue, New York, NY” by default should be geocoded to Manhattan, and not to Brooklyn, whereas “6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY” should be geocoded to Brooklyn and not Manhattan. ArcGIS spatial locational queries were run to examine data attributes compared to coordinate locations in NYC Boroughs, from NYC Borough GIS layers.

h. The final data fields of QADDGIS, QCITYGIS, QSTGIS, and QZIPGIS were examined for data integrity to be correct (i.e., numeric ZIP codes only in QZIPGIS and 2 digit state codes in QSTGIS, etc.)

i. All remaining ungeocoded records were examined and reviewed for possible manual geocoding, and/or labeled as ungeocoded. Ungeocoded records were populated as QACCU = 0, and if the input survey record was null data then QSTATUS = 1, otherwise if the input data provided was ungeocodable then QSTATUS = 2. All geocoded records were populated as QSTATUS = 3.

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Step 8 – After data quality checks were completed, the previously developed regional zone GIS map was assigned to QZONE.

a. All final QX (Longitude) and QY (Latitude) geocoded coordinates were mapped in ESRI ArcGIS software to assign the zone through a “spatial join” process. The zones GIS layer and list was utilized from pervious LIRR surveys with zone assignments to allow from geographic zone comparisons between survey data. Appendix I lists the names of the 15 zones in the NY region with maps of the zones used to populate the QZONE field. Geocoded coordinates outside of the region were populated to QZONE as 0.

Step 9 – As noted in Step 1b the Q3, Q6, and Q17 address data was consolidated into temporary data fields for data processing as Q, QADD, QCITY, QST, and QZIP fields. The Q field, though it has no direct parallel variable in the data, was used to designate which of the three address questions the address data was pulled from.

a. Upon completion of all steps the consolidated address data was populated back accordingly to original questions of Q3, Q6, and Q17 data fields, from question number and temporary unique id.

Step 10 – For geocoded address records geocoded in Manhattan only with QACCU = 1 (Accuracy =1, full street and/or intersections), the NYC Department of City Planning (NYC DCP) Geosupport Desktop Edition geocoding package was used for additional geocoding.

a. This step was included after steps 1-9 to align Manhattan addresses with the NYC Department of City Planning (NYC DCP) Geosupport geocoding package. The “Geosupport Desktop Edition” package was downloaded, installed and tested first from http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/bytes/gdeguide.shtml

b. The corresponding coordinates were labeled QXGEOS (Longitude) and QYGEOS (Latitude) and included in the dataset. A corresponding QACCUGEOS value was provided to signify the accuracy level to which Geosupport was able to geocode the cases. These coordinates did not replace the coordinates produced by Bing API, but rather were provided as supplementary geocodes that can be used at MTA/LIRR’s preference and discretion.

Upon completion and review of the final geocoded dataset, additional geocoding quality controls and review were completed. The following adjustments were completed.

Geocoding Adjustment 1 – Geocoding Penn Station Manhattan addresses for increased geographic precision around the station area.

There were 4,077 addresses in the data (in all survey questions) with “11 Pennsylvania Plaza” as a final geocoded address.

a. Addresses indicating travel to/from Penn Station in Manhattan were all adjusted to “11 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY, 10001” with updated coordinates to 40.750434, -73.992119 and QACCU = 1. 3,091 of the 4,077 (75.8%) records were adjusted.

b. Addresses indicating travel to/from Madison Square Garden in Manhattan were all adjusted to “4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY, 10001” with updated coordinates to 40.74998, -73.99413 and QACCU = 1. 545 of the 4,077 (13.4%) records were adjusted.

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c. Addresses indicating specific “Penn Plaza” addresses were geocoded to the specific address provided, such as “2 Penn Plaza” and “7 Penn Plaza”, with QACCU = 1. Previously all references to “Penn Plaza” were geocoded only to the one single Penn Station location. 441 of the 4,077 (10.8%) records were adjusted.

Geocoding Adjustment 2 – Geocoding Atlantic Terminal Brooklyn addresses for increased geographic precision around the station area.

There were 1,775 addresses in the data (in all survey questions) with a reference to Atlantic Terminal, or 139 Flatbush, as a final geocoded address.

a. Addresses indicating travel to/from Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn were all adjusted to “139 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11217” with updated coordinates to 40.684403, -73.9777 and QACCU = 1. 863 of the 1,775 (48.6%) records were adjusted.

b. Addresses indicating travel to/from Barclay Center in Brooklyn were all adjusted to “620 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11217” with updated coordinates to 40.682678, -73.97540, and QACCU = 1. 284 of the 1,775 (16.0%) records were adjusted.

c. Addresses indicating specific locations around the Atlantic Terminal area were geocoded to the specific address provided, such as “Atlantic Terminal & Flatbush” and “Atlantic Terminal Hicks St”. Previously all references to “Atlantic” were geocoded only to the one single Atlantic Terminal location. 628 of the 1,775 (35.3%) records were adjusted.

Geocoding Adjustment 3 – Street Name without Building Number and with ZIP code (QACCU = 2A)

There were 20,695 addresses in the data (in all survey questions) with street name without building number and with ZIP code.

a. Addresses with same output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) remained unchanged with no adjustment required, determined as correct geocoding. No adjustment was made for 15,859 of the 20,695 (76.6%) records.

b. Addresses with different output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) required an adjustment, determined as incorrect geocoding. 4,836 of the 20,695 (23.4%) records were adjusted as follows:

1,753 records were successfully geocoded entirely again to correct ZIP code with accuracy (QACCU) = 1 or 2A.

251 records were matched to “ZIP buildings” list geocoded with accuracy (QACCU) = 1. “ZIP buildings” are specific buildings in NYC that have a single ZIP code designated for the entire building. Appendix J lists all the “ZIP buildings” used in this step.

2,464 were geocoded again to correct ZIP code as ZIP code centroid accuracy (QACCU) = 3.

23 were geocoded again to city centroid with accuracy (QACCU) = 4. 260 geocodes remained unchanged with after manual review determined that the output

ZIP code was correct. 5 records were ungeocoded to accuracy (QACCU) = 0 due to conflicting unresolved input

address data that could not be manually geocoded.

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-31

Geocoding Adjustment 4 – Street Name with Building Number and without ZIP code (QACCU = 2B)

There were 7,698 addresses in the data (in all survey questions) with street name without building number without ZIP code.

a. Upon further review by LIRR, it was determined these 7,698 records should remain unchanged with no adjustment required or possible.

Geocoding Adjustment 5 – Street Name with Building Number and with ZIP code (QACCU = 1 or 3)

There were 33,089 input addresses with a building number and street name (QADD) (in all survey questions) geocoded as QACCU = 1 with a provided ZIP code (QZIP).

a. Addresses with same output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) remained unchanged with no adjustment required, determined as correct geocoding. No adjustment was made for 25,380 of the 33,089 (76.7%) records.

b. Addresses with different output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) required an adjustment, determined as incorrect geocoding. 7,709 of the 33,089 (23.2%) records were adjusted as follows:

Of these 7,709, there existed 1,044 (3.1% overall from the 33,089) matching the New York City buildings with a single ZIP code list provided by LIRR. Adjustment to QACCU = 1 with ZIP codes of specific buildings.

Of these 7,709, there existed 652 (1.9% overall from the 33,089) that have exactly the same identical input address but differing input to output ZIP codes. These remained unchanged, determined as participant error on input ZIP code, with identical input / output addresses. No adjustment was made for these 652 records.

The remaining 6,013 (18.1% overall from the 33,089) records are primarily the result of participant error from not knowing the correct ZIP code to use for trip destination addresses, for example: Input: “32ND ST + 7TH AVE, NY, NY 10003” Output: “W 32ND ST & 7TH AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10001” http://binged.it/1M9VOYn

The provided input address does not match the output ZIP code when geocoded, but was not determined to be a geocoding error. The error is in the participant incorrectly providing the wrong ZIP code with the address. Thus, only the address, city and state were used to geocode correctly for the updated output ZIP code for that address location accordingly. In this input example the participant provided “32nd & 7th Ave” in Manhattan at 10003 but the correct ZIP code of that same intersection is 10001. In such cases the input ZIP code was ignored and the output geocoded corrected ZIP code was accepted. No adjustment was made for these 6,013 records.

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-32

There were 3,855 input addresses with a building and street (QADD) (in all survey questions) geocoded as QACCU = 3 with a provided ZIP code (QZIP).

a. Addresses with same output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) remained unchanged with no adjustment required, determined as correct geocoding. No adjustment was made for 3,492 of the 3,855 (90.6%) records.

b. Addresses with different output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) required an adjustment, determined as incorrect geocoding. 363 of the 3,855 (9.4%) records were adjusted as follows:

The records were first matched against New York City building ZIP codes list provided by LIRR, if matched then changed to QACCU = 1.

The remaining records were manually reviewed and all geocoded again accordingly to QACCU 1, 2A or 3, the highest geocoding precision possible in each case with manual review.

Geocoding Adjustment 6 – ZIP code only (QACCU = 3) There were 78,642 input addresses without a building/street (QADD) (in all survey questions) geocoded as QACCU = 3 with a provided ZIP code (QZIP).

a. Addresses with same output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) remained unchanged with no adjustment required, determined as correct geocoding. No adjustment was made for 77,800 of the 78,642 (98.9%) records.

b. Addresses with different output geocoded ZIP code (QZIPGIS) as input ZIP code (QZIP) required an adjustment, determined as incorrect geocoding. 842 of the 78,642 (1.1%) records were adjusted as follows:

624 records adjusted to ZIP code centroid (QACCU = 3) from manual review geocoding to ZIP codes.

218 records adjusted to city centroid (QACCU = 4) from manual review geocoding to city centroids from incorrect ZIP codes.

Geocoding Adjustment 7 – Composition of Zones used for QZONE assignment from 1998 and 2006 LIRR survey report methodology. The Zones outside of Manhattan are comprised of entire county boundaries. In Manhattan the 7 zones are comprised of the following ZIP code boundaries:

ZONE ZONEID ZIP CODES Downtown Manhattan 1 10004, 10005,10006, 10007, 10038, 10282 Lower Manhattan 2 10002, 10012, 10013, 10014 Mid-Manhattan West 3 10001, 10011, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10036 Mid-Manhattan East 4 10003, 10009, 10010, 10016, 10017, 10022 Upper West Side 5 10023, 10024, 10025, 10069, Upper East Side 6 10021, 10028, 10065, 10075, 10128, 10129

Upper Manhattan 710026, 10027, 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10037, 10039, 10040

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At the survey onset in 2012 the Geographic Zones agreed upon to be used were based on the 2006 LIRR ZIP code zones. The 2006 report noted the ZIP codes were used in each of the “zones” in 2006 that were actually derived from the 1998 report ZIP code list previously. Thus the protocols again were followed with the same ZIP code methodology from the 1998 to 2006 and currently, to use the ZIP code list from the 2006 report.

The ZIP code list from 2006 was examined and a new ESRI GIS shapefile was recreated based on the available 2012 ESRI GIS ZIP code polygon shapefile. There were a few minor additions and subtractions of ZIP codes that reflect the updates to the 2006 ZIP code list with the available 2012 ZIP code layer.

A top-level summary of the geocoding adjustments can be found below:

Geocoding Adjustment

Total Records Identified

No Change

X/Y Adjusted

ACCU Adjusted

1 4,077 10.8% 89.2% 0%

2 1,775 0.1% 99.9% 0%

3 20,695 77.9% 0% 22.1%

4 7,698 100.0% 0% 0%

5 33,089 96.8% 0% 3.2%

6 78,642 98.9% 0% 1.1%

7 N/A N/A N/A N/A

5.5 Survey Data Expansion

Data expansion, or weighting of the survey data, was conducted by AECOM under a separate contract with the MTA. This is a vital step in the survey process because it adjusts the results of the survey data collected to bring them more in line with what is known about a population, or in this case, the count totals. For example, if 50% of the weekday survey data collected is from trips made in the AM Peak, but AM Peak trips actually represent 68.5% of all weekday trips, data expansion or weighting can be used to statistically “increase the value” of each survey record to represent the population. It is also important to understand the difference between linked and unlinked trips. Linked trips capture the entire journey as one trip, even if there is a transfer along the way. Unlinked trips capture each time a person boards and alights any given LIRR train. A person making a single journey with a transfer from one LIRR train to another would count as two unlinked trips, but only one linked trip.

Passenger counts represent all people boarding trains and include those who transfer from one train to another resulting in overstated ridership counts. Thus the summaries from head counts are shown here but are to be used with caution. Transfer activity occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

Not only is it important to fully understand customer behavior, but with the LIRR East Side Access project, the role of Jamaica Station is likely to change in significant ways in the future. In order to predict how Jamaica Station is likely to function with the East Side Access project, it is essential that the MTA Regional Transit Forecasting Model be calibrated to represent, as best as possible, existing, measured customer behavior at Jamaica Station. The key to this assessment is to understand the following:

The magnitude of transfers between LIRR trains & services

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-34

The magnitude of transfers between LIRR and JFK AirTrain The magnitude of transfers between LIRR and NYCT Subway and Bus LIRR entry passengers (those who enter the LIRR at Jamaica) LIRR exit passengers (those who exit the LIRR to the local street network at Jamaica) For the 2012-2014 LIRR OD Survey effort, significant emphasis was placed on developing a methodology that allows the LIRR and MTA to understand all existing customer behavior at Jamaica. With the survey control counts collected as unlinked trips (total passengers boarding and alighting each train), the data expansion needs to be conducted in a consistent fashion. Following the initial data expansion to unlinked trips (boarding and alighting passengers) it is simple to calculate a linked trip weight. The linked trip weight calculation is performed by dividing the unlinked trip weight by the number of LIRR trains the trip record boarded. The number of LIRR trains boarded is derived based on a respondent’s reported transfers. In each case, this number equals to 1 plus the total number of transfers. For example, if a respondent reported one transfer, they boarded two separate trains (LIRR entry to transfer station, transfer station to LIRR exit).

AECOM (MTA/LIRR’s modeling consultant) recommended expanding the LIRR OD survey by day-parts to ensure that the expanded datasets matched station-level “ons” and “offs” by time of day. This approach expanded the dataset by time-of-day (DAYPART) and train origination branch (Far Rockaway, Port Washington, Port Jefferson, Huntington, etc.) to station-level boarding and alighting counts.

Two sets of weights were developed: a “Level 0” weight, which only requires the respondents’ origin station and destination station , and a “Level 1” weight, which takes into account further trip characteristics (i.e., geocoded origin and destination, location type of origin and geocoded destination) in addition to the criteria for the “Level 0” weight. Both “Level 0” and “Level 1” have unlinked and linked weights calculated.

Of the 119,002 records in the dataset, 4,833 did not qualify for a “Level 0” weight because they contained invalid or incomplete answers. The invalid responses included:

The reported origin and destination stations were identical. 362 records were omitted as part of this step.

The destination station was further eastbound than the origin station (for Westbound trips). 94 records were omitted as part of this step.

The reported origin and destination combination was impossible (e.g., trains do not make stops at one of the reported stations during the time of day the survey was collected). 40 records were omitted as part of this step.

The remaining 4,337 had missing data for Q7 (origin LIRR station), Q13 (transfer station) and/or Q14 (destination LIRR station).

Of the 114,169 records that qualified for a “Level 0” weight, 65,157 also qualified for a “Level 1” weight. Level 1 records required valid entries for Q3X/Q3Y (geocoded origin), Q4 (origin location type), Q7 (origin LIRR station), Q14 (destination LIRR station), Q17X/Q17Y (geocoded destination), and Q18 (destination location type).

After the initial development of “Level 0” and “Level 1” weights, revisions to the geocoding protocols (see section 5.4 for details) resulted in approximately 250 records becoming ineligible for “Level 1” weights. The new number of records eligible for “Level 1” weights resulted in small but necessary changes to the data expansion, or weighting.”.

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The following describes the steps used to conduct the expansion using this approach. Steps 1-3 of the data expansion outline the development of a “Level 0” weight, while Steps 4 - 6 describe the “Level 1” weight and its application in calculating Jamaica transfers.

Step 1 – Identify Originating Train Branch and DAYPART for each Westbound LIRR Train

In Step 1, each LIRR Westbound train was identified in two dimensions. They were 1) an originating train branch (which branch the Westbound train started on) and 2) which DAYPART the train belonged to. Using these two pieces of information, the station-level count data and the raw survey records were pulled by Abt SRBI by dimension (time-of-day and originating LIRR branch).

Step 2 – Develop Expansion Boarding Station and Expansion Alighting Station Variables to the Survey Records.

The LIRR OD survey asked customers the following about the stations used on the trip:

Origin station Transfer locations Destination station

The vast majority of transfers on the LIRR will occur at Jamaica Station. An important step in maintaining consistency with the control count data is to identify where the respondent boarded and alighted the train the survey was completed on. This step ensured that the collected surveys fully align to the control counts (“ons” and “offs” by train).

As an example, a hypothetical customer who was surveyed on a Far Rockaway train bound for Penn Station, reported boarding at Far Rockaway station, transferred at Jamaica Station and arrived at Atlantic Terminal. For this record, the Expansion Boarding and Expansion Alighting Station would be:

Expansion Boarding Station: Far Rockaway Expansion Alighting Station: Jamaica

By using an expansion boarding and expansion alighting station, Abt SRBI precisely aligned the completed survey record to how this customer would have been counted in the control counts. The other leg of their trip would be potentially accounted for by a corresponding record on another originating branch that captures the leg of the trip between Jamaica and Atlantic Terminal. These variables in the survey are W_ORIGIN and W_DESTINATION, respectively.

Note that cases where the entire trip was confirmed as valid (from boarding to transfer to alighting station) were considered for the “Level 0” survey expansion process. Of the 119,002 cases in the final dataset, 114,169 (96%) were used for expansion.

Step 3 – Expand the Data Using the Expansion Boarding and Expansion Alighting Station, by Originating Train Branch and DAYPART (“Level 0” Weighting)

Using the “Expansion Boarding” and “Expansion Alighting” stations as defined in Step 2, the station-level control counts by originating branch and DAYPART were used by Abt SRBI to expand the dataset. By performing the expansion by originating branch (13 total; see Appendix B for list of branches) and DAYPART (4 weekdays plus Saturday and Sunday; see Appendix A for daypart definitions), we ensured that when the records were combined that:

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-36

Station level “ons”/“offs” matched the control counts We measured the key behavior dimensions associated at Jamaica Station including entries, exits,

and transfers between LIRR trains. We preserved the measured distributions by time-of-day and measured how Jamaica behavior

changed by time-of-day. The expansion “by dayparts” was conducted until all survey records were assigned an unlinked

trip weight. To preserve the transferring behavior at Jamaica, AECOM adjusted the Level 0 weights to balance out the number of transfer records who were surveyed on the first half of their trip versus the second half of their trip. Survey records where the respondent indicated they made a transfer at Jamaica were split into two categories based on their Westbound trip:

First Leg records – Records where customers were surveyed on the portion of their trip onboard the LIRR east of Jamaica (prior to making the transfer at Jamaica)

Second Leg records – Records where customers were surveyed on the portion of their trip onboard the LIRR west of Jamaica (after making the transfer at Jamaica)

Table 1 below summarizes the number of unweighted transfer survey records at Jamaica, as well as Level 0 weighted transfer survey records for first and second leg transfers at Jamaica. The table shows that first leg records were more than twice as big as second leg records and the Level 0 expansion corrects for this difference. Reasons for the imbalance may be due to the fact that the second leg of most customers’ trips is shorter than the first leg, therefore they have less time to fill out a survey, or they lost a seat after transferring at Jamaica and were less likely to fill out a survey while standing.

Table 1 – Unweighted and Weighted Transfers at Jamaica by First and Second Leg of Journey

Unweighted Transfer Survey Records at Jamaica

Weighted Transfers at Jamaica (“Level 0” unlinked weight)

Time Period Daypart First Leg Second Leg Difference First Leg Second Leg Difference

Sunday 1 3,263 1,421 -56.5% 7,187 7,188 0% Saturday 2 3,185 1,390 -56.4% 7,572 7,572 0% AM Peak 3 4,747 2,157 -54.6% 11,535 11,536 0% Midday Off Peak 4 1,199 609 -49.2% 2,463 2,464 0% PM Reverse Peak 5 1,101 488 -55.7% 2,594 2,594 0% Overnight Off Peak 6 504 219 -56.5% 1,074 1074 0% Avg Weekday 3-6 7,551 3,473 -54.0% 17,666 17,668 0%

Step 4 – Adjust Linked and Unlinked Trip Weights to Account for Geocoded Origins/Destinations & Trip Purpose (“Level 1” Weighting)

AECOM added to the expansion of the LIRR OD survey to include a “Level 1” data expansion. The Abt SRBI dataset included weights for survey records with known boarding and alighting stations, yet many of these survey records did not include a trip purpose or geocoding for an origin or destination location. In order to classify records by trip purpose and geographical markets, AECOM developed “Level 1” weights for records that had all of the following information:

Known boarding and alighting stations

True origin was geocoded

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-37

True destination was geocoded

Origin location type was reported (origin is home, work, shopping location, school, or other)

Destination location type was reported (destination is home, work, shopping location, school, or other)

“Level 1” weights facilitate market-based summaries and analyses that provide a better understanding of trip purpose and origin/destination location. “Level 1” unlinked weights may be used to understand station activity and volumes, and “Level 1” linked weights may be used to understand LIRR customer travel patterns. It is important to note that “Level 1” linked trip weights were applied for all survey analyses in the results section of this report.

More technically, AECOM developed “Level 1” weights for records having the following information:

Boarding (Q7) and alighting stations (Q14_R)

Geocoded origin (Q3X/Q3Y) and destination (Q17X/Q17Y)

Origin location type (Q4) and destination location type (Q18)

Step 5 – Calculation of Transfers at Jamaica

In this step, AECOM performed an analysis of initial expansion of records which reported transferring at Jamaica. Because the transfers are primarily used for developing trip tables and examining travel patterns, they were developed using the Level 1 weights described in Step 4, since Level 1 weights better facilitate market-based summaries, as mentioned previously.

After making sure the weights properly correct the imbalance for the first leg/second leg as shown in Step 3, it was necessary to obtain the proper distribution of transfers On and Off and exits and entries at Jamaica.

The ON transfers at Jamaica were calculated as follows:

1. Weight survey data using LEVEL1_unlinked weights, since this results in unlinked boardings, including transfers and true origins;

2. Select records for the relevant time periods; 3. Select records where the origin station based on the trip leg (W_ORIGIN, as described in

Step 2 in the previous section) is Jamaica; 4. Run a frequency (on variable Q13A – “In the course of this WESTBOUND trip, will you (did

you) transfer between LIRR trains to reach your final destination?”) to obtain transfers (i.e. those indicating they did transfer with a W_ORIGIN of Jamaica) and entries (i.e. those indicating that they did not transfer with a W_ORIGIN of Jamaica).

The same procedure, with a substitution of the destination station (W_DESTINATION, as described in Step 2 in the previous section) in the third step of calculating the transfers above, was used to obtain the OFF transfers and exits. Table 2 below shows the summary of the number of expanded survey records at Jamaica, the number of passengers who transfer to or from other trains, and those who enter or exit at Jamaica. The Total Ons at Jamaica were calculated by summing up the Transfers On and the Entries; the Total Offs were calculated by summing up the Transfer Offs and the Exit.

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-38

Table 2 – Summary of Total Expanded Surveys with Jamaica Transfers, Exits and Entries (using Level 1 unlinked weight and W_ORIGIN and W_DESTINATION)

All Passengers On/Off Trains at Jamaica (Sum of Expanded Survey Records)

Transfers at Jamaica Entries and Exits at Jamaica

(No transfers)

Time Period Total Offs Total Ons Total Offs Transfer On Transfer Off

Entries at Jamaica

Exits at Jamaica

Sunday 1 10,104 13,007 7,963 9,832 2,140 3,175

Saturday 2 11,155 13,270 8,310 8,841 2,845 4,429

AM Peak 3 12,689 14,895 11,965 11,724 724 3,170

Midday Off Peak 4 3,327 4,056 2,725 2,860 601 1,196

PM Reverse Peak 5 2,793 4,626 2,697 2,904 95 1,723

Overnight Off Peak 6 1,409 2,159 1,183 1,320 225 839

Avg Weekday 3-6 20,217 25,736 18,571 18,809 1,645 6,928

An additional step was required since the results of the Level 1 Unlinked Weights (for the Total Ons and Offs) in the table above do not match exactly with the actual counts conducted during fieldwork. The Level 1 unlinked weights were created with a standard expansion procedure (also known as Iterative Proportional Fitting, or IPF) that sequentially adjusts the weights to match first the Ons and then the Offs, and repeating the procedure until the weighted survey records match with the count data, to a desired accuracy level, such as within 5 percent of the actual count. This procedure is commonly used for data expansion but typically does not match the actual count data perfectly, for multiple reasons:

The procedure requires the Ons and Offs for each station to be equal by time of day, which frequently is not the case in actual count data,

The count data is an average, and will not necessarily match perfectly with the dates the survey was collected, and

Some origin and destination station pairs by time of day may not have any survey data, but could have trips that were included in the count data. This causes other station pairs to have higher weights to correct for this.

A final set of proportional adjustments were then made to the transfers and entries/exits in cases where the expanded Ons and Offs, from IPF, did not match the actual observed Ons and Offs counts. This was done by applying the percentage of weighted survey records by DAYPART that were transfers to the count data. Table 3 shows the adjusted transfers and entries/exits which match the counts.

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Abt SRBI Inc. 5-39

Table 3 – Summary of Total Expanded Surveys with Jamaica Transfers, Exits and Entries, Adjusted to Match Control Counts (using Level 1 unlinked weight)

All Passengers On/Off Trains at

Jamaica (using Control Counts)

Adjusted Transfers at Jamaica

Adjusted Entries and Exits at Jamaica

Time Period Daypart Total Ons Total Offs Transfer On Transfer Off LIRR Entries LIRR Exits

Sunday 1 10,309 11,344 8,125 8,575 2,184 2,769

Saturday 2 11,436 13,152 8,519 8,762 2,917 4,390

AM Peak 3 12,689 15,426 11,965 12,142 724 3,284

Midday Off Peak 4 3,346 4,056 2,741 2,860 605 1,196

PM Reverse Peak 5 2,877 4,745 2,778 2,979 99 1,766

Overnight Off Peak 6 1,470 2,154 1,234 1,317 236 837

Avg Weekday 3-6 20,382 26,381 18,718 19,299 1,664 7,082

Step 6 – Calculate the Linked Trip Weight

Following the completion of the adjusted expansion to unlinked trips (Step 5), the last step was to calculate a LIRR linked trip weight for each survey record. The linked trip weight represented the number of total LIRR passenger trips who enter/exit the LIRR (ignoring transfer activity). To convert the unlinked trip weights (Step 3) to linked trip weight was a very simple calculation, where:

Linked Trip Weight =Unlinked Trip Weight

Number of Trains Boarded

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Abt SRBI Inc. 6-40

6. Results

6.1 Passenger Count Data (Head Counts)

Passenger count summaries from head counts presented below. As explained in preceding sections, these figures should be used with caution. The figures represent people boarding trains and include those who transfer from one train to another, resulting in overstated counts. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

Weekday ridership exceed weekends by small margins, with the vast majority of weekday travel occurring during the Peak periods (AM Westbound and PM Eastbound). Westbound head counts were more concentrated in the AM Peak than its congruent daypart of Eastbound PM Peak. In contrast, Eastbound ridership showed higher proportions of both Midday Off-Peak and Overnight ridership than Westbound ridership.

During weekends, Saturday trains had slightly higher ridership in both directions than Sunday.

Table 1. Passenger Counts – Totals by Daypart within Direction Weekday

Total Counts Number Percent

Westbound 163,020 49

AM Peak 111,328 68

Midday Off-Peak 23,609 14

PM Reverse Peak 17,604 11

Overnight Off-Peak 10,479 6

Eastbound 167,515 51

AM Reverse Peak 11,935 7

Midday Off-Peak 31,041 19 PM Peak Overnight Off-Peak

96,233 28,306

57 17

Total Counts (330,535) Weekend

Total Counts Number Percent Westbound 135,060 49

Saturday 76,394 57

Sunday 58,666 43

Eastbound 142,127 51

Saturday 77,923 55

Sunday 64,204 45

Total Counts (277,187)

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6.1.1 Departure Branch - Weekday

The breakdown of weekday Westbound passenger count data by departure branch shows that four suburban branches (Babylon, Huntington, Ronkonkoma, and Port Washington) accounted for the majority of travel across all time periods.

Travel in the City Terminal Zone was deleted from these tables since the figures overstate actual ridership due to transfer activity, mostly at Jamaica Station. The majority of these riders were also captured in West of Jamaica counts (reflected below). Transfer activity is prevalent but more minor at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

Table 2. Passenger Counts –Branch Ridership Comparison Weekday: Westbound

AM Peak Midday Off-Peak PM Reverse Peak Overnight Off-Peak

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Departure Branch

Babylon 23,637 24 4,387 22 3,207 22 2,287 26

Huntington 19,404 20 3,962 20 3,529 25 2,057 23

Port Washington 15,079 15 3,671 19 2,271 16 940 11

Ronkonkoma 13,390 14 2,520 13 1,575 11 1,530 17

Far Rockaway 7,049 7 1,576 8 1,056 7 437 5

Long Beach 5,370 6 1,105 6 746 5 255 3

Hempstead 4,707 5 776 4 783 5 490 6

Port Jefferson 3,443 4 655 3 473 3 344 4

Montauk 2,101 2 476 2 354 2 278 3

Oyster Bay 1,874 2 387 2 279 2 155 2

West Hempstead 1,257 1 109 1 59 * 99 1

Greenport 58 * 37 * 8 * 8 *

Total Counts (97,369) (19,661) (14,340) (8,880)

* Less than 0.5 percent

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Weekday Eastbound trip origin stations were most heavily concentrated in the City Terminal Zone across all time periods, emphasizing the importance of the LIRR system for customers to get to and from New York City for work. These figures are not shown since the figures represent people boarding and includes customers who transfer from one train to another thereby resulting in overstating of actual ridership as. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station. It also occurs far less frequently at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

Table 3. Passenger Counts –Branch Ridership Comparison Weekday: Eastbound

AM Reverse Peak Midday Off-Peak PM Peak Overnight Off-Peak

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Departure Branch

Babylon 688 34 763 21 1,140 29 954 34

Huntington 601 29 1,750 49 1,588 41 1,107 40

Port Washington 343 17 265 7 369 9 163 6

Far Rockaway 92 4 212 6 183 5 182 7

Ronkonkoma 88 4 294 8 292 7 146 5

Long Beach 79 4 100 3 110 3 69 2

Port Jefferson 54 3 87 2 77 2 53 2

Hempstead 52 3 48 1 21 1 20 1

Montauk 27 1 27 1 76 2 78 3

Oyster Bay 12 1 23 1 32 1 19 1

West Hempstead 10 * 5 * 10 * 7 *

Greenport 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 *

Total Counts (2,047) (3,575) (3,898) (2,798)

* Less than 0.5 percent

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6.1.2 Departure Branch - Weekend

Weekend ridership followed a similar pattern to weekday ridership. Babylon, Huntington, Ronkonkoma, and Port Washington branches stations serviced the most Westbound customers.

Eastbound ridership boardings were also heavily skewed to the City Terminal Zone but not shown here, much like during all weekday time periods.

Table 4. Passenger Counts –Branch Ridership Comparison Weekend


Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Departure Branch

Babylon 15,756 25 10,258 22 2,987 35 2,160 30

Huntington 14,971 24 11,030 23 2,890 34 2,761 38

Ronkonkoma 9,315 15 6,649 14 560 7 432 6

Port Washington 9,086 14 6,528 14 792 9 757 10

Far Rockaway 4,096 6 3,652 8 351 4 365 5

Long Beach 3,324 5 2,394 5 343 4 218 3

Montauk 1,982 3 2,470 5 204 2 264 4

Hempstead 1,968 3 1,723 4 79 1 78 1

Port Jefferson 1,696 3 1,564 3 156 2 112 2

Oyster Bay 991 2 713 2 63 1 58 1

West Hempstead8 53 * 52 * 21 * 25 *

Greenport 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *

Total Counts (63,238) (47,033) (8,446) (7,230)

* Less than 0.5 percent

8 There was no weekend service on West Hempstead branch during the period that the counts were performed. The count represents ridership to St Albans station serviced by Babylon branch.

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6.2 Travel Information – Weekday and Weekend Westbound Customers (Survey Data)9

The following sections present Westbound travel information from the self-reported survey effort. The results presented here include weekday and weekend results for all dayparts.

6.2.1 Trip Purpose

By far, a majority of the customers reported traveling to and from work was the purpose of their trip on LIRR. About 59% of those taking the Westbound trip used LIRR for commuting to or from work. However, about 30% also took the train for recreational purposes or personal business. Reaching JFK Airport was a purpose for a very small segment of the ridership.

Figure 1. Westbound Trip Purpose, All Days (N=253,501)

9 All figures in Section 6 present both weekday and weekend results including all dayparts. Weighted total answering responses have been used as the base for all results and figures presented in this section. Detailed tables, with the unweighted and weighted bases are included in Appendix L. All weighted values are based on the “Level 1” linked trip weight, with the total varying depending on how many respondents answered the specific questions correctly/completely.

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6.2.2 Trip Frequency

Concurrent with the most reported trip purpose of traveling to work, almost half of all Westbound respondents reported taking the LIRR at least five days per week, with another quarter reporting at least using the LIRR one day per week (but less than five). The remaining quarter of captured respondents was infrequent customers, who ride the LIRR less than once per week.

Figure 2. Westbound Trip Frequency, All Days (N=248,760)

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6.2.3 Westbound Trip Origin – Location, Type, and Time

Over 80% of reported Westbound trips originated in either Nassau or Suffolk counties, and another 14% of the trips originated in Queens. Some respondents indicated their trip origin location further west than LIRR’s westernmost terminals (e.g., Manhattan, New Jersey). These responses are likely indicative of respondent error as these Westbound trips cannot be possible using the LIRR. A large majority of the customers began their Westbound travel from home. A quarter of the customers began their trip at other location types such as work, visiting with family or friends, school, etc. Use of the LIRR to commute from a suburban work location was relatively low, at about 7%. More than half of Westbound customers began their trips from their original location during the AM Peak period, specifically between 6 and 9 AM. Again, this is consistent with the provided responses for trip purpose, where people reported primarily commuting to work.

Figure 3. Westbound Trip Origin, All Days (N=256,619)

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Figure 4. Westbound Origin Location Type (N=256,966)

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Figure 5. Origin Time (from Origin Location) of Westbound Trip (N=243,668)

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About 40% of respondents mentioned that LIRR service was a very important factor when choosing the location of their home, while a quarter claimed it was not a factor at all.

Figure 6. Importance of LIRR Service in Choosing Home Location (N=224,580)

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6.2.4 Westbound Origin Station and Train Boarding Time

The most reported origin stations were those belonging to the Babylon, Huntington, Port Washington, and Ronkonkoma branches. This is similar to the departure branch count information presented earlier. For a detailed breakdown by station, refer to Appendix L.

Figure 7. Westbound Origin Branch, All Days (N=256,966)10

10 Please see Appendix L for distributions for stations including stations within the City Terminal Zone branch.

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For these train boardings, there was a clear uptick that occurred primarily between 6 AM and 10 AM. This trend is in line with what customers reported as the times they left their origin locations .

Figure 8. Westbound Train Departure Time (N=238,325)

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6.2.5 Station Access Mode

Cars were instrumental in allowing people to reach their origin station, with two-thirds of all Westbound respondents driving, being dropped off, or carpooling to reach their LIRR trains. Interestingly, about a quarter of customers opted to walk to their station.

Figure 9. Westbound Station Access Mode, All Days (N=253,881)

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6.2.6 Parking

Given the popularity of the car for access mode, most Westbound respondents indicated parking in a lot or space, with similar percentages specifying the need for a permit or not. These two mentions accounted for over three-quarters of responses. Of those who parked in non-metered spaces, most reported using street parking.

Figure 10. Parking Location, All Days (N=107,965)







Parkedinalotorspacerequiring apermit


Figure 11. Non-metered Space Type, All Days (N=15,676)

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About half of respondents who parked reported paying for their parking spot. Of those who paid to park, over half paid annually and about a fifth paid daily for parking. People who paid to park monthly and annually reported paying approximately $100 on average.

Figure 12. Payment for Parking, All Days (N=85,266)

Figure 13. Parking Payment Frequency, All Days (N=40,150)

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Table 14. Mean Parking Fee by Payment Frequency, All Days (N=40,150)

Payment Frequency Amount*

Daily $ 7.84 Weekly $ 25.33 Monthly $ 99.69 Annually $ 100.84

Other (Including unspecified timeframe) $ 156.07 *Rates are based on respondents’ answers. Parking rates and arrangements vary based on station.

Westbound customers who parked also made the point of parking in close proximity to their boarding station. Over 80% of respondents parked within a 5 minute walk from their train, with very few choosing to walk over 10 minutes from their parking location.

Figure 15. Minutes Walked to Train Platform (N=108,057)

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6.2.7 Transfer Stations

Most Westbound customers made single-train trips requiring no transfers. For the rest, Jamaica serviced the bulk of all transfer activity.

Figure 16. Westbound Transfer Stations, All Days (N=256,966)

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6.2.8 Westbound Destination Station

Penn Station was the primary final station for Westbound customers by a large margin. Over 70% of the trips ended in Penn Station. Only about 8% of trips ended in Atlantic Terminal.

Figure 17. Westbound Destination Station, All Days (N=256,966)

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6.2.9 Station Egress Mode

Predominantly, people who exited their train station in the Westbound direction opted for taking the subway or walking. Very few people used a car for their egress mode, contrasting with the emphasis on motor vehicle travel use for access mode, and in line with urban destination stations.

Figure 18. Westbound Egress Mode, All Days (N=254,526)11

11 The percent distributions add up to more than 100% because multiple responses were allowed for this question.

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Of the Westbound customers who reported using the subway, the distribution skewed heavily in favor of the 7th Avenue Line (1,2,3) and 8th Avenue Line (A,C,E), which are the two most conveniently accessed lines from Penn Station . Over 70% of the customers who used subway used either of these two lines.

Figure 19. Subway Egress, All Days (N=128,552)

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6.2.10 Train/Bus Use

After exiting their final LIRR station, about a third of the Westbound customers did not take any other trains or buses to reach their final destination. Half of the customers took only one train or bus to reach their final destination. However, about 16% of the customers used two or more public transit modes after exiting at their final LIRR station.

Figure 20. Number of Trains/Buses Taken to Final Destination, All Days (N=215,924)

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6.2.11 Westbound Final Trip Destination

The majority of reported Westbound destinations were in Manhattan, matching fairly accurately to the amount of customers reporting Penn Station as their egress station. Brooklyn and Queens each accounted for slightly fewer than 10% of destinations each.

About 60% of those who indicated that their destination was Manhattan stayed in the midtown area, and about a quarter ultimately traveled to downtown or lower Manhattan.

Figure 21. Trip Destination, All Days (N=254,258)

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Figure 22. Manhattan Destinations, All Days (N=180,662)12

12 Please see Appendix I for zone maps for Manhattan. A brief definition zones used is given below. Downtown Manhattan: South of Leonard St Lower Manhattan: South of Houston St, North of Leonard St Mid-Manhattan West: West of 5th Ave, South of 59th St, North of 14th St Mid-Manhattan East: East of 5th Ave, South of 60th St, North of Houston St Upper West Side: West of Central Park, South of 114th St, North of 59th St Upper East Side: East of Central Park, South of 116th, North of 60th St Upper Manhattan: North of 110th St

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Over half of the Westbound customers using LIRR reported their final destination as their workplace, which is consistent with the reported trip purpose. A fifth reported they were going home. However, about 10% of the customers also took their Westbound trips for personal reasons such as recreational activities, shopping or to visit with family or friends.

Figure 23. Westbound Destination Location Type, All Days (N=256,966)

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For over a third of the customers, the travel time from their Westbound destination station (where they exited LIRR) to their final destination took 15 minutes or less. A little more than half reported that the travel time was 20 minutes or less. About a fifth of the customers reported requiring half an hour to an hour of additional travel time to reach their final destinations.

Figure 24. Time from last LIRR Station to Final Destination, All Days (N=244,897)

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There was a substantial percentage of Westbound customers who reported arriving at their final destination primarily in the AM Peak period between7 AM and 10 AM. This is consistent with responses given regarding when people began their trip, which had responses concentrated primarily between 6 AM and 9 AM. The slight shift in the time frame accounts for the travel time between their origin and their final destination.

Figure 25. Final Destination Arrival Time, All Days (N=220,077)

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Over two-thirds of LIRR customers reported needing at least 30 minutes but less than 2 hours to complete their entire trip, from beginning to end.

Figure 26. Total Trip Time, All Days (N=66,228)

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6.2.12 Ticket Type

The Monthly ticket was the most predominant ticket type used. This speaks to the trip frequencies reported by customers; with the majority of people reporting traveling at least 5 days per week and the Monthly ticket being the most efficient ticket for such regular and frequent train use. The next most common ticket types used were One Way and Round Trip tickets, which make the most sense for less frequent customers. For a detailed breakdown of MetroCard usage by ticket type, refer to Appendix L.

Figure 27. Ticket Type, All Days (N=251,538)

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Seven out of ten customers purchased their tickets at LIRR ticket vending machines. A smaller percentage took advantage of the Mail&Ride option or a ticket window at an LIRR station. Those three responses accounted for almost all ticket purchases, with very few customers purchasing tickets online or onboard trains.

Figure 28. Ticket Purchase Location, All Days (N=248,721)

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6.2.13 Timeframe of Eastbound Trip

Nearly all Westbound customers indicated that they made a return or round trip. Of those, most traveled both legs of the round trip on the same day.

Figure 29. Timeframe for Eastbound Return Trip, All Days (N=227,778)

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A majority of the customers also reported that they used the same LIRR stations for both Westbound and Eastbound portions of their trips. Only 6% of the respondents reported that they used different stations for their Eastbound trips.

Figure 30. Eastbound Trip Station Usage (N=209,743)

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6.3 Travel Information – Weekday and Weekend Eastbound Customers13 (Survey Data)

6.3.1 Trip Purpose

As with the Westbound trips, the primary reason for Eastbound trips was to travel to or from work. Yet, about a quarter of the customers also reported recreation and personal business as the purpose of their Eastbound trip.

Figure 31. Eastbound Trip Purpose (N=214,140)

13 Eastbound trip data was collected from Westbound customers who indicated making a corresponding Eastbound trip.

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6.3.2 Trip Frequency

Over half of all Eastbound customers were frequent LIRR users with 5 or more travel days per week. This is consistent with the finding that majority of the customers use LIRR as a means to commute to work or from work. Yet, about a fifth of the customers use the train much less frequently – less than a day weekly and even a day or less in a month.

Figure 32. Eastbound Trip Frequency (N=209,727)

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6.3.3 Eastbound Trip Origin – Location and Type

Three-quarters of all Eastbound trips originated in Manhattan. Of those, almost all came from either the midtown areas or from downtown. About 15% of the trips also originated in Queens and Brooklyn.

Figure 33. Eastbound Trip Origin Location (N=190,316)

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Figure 34. Manhattan Origins (N=142,808)14

14 Please see Appendix I for zone maps for Manhattan. A brief definition zones used is given below. Downtown Manhattan: South of Leonard St Lower Manhattan: South of Houston St, North of Leonard St Mid-Manhattan West: West of 5th Ave, South of 59th St, North of 14th St Mid-Manhattan East: East of 5th Ave, South of 60th St, North of Houston St Upper West Side: West of Central Park, South of 114th St, North of 59th St Upper East Side: East of Central Park, South of 116th, North of 60th St Upper Manhattan: North of 110th St

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Almost two-thirds of the origins for Eastbound trips were people’s work places, which is consistent with the emphasis of the most common reported trip purpose of commuting to and from work.

Figure 35. Origin Location Type (N=190,911)

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6.3.4 Eastbound Origin Station

As expected, most Eastbound trips originated at Penn Station. Penn Station was the origin station for over three-quarters of the trips. Only about 8% of the trips originated at Atlantic Terminal.

Figure 36. Eastbound Origin Station (N=204,836)

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Most Eastbound trips took place during the afternoon peak hours. About 55% of the Eastbound trips originated between 4 PM and 7 PM, and another 10% between 7 PM and 9 PM. About 25% Eastbound LIRR customers started their trips between 5 PM and 6 PM which was the busiest hour for Eastbound trips.

Figure 37. Eastbound Train Departure Time (N=127,205)

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6.3.5 Eastbound Station Access Mode

The most utilized method of accessing Eastbound boarding stations was the NYC subway. Over half of those who made the Eastbound trips on LIRR used subways to reach their origin station. Among those who reported using the subway, the 7th Avenue Line (1,2,3) and 8th Avenue Line (A,C,E) were used most often since the two are the closest trunk lines to Penn Station.

Over half of respondents also reported using methods other than subway or bus to reach their boarding station. Note that for the Eastbound direction, the questionnaire did not ask respondents to elaborate on access modes aside from subway and bus.

Figure 38. Eastbound Station Access (N=189,340)15

15 The percent distributions add up to more than 100% because multiple responses were allowed for this question.

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Figure 39. Eastbound Station Access – Subway (N=98,528)

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6.3.6 Eastbound Transfer Stations

The overwhelming majority of customers took only one train on their Eastbound trip without transferring. However, those who did transfer were likely to do so at Jamaica station. All other transfer points accounted for less than 3% of responses.

Figure 40. Eastbound Transfer Stations (N=193,497)

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6.3.7 Eastbound Destination Branch

Eastbound destination stations were primarily associated with the Babylon, Huntington, Port Washington, and Ronkonkoma branches.

Figure 41. Eastbound Destination Branch (N=204,362)

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6.3.8 Eastbound Station Egress Mode

Unlike the access mode, car travel accounted for a significant portion of egress trips from customers’ final Eastbound station. Over two-thirds of respondents relied on a motor vehicle to reach their final destination. A substantial amount of people walked.

Figure 42. Eastbound Egress Mode (N=188,869)

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6.3.9 Eastbound Final Trip Destination

Nassau County was the most frequently reported destination for Eastbound customers. Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk) and Queens encompassed nearly all destinations for Eastbound LIRR customers; other responses are likely errors.

Figure 43. Eastbound Trip Destination (N=190,810)

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6.3.10 Ticket Type

Monthly tickets were the most popular ticket purchases for Eastbound customers. This is consistent with the reported frequency of trips, where most indicated traveling at least 5 days per week.

Figure 44. Ticket Type (N=214,731)

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Ticket vending machines were the most popular method of purchasing tickets among Eastbound customers. Along with ticket vending machines, the Mail&Ride option and station ticket windows accounted for almost all ticket purchases.

Figure 45. Eastbound Ticket Purchase Location (N=212,803)

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6.4 Demographic Characteristics of LIRR Customers16

6.4.1 Home Location

About three-quarters of the customers reported Long Island as their home location. About half of the customers reported living in Nassau and 15% of the reported their home location as Queens.

Figure 46. Home Location (N=240,511)

16 Demographics based on Westbound customers.

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6.4.2 Education Level

More than 70% of LIRR customers hold a college degree, with more than a quarter holding a post-graduate degree. An additional 17% have some college education.

Figure 47. Education Level (N=230,091)

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6.4.3 Occupation Type

The most commonly mentioned occupation types were professional or managerial in nature.

Figure 48. Occupation Type (N=224,088)

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6.4.4 Employment by Industry

LIRR customers indicated employment in a range of industries with the most common (almost half) being professional/business services, financial activities, and health services/health care.

Figure 49. Employment by Industry (N=204,392)

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6.4.5 Licensed Drivers

Nearly all LIRR customers reported having at least one licensed driver in their household. Two driver households were the most common.

Figure 50. Licensed Drivers in Household (N=225,635)

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6.4.6 Motor Vehicle Ownership

Mirroring what was reported for number of licensed drivers, about 90% of LIRR customers reported having at least one motor vehicle in their household. Nearly two-thirds of the households own two or more cars.

Figure 51. Motor Vehicles in Household (N=220,174)

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Close to two-thirds of respondents reported having a vehicle available for their trip but chose to take the LIRR instead. However, almost half of the respondents reported making at least one car trip into Manhattan every month.

Figure 52. Motor Vehicles Available for Westbound Trip (N=222,032)

Figure 53. Car Trips into Manhattan per Month (N=193,957)

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6.4.7 Household Income

The income distribution of LIRR customers had representation across all categories. Slightly more than half of the customers reported household incomes at or above $100,000. About a fifth of the customers report household incomes less than $50,000 a year. The median reported household income was in the $100,000-$149,000 income range.

Figure 54. Household Income (N=196,153)

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6.4.8 Gender

The gender distribution of LIRR customers was relatively equal.

Figure 55. Gender (N=226,125)

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6.4.9 Age

Over 75% of the customers are between 25 and 64 years of age. This is consistent with the finding that most LIRR customers use the train for commuting to work. Although children were excluded from survey distribution onboard, the data collected captured a small percent of customers under 18. This is possibly due to some customers who appeared to be over 18 being given a survey to complete when they were actually less than 18 years of age.

Figure 56. Age (N=219,387)

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6.4.10 Race/Ethnicity

Most customers were not of Hispanic origin. More than 70% of customers reported their race as white.

Figure 57. Hispanic Origin (N=222,314)

Figure 58. Race/Ethnicity (N=209,755)

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7. Appendices

7.1 Appendix A. LIRR Daypart Definitions


AM Peak Trains that arrive at their last station (going Westbound) between 6:00 AM and 9:59 AM

Midday Off-Peak Trains that arrive at their last station (going Westbound) between 10:00 AM and 3:59 PM

PM Reverse Peak Trains that arrive at their last station (going Westbound) between 4:00 PM and 7:59 PM

Overnight Off-Peak

Trains that arrive at their last station (going Westbound) between 8:00 PM and 5:59 AM


AM Reverse Peak Trains that depart from their first station (going Eastbound) between 6:00 AM and 9:59 AM

Midday Off-Peak Trains that depart from their first station (going Eastbound) between 10:00 AM and 3:59 PM

PM Peak Trains that depart from their first station (going Eastbound) between 4:00 PM and 7:59 PM

Overnight Off-Peak

Trains that depart from their first station (going Eastbound) between 8:00 PM and 5:59 AM


Saturday Trains that depart from their first station (in either direction) on Saturday between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM

Sunday Trains that depart from their first station (in either direction) on Sunday between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM

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7.2 Appendix B. LIRR Branch Definitions

Branch Stations

Babylon Babylon, Lindenhurst, Copiague, Amityville, Massapequa Park, Massapequa, Seaford, Wantagh, Bellmore, Merrick, Freeport, Baldwin, Rockville Centre

City Terminal Zone Penn Station, Atlantic Terminal, Jamaica, Kew Gardens, Forest Hills, Long Island City, Hunterspoint Avenue, Nostrand Avenue, East New York, Woodside, Hillside, Boland’s Landing

Far Rockaway Far Rockaway, Inwood, Lawrence, Cedarhurst, Woodmere, Hewlett, Gibson, Valley Stream, Rosedale, Laurelton, Locust Manor

Greenport Greenport, Southold, Mattituck, Riverhead, Yaphank, Medford,

Hempstead Hempstead, Country Life Press, Garden City, Nassau Blvd, Stewart Manor, Floral Park, Bellerose, Belmont, Queens Village, Hollis

Long Beach Long Beach, Island Park, Oceanside, East Rockaway, Centre Avenue, Lynbrook

Montauk Montauk, Amagansett, East Hampton, Bridgehampton, Southampton, Hampton Bays, Westhampton, Speonk, Mastic-Shirley, Bellport, Patchogue, Sayville, Oakdale, Great River, Islip, Bay Shore

Oyster Bay Oyster Bay, Locust Valley, Glen Cove, Glen Street, Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Greenvale, Roslyn, Albertson, East Williston

Port Jefferson Port Jefferson, Stony Brook, St. James, Smithtown, Kings Park, Northport, Greenlawn

Huntington Huntington, Cold Spring Harbor, Syosset, Hicksville, Westbury, Carle Place, Mineola, Merillon Avenue, New Hyde Park

Port Washington Port Washington, Plandome, Manhasset, Great Neck, Little Neck, Douglaston, Bayside, Auburndale, Broadway, Murray Hill, Flushing-Main Street, Mets-Willets Point.

Ronkonkoma Ronkonkoma, Central Islip, Brentwood, Deer Park, Wyandanch, Pinelawn, Farmingdale, Bethpage

West Hempstead West Hempstead, Hempstead Gardens, Lakeview, Malverne, Westwood, St. Albans

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7.3 Appendix C. Training Manual

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7.4 Appendix D. Paper Questionnaire

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7.5 Appendix E. Sample Screenshots of Web Survey

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7.6 Appendix F. Frequent New York City “Places”

Frequent New York City “places” mentioned in survey responses were standardized and geocoded as follows with QACCU = 3.

Place City State Zip X Y

BATTERY PARK CITY NEW YORK NY 10280 -74.0160904 40.7108192

BAY RIDGE BROOKLYN NY 11209 -74.0296707 40.6271973

BEDFORD-STUYVESANT BROOKLYN NY 11221 -73.9405975 40.6878815

BENSONHURST BROOKLYN NY 11214 -73.997695 40.611269

BOERUM HILL BROOKLYN NY 11217 -73.986626 40.684849

BOROUGH PARK BROOKLYN NY 11219 -73.9926224 40.636467

BOWLING GREEN NEW YORK NY 10004 -74.01376 40.704557

BROOKLYN HEIGHTS BROOKLYN NY 11201 -73.9953384 40.6955376

BROWNSVILLE BROOKLYN NY 11212 -73.909528 40.66308

BUSHWICK BROOKLYN NY 11221 -73.921286 40.694428

CENTRAL PARK NEW YORK NY 10028 -73.953783 40.776645

CHATHAM SQUARE NEW YORK NY 10002 -73.9975433 40.7140312

CHELSEA NEW YORK NY 10011 -74.0033035 40.7463989

CHINATOWN NEW YORK NY 10038 -73.998390 40.713570

CLINTON HILL BROOKLYN NY 11205 -73.965538 40.6883583

COBBLE HILL BROOKLYN NY 11226 -73.9493866 40.6452217

COLUMBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK NY 10019 -73.982325 40.768145

CONEY ISLAND BROOKLYN NY 11224 -73.9922256 40.5760384

COOPER SQ NEW YORK NY 10003 -73.9910507 40.7284508

CROWN HEIGHTS BROOKLYN NY 11213 -73.942337 40.6739693

CYPRESS HILLS BROOKLYN NY 11208 -73.88013 40.683612

DOWNTOWN NEW YORK NY 10007 -74.006012 40.714379

DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN NY 11201 -73.984518 40.696019

DUMBO BROOKLYN NY 10007 -74.006012 40.714379

EAST VILLAGE NEW YORK NY 10009 -73.9833755 40.7262573

EXCHANGE PLACE JERSEY CITY NJ 07302 -74.0342178 40.7159042

FINANCIAL DISTRICT NEW YORK NY 10005 -74.0106888 40.7089691

FLATBUSH BROOKLYN NY 11226 -73.962433 40.640922

FLATIRON DISTRICT NEW YORK NY 10003 -73.9903488 40.7394218

FORT GREENE BROOKLYN NY 11201 -73.974187 40.692064

FORT HAMILTON BROOKLYN NY 11252 -74.0315 40.6091

GARMENT DISTRICT NEW YORK NY 10018 -73.991086 40.754393

GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK NY 10004 -74.01908 40.688678

GRAVESEND BROOKLYN NY 11226 -73.9493866 40.6452217

GREENPOINT BROOKLYN NY 11222 -73.9458313 40.7244492

GREENWICH VILLAGE NEW YORK NY 10011 -73.9966583 40.7318611

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Place City State Zip X Y

HANOVER SQUARE NEW YORK NY 10005 -74.009464 40.70453

HARLEM NEW YORK NY 10027 -73.9435959 40.8053551

HELLS KITCHEN NEW YORK NY 10036 -73.9932175 40.7624283

INWOOD NEW YORK NY 10034 -73.921286 40.867216

KIPS BAY NEW YORK NY 10016 -73.980065 40.742329

LINCOLN CENTER NEW YORK NY 10023 -73.9834213 40.7714195

LINCOLN SQUARE NEW YORK NY 10023 -73.981567 40.773602

LITTLE ITALY NEW YORK NY 10013 -73.9967728 40.7192841

LOWER EAST SIDE NEW YORK NY 10002 -73.985959 40.713517

LOWER MANHATTAN NEW YORK NY 10007 -74.006012 40.714379

MANHATTAN NEW YORK NY 10024 -73.969429 40.7830276

MEATPACKING DISTRICT NEW YORK NY 10014 -74.007611 40.740987

MIDTOWN NEW YORK NY 10017 -73.9790115 40.7524376

MIDTOWN EAST NEW YORK NY 10022 -73.9648895 40.75914

MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS NEW YORK NY 10027 -73.962433 40.808956

MORRIS PARK BRONX NY 10461 -73.850728 40.852201

MURRAY HILL NEW YORK NY 10016 -73.976059 40.7485504

OAKLAND GARDENS NEW YORK NY 11364 -73.753418 40.740097

OAKWOOD STATEN ISLAND NY 10306 -74.115187 40.558475

OZONE PARK NEW YORK NY 11417 -73.846756 40.6740761

PARK SLOPE BROOKLYN NY 11215 -73.9802475 40.6713295

PELHAM PARKWAY BRONX NY 10461 -73.8543015 40.8541298

PROSPECT HEIGHTS BROOKLYN NY 11238 -73.9684677 40.6777763

RANDALLS ISLAND NEW YORK NY 10035 -73.922096 40.796799

RIVERDALE BRONX NY 10471 -73.9123993 40.8918228

ROOSEVELT ISLAND NEW YORK NY 10044 -73.9493027 40.7625999

SHEEPSHEAD BAY BROOKLYN NY 11229 -73.953616 40.597585

SOHO NEW YORK NY 10013 -74.001681 40.7200813

SOUTH OZONE PARK NEW YORK NY 11420 -73.8196335 40.6751137

SPRINGFIELD GARDENS NEW YORK NY 11434 -73.7673035 40.661293

SUNNYSIDE NEW YORK NY 11104 -73.9259491 40.7375832

SUNSET PARK BROOKLYN NY 11220 -74.012385 40.645532

THROGGS NECK BRONX NY 10465 -73.821321 40.818399

TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK NY 10036 -73.985134 40.758928

TREMONT BRONX NY 10457 -73.8929977 40.8460312

TRIBECA NEW YORK NY 10013 -74.008606 40.7181358

TUDOR CITY NEW YORK NY 10017 -73.9704514 40.7490082

TURTLE BAY NEW YORK NY 10022 -73.966917 40.754117

UNION SQUARE NEW YORK NY 10003 -73.991076 40.735877

UPPER EAST SIDE NEW YORK NY 10075 -73.956577 40.7727966

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Place City State Zip X Y

UPPER WEST SIDE NEW YORK NY 10024 -73.9760284 40.7872047

WASHINGTON HEIGHTS NEW YORK NY 10032 -73.938921 40.840145

WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK NEW YORK NY 10011 -73.9975662 40.7308846

WEST VILLAGE NEW YORK NY 10014 -74.004837 40.7349815

WHITESTONE NEW YORK NY 11357 -73.8086243 40.7916183

WILLIAMSBURG BROOKLYN NY 11206 -73.9478073 40.7079964

YORKVILLE NEW YORK NY 10028 -73.9487839 40.7773628

7.7 Appendix G. City/Town Boundaries with 85% or Greater Coverage

City/Town boundaries with 85% or greater coverage by a single ZIP code were geocoded as QACCU = 3 to the ZIP code accuracy instead of QACCU = 4 to the city accuracy.

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

11021 -73.728497 40.786645 RUSSELL GARDENS NY Village 100

10940 -74.470733 41.448573 MIDDLETOWN NY City 100

11001 -73.707358 40.721376 BELLEROSE NY Village 100

11021 -73.728497 40.786645 GREAT NECK PLAZA NY Village 100

11030 -73.688801 40.79361 MUNSEY PARK NY Village 100

11030 -73.688801 40.79361 PLANDOME NY Village 100

11735 -73.430351 40.730031 FARMINGDALE NY Village 100

11787 -73.210498 40.853326 VILLAGE OF THE BRANCH NY Village 100

07461 -74.606129 41.241006 SUSSEX NJ Borough 100

07726 -74.343082 40.282242 ENGLISHTOWN NJ Borough 100

07727 -74.165774 40.202967 FARMINGDALE NJ Borough 100

07728 -74.283345 40.225993 FREEHOLD NJ Borough 100

07826 -74.760001 41.189172 BRANCHVILLE NJ Borough 100

07830 -74.795231 40.717415 CALIFON NJ Borough 100

07860 -74.81122 41.059708 FREDON NJ Township 100

07882 -75.011383 40.753841 WASHINGTON NJ Borough 100

07930 -74.682698 40.787286 CHESTER NJ Borough 100

08021 -74.999971 39.806003 CLEMENTON NJ Borough 100

08055 -74.821058 39.865838 MEDFORD LAKES NJ Borough 100

08075 -74.950538 40.028917 RIVERSIDE NJ Township 100

08079 -75.442134 39.530935 SALEM CITY NJ City 100

08085 -75.328588 39.755577 SWEDESBORO NJ Borough 100

08098 -75.328373 39.637359 WOODSTOWN NJ Borough 100

08204 -74.913898 38.975103 WEST CAPE MAY NJ Borough 100

08215 -74.575393 39.582457 EGG HARBOR CITY NJ City 100

08302 -75.266466 39.442165 BRIDGETON CITY NJ City 100

08520 -74.531952 40.254059 HIGHTSTOWN NJ Borough 100

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-121

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

08525 -74.782574 40.397842 HOPEWELL NJ Borough 100

08534 -74.791289 40.33037 PENNINGTON NJ Borough 100

08822 -74.862481 40.52302 FLEMINGTON NJ Borough 100

08831 -74.431663 40.328365 JAMESBURG NJ Borough 100

08865 -75.149632 40.707563 ALPHA NJ Borough 100

07950 -74.483216 40.845149 MORRIS PLAINS NJ Borough 99.999512

08069 -75.450594 39.697754 PENNS GROVE NJ Borough 99.98726

08833 -74.818743 40.643302 LEBANON NJ Borough 99.97576

08204 -74.913898 38.975103 CAPE MAY POINT NJ Borough 99.968938

07840 -74.830957 40.862326 HACKETTSTOWNTOWN NJ Town 99.966877

07960 -74.501566 40.783781 MORRISTOWNTOWN NJ Town 99.963951

08827 -74.972854 40.67271 HAMPTON NJ Borough 99.963053

08107 -75.084826 39.907519 WOODLYNNE NJ Borough 99.959544

07945 -74.598494 40.781303 MENDHAM NJ Borough 99.949931

08037 -74.770806 39.632645 HAMMONTONTOWN NJ Town 99.947039

11050 -73.691383 40.838956 BAXTER ESTATES NY Village 99.935422

08109 -75.051265 39.949867 MERCHANTVILLE NJ Borough 99.927485

08225 -74.542762 39.36125 NORTHFIELD CITY NJ City 99.896187

11001 -73.707358 40.721376 FLORAL PARK NY Village 99.876089

11937 -72.17841 40.999262 EAST HAMPTON NY Village 99.854564

08071 -75.13304 39.732481 PITMAN NJ Borough 99.847006

07823 -75.040811 40.828139 BELVIDERETOWN NJ Town 99.841959

07675 -74.004394 41.009238 OLD TAPPAN NJ Borough 99.835035

08068 -74.654239 39.959964 PEMBERTON NJ Borough 99.830702

08270 -74.797952 39.269572 WOODBINE NJ Borough 99.812367

07762 -74.036535 40.153583 SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS NJ Borough 99.807724

08505 -74.739596 40.102946 FIELDSBORO NJ Borough 99.800725

08332 -75.009068 39.352805 MILLVILLE CITY NJ City 99.791148

07724 -74.078027 40.293621 SHREWSBURY NJ Township 99.776136

08079 -75.442134 39.530935 ELSINBORO NJ Township 99.772276

08021 -74.999971 39.806003 LAUREL SPRINGS NJ Borough 99.735464

08079 -75.442134 39.530935 LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK NJ Township 99.731843

07405 -74.38351 40.98639 BUTLER NJ Borough 99.72753

08107 -75.084826 39.907519 OAKLYN NJ Borough 99.725747

08021 -74.999971 39.806003 PINE VALLEY NJ Borough 99.714829

07029 -74.154057 40.744133 EAST NEWARK NJ Borough 99.704285

07023 -74.385893 40.641762 FANWOOD NJ Borough 99.696994

07005 -74.42096 40.928801 BOONTONTOWN NJ Town 99.657029

08088 -74.641392 39.816078 TABERNACLE NJ Township 99.634869

08052 -74.995014 39.951936 MAPLE SHADE NJ Township 99.614071

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-122

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

08809 -74.924368 40.649927 CLINTONTOWN NJ Town 99.609133

08831 -74.431663 40.328365 MONROE NJ Township 99.596283

11590 -73.574522 40.755405 WESTBURY NY Village 99.57219

11963 -72.305849 40.970058 SAG HARBOR NY Village 99.562914

08060 -74.783562 40.010166 EASTAMPTON NJ Township 99.543599

11757 -73.373002 40.68899 LINDENHURST NY Village 99.534073

08804 -75.095718 40.642545 BLOOMSBURY NJ Borough 99.449025

07008 -74.230141 40.584245 CARTERET NJ Borough 99.440326

08069 -75.450594 39.697754 CARNEYS POINT NJ Township 99.434874

08553 -74.640589 40.400245 ROCKY HILL NJ Borough 99.407588

07753 -74.078765 40.213419 NEPTUNE CITY NJ Borough 99.404798

07928 -74.412559 40.726737 CHATHAM NJ Borough 99.395597

08106 -75.073762 39.891085 AUDUBON NJ Borough 99.377452

07508 -74.191308 40.958046 PROSPECT PARK NJ Borough 99.37273

07735 -74.199772 40.441149 UNION BEACH NJ Borough 99.37218

07036 -74.239303 40.625422 WINFIELD NJ Township 99.35334

08318 -75.178069 39.556089 ELMER NJ Borough 99.340773

07080 -74.415259 40.574668 SOUTH PLAINFIELD NJ Borough 99.340087

07006 -74.281232 40.852171 CALDWELL NJ Borough 99.310958

08083 -75.029019 39.840522 HI-NELLA NJ Borough 99.30601

07450 -74.112509 40.982127 RIDGEWOOD VILLAGE NJ Village 99.300416

07646 -74.019971 40.933384 NEW MILFORD NJ Borough 99.283099

10583 -73.792786 40.989352 SCARSDALE NY Town 99.24812

08701 -74.202997 40.076476 LAKEWOOD NJ Township 99.227208

11963 -72.305849 40.970058 SAGAPONACK NY Village 99.2265

07065 -74.280386 40.607679 RAHWAY CITY NJ City 99.224767

07712 -74.051243 40.246423 INTERLAKEN NJ Borough 99.219459

07936 -74.363916 40.81889 EAST HANOVER NJ Township 99.204984

08854 -74.463421 40.546212 PISCATAWAY NJ Township 99.201667

07621 -73.998229 40.923564 BERGENFIELD NJ Borough 99.194076

11558 -73.652998 40.605375 ISLAND PARK NY Village 99.188579

08825 -75.023207 40.513795 FRENCHTOWN NJ Borough 99.18157

07940 -74.42035 40.75871 MADISON NJ Borough 99.174193

11770 -73.154744 40.645924 OCEAN BEACH NY Village 99.171828

07093 -74.01158 40.788033 WEST NEW YORKTOWN NJ Town 99.140459

07702 -74.06016 40.325207 SHREWSBURY NJ Borough 99.133533

08501 -74.55806 40.154202 ALLENTOWN NJ Borough 99.129735

08512 -74.52576 40.320121 CRANBURY NJ Township 99.124653

07747 -74.25239 40.413021 MATAWAN NJ Borough 99.106532

07204 -74.266582 40.665259 ROSELLE PARK NJ Borough 99.100439

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-123

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

08094 -74.966545 39.649705 MONROE NJ Township 99.097507

08090 -75.150781 39.797726 WENONAH NJ Borough 99.082271

07733 -74.172766 40.376607 HOLMDEL NJ Township 99.079325

07762 -74.036535 40.153583 SPRING LAKE NJ Borough 99.077071

07601 -74.046019 40.889117 HACKENSACK CITY NJ City 99.060024

07419 -74.565862 41.149338 HAMBURG NJ Borough 99.056866

07036 -74.239303 40.625422 LINDEN CITY NJ City 99.05551

07626 -73.958803 40.940333 CRESSKILL NJ Borough 99.045695

07031 -74.126841 40.787085 NORTH ARLINGTON NJ Borough 99.029858

07430 -74.185976 41.081912 MAHWAH NJ Township 99.028113

08865 -75.149632 40.707563 PHILLIPSBURGTOWN NJ Town 99.020997

07726 -74.343082 40.282242 MANALAPAN NJ Township 99.013682

07111 -74.231916 40.724202 IRVINGTON NJ Township 99.010965

08088 -74.641392 39.816078 SHAMONG NJ Township 99.004953

08848 -75.096289 40.594241 MILFORD NJ Borough 99.00463

07716 -74.039299 40.399797 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NJ Borough 99.000834

07931 -74.664565 40.706046 FAR HILLS NJ Borough 98.998298

07728 -74.283345 40.225993 FREEHOLD NJ Township 98.987865

08089 -74.821143 39.721795 CHESILHURST NJ Borough 98.981024

08049 -75.036824 39.854549 MAGNOLIA NJ Borough 98.980202

07439 -74.597552 41.07706 OGDENSBURG NJ Borough 98.963121

11550 -73.619753 40.70275 HEMPSTEAD NY Village 98.960869

11786 -72.885378 40.943659 SHOREHAM NY Village 98.93239

08736 -74.071662 40.121479 MANASQUAN NJ Borough 98.927231

07723 -74.001185 40.250324 DEAL NJ Borough 98.915772

08302 -75.266466 39.442165 HOPEWELL NJ Township 98.908713

07072 -74.060671 40.825003 CARLSTADT NJ Borough 98.878239

08021 -74.999971 39.806003 LINDENWOLD NJ Borough 98.875167

08884 -74.391164 40.395164 SPOTSWOOD NJ Borough 98.871724

08812 -74.480725 40.598921 DUNELLEN NJ Borough 98.871204

07203 -74.260025 40.652676 ROSELLE NJ Borough 98.859589

07086 -74.020673 40.768346 WEEHAWKEN NJ Township 98.85278

07458 -74.096987 41.045978 UPPER SADDLE RIVER NJ Borough 98.851045

07675 -74.004394 41.009238 RIVER VALE NJ Township 98.849123

08087 -74.38528 39.611707 TUCKERTON NJ Borough 98.848834

07087 -74.032306 40.767453 UNION CITY NJ City 98.845827

08530 -74.897789 40.374386 LAMBERTVILLE CITY NJ City 98.842118

07506 -74.158171 40.957751 HAWTHORNE NJ Borough 98.83663

08009 -74.931701 39.75815 BERLIN NJ Borough 98.829959

07059 -74.514657 40.631999 WARREN NJ Township 98.828345

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-124

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07039 -74.329212 40.785564 LIVINGSTON NJ Township 98.81921

11570 -73.638778 40.666952 ROCKVILLE CENTRE NY Village 98.816843

07508 -74.191308 40.958046 NORTH HALEDON NJ Borough 98.802417

08096 -75.127556 39.829439 WOODBURY CITY NJ City 98.784659

07866 -74.487394 40.952096 ROCKAWAY NJ Borough 98.780523

07004 -74.304311 40.882592 FAIRFIELD NJ Township 98.773115

08850 -74.440389 40.448242 MILLTOWN NJ Borough 98.762999

07110 -74.156927 40.819305 NUTLEY NJ Township 98.762686

07631 -73.973578 40.891733 ENGLEWOOD CITY NJ City 98.761865

07452 -74.125047 40.960028 GLEN ROCK NJ Borough 98.737234

07901 -74.36533 40.714761 SUMMIT CITY NJ City 98.726998

07092 -74.360271 40.681069 MOUNTAINSIDE NJ Borough 98.718537

07643 -74.038805 40.846244 LITTLE FERRY NJ Borough 98.712627

07436 -74.241037 41.031399 OAKLAND NJ Borough 98.711952

08869 -74.641731 40.572213 RARITAN NJ Borough 98.70007

08805 -74.540149 40.571767 BOUND BROOK NJ Borough 98.697307

08033 -75.038288 39.893706 HADDONFIELD NJ Borough 98.690967

11563 -73.673958 40.657415 LYNBROOK NY Village 98.690834

07627 -73.956535 40.954965 DEMAREST NJ Borough 98.689862

07508 -74.191308 40.958046 HALEDON NJ Borough 98.644141

07407 -74.120101 40.904844 ELMWOOD PARK NJ Borough 98.635494

08067 -75.411872 39.737587 OLDMANS NJ Township 98.611168

07481 -74.167682 40.998726 WYCKOFF NJ Township 98.610833

07016 -74.303602 40.65644 CRANFORD NJ Township 98.603807

07047 -74.025892 40.793657 NORTH BERGEN NJ Township 98.599642

07463 -74.126065 41.013211 WALDWICK NJ Borough 98.59167

07827 -74.740367 41.291647 MONTAGUE NJ Township 98.590186

08844 -74.672682 40.498273 HILLSBOROUGH NJ Township 98.588628

07874 -74.710836 40.924192 STANHOPE NJ Borough 98.584955

08054 -74.904476 39.948066 MOUNT LAUREL NJ Township 98.57397

07027 -74.323224 40.651367 GARWOOD NJ Borough 98.571243

11743 -73.425388 40.877866 HUNTINGTON BAY NY Village 98.563351

08559 -74.971998 40.440343 STOCKTON NJ Borough 98.56233

08085 -75.328588 39.755577 WOOLWICH NJ Township 98.554842

07821 -74.759954 40.961358 ANDOVER NJ Borough 98.550344

12550 -74.048291 41.538641 NEWBURGH NY City 98.538012

07079 -74.260332 40.749087 SOUTH ORANGE VILLAGE NJ Township 98.509254

07423 -74.097276 41.000056 HO-HO-KUS NJ Borough 98.50875

07624 -73.960346 40.973341 CLOSTER NJ Borough 98.490809

07410 -74.117755 40.935894 FAIR LAWN NJ Borough 98.482678

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-125

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07608 -74.062189 40.853377 TETERBORO NJ Borough 98.466879

11579 -73.644074 40.844039 SEA CLIFF NY Village 98.44678

08060 -74.783562 40.010166 MOUNT HOLLY NJ Township 98.446307

08077 -74.995153 40.001831 RIVERTON NJ Borough 98.44049

08026 -74.964662 39.831891 GIBBSBORO NJ Borough 98.429506

07644 -74.082255 40.87908 LODI NJ Borough 98.42521

11777 -73.062187 40.949468 PORT JEFFERSON NY Village 98.418089

11560 -73.590454 40.88059 LATTINGTOWN NY Village 98.41256

07052 -74.262724 40.789225 WEST ORANGE NJ Township 98.395655

07656 -74.043039 41.035663 PARK RIDGE NJ Borough 98.378025

07860 -74.81122 41.059708 NEWTONTOWN NJ Town 98.377766

07885 -74.582534 40.935762 WHARTON NJ Borough 98.374696

11733 -73.106405 40.935169 OLD FIELD NY Village 98.352988

07022 -74.002339 40.81826 FAIRVIEW NJ Borough 98.326257

07416 -74.592931 41.112618 FRANKLIN NJ Borough 98.303067

07057 -74.106728 40.853523 WALLINGTON NJ Borough 98.266149

07417 -74.208177 41.008844 FRANKLIN LAKES NJ Borough 98.257735

08505 -74.739596 40.102946 BORDENTOWN CITY NJ City 98.248544

07446 -74.145431 41.059443 RAMSEY NJ Borough 98.248095

07003 -74.186931 40.809457 BLOOMFIELD NJ Township 98.244923

07076 -74.373463 40.632463 SCOTCH PLAINS NJ Township 98.213635

07401 -74.133008 41.033116 ALLENDALE NJ Borough 98.204785

11755 -73.117462 40.858014 LAKE GROVE NY Village 98.191044

07030 -74.032205 40.745417 HOBOKEN CITY NJ City 98.183124

08016 -74.832694 40.071504 BURLINGTON CITY NJ City 98.170723

07035 -74.304726 40.925104 LINCOLN PARK NJ Borough 98.148999

07647 -73.943457 41.006802 NORTHVALE NJ Borough 98.135167

11733 -73.106405 40.935169 POQUOTT NY Village 98.109021

08059 -75.093413 39.884773 MOUNT EPHRAIM NJ Borough 98.103156

07090 -74.343584 40.651811 WESTFIELDTOWN NJ Town 98.087402

07660 -74.019905 40.854302 RIDGEFIELD PARK VILLAGE NJ Village 98.082832

07630 -74.027142 40.974314 EMERSON NJ Borough 98.08049

08835 -74.589287 40.542091 MANVILLE NJ Borough 98.044468

07960 -74.501566 40.783781 MORRIS NJ Township 98.030523

07442 -74.285411 41.003985 POMPTON LAKES NJ Borough 98.012177

08057 -74.941076 39.979358 MOORESTOWN NJ Township 97.984999

07675 -74.004394 41.009238 WESTWOOD NJ Borough 97.97316

11030 -73.688801 40.79361 PLANDOME HEIGHTS NY Village 97.944861

07461 -74.606129 41.241006 WANTAGE NJ Township 97.941346

11576 -73.649009 40.796397 ROSLYN ESTATES NY Village 97.91249

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-126

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07801 -74.541936 40.932796 DOVERTOWN NJ Town 97.876922

08084 -75.015562 39.828924 STRATFORD NJ Borough 97.866009

08031 -75.094727 39.866511 BELLMAWR NJ Borough 97.863888

07677 -74.060354 41.025232 WOODCLIFF LAKE NJ Borough 97.857555

07075 -74.087874 40.851038 WOOD-RIDGE NJ Borough 97.855538

10803 -73.806485 40.899962 PELHAM NY Town 97.833304

11777 -73.062187 40.949468 BELLE TERRE NY Village 97.820287

08730 -74.063795 40.104935 BRIELLE NJ Borough 97.817408

08053 -74.895007 39.861151 EVESHAM NJ Township 97.815461

07458 -74.096987 41.045978 SADDLE RIVER NJ Borough 97.8027

07024 -73.973275 40.850582 FORT LEE NJ Borough 97.799396

10560 -73.604072 41.332763 NORTH SALEM NY Town 97.786653

07666 -74.010589 40.889955 TEANECK NJ Township 97.762361

07512 -74.22166 40.903674 TOTOWA NJ Borough 97.752706

07632 -73.950261 40.884791 ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS NJ Borough 97.729016

07652 -74.071516 40.945335 PARAMUS NJ Borough 97.715789

08722 -74.201425 39.92801 BEACHWOOD NJ Borough 97.680341

11762 -73.446387 40.683106 MASSAPEQUA PARK NY Village 97.648651

07640 -73.980324 40.989872 HARRINGTON PARK NJ Borough 97.637908

07040 -74.271454 40.732847 MAPLEWOOD NJ Township 97.61468

08098 -75.328373 39.637359 PILESGROVE NJ Township 97.604227

07457 -74.312278 40.992079 RIVERDALE NJ Borough 97.577375

08088 -74.641392 39.816078 SOUTHAMPTON NJ Township 97.551278

08880 -74.528155 40.553511 SOUTH BOUND BROOK NJ Borough 97.533993

07005 -74.42096 40.928801 BOONTON NJ Township 97.528993

07006 -74.281232 40.852171 WEST CALDWELL NJ Township 97.503009

07405 -74.38351 40.98639 KINNELON NJ Borough 97.498243

07628 -73.992046 40.945375 DUMONT NJ Borough 97.460363

07711 -74.007913 40.238219 ALLENHURST NJ Borough 97.436067

07657 -74.014469 40.831123 RIDGEFIELD NJ Borough 97.431953

08882 -74.378297 40.445269 SOUTH RIVER NJ Borough 97.425946

07620 -73.923714 40.964981 ALPINE NJ Borough 97.37613

08035 -75.064778 39.879149 HADDON HEIGHTS NJ Borough 97.33709

07055 -74.128589 40.857537 PASSAIC CITY NJ City 97.308214

07006 -74.281232 40.852171 NORTH CALDWELL NJ Borough 97.292672

08318 -75.178069 39.556089 PITTSGROVE NJ Township 97.286018

11501 -73.639242 40.746538 MINEOLA NY Village 97.274774

07046 -74.441211 40.892129 MOUNTAIN LAKES NJ Borough 97.265358

07026 -74.108294 40.879193 GARFIELD CITY NJ City 97.250675

07050 -74.234734 40.768183 CITY OF ORANGE NJ City 97.180512

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-127

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07033 -74.289607 40.678252 KENILWORTH NJ Borough 97.150367

07670 -73.956681 40.91914 TENAFLY NJ Borough 97.144569

08043 -74.954829 39.845655 VOORHEES NJ Township 97.119143

08033 -75.038288 39.893706 TAVISTOCK NJ Borough 97.100727

07010 -73.98792 40.821953 CLIFFSIDE PARK NJ Borough 97.084973

07764 -74.018023 40.288405 WEST LONG BRANCH NJ Borough 97.082473

08091 -74.925648 39.805517 BERLIN NJ Township 97.071627

07650 -73.996496 40.847086 PALISADES PARK NJ Borough 97.069672

08901 -74.443447 40.485449 NEW BRUNSWICK CITY NJ City 97.007874

08077 -74.995153 40.001831 CINNAMINSON NJ Township 97.003066

08733 -74.430086 40.018575 LAKEHURST NJ Borough 96.997032

11040 -73.679664 40.745418 NEW HYDE PARK NY Village 96.986823

12508 -73.951676 41.496772 BEACON NY City 96.979332

11050 -73.691383 40.838956 PORT WASHINGTON NORTH NY Village 96.960157

07722 -74.167887 40.290407 COLTS NECK NJ Township 96.90495

07642 -74.044529 41.007125 HILLSDALE NJ Borough 96.888344

08060 -74.783562 40.010166 WESTAMPTON NJ Township 96.885301

08741 -74.167681 39.934034 PINE BEACH NJ Borough 96.867912

07009 -74.228174 40.85641 CEDAR GROVE NJ Township 96.854434

07109 -74.161462 40.795217 BELLEVILLE NJ Township 96.845944

10549 -73.719433 41.200236 MOUNT KISCO NY Town 96.80891

07607 -74.063434 40.902451 MAYWOOD NJ Borough 96.759521

11771 -73.527348 40.866788 CENTRE ISLAND NY Village 96.75307

11709 -73.562187 40.907595 BAYVILLE NY Village 96.736777

07719 -74.07792 40.167167 LAKE COMO NJ Borough 96.716322

11965 -72.341844 41.077014 DERING HARBOR NY Village 96.655537

07605 -73.989702 40.863798 LEONIA NJ Borough 96.639048

07432 -74.140872 40.995234 MIDLAND PARK NJ Borough 96.609913

08540 -74.656805 40.365814 PRINCETON NJ Borough 96.546894

08010 -74.914998 40.05365 EDGEWATER PARK NJ Township 96.534705

08904 -74.42854 40.50118 HIGHLAND PARK NJ Borough 96.460595

08829 -74.895366 40.66829 HIGH BRIDGE NJ Borough 96.436857

10576 -73.573063 41.21332 POUND RIDGE NY Town 96.405884

08055 -74.821058 39.865838 MEDFORD NJ Township 96.396149

11565 -73.671565 40.675059 MALVERNE NY Village 96.342944

07647 -73.943457 41.006802 ROCKLEIGH NJ Borough 96.303667

08846 -74.5007 40.574518 MIDDLESEX NJ Borough 96.246746

07649 -74.031874 40.956092 ORADELL NJ Borough 96.243268

11520 -73.583185 40.650754 FREEPORT NY Village 96.23117

07801 -74.541936 40.932796 VICTORY GARDENS NJ Borough 96.161751

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-128

Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07424 -74.20716 40.88307 LITTLE FALLS NJ Township 96.083397

07641 -73.997863 40.962074 HAWORTH NJ Borough 96.057496

08062 -75.220544 39.714487 HARRISON NJ Township 96.052668

07044 -74.242861 40.832979 VERONA NJ Township 96.002203

07073 -74.086269 40.816144 EAST RUTHERFORD NJ Borough 95.871956

08302 -75.266466 39.442165 STOW CREEK NJ Township 95.764554

07068 -74.308741 40.820827 ROSELAND NJ Borough 95.713979

07645 -74.049579 41.053168 MONTVALE NJ Borough 95.71221

07066 -74.312725 40.620435 CLARK NJ Township 95.689307

11545 -73.589254 40.825885 OLD BROOKVILLE NY Village 95.616272

07081 -74.325415 40.699451 SPRINGFIELD NJ Township 95.605747

08840 -74.357869 40.543688 METUCHEN NJ Borough 95.603956

11978 -72.639521 40.831415 WESTHAMPTON BEACH NY Village 95.539767

08826 -74.906189 40.722792 GLEN GARDNER NJ Borough 95.494075

07456 -74.274559 41.107618 RINGWOOD NJ Borough 95.48966

08828 -74.424735 40.379225 HELMETTA NJ Borough 95.421754

11542 -73.628284 40.870599 GLEN COVE NY City 95.41387

11021 -73.728497 40.786645 THOMASTON NY Village 95.372578

08750 -74.044178 40.133787 SEA GIRT NJ Borough 95.365509

07753 -74.078765 40.213419 NEPTUNE NJ Township 95.288328

08046 -74.886501 40.027515 WILLINGBORO NJ Township 95.256546

07712 -74.051243 40.246423 ASBURY PARK CITY NJ City 95.232316

07069 -74.440174 40.64152 WATCHUNG NJ Borough 95.153096

07028 -74.204337 40.804425 GLEN RIDGE NJ Borough 95.107407

08742 -74.061655 40.08145 POINT PLEASANT NJ Borough 95.089438

07648 -73.950669 40.992894 NORWOOD NJ Borough 95.034798

08010 -74.914998 40.05365 BEVERLY CITY NJ City 95.011549

11557 -73.692681 40.637711 HEWLETT BAY PARK NY Village 94.943642

07083 -74.269037 40.694469 UNION NJ Township 94.890528

07860 -74.81122 41.059708 HAMPTON NJ Township 94.677708

10509 -73.595065 41.411784 SOUTHEAST NY Town 94.671364

11021 -73.728497 40.786645 GREAT NECK ESTATES NY Village 94.669847

08344 -74.990986 39.565633 NEWFIELD NJ Borough 94.646944

08097 -75.15134 39.815611 WOODBURY HEIGHTS NJ Borough 94.597446

08742 -74.061655 40.08145 POINT PLEASANT BEACH NJ Borough 94.597391

07734 -74.13496 40.443573 KEANSBURG NJ Borough 94.515656

11713 -72.943264 40.777552 BELLPORT NY Village 94.513751

08241 -74.471026 39.532157 PORT REPUBLIC CITY NJ City 94.505374

11576 -73.649009 40.796397 ROSLYN HARBOR NY Village 94.451416

11516 -73.727959 40.626495 CEDARHURST NY Village 94.417761

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Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

11530 -73.635931 40.727388 GARDEN CITY NY Village 94.25095

07205 -74.229028 40.696089 HILLSIDE NJ Township 94.229413

07832 -75.008526 41.019191 KNOWLTON NJ Township 94.125116

07662 -74.079183 40.907132 ROCHELLE PARK NJ Township 94.113796

07021 -74.279362 40.825811 ESSEX FELLS NJ Borough 94.107094

11596 -73.642563 40.75995 EAST WILLISTON NY Village 94.063082

07403 -74.332778 41.029564 BLOOMINGDALE NJ Borough 94.054642

11576 -73.649009 40.796397 ROSLYN NY Village 94.041189

07924 -74.591319 40.727928 BERNARDSVILLE NJ Borough 93.960878

07974 -74.403385 40.697848 NEW PROVIDENCE NJ Borough 93.904087

07860 -74.81122 41.059708 STILLWATER NJ Township 93.818014

07603 -74.029622 40.875265 BOGOTA NJ Borough 93.693637

07871 -74.624643 41.046776 SPARTA NJ Township 93.648946

08757 -74.255833 39.960828 SOUTH TOMS RIVER NJ Borough 93.620629

12771 -74.624173 41.374345 PORT JERVIS NY City 93.6049

11021 -73.728497 40.786645 KENSINGTON NY Village 93.599503

07717 -74.016475 40.191286 AVON-BY-THE-SEA NJ Borough 93.438085

07740 -73.991852 40.295054 LONG BRANCH CITY NJ City 93.428757

08016 -74.832694 40.071504 BURLINGTON NJ Township 93.402247

07071 -74.110793 40.796346 LYNDHURST NJ Township 93.398786

11545 -73.589254 40.825885 BROOKVILLE NY Village 93.375525

07863 -74.969047 40.818201 OXFORD NJ Township 93.238119

07932 -74.395919 40.777514 FLORHAM PARK NJ Borough 93.190081

08270 -74.797952 39.269572 CORBIN CITY NJ City 93.085155

07724 -74.078027 40.293621 EATONTOWN NJ Borough 92.976745

07470 -74.247792 40.946478 WAYNE NJ Township 92.97154

07803 -74.600712 40.878026 MINE HILL NJ Township 92.950035

07604 -74.074167 40.86225 HASBROUCK HEIGHTS NJ Borough 92.833499

10950 -74.201132 41.314755 MONROE NY Town 92.803925

11568 -73.596947 40.786607 OLD WESTBURY NY Village 92.783247

07029 -74.154057 40.744133 HARRISONTOWN NJ Town 92.694463

08876 -74.689578 40.586733 SOMERVILLE NJ Borough 92.563415

07020 -73.978349 40.822845 EDGEWATER NJ Borough 92.561007

11560 -73.590454 40.88059 MATINEco*ck NY Village 92.553169

07735 -74.199772 40.441149 KEYPORT NJ Borough 92.481569

11598 -73.711916 40.6305 HEWLETT NECK NY Village 92.356373

07848 -74.68188 41.101635 LAFAYETTE NJ Township 92.241892

07661 -74.039162 40.927233 RIVER EDGE NJ Borough 92.168461

08759 -74.375122 39.958394 MANCHESTER NJ Township 92.164318

11598 -73.711916 40.6305 WOODSBURGH NY Village 92.035143

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Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

11001 -73.707358 40.721376 SOUTH FLORAL PARK NY Village 91.725793

08530 -74.897789 40.374386 WEST AMWELL NJ Township 91.715197

11772 -72.9675 40.760062 PATCHOGUE NY Village 91.595748

07720 -74.012784 40.201523 BRADLEY BEACH NJ Borough 91.585211

08075 -74.950538 40.028917 DELRAN NJ Township 91.504384

10998 -74.542212 41.330625 MINISINK NY Town 91.474423

08902 -74.484771 40.441924 NORTH BRUNSWICK NJ Township 91.343812

08083 -75.029019 39.840522 SOMERDALE NJ Borough 91.209954

11749 -73.172777 40.806217 ISLANDIA NY Village 91.075846

11530 -73.635931 40.727388 STEWART MANOR NY Village 90.994753

11596 -73.642563 40.75995 WILLISTON PARK NY Village 90.935041

07094 -74.064478 40.781393 SECAUCUSTOWN NJ Town 90.875522

07832 -75.008526 41.019191 WALPACK NJ Township 90.788846

11768 -73.323846 40.909656 NORTHPORT NY Village 90.742621

08848 -75.096289 40.594241 HOLLAND NJ Township 90.728541

08036 -74.836528 39.978221 HAINESPORT NJ Township 90.722998

07869 -74.579261 40.84504 RANDOLPH NJ Township 90.551806

08078 -75.074402 39.85199 RUNNEMEDE NJ Borough 90.410927

07857 -74.700355 40.896355 NETCONG NJ Borough 90.398063

08030 -75.116837 39.890349 BROOKLAWN NJ Borough 90.293891

07676 -74.063751 40.989406 WASHINGTON NJ Township 90.261447

08045 -75.029535 39.867103 LAWNSIDE NJ Borough 90.246874

07920 -74.558289 40.681953 BERNARDS NJ Township 90.173914

12572 -73.868833 41.926296 RHINEBECK NY Town 90.126829

08865 -75.149632 40.707563 POHATCONG NJ Township 89.93535

08065 -75.035032 40.002395 PALMYRA NJ Borough 89.767739

11030 -73.688801 40.79361 PLANDOME MANOR NY Village 89.724315

08861 -74.274458 40.52292 PERTH AMBOY CITY NJ City 89.620697

10918 -74.256162 41.349979 CHESTER NY Town 89.581096

07424 -74.20716 40.88307 WOODLAND PARK NJ Borough 89.51744

08260 -74.826655 38.986334 WILDWOOD CITY NJ City 89.381287

12590 -73.884631 41.595699 WAPPINGER NY Town 89.293449

08302 -75.266466 39.442165 FAIRFIELD NJ Township 89.262875

08221 -74.569024 39.340785 LINWOOD CITY NJ City 89.23594

11771 -73.527348 40.866788 COVE NECK NY Village 89.212941

08844 -74.672682 40.498273 MILLSTONE NJ Borough 89.115177

07093 -74.01158 40.788033 GUTTENBERGTOWN NJ Town 88.884656

08816 -74.413278 40.432017 EAST BRUNSWICK NJ Township 88.839827

08527 -74.353553 40.105507 JACKSON NJ Township 88.802926

11557 -73.692681 40.637711 HEWLETT HARBOR NY Village 88.752196

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Zip X Y City ST Muni_Type % Area

07663 -74.096076 40.904677 SADDLE BROOK NJ Township 88.626709

11701 -73.413218 40.685132 AMITYVILLE NY Village 88.614317

08075 -74.950538 40.028917 DELANCO NJ Township 88.440704

07922 -74.428355 40.674706 BERKELEY HEIGHTS NJ Township 88.286261

08742 -74.061655 40.08145 BAY HEAD NJ Borough 88.072604

08886 -75.107466 40.69295 GREENWICH NJ Township 88.03774

11768 -73.323846 40.909656 ASHAROKEN NY Village 87.978315

11968 -72.41236 40.907287 SOUTHAMPTON NY Village 87.896887

08106 -75.073762 39.891085 AUDUBON PARK NJ Borough 87.886756

08520 -74.531952 40.254059 EAST WINDSOR NJ Township 87.784097

07032 -74.122075 40.754516 KEARNYTOWN NJ Town 87.627849

08402 -74.506238 39.330391 MARGATE CITY NJ City 87.447262

08092 -74.286768 39.658806 EAGLESWOOD NJ Township 87.387259

08302 -75.266466 39.442165 UPPER DEERFIELD NJ Township 87.376768

11718 -73.264068 40.719151 BRIGHTWATERS NY Village 87.374934

08865 -75.149632 40.707563 HARMONY NJ Township 87.180725

08070 -75.507562 39.629338 PENNSVILLE NJ Township 86.952678

11023 -73.734547 40.799039 SADDLE ROCK NY Village 86.858164

07730 -74.176028 40.424822 HAZLET NJ Township 86.536229

08037 -74.770806 39.632645 FOLSOM NJ Borough 86.505653

11944 -72.373601 41.103719 GREENPORT NY Village 86.034664

11561 -73.639515 40.588867 LONG BEACH NY City 85.828372

08204 -74.913898 38.975103 CAPE MAY CITY NJ City 85.56892

07882 -75.011383 40.753841 WASHINGTON NJ Township 85.376851

08030 -75.116837 39.890349 GLOUCESTER CITY NJ City 85.252445

11518 -73.666914 40.638585 EAST ROCKAWAY NY Village 85.15731

7.8 Appendix H. MTA LIRR Station Locations Used for Geocoding

MTA Long Island Railroad (LIRR) station locations used for geocoding.



BELMONT 11003 NY -73.7281723 40.7172203


ALBERTSON 11507 NY -73.6421093 40.7709534


AMAGANSETT 11930 NY -72.1320697 40.9796503


AMITYVILLE 11701 NY -73.4195346 40.6792732


BROOKLYN 11217 NY -73.9774024 40.6840007

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AUBURNDALE 11358 NY -73.7898543 40.7610577


BABYLON 11702 NY -73.32242 40.7002399


BALDWIN 11510 NY -73.6094398 40.6562302


BAY SHORE 11706 NY -73.2539298 40.7249598

Bayside 213TH STREET & 41ST AVENUE

BAYSIDE 11361 NY -73.7719112 40.7635136


BELLEROSE 11001 NY -73.7168753 40.7226755


NORTH BELLPORT 11976 NY -72.9430101 40.7741998


BETHPAGE 11714 NY -73.4836697 40.7433598

Boland's Landing ATLANTIC AVE & 127TH ST

QUEENS 11418 NY -73.8210832 40.695807


BRENTWOOD 11717 NY -73.2461585 40.7812237

Bridgehampton MAPLE & BUTTER LANES BRIDGEHAMPTON 11932 NY -72.3106901 40.9382498


QUEENS 11358 NY -73.8037248 40.7621983


CARLE PLACE 11514 NY -73.6056599 40.7488999


CEDARHURST 11516 NY -73.7246432 40.6229719


CENTRAL ISLIP 11722 NY -73.1925353 40.792612


EAST ROCKAWAY 11518 NY -73.6647723 40.6494043

Cold Spring Harbor



11724 NY -73.4542499 40.83601


COPIAGUE 11726 NY -73.3999875 40.6815341

Country Life Press


GARDEN CITY 11530 NY -73.6295834 40.7215982


DOUGLASTON 11363 NY -73.7490155 40.7687865


EAST HAMPTON 11937 NY -72.1917602 40.9652502


BROOKLYN 11207 NY -73.9043699 40.6760873


EAST ROCKAWAY 11518 NY -73.65964 40.6407901


EAST WILLISTON 11596 NY -73.6401487 40.7576968


FAR ROCKAWAY 11691 NY -73.7524311 40.6077824


FARMINGDALE 11735 NY -73.4408404 40.7352205

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FLORAL PARK 11001 NY -73.7046401 40.7248398

Flushing Main Street


FLUSHING 11355 NY -73.8294663 40.758207


QUEENS 11375 NY -73.8440812 40.7212616

Freeport N MAIN ST & HENRY ST FREEPORT 11520 NY -73.577416 40.6529985


GARDEN CITY 11530 NY -73.6421701 40.7234799


VALLEY STREAM 11581 NY -73.7012498 40.6499103


GLEN COVE 11542 NY -73.6179438 40.8644703


GLEN HEAD 11545 NY -73.6257999 40.8319203

Glen Street GLEN ST & ELM AVE GLEN COVE 11542 NY -73.6204898 40.8590998



11021 NY -73.7276602 40.7872099


GREENLAWN 11740 NY -73.365058 40.8691631

Greenport 4TH ST & WIGGINS ST GREENPORT 11944 NY -72.3644798 41.10016


GREENVALE 11548 NY -73.6258502 40.8163997


HAMPTON BAYS 11946 NY -72.5299333 40.8748793

Hempstead MAIN ST & BEDELL ST HEMPSTEAD 11550 NY -73.6265999 40.7126103

Hempstead Gardens


WEST HEMPSTEAD 11552 NY -73.6464986 40.694265


HEWLETT 11557 NY -73.7038703 40.6373897


HICKSVILLE 11801 NY -73.5277764 40.7681581

Hillside 182ND PL & 93RD AVE HOLLIS 11423 NY -73.7783943 40.7080502


HOLLIS 11423 NY -73.766517 40.710932

Hunterspoint Avenue


LONG ISLAND CITY 11101 NY -73.94645 40.7419798


HUNTINGTON 11746 NY -73.4117179 40.8532854


INWOOD 11096 NY -73.7437903 40.61409


ISLAND PARK 11558 NY -73.6554497 40.6013502


ISLIP 11751 NY -73.2077858 40.736836


QUEENS 11435 NY -73.8077166 40.7006065


KEW GARDENS 11415 NY -73.8296904 40.709351


KINGS PARK 11754 NY -73.2537587 40.8843758

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LAKEVIEW 11552 NY -73.6523206 40.6863488

Laurelton 224TH STREET & 141ST ROAD

LAURELTON 11413 NY -73.7515734 40.6690137


LAWRENCE 11559 NY -73.7375301 40.6150257


LINDENHURST 11757 NY -73.3735301 40.6868403


LITTLE NECK 11363 NY -73.741854 40.7736871


LOCUST MANOR 11434 NY -73.7638003 40.6737497

Long Beach E MARKET ST & PARK PL LONG BEACH 11561 NY -73.6642997 40.5901098

Long Island City BORDEN AVE & 5TH ST QUEENS 11101 NY -73.9568853 40.7418214


LYNBROOK 11563 NY -73.6774801 40.6557997


MALVERNE 11565 NY -73.66965 40.6751297


MANHASSET 11030 NY -73.6996499 40.7974003


MASSAPEQUA 11758 NY -73.4700711 40.6772249


MASSAPEQUA PARK 11762 NY -73.45634 40.67725


MASTIC 11967 NY -72.8660161 40.7981697


MATTITUCK 11952 NY -72.5351779 40.9921778


MEDFORD 11763 NY -73.0061493 40.817131


GARDEN CITY 11530 NY -73.6607203 40.7350101


MERRICK 11566 NY -73.5494111 40.6635249

Mets-Willets Point


QUEENS 11368 NY -73.8486374 40.7483155

Mineola MINEOLA BLVD & 3RD ST MINEOLA 11501 NY -73.6395153 40.7397075


MONTAUK 11954 NY -71.9523999 41.0500697

Murray Hill 150TH STREET & 41ST AVENUE

MURRAY HILL 11355 NY -73.8139998 40.7627698

Nassau Boulevard


GARDEN CITY 11530 NY -73.6607011 40.7228168


NEW HYDE PARK 11040 NY -73.6807597 40.7309599


BROOKLYN 11216 NY -73.949698 40.6783653


OAKDALE 11769 NY -73.1312666 40.7420909

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OCEANSIDE 11572 NY -73.6540646 40.6350467


OYSTER BAY 11771 NY -73.5335702 40.87398


PATCHOGUE 11772 NY -73.0155598 40.7614198


WYANDANCH 11798 NY -73.4007443 40.7449886


PLANDOME 11030 NY -73.6949422 40.8095178

Port Jefferson MAIN ST & WILSON ST PORT JEFFERSON 11776 NY -73.0541937 40.9340589

Port Washington MAIN ST & HAVEN AVE PORT WASHINGTON 11050 NY -73.6883303 40.8305497


QUEENS VILLAGE 11428 NY -73.7352734 40.7185155


RIVERHEAD 11901 NY -72.6687703 40.9194501



11570 NY -73.6478799 40.65849


RONKONKOMA 11779 NY -73.1111945 40.8074963


ROSEDALE 11422 NY -73.7353833 40.6653061


ROSLYN 11577 NY -73.640713 40.7903325


SAYVILLE 11782 NY -73.0846401 40.7399802


GLEN COVE 11542 NY -73.6265402 40.8515098


SEAFORD 11783 NY -73.4879758 40.6746876


SMITHTOWN 11787 NY -73.1939703 40.8573101


SOUTHOLD 11971 NY -72.4273299 41.0662897


SPEONK 11941 NY -72.704143 40.8209551


QUEENS 11412 NY -73.76238 40.69165


ST. JAMES 11780 NY -73.1590299 40.8823002


GARDEN CITY 11530 NY -73.6793378 40.7232121


STONY BROOK 11790 NY -73.1281201 40.9216301


SYOSSET 11791 NY -73.502345 40.8243322


VALLEY STREAM 11581 NY -73.7035397 40.66033

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WANTAGH 11793 NY -73.5103 40.6726299


HEMPSTEAD 11552 NY -73.6406136 40.7034185


WESTBURY 11590 NY -73.5878199 40.7538197

Westhampton DEPOT RD & STATION RD WESTHAMPTON 11977 NY -72.6512566 40.8295332


MALVERNE 11580 NY -73.6821842 40.6683057


WOODMERE 11598 NY -73.7125003 40.6320199


WOODSIDE 11377 NY -73.9033942 40.7455918


WYANDANCH 11798 NY -73.3604812 40.7540589


YAPHANK 11980 NY -72.9165272 40.8237134

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7.9 Appendix I. Regional Zone Numbers

All final QX (Longitude) and QY (Latitude) geocoded coordinates were mapped in ESRI ArcGIS software to assign the zone through a “spatial join” process. The zones GIS layer and list was utilized from pervious LIRR surveys with zone assignments to allow geographic zone comparisons between survey data.

Regional zone numbers assigned to final geocoded locations for QZONE.17

NAME QZONE Downtown Manhattan 1 Lower Manhattan 2 Mid-Manhattan West 3 Mid-Manhattan East 4 Upper West Side 5 Upper East Side 6 Upper Manhattan Above Central Park 7 Queens 8 Brooklyn 9 Nassau 10 Suffolk 11 Bronx 12 Staten Island 13 Westchester/Putnam/Rockland/Orange/Dutchess 14 New Jersey 15 Outside of region 0

17 A brief definition zones used is given below. Downtown Manhattan: South of Leonard St Lower Manhattan: South of Houston St, North of Leonard St Mid-Manhattan West: West of 5th Ave, South of 59th St, North of 14th St Mid-Manhattan East: East of 5th Ave, South of 60th St, North of Houston St Upper West Side: West of Central Park, South of 114th St, North of 59th St Upper East Side: East of Central Park, South of 116th, North of 60th St Upper Manhattan: North of 110th St

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-139

7.10 Appendix J. “ZIP Buildings” List*


NEW YORK NY 10041 55 WATER ST -74.00916314 40.70317619

NEW YORK NY 10043 399 PARK AVENUE -74.0069944 40.7042494

NEW YORK NY 10045 33 LIBERTY ST -74.00867646 40.70838792

NEW YORK NY 10047 WORLD TRADE CENTER -73.98631839 40.73950135

NEW YORK NY 10055 55 E 52ND ST -73.97366518 40.75912162

NEW YORK NY 10080 4 WORLD FINANCE CENTER -74.01211391 40.71064528

NEW YORK NY 10081 1 CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA -74.00897685 40.70785255

NEW YORK NY 10096 1114 AVE OF THE AMERICAS -73.98268287 40.75469759

NEW YORK NY 10103 666 5TH AVE -73.97766962 40.76077974

NEW YORK NY 10104 1290 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS -73.97887756 40.76047008

NEW YORK NY 10105 1345 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS -73.9790427 40.7629959

NEW YORK NY 10106 888 FASHION AVE -73.98087299 40.76537723

NEW YORK NY 10107 250 W 57TH ST -73.98253225 40.76627583

NEW YORK NY 10110 500 5TH AVE -73.98218319 40.7544644

NEW YORK NY 10111 630 5TH AVE -73.97759598 40.75911398

NEW YORK NY 10112 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA -73.97966815 40.75916749

NEW YORK NY 10115 475 RIVERSIDE DRIVE -73.96374367 40.81085197

NEW YORK NY 10118 350 5TH AVE -73.98572471 40.74845329

NEW YORK NY 10119 1 PENN PLAZA -73.99326505 40.75042869

NEW YORK NY 10120 112 W 34TH ST -73.98899906 40.7498045

NEW YORK NY 10121 2 PENN PLAZA -73.99212432 40.74995495

NEW YORK NY 10122 225 W 34TH ST -73.99170338 40.75187063

NEW YORK NY 10123 450 FASHION AVE -73.99075242 40.75146642

NEW YORK NY 10151 745 5TH AVE -73.97317816 40.7632392

NEW YORK NY 10152 375 PARK AVE -73.97203144 40.7584035

NEW YORK NY 10153 767 5TH AVE -73.97243869 40.7636221

NEW YORK NY 10154 345 PARK AVE -73.9724875 40.7577785

NEW YORK NY 10155 150 E 58TH ST -73.96792849 40.76101886

NEW YORK NY 10158 605 3RD AVE -73.97509823 40.74895973

NEW YORK NY 10162 500 E 77TH ST -73.94992442 40.76930826

NEW YORK NY 10165 60 E 42ND ST -73.97872225 40.75213096

NEW YORK NY 10166 200 PARK AVE -73.9766536 40.75351765

NEW YORK NY 10167 245 PARK AVE -73.97477101 40.75464849

NEW YORK NY 10168 122 E 42ND ST -73.97710321 40.75144841

NEW YORK NY 10169 230 PARK AVE -73.97609841 40.75439127

NEW YORK NY 10170 420 LEXINGTON AVE -73.97587656 40.75262526

NEW YORK NY 10171 299 PARK AVE -73.97385832 40.75589935

NEW YORK NY 10172 277 PARK AVE -73.9743148 40.75527332

NEW YORK NY 10173 342 MADISON AVE -73.97929036 40.75412503

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NEW YORK NY 10174 405 LEXINGTON AVE -73.9750035 40.751441

NEW YORK NY 10175 521 5TH AVE -73.97981 40.75416429

NEW YORK NY 10176 551 5TH AVE -73.97886464 40.75540575

NEW YORK NY 10177 250 PARK AVE -73.97593369 40.75513873

NEW YORK NY 10178 101 PARK AVE -73.97775251 40.7508838

NEW YORK NY 10203 1 WALL ST -74.01178756 40.70714138

NEW YORK NY 10259 140 BROADWAY -74.01001808 40.70861788

NEW YORK NY 10260 60 WALL ST -74.00849712 40.7062374

NEW YORK NY 10265 BARCLAY BANK -74.00797733 40.70514297

NEW YORK NY 10270 70 PINE ST -74.00772628 40.7064697

NEW YORK NY 10271 120 BROADWAY -74.01054139 40.70823558

NEW YORK NY 10275 26 BROADWAY -74.01400603 40.70576278560

NEW YORK NY 10278 26 FEDERAL PLAZA -74.00371745 40.71513832

NEW YORK NY 10279 233 BROADWAY -74.00866884 40.71262621

NEW YORK NY 10285 SHEARSON AMERICAN EXPRESS -74.01485782 40.71356453

NEW YORK NY 10286 BANK OF NEW YORK -74.0091019 40.70647288

*The ZIP code list reflects ZIP designations from 2014.

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7.11 Appendix K. Detailed Count Tables

7.11.1 Notes

Passenger count summaries from head counts, or “ons” and “offs” (not survey results) are shown here but are to be used with caution. The figures may overstate actual ridership due to customers transferring from one train to another. This occurs mostly at Jamaica Station but also at Babylon, Hicksville, Huntington, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Valley Stream and Woodside.

7.11.2 Travel Patterns by Daypart: Weekdays


Weekday Weekday

2012-14 2012-14

(330,535) (330,535)

Number Percent Westbound 163,020 49

AM Peak 111,328 68

Midday Off-Peak 23,609 14

PM Reverse Peak 17,604 11

Overnight 10,479 6

Eastbound 167,515 51

AM Reverse Peak 11,935 7

Midday Off-Peak 31,041 19

PM Peak 96,233 57

Overnight 28,306 17

7.11.3 Travel Patterns by Daypart: Weekends


Weekend Weekend

2012-14 2012-14

(277,187) (277,187)

Number Percent

Westbound 135,060 49

Saturday 76,394 57

Sunday 58,666 43

Eastbound 142,127 51

Saturday 77,923 55

Sunday 64,204 45

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-142

7.11.4 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekday Westbound


Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger

Counts Proportion Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger

Counts Proportion

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14

(111,328) (111,328) (23,609) (23,609) (17,604) (17,604) (10,479) (10,479) Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Departure Branch Babylon 23,637 21 4,387 19 3,207 18 2,287 22 Huntington 19,404 17 3,962 17 3,529 20 2,057 20 Port Washington 15,079 14 3,671 16 2,271 13 940 9 City Terminal Zone 13,959 13 3,948 17 3,264 19 1,599 15 Ronkonkoma 13,390 12 2,520 11 1,575 9 1,530 15 Far Rockaway 7,049 6 1,576 7 1,056 6 437 4 Long Beach 5,370 5 1,105 5 746 4 255 2 Hempstead 4,707 4 776 3 783 4 490 5 Port Jefferson 3,443 3 655 3 473 3 344 3 Montauk 2,101 2 476 2 354 2 278 3 Oyster Bay 1,874 2 387 2 279 2 155 1 West Hempstead 1,257 1 109 * 59 * 99 1 Greenport 58 * 37 * 8 * 8 * Note: This table reflects boardings (ONS) in the Westbound direction * Less than 0.5 percent

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-143

7.11.5 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekday Eastbound


Passenger Counts

Proportion Passenger

Counts Proportion

Passenger Counts

Proportion Passenger

Counts Proportion

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 (11,935) (11,935) (31,041) (31,041) (96,233) (96,233) (28,306) (28,306) Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Departure Branch City Terminal Zone 9,888 83 27,466 88 92,335 96 25,508 90 Babylon 688 6 763 2 1,140 1 954 3 Huntington 601 5 1,750 6 1,588 2 1,107 4 Port Washington 343 3 265 1 369 * 163 1 Far Rockaway 92 1 212 1 183 * 182 1 Ronkonkoma 88 1 294 1 292 * 146 1 Long Beach 79 1 100 * 110 * 69 * Port Jefferson 54 * 87 * 77 * 53 * Hempstead 52 * 48 * 21 * 20 * Montauk 27 * 27 * 76 * 78 * Oyster Bay 12 * 23 * 32 * 19 * West Hempstead 10 * 5 * 10 * 7 * Greenport 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * Note: This table reflects boardings (ONS) in the Eastbound direction

* Less than 0.5 percent

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7.11.6 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekend Westbound


Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger Counts Proportion

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14

(76,394) (76,394) (58,666) (58,666) (135,060) (135,060)

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Departure Branch

Babylon 15,756 21 10,258 17 26,014 19

Huntington 14,971 20 11,030 19 26,001 19

City Terminal Zone 13,156 17 11,633 20 24,789 18

Ronkonkoma 9,315 12 6,649 11 15,964 12

Port Washington 9,086 12 6,528 11 15,614 12

Far Rockaway 4,096 5 3,652 6 7,748 6

Long Beach 3,324 4 2,394 4 5,718 4

Montauk 1,982 3 2,470 4 4,452 3

Hempstead 1,968 3 1,723 3 3,691 3

Port Jefferson 1,696 2 1,564 3 3,260 2

Oyster Bay 991 1 713 1 1,704 1

West Hempstead** 53 * 52 * 105 *

Greenport 0 * 0 * 0 * Note: This table reflects boardings (ONS) in the Westbound direction * Less than 0.5 percent ** There was no weekend service on West Hempstead branch during the period that the counts were performed. Weekend West Hempstead counts represent ridership at St Albans station serviced by Babylon branch.

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7.11.7 Branch Ridership by Dayparts: Weekend Eastbound


Saturday Sunday Total

Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger Counts Proportion Passenger Counts Proportion

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14

(77,923) (77,923) (64,204) (64,204) (142,127) (142,127)

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Departure Branch

City Terminal Zone 69,477 89 56,974 89 126,451 89

Babylon 2,987 4 2,160 3 5,147 4

Huntington 2,890 4 2,761 4 5,651 4

Port Washington 792 1 757 1 1,549 1

Ronkonkoma 560 1 432 1 992 1

Far Rockaway 351 * 365 1 716 1

Long Beach 343 * 218 * 561 *

Montauk 204 * 264 * 468 *

Port Jefferson 156 * 112 * 268 *

Hempstead 79 * 78 * 157 *

Oyster Bay 63 * 58 * 121 *

West Hempstead** 21 * 25 * 46 *

Greenport 0 * 0 * 0 * Note: This table reflects boardings (ONS) in the Eastbound direction * Less than 0.5 percent ** There was no weekend service on West Hempstead branch during the period that the counts were performed. Weekend West Hempstead counts represent ridership at St Albans station serviced by Babylon branch.

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7.12 Appendix L. Detailed Survey Tables

7.12.1 Notes

The tables presented in this Appendix show data from weekdays and weekends and cover all dayparts, unless otherwise specified. All tables report data based on “Level 1” linked trip weights.

Each table in this appendix presents several figures:

Unweighted Base – The total number of respondent records that qualified for the analysis, regardless of whether there are responses in the question. These figures have no weights applied.

Weighted Base – The total number of records in the Unweighted Base, with the Level 1expansion weights applied. Weights adjust the survey records to reflect the total population of LIRR customers. This represents the total number of riders in the LIRR system that conform to the attributes being analyzed.

No Response – The portion of the Weighted Base that had no response to the question being analyzed, whose behavior cannot be reported on.

Total Answering – The portion of the Weighted Base that responded to the question being analyzed. Each table’s percentage values are based on this figure. This figure is obtained by withdrawing the No Response from the Weighted Base.

7.12.2 Trip Purpose

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No Response 3,465 2,973 Total Answering 253,501 214,140

Percent Percent

Commuting (Total) 64.31 68.49 Commuting to/from work 58.94 63.29 Commuting to/from school 5.37 5.20

Recreation (e.g., dining/entertainment/vacation) 17.33 15.55 Personal business (e.g., medical/visiting) 12.69 11.20 For business reasons (not to regular workplace) 3.08 2.84 Shopping 1.41 1.18 Traveling to/from John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport

0.82 0.44

Other 0.37 0.30

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7.12.3 Trip Frequency

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No Response 8,206 7,385 Total Answering 248,760 209,727

Percent Percent

5 or more days per week 49.98 54.66 1 to 4 days per week (Total) 24.81 23.99

4 days per week 6.58 6.80 3 days per week 5.93 5.76 2 days per week 5.86 5.51 1 day per week 6.44 5.92

Less than 1 day per week (Total) 25.21 21.35 Less than 1 day per week but more than 1 day per month 9.99 8.65 1 day per month or less 15.23 12.70

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7.12.4 Trip Origin Location

2012-14 Westbound EastboundUnweighted Base 65,156 50,223 Weighted Base 256,966 190,911 No response 347 595 Total Answering 256,619 190,316

Percent Percent

Nassau 55.48 4.66 Suffolk 28.72 1.35 Queens 14.47 7.79 Manhattan (Total) 0.74 75.04 Mid-Manhattan West 0.27 29.24 Downtown Manhattan 0.16 15.40 Mid-Manhattan East 0.13 16.36 Upper West Side 0.06 4.33 Upper Manhattan above Central Park 0.05 1.90 Upper East Side 0.04 3.32 Lower Manhattan 0.02 4.49 Brooklyn 0.39 8.06 Bronx 0.09 0.77 Westchester/Putnam/Rockland/Orange/Dutchess 0.05 0.16 New Jersey 0.05 2.10 Staten Island 0.02 0.07 Other areas

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7.12.5 Trip Origin Location Type

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 50,223 Weighted Base 256,966 190,911 No response 0 0 Total Answering 256,966 190,911

Percent Percent

Live 76.20 12.67 Work 7.07 63.82 Visit family/friends 6.39 1.51 Attend school 1.38 4.56 Shop 0.75 2.89 Participate in recreational activities 0.70 5.79 Vacation/Have summer home 0.53 0.14 Other 6.96 8.63

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7.12.6 Trip Origin Time

2012-14 WestboundUnweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 13,298 Total Answering 243,668


12:00 to 12:59 AM 0.41 1:00 to 1:59 AM 0.20 2:00 to 2:59 AM 0.09 3:00 to 3:59 AM 0.34 4:00 to 4:59 AM 1.20 5:00 to 5:59 AM 4.78 6:00 to 6:59 AM 13.23 7:00 to 7:59 AM 19.08 8:00 to 8:59 AM 11.32 9:00 to 9:59 AM 5.61 10:00 to 10:59 AM 4.67 11:00 to 11:59 AM 3.94 12:00 to 12:59 PM 3.64 1:00 to 1:59 PM 3.28 2:00 to 2:59 PM 3.39 3:00 to 3:59 PM 3.54 4:00 to 4:59 PM 4.44 5:00 to 5:59 PM 4.32 6:00 to 6:59 PM 3.66 7:00 to 7:59 PM 2.64 8:00 to 8:59 PM 2.29 9:00 to 9:59 PM 1.94 10:00 to 10:59 PM 1.25 11:00 to 11:59 PM 0.75

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7.12.7 Home Location

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No response 16,455 11,742 Total Answering 240,511 205,370

Percent Percent

Nassau 48.57 50.46 Suffolk 24.67 25.32 Queens 16.09 14.45 Manhattan (Total) 5.91 5.38 Mid-Manhattan East 1.19 1.13 Downtown Manhattan 1.05 0.92 Mid-Manhattan West 1.02 0.93 Upper West Side 0.83 0.72 Upper East Side 0.80 0.74 Upper Manhattan above Central Park 0.65 0.58 Lower Manhattan 0.37 0.36 Brooklyn 3.41 3.15 New Jersey 0.68 0.62 Bronx 0.43 0.39 Westchester/Putnam/Rockland/Orange/Dutchess 0.17 0.16 Staten Island 0.06 0.06

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-152

7.12.8 Origin Station: Westbound

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 0

Total Answering 256,966


Babylon Branch 22.27 Babylon 3.29 Rockville Centre 2.41 Merrick 2.23 Baldwin 2.19 Bellmore 2.17 Wantagh 1.81 Freeport 1.66 Massapequa 1.45 Massapequa Park 1.23 Lindenhurst 1.06 Seaford 1.05 Amityville 0.86 Copiague 0.86 Huntington Branch 19.77 Hicksville 6.17 Mineola 4.09 Huntington 3.33 Syosset 1.94 New Hyde Park 1.25 Westbury 1.16 Cold Spring Harbor 0.92 Merillon Ave 0.58 Carle Place 0.32 Port Washington Branch 14.60 Great Neck 2.84 Bayside 2.50 Port Washington 2.42 Manhasset 1.75 Little Neck 1.09 Auburndale 1.00 Broadway 0.88 Douglaston 0.78 Flushing Main Street 0.52

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-153

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 0

Total Answering 256,966

Murray Hill 0.46 Plandome 0.34 Mets-Willets Point 0.01 Ronkonkoma Branch 13.55 Ronkonkoma 5.62 Deer Park 1.95 Central Islip 1.27 Farmingdale 1.23 Wyandanch 1.22 Brentwood 1.14 Bethpage 1.10 Pinelawn 0.01 Far Rockaway Branch 6.65 Valley Stream 2.11 Rosedale 0.78 Laurelton 0.59 Locust Manor 0.54 Woodmere 0.53 Hewlett 0.52 Cedarhurst 0.50 Gibson 0.34 Lawrence 0.26 Far Rockaway 0.25 Inwood 0.23 Long Beach Branch 5.14 Long Beach 1.89 Lynbrook 1.46 Oceanside 0.68 Island Park 0.57 East Rockaway 0.29 Centre Avenue 0.26 City Terminal Zone 4.49 Jamaica 2.59 Kew Gardens 0.73 Woodside 0.59 Forest Hills 0.56 East New York 0.01

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-154

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 0

Total Answering 256,966

Hempstead Branch 4.21 Floral Park 0.88 Hempstead 0.80 Queens Village 0.57 Nassau Blvd 0.46 Stewart Manor 0.44 Garden City 0.36 Bellerose 0.36 Country Life Press 0.19 Hollis 0.16 Belmont 0.01 Montauk Branch 3.79 Bay Shore 0.56 Patchogue 0.51 Sayville 0.49 Mastic-Shirley 0.32 Islip 0.32 Montauk 0.27 East Hampton 0.25 Southampton 0.17 Bridgehampton 0.15 Oakdale 0.15 Hampton Bays 0.14 Great River 0.11 Speonk 0.11 Amagansett 0.10 Westhampton 0.08 Bellport 0.05 Port Jefferson Branch 3.15 Stony Brook 1.01 Northport 0.64 Port Jefferson 0.44 Kings Park 0.39 Smithtown 0.23 Greenlawn 0.22 St. James 0.21

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2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 0

Total Answering 256,966

Oyster Bay Branch 1.70 Roslyn 0.28 Glen Head 0.21 Locust Valley 0.21 Glen Cove 0.20 East Williston 0.17 Sea Cliff 0.17 Glen Street 0.17 Albertson 0.14 Oyster Bay 0.09 Greenvale 0.07 West Hempstead Branch 0.64 Malverne 0.17 St. Albans 0.14 Lakeview 0.11 Westwood 0.10 Hempstead Gardens 0.07 West Hempstead 0.05 Greenport Branch 0.05 Riverhead 0.02 Medford 0.01 Greenport 0.01 Yaphank 0.01 Mattituck * Southold * Employee Stations * Boland's Landing * Hillside 0.00

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7.12.9 Origin Station: Eastbound

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 2,249 Total Answering 204,836


Penn Station 76.06 Atlantic Terminal (Brooklyn) 7.61 Jamaica 5.47 Hunterspoint Avenue 1.37 Other 9.50

7.12.10 Station Access Mode: Westbound

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 3,085 Total Answering 253,881


Drove alone and parked 37.02 Walked 23.72 Was dropped off 23.26 Carpooled and parked 6.92 Took a taxi 3.42 Took a bus 3.21 Took the subway 0.87 Rode a bicycle 0.66 Took AirTrain 0.61 Shuttle bus 0.20 Ferry 0.02 Other 0.09

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7.12.11 Station Access Mode: Eastbound

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 50,223 Weighted Base 190,911 No response 1,571 Total Answering 189,340


Walk 43.64 Taxi 4.35 Bus (Route) 4.44 Subway (Line) 52.04 Parked and will drive (drove) alone 0.30 Parked and will carpool (carpooled) 0.15 Will be (Was) picked up 0.98 AirTrain to JFK 0.24 PATH train 1.14 NJ Transit train or bus 0.70 Amtrak train 0.12 Bicycle 0.40 Other 0.34

7.12.12 Parking Location

2012-14 WestboundUnweighted Base 31,027 Weighted Base 111,555 No response 3,589 Total Answering 107,965


Parked in a lot or space requiring a permit 38.71 Parked in a lot or space not requiring a permit 40.65 Parked in a metered space 6.12 Parked in a non-metered space 14.52 On street 8.77 Private arrangement 2.82

Did not report what type of non-metered space 2.94

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7.12.13 Paid Parking Characteristics

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 11,578 Weighted Base 40,150 Total Answering 40,150 Daily 22.22 $0.01 to $2.99 4.39 $3.00 to $4.99 7.39 $5.00 to $9.99 9.27 $10.00 to $49.99 1.02 $50.00 or more 0.14

Mean 7.84 Weekly 0.75 $0.01 to $9.99 0.34 $10.00 to $24.99 0.16 $25.00 to $49.99 0.12 $50.00 to $99.99 0.09 $100.00 or more 0.04

Mean 25.33 Monthly 7.65 $0.01 to $49.99 1.36 $50.00 to $99.99 3.39 $100.00 to $149.99 1.25 $150.00 to $199.99 0.66 $200.00 to $249.99 0.26 $250.00 or more 0.73

Mean 99.69 Annually 58.82 $0.01 to $49.99 23.71 $50.00 to $99.99 18.93 $100.00 to $149.99 2.54 $150.00 to $199.99 3.35 $200.00 to $299.99 6.45 $300.00 or more 3.84

Mean 100.84 Other (including unspecified timeframe) 10.56 $0.01 to $9.99 5.41 $10.00 to $24.99 2.60 $25.00 to $49.99 0.85 $50.00 to $99.99 0.87 $100.00 to $149.99 0.27 $150.00 or more 0.56

Mean 156.07

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7.12.14 Minutes Walked to Train Platform

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 31,027 Weighted Base 111,555 No response 3,498 Total Answering 108,057 PercentLess than 1 minute 0.78 1-2 42.00 3-5 43.35 6-10 11.60 11-15 1.42 16-20 0.42 21-30 0.28 31-45 0.07 46-59 0.02 60 or more 0.06

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7.12.15 Scheduled Departure Time

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 18,641 Total Answering 238,325


12:00 to 12:59 AM 0.44 1:00 to 1:59 AM 0.21 2:00 to 2:59 AM 0.11 3:00 to 3:59 AM 0.17 4:00 to 4:59 AM 0.96 5:00 to 5:59 AM 3.96 6:00 to 6:59 AM 11.65 7:00 to 7:59 AM 19.44 8:00 to 8:59 AM 12.36 9:00 to 9:59 AM 5.96 10:00 to 10:59 AM 4.83 11:00 to 11:59 AM 4.10 12:00 to 12:59 PM 3.78 1:00 to 1:59 PM 3.39 2:00 to 2:59 PM 3.32 3:00 to 3:59 PM 3.47 4:00 to 4:59 PM 4.49 5:00 to 5:59 PM 4.36 6:00 to 6:59 PM 3.71 7:00 to 7:59 PM 2.87 8:00 to 8:59 PM 2.28 9:00 to 9:59 PM 2.12 10:00 to 10:59 PM 1.23 11:00 to 11:59 PM 0.79

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7.12.16 Transfer Station


Westbound Eastbound AM Peak

(Westbound)Unweighted Base 65,156 50,797 29,238 Weighted Base 256,966 193,497 98,622 No response Total Answering 256,966 193,497 98,622

Percent Percent No, I will (did) not transfer to another LIRR train 83.03 84.06 87.04 Yes, I will (did) transfer to another LIRR train 16.97 15.94 12.95 Jamaica 14.03 13.32 12.02 Babylon 1.06 0.91 0.37 Hicksville 0.35 0.31 0.22 Huntington 1.44 1.29 0.15 Mineola 0.07 0.06 0.05 Ronkonkoma 0.05 0.04 0.04 Valley Stream 0.07 0.07 0.03 Woodside 0.12 0.11 0.05 Other 0.08 0.06 0.04

7.12.17 Final Destination Station: Westbound

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14

Daily Westbound*

AM Peak Westbound**

Saturday Westbound***

Sunday Westbound****

Unweighted Base 63,334 41,921 28,054 22,781

Weighted Base 141,214 98,622 65,922 49,832

No response

Total Answering 141,214 98,622 65,922 49,832

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Penn Station 106,997 75.77 79,096 80.2 47,025 71.34 34,177 68.59

Atlantic Terminal (Brooklyn) 11,842 8.39 8,575 8.69 4,264 6.47 4,562 9.15

Jamaica 7,346 5.2 3,282 3.33 4,719 7.16 3,418 6.86

Hunterspoint Avenue 2,935 2.08 2,908 2.95 18 0.03 12 0.02

Other, specify 12,094 8.56 4,761 4.83 9,896 15.01 7,663 15.38

*Includes AM Peak. Midday Off-Peak, PM Reverse Peak, and Overnight Off-Peak dayparts

**Includes AM Peak daypart only

***Includes Saturday daypart only

****Includes Sunday daypart only

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7.12.18 Final Destination Station: Eastbound

2012-14 EastboundUnweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 2,723 Total Answering 204,362


Babylon Branch 23.03 Babylon 3.26 Rockville Centre 2.40 Merrick 2.39 Bellmore 2.38 Baldwin 2.27 Wantagh 1.86 Freeport 1.74 Massapequa 1.55 Massapequa Park 1.30 Seaford 1.16 Lindenhurst 1.06 Copiague 0.83 Amityville 0.82 Huntington Branch 20.30 Hicksville 6.42 Mineola 3.96 Huntington 3.44 Syosset 2.03 New Hyde Park 1.35 Westbury 1.19 Cold Spring Harbor 0.98 Merillon Ave 0.62 Carle Place 0.31 Port Washington Branch 14.45 Great Neck 2.89 Port Washington 2.51 Bayside 2.48 Manhasset 1.70 Little Neck 1.14 Auburndale 0.98 Douglaston 0.81 Broadway 0.80 Flushing Main Street 0.41

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2012-14 EastboundUnweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 2,723 Total Answering 204,362

Murray Hill 0.38 Plandome 0.36 Mets-Willets Point * Ronkonkoma Branch 13.96 Ronkonkoma 5.85 Deer Park 2.08 Wyandanch 1.26 Farmingdale 1.24 Central Islip 1.22 Bethpage 1.18 Brentwood 1.11 Pinelawn 0.02 Far Rockaway Branch 6.57 Valley Stream 2.14 Rosedale 0.78 Laurelton 0.58 Woodmere 0.56 Hewlett 0.55 Cedarhurst 0.49 Locust Manor 0.49 Gibson 0.37 Lawrence 0.23 Inwood 0.21 Far Rockaway 0.18 Long Beach Branch 5.40 Long Beach 1.96 Lynbrook 1.53 Oceanside 0.74 Island Park 0.59 East Rockaway 0.31 Centre Avenue 0.27 Hempstead Branch 4.19 Floral Park 0.93 Hempstead 0.75 Queens Village 0.52 Nassau Blvd 0.47 Stewart Manor 0.45

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2012-14 EastboundUnweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 2,723 Total Answering 204,362

Garden City 0.39 Bellerose 0.35 Country Life Press 0.22 Hollis 0.11 Belmont 0.01 Montauk Branch 3.41 Bay Shore 0.56 Patchogue 0.52 Sayville 0.49 Islip 0.33 Mastic-Shirley 0.30 East Hampton 0.21 Montauk 0.19 Oakdale 0.16 Southampton 0.14 Great River 0.11 Bridgehampton 0.10 Speonk 0.10 Hampton Bays 0.09 Amagansett 0.05 Bellport 0.05 Westhampton 0.02 Port Jefferson Branch 3.22 Stony Brook 0.98 Northport 0.66 Port Jefferson 0.45 Kings Park 0.44 Smithtown 0.25 Greenlawn 0.24 St. James 0.21 City Terminal Zone 2.96 Jamaica 1.47 Kew Gardens 0.61 Forest Hills 0.42 Woodside 0.34 Hunterspoint Avenue 0.02 Nostrand Avenue 0.01

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2012-14 EastboundUnweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 2,723 Total Answering 204,362

Long Island City 0.01 Penn Station 0.07 Atlantic Terminal 0.02 Oyster Bay Branch 1.74 Roslyn 0.28 Locust Valley 0.23 Glen Head 0.20 Glen Cove 0.20 East Williston 0.20 Sea Cliff 0.17 Glen Street 0.17 Albertson 0.14 Oyster Bay 0.08 Greenvale 0.08 West Hempstead Branch 0.71 Malverne 0.18 Lakeview 0.14 St. Albans 0.12 Westwood 0.12 Hempstead Gardens 0.08 West Hempstead 0.07 Greenport Branch 0.05 Riverhead 0.02 Medford 0.02 Yaphank 0.01 Greenport 0.01 Mattituck * Southold *

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7.12.19 Station Egress Mode: Westbound

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 2,440 Total Answering 254,526


Walk 41.58 Taxi 5.74 Bus (Route) 5.02 Subway (Line) 50.51 1, 2, 3 21.13 4, 5, 6 2.18 7 2.54 N, Q, R 3.80 B, D, F, M 2.29 A, C, E 15.68 J, Z 0.65 L 0.30 G 0.15 Did not specify line 1.79 Parked and will drive (drove) alone 0.31 Parked and will carpool (carpooled) 0.18 One * Two 0.06 Three 0.02 Four 0.02 Five or more 0.01 Did not specify number of people in carpool 0.07 Will be (Was) picked up 1.41 AirTrain to JFK 0.51 PATH train 1.10 NJ Transit train or bus 0.95 Amtrak train 0.53 Bicycle 0.38 Other 0.39

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7.12.20 Station Egress Mode: Eastbound

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 50,223 Weighted Base 190,911 No response 2,042 Total Answering 188,869


Drove alone and parked 43.40 Walked 23.89 Was dropped off 18.57 Carpooled and parked 7.03 Took a taxi 2.57 Took a bus 2.79 Took the subway 0.71 Rode a bicycle 0.67 Took AirTrain 0.13 Shuttle bus 0.16 Ferry * Other 0.08

7.12.21 Number of Trains or Buses used to Reach Final Destination

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 50,223 Weighted Base 256,966 190,911 No response 41,042 29,205 Total Answering 215,924 161,706

Percent Percent

Zero 32.33 32.27 One 51.72 52.28 Two 14.11 13.75 Three 1.39 1.29 Four 0.21 0.19 Five or more 0.23 0.21

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7.12.22 Final Trip Destination

2012-14 2012-14 2012-14 2012-14

Daily Westbound*

AM Peak Westbound**

Saturday Westbound***

Sunday Westbound****

Unweighted Base 49,791 35,267 17,713 14,572

Weighted Base 141,165 98,603 65,863 49,770

No response 567 195 728 1,249

Total Answering 140,598 98,408 65,135 48,521

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Manhattan (Total)

Mid-Manhattan West 41,316 29.39 31,089 31.59 16,733 25.69 10,805 22.27

Mid-Manhattan East 26,158 18.60 21,387 21.73 6,262 9.61 4,980 10.26

Downtown Manhattan 23,103 16.43 18,448 18.75 8,458 12.99 5,528 11.39

Lower Manhattan 6,320 4.50 4,605 4.68 2,875 4.41 1,890 3.90

Upper West Side 4,342 3.09 2,352 2.39 4,212 6.47 3,203 6.60

Upper East Side 3,984 2.83 2,414 2.45 2,778 4.26 2,309 4.76

Upper Manhattan above Central Park 2,335 1.66 1,311 1.33 1,539 2.36 1,529 3.15

Queens 10,656 7.58 4,811 4.89 6,845 10.51 5,510 11.36

Brooklyn 10,505 7.47 6,045 6.14 6,558 10.07 6,435 13.26

Nassau 5,648 4.02 2,268 2.30 4,879 7.49 2,890 5.96

New Jersey 3,355 2.39 2,481 2.52 1,298 1.99 1,107 2.28

Suffolk 1,661 1.18 659 0.67 1,431 2.20 1,425 2.94

Bronx 926 0.66 412 0.42 942 1.45 634 1.31

Westchester/Putnam/Rockland/Orange/Dutchess 207 0.15 86 0.09 233 0.36 212 0.44

Staten Island 82 0.06 40 0.04 92 0.14 64 0.13

*Includes AM Peak. Midday Off-Peak, PM Reverse Peak, and Overnight Off-Peak dayparts

**Includes AM Peak daypart only

***Includes Saturday daypart only

****Includes Sunday daypart only

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7.12.23 Final Destination Location Type

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 50,223 Weighted Base 256,966 190,911 No response Total Answering 256,966 190,911

Percent Percent Work 54.24 6.08 Live 18.57 82.66 Participate in recreational activities 6.34 0.57 Attend school 4.63 1.01 Shop 3.21 0.60 Visit family/friends 2.34 3.63 Vacation 0.33 0.13 Other 10.35 5.33

7.12.24 Time from LIRR Station to Final Destination

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 12,069 Total Answering 244,897

Percent 0 to 5 minutes 7.68 6 to 10 minutes 13.41 11 to 15 minutes 15.86 16 to 20 minutes 18.14 21 to 30 minutes 15.52 31 to 40 minutes 5.94 41 to 50 minutes 6.27 51 to 60 minutes 6.54 61 to 119 minutes (1-2 hours) 8.27 120 or more minutes (2+ hours) 2.37

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7.12.25 Destination Arrival Time

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 36,889 Total Answering 220,077

12:00 to 12:59 AM 0.92 1:00 to 1:59 AM 0.49 2:00 to 2:59 AM 0.23 3:00 to 3:59 AM 0.11 4:00 to 4:59 AM 0.21 5:00 to 5:59 AM 0.57 6:00 to 6:59 AM 3.33 7:00 to 7:59 AM 10.16 8:00 to 8:59 AM 19.95 9:00 to 9:59 AM 15.21 10:00 to 10:59 AM 6.04 11:00 to 11:59 AM 4.23 12:00 to 12:59 PM 3.81 1:00 to 1:59 PM 3.51 2:00 to 2:59 PM 3.44 3:00 to 3:59 PM 3.03 4:00 to 4:59 PM 2.93 5:00 to 5:59 PM 3.65 6:00 to 6:59 PM 4.58 7:00 to 7:59 PM 4.00 8:00 to 8:59 PM 2.88 9:00 to 9:59 PM 2.63 10:00 to 10:59 PM 2.32 11:00 to 11:59 PM 1.76

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7.12.26 Total Trip Time



Unweighted Base 65,156

Weighted Base 256,966 No response 190,738 Total Answering 66,228

Percent Less than 30 minutes 7.17 30 minutes to 59 minutes 22.75 1 hour to 1 hour 29 minutes 30.62 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 59 minutes 18.71 2 hours to 2 hours 29 minutes 7.86 2 hours 30 minutes to 2 hours 59 minutes 3.81 More than 3 hours 9.09

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-172

7.12.27 Ticket Type

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No response 5,428 2,381 Total Answering 251,538 214,731

Percent Percent Monthly LIRR ticket 46.31 51.17

With unlimited monthly MetroCard 6.60 7.32 With Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard 4.17 4.65 Without MetroCard 22.92 25.47

Not reported 12.63 13.74 Weekly LIRR ticket 2.20 2.33

With MetroCard fare value 0.26 0.28 Without MetroCard 1.25 1.35

Not reported 0.68 0.70 One-Way LIRR ticket 17.80 13.86

With MetroCard fare value 0.65 0.52 Without MetroCard 11.89 9.17

Not reported 5.27 4.17 Round-Trip LIRR ticket 17.83 17.51

With MetroCard fare value 1.61 1.60 Without MetroCard 12.71 12.58

Not reported 3.51 3.33 Ten-Trip LIRR ticket 7.85 8.01

With MetroCard fare value 0.45 0.46 Without MetroCard 6.36 6.56

Not reported 1.04 1.00 CityTicket 3.53 2.66

With MetroCard fare value 0.17 0.12 Without MetroCard 2.73 2.07

Not reported 0.63 0.47 Senior Citizen/People with Disabilities 2.89 2.83 Employee Pass 1.07 1.08 Other 0.52 0.54

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7.12.28 Ticket Purchase Location

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No response 8,245 4,310 Total Answering 248,721 212,803

Percent Percent LIRR ticket vending machine 70.66 68.76 Mail&Ride 14.84 16.60 Ticket window at LIRR station 11.85 12.07 Webticket (via Internet) 1.03 1.11 Onboard train 1.02 0.84 Other 0.60 0.62

7.12.29 Timeframe of Eastbound Trip

2012-14 Westbound Eastbound Unweighted Base 65,156 56,511 Weighted Base 256,966 217,112 No response 29,188 Total Answering 227,778 217,112

Percent Percent Same day 83.81 87.93 Different day, please indicate day/date 11.50 12.07 I will (did) not make an eastbound trip 4.68 -

7.12.30 LIRR Stations Used for Eastbound Trip

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 56,511 Weighted Base 217,112 No response 7,369 Total Answering 209,743

Percent I will (did) use the same LIRR stations for my eastbound trip 92.25 I will (did) use different LIRR stations for my eastbound trip 6.48 I will not (did not) use LIRR for my eastbound trip 1.27

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-174

7.12.31 Scheduled Departure Time of First Eastbound Train

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 54,365 Weighted Base 207,085 No response 79,880 Total Answering 127,205

Percent 12:00 - 12:59 AM 1.09 1:00 to 1:59 AM 0.72 2:00 to 2:59 AM 0.37 3:00 to 3:59 AM 0.35 4:00 to 4:59 AM 0.36 5:00 to 5:59 AM 1.06 6:00 to 6:59 AM 1.51 7:00 to 7:59 AM 2.17 8:00 to 8:59 AM 2.65 9:00 to 9:59 AM 1.76 10:00 to 10:59 AM 1.46 11:00 to 11:59 AM 1.60 12:00 to 12:59 PM 1.57 1:00 to 1:59 PM 1.94 2:00 to 2:59 PM 2.74 3:00 to 3:59 PM 5.11 4:00 to 4:59 PM 10.64 5:00 to 5:59 PM 25.85 6:00 to 6:59 PM 18.50 7:00 to 7:59 PM 6.94 8:00 to 8:59 PM 4.03 9:00 to 9:59 PM 2.85 10:00 to 10:59 PM 2.55 11:00 to 11:59 PM 2.18

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-175

7.12.32 Eastbound Trip – Subway Access

2012-14 Eastbound Unweighted Base 3,568 Weighted Base 13,588 No response 1,812 Total Answering 11,776

Percent Bus 5.87 Subway 68.87

Subway lines 1, 2, 3 26.16 Subway lines A, C, E 13.54 Subway line 7 8.44 Subway lines 4, 5, 6 6.78 Subway lines N, Q, R 6.15 Subway lines B, D, F, M 3.62 Subway lines J, Z 1.15 Subway line L 0.82 Subway line G 0.12

Other method 26.46

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-176

7.12.33 Education

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 26,875 Total Answering 230,091

Percent High school or less (Total) 8.95

Less than high school graduate 1.83 High school graduate 7.12

Technical/Vocational business school/Some college (Total) 18.89 Technical or vocational business school 2.31 Some college 16.58

College graduate or more (Total) 72.16 College graduate 44.38 Post graduate 27.79

7.12.34 Occupation

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 32,878 Total Answering 224,088

Percent Professional, technical & related 38.25 Executive, administrative & managerial 23.63 Retired, student or not employed 10.96 Sales 8.85 Service occupations 7.07 Administrative support, including clerical 5.66 General labor 3.03 Transportation & material moving 1.02 Machine operators, assemblers & inspectors 0.80 Precision production craft & repair 0.72

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7.12.35 Industry

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 52,574 Total Answering 204,392

Percent Professional/Business services 19.93 Financial activities 16.70 Health services/Health care 11.70 Education 8.65 Leisure and hospitality 8.28 Government 7.03 Retail trade 6.32 Information 6.12 Construction 5.24 Transportation and utilities 3.33 Manufacturing 2.40 Wholesale trade 2.27 Natural resources/Mining 0.26 Other services 1.77

7.12.36 Number of Licensed Drivers in Household

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 31,332 Total Answering 225,635

Percent Zero 2.87 One 18.8 Two 45.38 Three 17.00 Four or more 15.95

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-178

7.12.37 Number of Vehicles in Household

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 36,792 Total Answering 220,174

Percent Zero 10.86 One 23.79 Two 37.89 Three 16.34 Four or more 11.12

7.12.38 Vehicle Availability for Westbound Trip

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 34,934 Total Answering 222,032

Percent Yes 64.06 No 35.94

7.12.39 Number of Car Trips into Manhattan per Month

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 63,009 Total Answering 193,957

Percent Zero 54.17 One or more (Total) 45.83 One 17.08 Two 10.65 Three 4.39 Four 4.54 Five to nine 4.89 Ten or more 4.27

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-179

7.12.40 Household Income

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 60,813 Total Answering 196,153 Percent Less than $50,000 (Total) 19.20 Less than $15,000 4.55 $15,000 - $24,999 3.50 $25,000 - $34,999 4.13 $35,000 - $49,999 7.03 $50,000 - $99,999 (Total) 28.75 $50,000 - $74,999 14.29 $75,000 - $99,999 14.47 $100,000 - $199,999 (Total) 33.92 $100,000 - $149,999 19.81 $150,000 - $199,999 14.11 $200,000 or more (Total) 18.12 $200,000 - $299,999 10.17 $300,000 or more 7.96

7.12.41 Gender

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 30,841 Total Answering 226,125 Percent Male 49.85 Female 50.15

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7.12.42 Age

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 37,579 Total Answering 219,387 Percent Under 18 1.41 18-24 15.62 25-34 26.34 35-44 19.44 45-54 19.90 55-64 12.78 65 and over 4.51

7.12.43 Hispanic Origin

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 34,652 Total Answering 222,314 Percent Yes 12.23 No 87.77

7.12.44 Race/Ethnicity

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 47,211 Total Answering 209,755 Percent White 71.13 Black or African American 13.16 Asian 11.73 American Indian and Alaska Native 0.47 Other 3.52

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Abt SRBI Inc. 7-181

7.12.45 Importance of LIRR Service in Choosing Home Location

2012-14 Westbound Unweighted Base 65,156 Weighted Base 256,966 No response 32,386 Total Answering 224,580 Percent Very 40.76 Somewhat/Moderately/Slightly (Total) 33.60 Somewhat 18.35 Moderately 9.57 Slightly 5.68 Not at all 25.63

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7.13 Appendix M. Complete Count Summary Tables

The following pages contain the complete count summary tables, broken down by branch, station, direction, and daypart.

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 111,328 111,915 23,609 23,654 17,604 17,589 10,479 10,335 163,020 163,493 326,513 76,394 76,433 58,666 58,351 135,060 134,784 269,844 298,080 298,277 596,357

City Terminal* 13,959 108,499 3,948 21,047 3,264 15,148 1,599 8,292 22,770 152,986 175,756 13,156 67,142 11,633 51,495 24,789 118,637 143,426 47,559 271,623 319,182Babylon*** 23,637 698 4,387 668 3,207 719 2,287 557 33,518 2,642 36,160 15,756 3,448 10,258 2,069 26,014 5,517 31,531 59,532 8,159 67,691Huntington*** 19,404 1,787 3,962 1,019 3,529 830 2,057 796 28,952 4,432 33,384 14,971 3,131 11,030 2,487 26,001 5,618 31,619 54,953 10,050 65,003Port Washington** 15,079 195 3,671 303 2,271 357 940 194 21,961 1,049 23,010 9,086 898 6,528 746 15,614 1,644 17,258 37,575 2,693 40,268Ronkonkoma*** 13,390 287 2,520 186 1,575 141 1,530 169 19,015 783 19,798 9,315 557 6,649 430 15,964 987 16,951 34,979 1,770 36,749Far Rockaway 7,049 152 1,576 183 1,056 152 437 150 10,118 637 10,755 4,096 310 3,652 315 7,748 625 8,373 17,866 1,262 19,128Long Beach 5,370 97 1,105 56 746 88 255 43 7,476 284 7,760 3,324 443 2,394 228 5,718 671 6,389 13,194 955 14,149Hempstead 4,707 27 776 40 783 54 490 37 6,756 158 6,914 1,968 82 1,723 85 3,691 167 3,858 10,447 325 10,772Port Jefferson 3,443 73 655 89 473 39 344 37 4,915 238 5,153 1,696 138 1,564 133 3,260 271 3,531 8,175 509 8,684Montauk 2,101 56 476 32 354 33 278 47 3,209 168 3,377 1,982 228 2,470 308 4,452 536 4,988 7,661 704 8,365Oyster Bay 1,874 42 387 21 279 13 155 8 2,695 84 2,779 991 50 713 44 1,704 94 1,798 4,399 178 4,577West Hempstead 1,257 2 109 9 59 14 99 4 1,524 29 1,553 53 6 52 11 105 17 122 1,629 46 1,675Greenport 58 0 37 1 8 1 8 1 111 3 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 3 114

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 11,935 11,951 31,041 31,000 96,233 95,470 28,306 28,303 167,515 166,724 334,239 77,923 77,627 64,204 63,878 142,127 141,505 283,632 309,642 308,229 617,871

City Terminal* 9,888 2,520 27,466 5,410 92,335 12,274 25,508 4,549 155,197 24,753 179,950 69,477 13,048 56,974 11,075 126,451 24,123 150,574 281,648 48,876 330,524Babylon*** 688 1,828 763 6,181 1,140 20,249 954 6,220 3,545 34,478 38,023 2,987 15,419 2,160 12,259 5,147 27,678 32,825 8,692 62,156 70,848Huntington*** 601 2,312 1,750 5,605 1,588 17,314 1,107 4,816 5,046 30,047 35,093 2,890 15,888 2,761 12,727 5,651 28,615 34,266 10,697 58,662 69,359Port Washington** 343 1,477 265 2,916 369 13,513 163 3,898 1,140 21,804 22,944 792 8,332 757 7,795 1,549 16,127 17,676 2,689 37,931 40,620Ronkonkoma*** 88 1,134 294 4,698 292 10,346 146 2,651 820 18,829 19,649 560 9,816 432 7,492 992 17,308 18,300 1,812 36,137 37,949Far Rockaway 92 609 212 1,698 183 6,360 182 1,667 669 10,334 11,003 351 4,593 365 4,024 716 8,617 9,333 1,385 18,951 20,336Long Beach 79 444 100 1,411 110 4,277 69 1,273 358 7,405 7,763 343 3,710 218 2,641 561 6,351 6,912 919 13,756 14,675Hempstead 52 585 48 1,097 21 4,378 20 834 141 6,894 7,035 79 2,224 78 1,882 157 4,106 4,263 298 11,000 11,298Port Jefferson 54 457 87 1,112 77 2,581 53 614 271 4,764 5,035 156 1,520 112 1,727 268 3,247 3,515 539 8,011 8,550Montauk 27 319 27 410 76 1,294 78 1,223 208 3,246 3,454 204 2,105 264 1,483 468 3,588 4,056 676 6,834 7,510Oyster Bay 12 235 23 344 32 1,540 19 406 86 2,525 2,611 63 894 58 712 121 1,606 1,727 207 4,131 4,338West Hempstead 10 25 5 100 10 1,291 7 152 32 1,568 1,600 21 78 25 61 46 139 185 78 1,707 1,785Greenport 1 6 1 18 0 53 0 0 2 77 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 77 79

Westbound TotalPM Reverse Peak Weekend TotalWeekday Total

EASTBOUNDEastbound Total


Midday Off Peak Sunday Weekend TotalSaturday


Weekday TotalOVERNIGHT


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: SUMMARY BY BRANCHWestbound Total By Branch in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Branch in Numerical Order

Midday Off Peak

AM Reverse Peak PM Peak

AM Peak

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 23,637 698 4,387 668 3,207 719 2,287 557 33,518 2,642 36,160 15,756 3,448 10,258 2,069 26,014 5,517 31,531 59,532 8,159 67,691

Babylon 2,903 371 866 318 691 231 425 191 4,885 1,111 5,996 3,649 1,056 2,318 873 5,967 1,929 7,896 10,852 3,040 13,892Rockville Centre 2,409 74 449 74 334 79 147 59 3,339 286 3,625 1,581 1,021 1,175 161 2,756 1,182 3,938 6,095 1,468 7,563Merrick 2,718 38 399 24 317 14 151 15 3,585 91 3,676 1,235 116 865 42 2,100 158 2,258 5,685 249 5,934Baldwin 2,428 20 420 29 249 57 223 33 3,320 139 3,459 1,302 120 919 94 2,221 214 2,435 5,541 353 5,894Bellmore 2,628 22 333 19 287 22 173 14 3,421 77 3,498 1,321 119 831 55 2,152 174 2,326 5,573 251 5,824Freeport 1,368 73 404 102 250 161 170 164 2,192 500 2,692 1,171 447 827 450 1,998 897 2,895 4,190 1,397 5,587Wantagh 2,089 14 311 24 214 20 210 9 2,824 67 2,891 1,220 144 614 76 1,834 220 2,054 4,658 287 4,945Massapequa 1,737 14 232 9 159 21 207 8 2,335 52 2,387 891 49 550 39 1,441 88 1,529 3,776 140 3,916Massapequa Park 1,386 12 216 9 144 12 127 11 1,873 44 1,917 840 89 535 67 1,375 156 1,531 3,248 200 3,448Lindenhurst 1,057 8 201 9 133 22 121 12 1,512 51 1,563 791 47 455 35 1,246 82 1,328 2,758 133 2,891Seaford 1,433 3 158 11 133 15 130 2 1,854 31 1,885 535 34 327 27 862 61 923 2,716 92 2,808Copiague 819 15 188 14 110 29 96 26 1,213 84 1,297 635 84 395 85 1,030 169 1,199 2,243 253 2,496Amityville 662 34 210 26 186 36 107 13 1,165 109 1,274 585 122 447 65 1,032 187 1,219 2,197 296 2,493

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 688 1,828 763 6,181 1,140 20,249 954 6,220 3,545 34,478 38,023 2,987 15,419 2,160 12,259 5,147 27,678 32,825 8,692 62,156 70,848

Babylon 210 423 165 1,228 605 2,887 628 1,224 1,608 5,762 7,370 839 3,437 563 2,527 1,402 5,964 7,366 3,010 11,726 14,736Rockville Centre 83 161 92 437 132 2,134 56 810 363 3,542 3,905 794 1,624 589 1,285 1,383 2,909 4,292 1,746 6,451 8,197Baldwin 56 97 35 490 43 2,090 34 624 168 3,301 3,469 183 1,309 123 1,167 306 2,476 2,782 474 5,777 6,251Merrick 16 149 29 485 31 2,296 12 541 88 3,471 3,559 125 1,312 64 1,061 189 2,373 2,562 277 5,844 6,121Freeport 208 207 187 405 118 1,257 86 469 599 2,338 2,937 475 1,197 417 1,002 892 2,199 3,091 1,491 4,537 6,028Bellmore 12 149 16 527 24 2,156 25 557 77 3,389 3,466 82 1,270 64 956 146 2,226 2,372 223 5,615 5,838Wantagh 13 101 55 608 29 1,550 20 459 117 2,718 2,835 165 1,181 97 879 262 2,060 2,322 379 4,778 5,157Massapequa 6 85 24 478 23 1,411 42 312 95 2,286 2,381 38 840 32 659 70 1,499 1,569 165 3,785 3,950Massapequa Park 7 69 39 370 35 1,018 11 361 92 1,818 1,910 58 790 53 712 111 1,502 1,613 203 3,320 3,523Seaford 6 67 10 252 30 1,293 4 249 50 1,861 1,911 44 532 32 394 76 926 1,002 126 2,787 2,913Lindenhurst 13 88 23 355 12 889 5 230 53 1,562 1,615 33 680 22 539 55 1,219 1,274 108 2,781 2,889Amityville 28 156 40 244 38 621 17 189 123 1,210 1,333 81 620 51 551 132 1,171 1,303 255 2,381 2,636Copiague 30 76 48 302 20 647 14 195 112 1,220 1,332 70 627 53 527 123 1,154 1,277 235 2,374 2,609


WESTBOUNDWeekday Total

Westbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

PM Reverse Peak Weekend Total

Eastbound TotalPM Peak

AM Peak Midday Off Peak Saturday Sunday Westbound TotalOVERNIGHT

EASTBOUNDSaturday SundayAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak OVERNIGHT Weekday Total Weekend Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 13,959 108,499 3,948 21,047 3,264 15,148 1,599 8,292 22,770 152,986 175,756 13,156 67,142 11,633 51,495 24,789 118,637 143,426 47,559 271,623 319,182

Penn Station 0 79,307 0 14,988 0 8,025 0 4,759 0 107,079 107,079 0 46,746 0 32,770 0 79,516 79,516 0 186,595 186,595Jamaica 12,689 15,426 3,346 4,056 2,877 4,745 1,470 2,154 20,382 26,381 46,763 11,436 13,152 10,309 11,344 21,745 24,496 46,241 42,127 50,877 93,004Atlantic Terminal 0 8,425 0 1,145 0 1,161 0 651 0 11,382 11,382 0 3,852 0 4,252 0 8,104 8,104 0 19,486 19,486Woodside 310 1,450 236 559 96 695 34 391 676 3,095 3,771 496 1,802 384 1,705 880 3,507 4,387 1,556 6,602 8,158Hunterspoint Avenue 0 2,930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,930 2,930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,930 2,930Forest Hills 392 127 84 45 40 104 27 45 543 321 864 482 329 425 266 907 595 1,502 1,450 916 2,366Kew Gardens 539 37 120 16 69 48 38 30 766 131 897 667 115 435 94 1,102 209 1,311 1,868 340 2,208Nostrand Avenue 0 158 8 89 7 194 5 111 20 552 572 16 591 25 569 41 1,160 1,201 61 1,712 1,773East New York 9 244 9 97 5 172 7 106 30 619 649 22 531 32 450 54 981 1,035 84 1,600 1,684Hillside 18 136 141 41 170 4 18 38 347 219 566 37 22 23 45 60 67 127 407 286 693Boland's Landing 2 179 4 11 0 0 0 7 6 197 203 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 6 199 205Long Island City 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 80

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 9,888 2,520 27,466 5,410 92,335 12,274 25,508 4,549 155,197 24,753 179,950 69,477 13,048 56,974 11,075 126,451 24,123 150,574 281,648 48,876 330,524

Penn Station 3,676 0 16,677 0 68,765 0 18,955 0 108,073 0 108,073 46,812 0 38,275 0 85,087 0 85,087 193,160 0 193,160Jamaica 3,870 2,212 6,872 5,027 13,631 11,229 4,815 3,802 29,188 22,270 51,458 15,127 11,377 12,528 9,734 27,655 21,111 48,766 56,843 43,381 100,224Atlantic Terminal 1,116 0 2,046 0 6,277 0 1,008 0 10,447 0 10,447 3,790 0 3,178 0 6,968 0 6,968 17,415 0 17,415Woodside 709 44 775 102 960 231 391 189 2,835 566 3,401 2,173 476 1,788 414 3,961 890 4,851 6,796 1,456 8,252Forest Hills 66 7 99 65 133 407 67 259 365 738 1,103 370 582 273 391 643 973 1,616 1,008 1,711 2,719Hunterspoint Avenue 0 0 120 0 2,174 0 0 0 2,294 0 2,294 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,294 0 2,294Kew Gardens 46 11 26 88 36 388 22 264 130 751 881 89 551 65 452 154 1,003 1,157 284 1,754 2,038East New York 185 3 224 6 167 12 103 9 679 30 709 583 23 458 35 1,041 58 1,099 1,720 88 1,808Nostrand Avenue 195 2 170 4 155 5 110 4 630 15 645 502 12 390 4 892 16 908 1,522 31 1,553Hillside 25 240 326 116 23 2 37 22 411 380 791 31 27 19 45 50 72 122 461 452 913Boland's Landing 0 1 124 2 0 0 0 0 124 3 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 3 127Long Island City 0 0 7 0 14 0 0 0 21 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 21

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: CITY TERMINAL BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 7,049 152 1,576 183 1,056 152 437 150 10,118 637 10,755 4,096 310 3,652 315 7,748 625 8,373 17,866 1,262 19,128

Valley Stream 2,189 85 600 136 363 93 185 119 3,337 433 3,770 1,413 228 1,076 231 2,489 459 2,948 5,826 892 6,718Rosedale 931 3 156 0 61 11 28 4 1,176 18 1,194 507 10 354 3 861 13 874 2,037 31 2,068Hewlett 661 18 91 10 104 6 31 2 887 36 923 315 11 309 16 624 27 651 1,511 63 1,574Laurelton 705 4 98 2 60 4 25 4 888 14 902 352 7 228 5 580 12 592 1,468 26 1,494Woodmere 632 19 128 6 121 9 24 3 905 37 942 210 17 313 8 523 25 548 1,428 62 1,490Cedarhurst 439 4 118 10 132 10 32 0 721 24 745 233 3 442 12 675 15 690 1,396 39 1,435Locust Manor 433 9 112 14 47 6 36 11 628 40 668 381 8 266 12 647 20 667 1,275 60 1,335Gibson 466 10 83 3 29 13 17 5 595 31 626 169 26 141 22 310 48 358 905 79 984Lawrence 215 0 63 2 53 0 25 0 356 2 358 167 0 195 4 362 4 366 718 6 724Far Rockaway 120 0 68 0 51 0 23 0 262 0 262 229 0 189 0 418 0 418 680 0 680Inwood 258 0 59 0 35 0 11 2 363 2 365 120 0 139 2 259 2 261 622 4 626

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 92 609 212 1,698 183 6,360 182 1,667 669 10,334 11,003 351 4,593 365 4,024 716 8,617 9,333 1,385 18,951 20,336

Valley Stream 58 170 159 643 103 2,017 162 734 482 3,564 4,046 249 1,742 253 1,436 502 3,178 3,680 984 6,742 7,726Rosedale 5 37 2 171 5 857 5 200 17 1,265 1,282 17 621 17 423 34 1,044 1,078 51 2,309 2,360Laurelton 6 23 3 133 8 618 0 139 17 913 930 7 390 9 234 16 624 640 33 1,537 1,570Hewlett 2 75 14 152 16 560 8 88 40 875 915 28 297 31 263 59 560 619 99 1,435 1,534Locust Manor 11 21 3 113 4 409 3 157 21 700 721 5 395 18 328 23 723 746 44 1,423 1,467Woodmere 3 87 8 99 20 523 1 84 32 793 825 20 253 7 307 27 560 587 59 1,353 1,412Cedarhurst 1 104 11 115 12 399 3 63 27 681 708 11 215 7 373 18 588 606 45 1,269 1,314Gibson 6 15 11 60 13 381 0 34 30 490 520 12 166 16 133 28 299 327 58 789 847Far Rockaway 0 22 0 76 0 128 0 72 0 298 298 0 233 0 219 0 452 452 0 750 750Lawrence 0 34 1 78 2 213 0 40 3 365 368 2 165 5 168 7 333 340 10 698 708Inwood 0 21 0 58 0 255 0 56 0 390 390 0 116 2 140 2 256 258 2 646 648

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: FAR ROCKAWAY BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 58 0 37 1 8 1 8 1 111 3 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 3 114

Riverhead 20 0 26 0 5 0 2 0 53 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 53Yaphank 16 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 17 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 18Medford 10 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 16 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 1 17Mattituck 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10Greenport 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8Southold 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 8

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1 6 1 18 0 53 0 0 2 77 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 77 79

Medford 0 2 0 3 0 20 0 0 0 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25Riverhead 0 4 1 4 0 13 0 0 1 21 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 22Greenport 0 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13Yaphank 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 1 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 12Mattituck 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5Southold 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: GREENPORT BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 4,707 27 776 40 783 54 490 37 6,756 158 6,914 1,968 82 1,723 85 3,691 167 3,858 10,447 325 10,772

Floral Park 1,088 8 128 12 103 11 70 11 1,389 42 1,431 421 26 348 36 769 62 831 2,158 104 2,262Hempstead 515 0 245 0 183 0 147 0 1,090 0 1,090 567 0 456 0 1,023 0 1,023 2,113 0 2,113Queens Village 606 0 87 5 69 18 56 8 818 31 849 252 12 263 14 515 26 541 1,333 57 1,390Stewart Manor 676 4 65 8 63 9 49 5 853 26 879 165 14 124 15 289 29 318 1,142 55 1,197Nassau Boulevard 513 6 107 6 164 5 77 0 861 17 878 168 6 124 1 292 7 299 1,153 24 1,177Bellerose 469 2 48 6 50 8 35 6 602 22 624 138 10 176 4 314 14 328 916 36 952Garden City 408 2 55 2 89 0 24 2 576 6 582 106 4 114 2 220 6 226 796 12 808Country Life Press 287 1 23 0 45 0 20 2 375 3 378 57 1 48 1 105 2 107 480 5 485Hollis 145 4 18 1 17 3 12 3 192 11 203 94 9 70 12 164 21 185 356 32 388

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 52 585 48 1,097 21 4,378 20 834 141 6,894 7,035 79 2,224 78 1,882 157 4,106 4,263 298 11,000 11,298

Hempstead 0 190 0 351 0 550 0 186 0 1,277 1,277 0 651 0 596 0 1,247 1,247 0 2,524 2,524Floral Park 24 62 9 186 4 1,018 16 172 53 1,438 1,491 34 428 30 320 64 748 812 117 2,186 2,303Queens Village 11 41 10 134 2 579 0 130 23 884 907 15 303 13 270 28 573 601 51 1,457 1,508Nassau Boulevard 1 152 8 148 3 455 1 63 13 818 831 6 212 1 154 7 366 373 20 1,184 1,204Stewart Manor 5 37 6 77 5 576 1 68 17 758 775 12 152 13 139 25 291 316 42 1,049 1,091Bellerose 6 10 4 65 5 471 1 92 16 638 654 6 196 12 154 18 350 368 34 988 1,022Garden City 0 60 1 68 1 377 1 43 3 548 551 0 130 1 90 1 220 221 4 768 772Country Life Press 0 28 2 39 0 239 0 31 2 337 339 1 70 0 58 1 128 129 3 465 468Hollis 5 5 8 29 1 113 0 49 14 196 210 5 82 8 101 13 183 196 27 379 406

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: HEMPSTEAD BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 19,404 1,787 3,962 1,019 3,529 830 2,057 796 28,952 4,432 33,384 14,971 3,131 11,030 2,487 26,001 5,618 31,619 54,953 10,050 65,003

Hicksville 5,854 718 1,370 314 1,047 191 692 229 8,963 1,452 10,415 4,733 930 3,164 580 7,897 1,510 9,407 16,860 2,962 19,822Huntington 3,725 196 915 456 598 261 482 254 5,720 1,167 6,887 3,499 1,499 2,712 1,396 6,211 2,895 9,106 11,931 4,062 15,993Mineola 3,039 674 805 171 980 225 424 218 5,248 1,288 6,536 2,995 420 2,181 317 5,176 737 5,913 10,424 2,025 12,449Syosset 2,139 36 358 24 335 21 137 21 2,969 102 3,071 1,115 53 941 40 2,056 93 2,149 5,025 195 5,220New Hyde Park 1,333 52 150 16 169 53 79 25 1,731 146 1,877 766 89 570 47 1,336 136 1,472 3,067 282 3,349Westbury 1,149 54 136 30 193 45 126 38 1,604 167 1,771 744 107 615 87 1,359 194 1,553 2,963 361 3,324Cold Spring Harbor 1,230 39 95 3 80 1 22 3 1,427 46 1,473 496 4 421 7 917 11 928 2,344 57 2,401Merillon Avenue 636 13 74 0 79 21 83 3 872 37 909 361 13 286 2 647 15 662 1,519 52 1,571Carle Place 299 5 59 5 48 12 12 5 418 27 445 262 16 140 11 402 27 429 820 54 874

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 601 2,312 1,750 5,605 1,588 17,314 1,107 4,816 5,046 30,047 35,093 2,890 15,888 2,761 12,727 5,651 28,615 34,266 10,697 58,662 69,359

Hicksville 185 745 667 1,962 673 5,419 333 1,525 1,858 9,651 11,509 830 4,849 630 3,677 1,460 8,526 9,986 3,318 18,177 21,495Huntington 199 164 492 1,325 128 3,229 484 1,062 1,303 5,780 7,083 1,321 4,049 1,532 3,473 2,853 7,522 10,375 4,156 13,302 17,458Mineola 145 744 463 999 604 2,420 167 1,007 1,379 5,170 6,549 454 3,111 340 2,537 794 5,648 6,442 2,173 10,818 12,991Syosset 13 229 25 389 31 1,925 21 337 90 2,880 2,970 50 1,118 42 887 92 2,005 2,097 182 4,885 5,067Westbury 25 248 54 312 47 1,103 41 260 167 1,923 2,090 99 844 100 627 199 1,471 1,670 366 3,394 3,760New Hyde Park 25 95 26 239 63 1,325 39 295 153 1,954 2,107 84 803 74 666 158 1,469 1,627 311 3,423 3,734Cold Spring Harbor 1 23 3 161 11 996 2 139 17 1,319 1,336 10 473 12 363 22 836 858 39 2,155 2,194Merillon Avenue 5 33 9 133 21 636 8 128 43 930 973 17 433 10 313 27 746 773 70 1,676 1,746Carle Place 3 31 11 85 10 261 12 63 36 440 476 25 208 21 184 46 392 438 82 832 914

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: HUNTINGTON BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 5,370 97 1,105 56 746 88 255 43 7,476 284 7,760 3,324 443 2,394 228 5,718 671 6,389 13,194 955 14,149

Long Beach 1,579 0 428 0 276 0 56 0 2,339 0 2,339 1,411 0 966 0 2,377 0 2,377 4,716 0 4,716Lynbrook 1,286 58 309 43 249 70 144 37 1,988 208 2,196 1,031 347 713 176 1,744 523 2,267 3,732 731 4,463Oceanside 1,014 20 129 3 82 6 21 1 1,246 30 1,276 297 35 234 16 531 51 582 1,777 81 1,858Island Park 717 3 138 1 59 7 17 2 931 13 944 305 7 269 5 574 12 586 1,505 25 1,530East Rockaway 394 15 51 6 55 2 14 2 514 25 539 141 26 114 21 255 47 302 769 72 841Centre Avenue 380 1 50 3 25 3 3 1 458 8 466 139 28 98 10 237 38 275 695 46 741

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 79 444 100 1,411 110 4,277 69 1,273 358 7,405 7,763 343 3,710 218 2,641 561 6,351 6,912 919 13,756 14,675

Lynbrook 72 168 68 468 78 1,088 60 456 278 2,180 2,458 257 1,251 172 935 429 2,186 2,615 707 4,366 5,073Long Beach 0 150 0 429 0 1,199 0 444 0 2,222 2,222 0 1,480 0 979 0 2,459 2,459 0 4,681 4,681Oceanside 5 54 11 182 12 827 2 137 30 1,200 1,230 26 344 16 241 42 585 627 72 1,785 1,857Island Park 1 33 1 166 5 556 3 129 10 884 894 8 351 6 273 14 624 638 24 1,508 1,532East Rockaway 1 25 11 95 12 269 2 49 26 438 464 31 170 14 134 45 304 349 71 742 813Centre Avenue 0 14 9 71 3 338 2 58 14 481 495 21 114 10 79 31 193 224 45 674 719

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: LONG BEACH BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 2,101 56 476 32 354 33 278 47 3,209 168 3,377 1,982 228 2,470 308 4,452 536 4,988 7,661 704 8,365

Patchogue 290 15 119 1 76 3 70 7 555 26 581 433 57 375 121 808 178 986 1,363 204 1,567Bay Shore 474 11 76 13 65 13 41 19 656 56 712 302 70 261 63 563 133 696 1,219 189 1,408Sayville 379 6 83 5 50 2 42 2 554 15 569 215 15 397 16 612 31 643 1,166 46 1,212Islip 379 16 50 2 40 3 30 4 499 25 524 179 20 117 19 296 39 335 795 64 859Mastic-Shirley 200 0 29 1 14 6 36 8 279 15 294 219 11 248 35 467 46 513 746 61 807Oakdale 139 2 45 6 32 2 21 0 237 10 247 63 11 67 7 130 18 148 367 28 395Montauk 5 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 16 0 16 147 0 186 0 333 0 333 349 0 349Speonk 49 1 9 0 7 1 11 0 76 2 78 79 1 151 3 230 4 234 306 6 312Great River 104 0 23 3 17 0 9 3 153 6 159 76 3 37 12 113 15 128 266 21 287East Hampton 15 1 13 0 7 1 4 0 39 2 41 63 4 167 7 230 11 241 269 13 282Hampton Bays 23 1 5 0 12 0 0 2 40 3 43 45 10 142 5 187 15 202 227 18 245Southampton 7 0 5 1 14 0 5 1 31 2 33 45 13 117 6 162 19 181 193 21 214Bridgehampton 12 1 6 0 5 0 2 0 25 1 26 37 4 94 2 131 6 137 156 7 163Bellport 18 1 6 0 1 1 4 1 29 3 32 49 6 26 6 75 12 87 104 15 119Westhampton 2 1 2 0 10 1 0 0 14 2 16 22 3 43 4 65 7 72 79 9 88Amagansett 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 8 0 42 2 50 2 52 56 2 58

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 27 319 27 410 76 1,294 78 1,223 208 3,246 3,454 204 2,105 264 1,483 468 3,588 4,056 676 6,834 7,510

Patchogue 2 66 8 104 18 193 21 198 49 561 610 33 563 50 383 83 946 1,029 132 1,507 1,639Bay Shore 9 62 8 74 27 250 30 259 74 645 719 80 249 95 198 175 447 622 249 1,092 1,341Sayville 7 37 2 56 7 225 6 169 22 487 509 16 302 16 188 32 490 522 54 977 1,031Islip 3 26 5 54 8 175 7 226 23 481 504 21 117 29 92 50 209 259 73 690 763Mastic-Shirley 2 11 1 6 2 139 0 150 5 306 311 6 140 12 195 18 335 353 23 641 664Oakdale 2 35 2 36 5 111 4 56 13 238 251 9 60 12 59 21 119 140 34 357 391Speonk 0 9 0 4 0 43 1 45 1 101 102 8 108 12 71 20 179 199 21 280 301East Hampton 0 10 0 24 5 36 1 6 6 76 82 5 113 5 64 10 177 187 16 253 269Great River 0 21 0 19 0 44 3 64 3 148 151 4 47 9 35 13 82 95 16 230 246Montauk 0 10 0 12 0 11 0 6 0 39 39 0 89 0 54 0 143 143 0 182 182Southampton 1 11 1 8 0 11 2 5 4 35 39 3 89 5 32 8 121 129 12 156 168Bridgehampton 0 6 0 4 1 15 1 4 2 29 31 1 88 2 32 3 120 123 5 149 154Hampton Bays 0 4 0 4 2 15 1 9 3 32 35 10 43 11 53 21 96 117 24 128 152Bellport 0 2 0 1 1 15 1 26 2 44 46 5 20 5 8 10 28 38 12 72 84Westhampton 1 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 10 11 2 46 1 11 3 57 60 4 67 71Amagansett 0 5 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 14 14 1 31 0 8 1 39 40 1 53 54

Weekday Total



Weekend Total

SaturdayMidday Off Peak PM Peak

Saturday SundayWeekday Total


2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: MONTAUK BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak

AM Reverse Peak Weekend Total Eastbound Total

WESTBOUNDWestbound Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,874 42 387 21 279 13 155 8 2,695 84 2,779 991 50 713 44 1,704 94 1,798 4,399 178 4,577

Roslyn 352 6 52 3 75 2 19 1 498 12 510 167 10 122 16 289 26 315 787 38 825Glen Head 261 7 42 3 20 1 20 1 343 12 355 112 3 62 7 174 10 184 517 22 539Glen Street 165 0 28 3 23 3 23 2 239 8 247 168 8 99 4 267 12 279 506 20 526Locust Valley 201 3 77 3 27 1 16 2 321 9 330 89 6 96 4 185 10 195 506 19 525East Williston 252 11 29 0 22 1 24 1 327 13 340 59 5 39 3 98 8 106 425 21 446Sea Cliff 190 3 47 1 17 1 9 0 263 5 268 103 0 64 4 167 4 171 430 9 439Glen Cove 148 4 26 3 13 4 10 1 197 12 209 100 11 88 0 188 11 199 385 23 408Albertson 192 5 27 0 30 0 10 0 259 5 264 64 4 32 2 96 6 102 355 11 366Oyster Bay 47 0 46 0 22 0 15 0 130 0 130 71 0 60 0 131 0 131 261 0 261Greenvale 66 3 13 5 30 0 9 0 118 8 126 58 3 51 4 109 7 116 227 15 242

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 12 235 23 344 32 1,540 19 406 86 2,525 2,611 63 894 58 712 121 1,606 1,727 207 4,131 4,338

Roslyn 3 65 2 52 4 252 4 76 13 445 458 12 125 15 124 27 249 276 40 694 734East Williston 2 14 3 23 8 291 1 42 14 370 384 14 47 7 29 21 76 97 35 446 481Glen Street 4 29 4 30 4 104 4 50 16 213 229 6 139 7 99 13 238 251 29 451 480Glen Head 0 17 2 42 4 186 2 49 8 294 302 3 82 7 78 10 160 170 18 454 472Sea Cliff 1 13 2 38 3 149 2 43 8 243 251 2 125 8 77 10 202 212 18 445 463Locust Valley 0 22 1 37 2 148 3 33 6 240 246 3 119 2 74 5 193 198 11 433 444Glen Cove 1 11 6 46 1 129 0 32 8 218 226 4 95 3 79 7 174 181 15 392 407Albertson 0 19 1 25 1 164 2 36 4 244 248 2 45 4 56 6 101 107 10 345 355Oyster Bay 0 22 0 39 0 63 0 32 0 156 156 0 77 0 62 0 139 139 0 295 295Greenvale 1 23 2 12 5 54 1 13 9 102 111 17 40 5 34 22 74 96 31 176 207

OVERNIGHT Weekday TotalAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak PM Peak

Weekend Total Westbound Total

EASTBOUNDWeekend Total Eastbound TotalSaturday Sunday

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: OYSTER BAY BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak Saturday SundayOVERNIGHTWESTBOUND

Weekday Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 3,443 73 655 89 473 39 344 37 4,915 238 5,153 1,696 138 1,564 133 3,260 271 3,531 8,175 509 8,684

Stony Brook 408 17 243 42 322 3 172 2 1,145 64 1,209 662 26 501 36 1,163 62 1,225 2,308 126 2,434Northport 954 15 104 16 47 3 39 6 1,144 40 1,184 225 36 240 28 465 64 529 1,609 104 1,713Port Jefferson 434 0 144 0 30 0 49 0 657 0 657 351 0 427 0 778 0 778 1,435 0 1,435Kings Park 633 8 49 2 17 10 41 8 740 28 768 169 18 170 18 339 36 375 1,079 64 1,143Smithtown 307 9 50 8 21 8 25 10 403 35 438 124 22 101 24 225 46 271 628 81 709Greenlawn 406 19 27 12 16 10 5 7 454 48 502 55 22 34 15 89 37 126 543 85 628St. James 301 5 38 9 20 5 13 4 372 23 395 110 14 91 12 201 26 227 573 49 622

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 54 457 87 1,112 77 2,581 53 614 271 4,764 5,035 156 1,520 112 1,727 268 3,247 3,515 539 8,011 8,550

Stony Brook 3 311 17 337 22 305 21 105 63 1,058 1,121 26 508 34 735 60 1,243 1,303 123 2,301 2,424Northport 21 49 22 209 21 675 6 148 70 1,081 1,151 27 185 23 240 50 425 475 120 1,506 1,626Port Jefferson 0 33 0 204 0 376 0 105 0 718 718 0 428 0 373 0 801 801 0 1,519 1,519Kings Park 8 8 9 119 1 466 4 101 22 694 716 19 149 15 147 34 296 330 56 990 1,046Smithtown 3 38 16 94 7 241 17 50 43 423 466 38 133 10 109 48 242 290 91 665 756Greenlawn 13 12 19 67 19 323 3 52 54 454 508 26 37 18 43 44 80 124 98 534 632St. James 6 6 4 82 7 195 2 53 19 336 355 20 80 12 80 32 160 192 51 496 547

OVERNIGHT Weekday TotalAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak PM Peak

Weekend Total Westbound Total

EASTBOUNDWeekend Total Eastbound TotalSaturday Sunday

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: PORT JEFFERSON BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak Saturday SundayOVERNIGHTWESTBOUND

Weekday Total

(PDF) 2012-2014 LIRR Origin and Destination Report Volume I ...web.mta.info/mta/planning/data/2012_LIRR_OD_Report...· Abt SRBI Inc. 1-7 1. Background and Objectives This report summarizes - PDFSLIDE.NET (194)

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 15,079 195 3,671 303 2,271 357 940 194 21,961 1,049 23,010 9,086 898 6,528 746 15,614 1,644 17,258 37,575 2,693 40,268

Great Neck 2,909 78 913 39 607 64 199 7 4,628 188 4,816 1,459 102 1,253 72 2,712 174 2,886 7,340 362 7,702Bayside 2,722 12 606 34 291 27 158 13 3,777 86 3,863 1,590 87 1,059 48 2,649 135 2,784 6,426 221 6,647Port Washington 2,664 0 473 0 489 0 171 0 3,797 0 3,797 1,389 0 1,016 0 2,405 0 2,405 6,202 0 6,202Manhasset 1,844 24 369 25 313 5 99 10 2,625 64 2,689 1,049 56 839 32 1,888 88 1,976 4,513 152 4,665Little Neck 1,138 2 331 10 101 15 53 6 1,623 33 1,656 719 27 460 16 1,179 43 1,222 2,802 76 2,878Flushing Main Street 214 61 163 154 111 195 26 98 514 508 1,022 509 481 358 436 867 917 1,784 1,381 1,425 2,806Auburndale 1,062 3 229 10 81 17 66 12 1,438 42 1,480 729 33 409 25 1,138 58 1,196 2,576 100 2,676Broadway 797 5 206 9 104 17 65 22 1,172 53 1,225 671 62 430 58 1,101 120 1,221 2,273 173 2,446Douglaston 887 4 209 9 101 7 62 2 1,259 22 1,281 444 10 315 8 759 18 777 2,018 40 2,058Murray Hill 356 1 120 9 37 9 27 23 540 42 582 384 32 252 47 636 79 715 1,176 121 1,297Plandome 486 5 52 4 36 1 14 1 588 11 599 143 8 137 4 280 12 292 868 23 891Mets-Willets Point 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * 0 0 0

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 343 1,477 265 2,916 369 13,513 163 3,898 1,140 21,804 22,944 792 8,332 757 7,795 1,549 16,127 17,676 2,689 37,931 40,620

Great Neck 31 534 37 576 160 2,946 33 639 261 4,695 4,956 91 1,195 108 1,419 199 2,614 2,813 460 7,309 7,769Bayside 42 142 30 573 22 2,439 20 774 114 3,928 4,042 78 1,495 64 1,280 142 2,775 2,917 256 6,703 6,959Port Washington 0 343 0 470 0 2,287 0 562 0 3,662 3,662 0 1,360 0 1,277 0 2,637 2,637 0 6,299 6,299Manhasset 3 194 35 317 18 1,485 6 370 62 2,366 2,428 43 954 24 969 67 1,923 1,990 129 4,289 4,418Flushing Main Street 184 58 124 153 132 320 67 164 507 695 1,202 422 573 418 517 840 1,090 1,930 1,347 1,785 3,132Little Neck 7 55 2 219 5 1,094 9 307 23 1,675 1,698 18 592 18 540 36 1,132 1,168 59 2,807 2,866Auburndale 18 24 14 155 3 866 2 345 37 1,390 1,427 31 630 32 476 63 1,106 1,169 100 2,496 2,596Broadway 26 38 10 160 10 611 7 313 53 1,122 1,175 42 673 43 581 85 1,254 1,339 138 2,376 2,514Douglaston 3 48 0 170 5 769 6 196 14 1,183 1,197 19 368 6 332 25 700 725 39 1,883 1,922Murray Hill 28 21 9 71 11 304 13 164 61 560 621 44 377 44 282 88 659 747 149 1,219 1,368Plandome 1 20 4 52 3 392 0 64 8 528 536 4 115 0 122 4 237 241 12 765 777Mets-Willets Point 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * 0 0 0

*Mets-Willets Point counts were removed at the request of LIRR.

OVERNIGHT Weekday TotalAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak PM Peak

Weekend Total Westbound Total

EASTBOUNDWeekend Total Eastbound TotalSaturday Sunday

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: PORT WASHINGTON BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak Saturday SundayOVERNIGHTWESTBOUND

Weekday Total

(PDF) 2012-2014 LIRR Origin and Destination Report Volume I ...web.mta.info/mta/planning/data/2012_LIRR_OD_Report...· Abt SRBI Inc. 1-7 1. Background and Objectives This report summarizes - PDFSLIDE.NET (195)

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 13,390 287 2,520 186 1,575 141 1,530 169 19,015 783 19,798 9,315 557 6,649 430 15,964 987 16,951 34,979 1,770 36,749

Ronkonkoma 5,510 40 1,019 35 530 7 594 5 7,653 87 7,740 3,987 0 2,862 0 6,849 0 6,849 14,502 87 14,589Deer Park 2,108 57 319 32 236 45 265 17 2,928 151 3,079 1,254 88 828 49 2,082 137 2,219 5,010 288 5,298Wyandanch 1,427 47 227 50 80 42 106 65 1,840 204 2,044 781 199 544 168 1,325 367 1,692 3,165 571 3,736Farmingdale 956 76 242 25 356 20 175 31 1,729 152 1,881 874 108 604 68 1,478 176 1,654 3,207 328 3,535Central Islip 1,235 8 248 7 148 9 155 14 1,786 38 1,824 809 41 654 36 1,463 77 1,540 3,249 115 3,364Brentwood 816 20 279 22 99 9 154 28 1,348 79 1,427 941 67 713 63 1,654 130 1,784 3,002 209 3,211Bethpage 1,338 39 170 13 125 9 81 9 1,714 70 1,784 652 53 419 43 1,071 96 1,167 2,785 166 2,951Pinelawn 0 0 16 2 1 0 0 0 17 2 19 17 1 25 3 42 4 46 59 6 65

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 88 1,134 294 4,698 292 10,346 146 2,651 820 18,829 19,649 560 9,816 432 7,492 992 17,308 18,300 1,812 36,137 37,949

Ronkonkoma 1 277 17 2,043 53 3,938 0 952 71 7,210 7,281 0 4,155 0 3,298 0 7,453 7,453 71 14,663 14,734Deer Park 13 175 63 626 71 1,678 23 461 170 2,940 3,110 92 1,287 65 1,012 157 2,299 2,456 327 5,239 5,566Wyandanch 31 53 77 444 58 1,162 51 297 217 1,956 2,173 195 818 123 615 318 1,433 1,751 535 3,389 3,924Farmingdale 14 333 46 369 42 866 29 240 131 1,808 1,939 106 968 93 646 199 1,614 1,813 330 3,422 3,752Brentwood 11 87 30 431 30 623 17 250 88 1,391 1,479 61 1,070 68 766 129 1,836 1,965 217 3,227 3,444Central Islip 12 135 18 395 8 986 10 239 48 1,755 1,803 45 886 30 644 75 1,530 1,605 123 3,285 3,408Bethpage 6 72 40 378 30 1,093 16 212 92 1,755 1,847 58 611 42 479 100 1,090 1,190 192 2,845 3,037Pinelawn 0 2 3 12 0 0 0 0 3 14 17 3 21 11 32 14 53 67 17 67 84

OVERNIGHT Weekday TotalAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak PM Peak

Weekend Total Westbound Total

EASTBOUNDWeekend Total Eastbound TotalSaturday Sunday

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: RONKONKOMA BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak Saturday SundayOVERNIGHTWESTBOUND

Weekday Total

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On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,257 2 109 9 59 14 99 4 1,524 29 1,553 53 6 52 11 105 17 122 1,629 46 1,675

Malverne 362 1 28 0 10 0 30 0 430 1 431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430 1 431St. Albans 136 1 28 9 17 13 0 4 181 27 208 53 6 52 11 105 17 122 286 44 330Lakeview 244 0 19 0 5 0 28 0 296 0 296 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 296 0 296Westwood 243 0 15 0 4 1 25 0 287 1 288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287 1 288Hempstead Gardens 157 0 10 0 9 0 4 0 180 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 180West Hempstead 115 0 9 0 14 0 12 0 150 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 150

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 10 25 5 100 10 1,291 7 152 32 1,568 1,600 21 78 25 61 46 139 185 78 1,707 1,785

St. Albans 9 9 5 22 7 168 4 29 25 228 253 21 78 25 61 46 139 185 71 367 438Malverne 1 0 0 17 1 343 1 31 3 391 394 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 391 394Westwood 0 1 0 19 1 275 0 26 1 321 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 321 322Lakeview 0 4 0 18 1 245 1 27 2 294 296 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 294 296Hempstead Gardens 0 4 0 15 0 145 1 23 1 187 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 187 188West Hempstead 0 7 0 9 0 115 0 16 0 147 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 147

OVERNIGHT Weekday TotalAM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak PM Peak

Weekend Total Westbound Total

EASTBOUNDWeekend Total Eastbound TotalSaturday Sunday

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEST HEMPSTEAD BRANCHWestbound Total By Station in Numerical Order / Eastbound Total By Station in Numerical Order

AM Peak Midday Off Peak PM Reverse Peak Saturday SundayOVERNIGHTWESTBOUND

Weekday Total

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WEEKDAY 1 of 3

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 660,752 111,328 111,915 23,609 23,654 17,604 17,589 10,479 10,335 163,020 163,493 326,513 11,935 11,951 31,041 31,000 96,233 95,470 28,306 28,303 167,515 166,724 334,239

Penn Station 215,152 0 79,307 0 14,988 0 8,025 0 4,759 0 107,079 107,079 3,676 0 16,677 0 68,765 0 18,955 0 108,073 0 108,073Jamaica 98,221 12,689 15,426 3,346 4,056 2,877 4,745 1,470 2,154 20,382 26,381 46,763 3,870 2,212 6,872 5,027 13,631 11,229 4,815 3,802 29,188 22,270 51,458Hicksville 21,924 5,854 718 1,370 314 1,047 191 692 229 8,963 1,452 10,415 185 745 667 1,962 673 5,419 333 1,525 1,858 9,651 11,509Atlantic Terminal 21,829 0 8,425 0 1,145 0 1,161 0 651 0 11,382 11,382 1,116 0 2,046 0 6,277 0 1,008 0 10,447 0 10,447Ronkonkoma 15,021 5,510 40 1,019 35 530 7 594 5 7,653 87 7,740 1 277 17 2,043 53 3,938 0 952 71 7,210 7,281Huntington 13,970 3,725 196 915 456 598 261 482 254 5,720 1,167 6,887 199 164 492 1,325 128 3,229 484 1,062 1,303 5,780 7,083Babylon 13,366 2,903 371 866 318 691 231 425 191 4,885 1,111 5,996 210 423 165 1,228 605 2,887 628 1,224 1,608 5,762 7,370Mineola 13,085 3,039 674 805 171 980 225 424 218 5,248 1,288 6,536 145 744 463 999 604 2,420 167 1,007 1,379 5,170 6,549Great Neck 9,772 2,909 78 913 39 607 64 199 7 4,628 188 4,816 31 534 37 576 160 2,946 33 639 261 4,695 4,956Bayside 7,905 2,722 12 606 34 291 27 158 13 3,777 86 3,863 42 142 30 573 22 2,439 20 774 114 3,928 4,042Valley Stream 7,816 2,189 85 600 136 363 93 185 119 3,337 433 3,770 58 170 159 643 103 2,017 162 734 482 3,564 4,046Rockville Centre 7,530 2,409 74 449 74 334 79 147 59 3,339 286 3,625 83 161 92 437 132 2,134 56 810 363 3,542 3,905Port Washington 7,459 2,664 0 473 0 489 0 171 0 3,797 0 3,797 0 343 0 470 0 2,287 0 562 0 3,662 3,662Merrick 7,235 2,718 38 399 24 317 14 151 15 3,585 91 3,676 16 149 29 485 31 2,296 12 541 88 3,471 3,559Woodside 7,172 310 1,450 236 559 96 695 34 391 676 3,095 3,771 709 44 775 102 960 231 391 189 2,835 566 3,401Bellmore 6,964 2,628 22 333 19 287 22 173 14 3,421 77 3,498 12 149 16 527 24 2,156 25 557 77 3,389 3,466Baldwin 6,928 2,428 20 420 29 249 57 223 33 3,320 139 3,459 56 97 35 490 43 2,090 34 624 168 3,301 3,469Deer Park 6,189 2,108 57 319 32 236 45 265 17 2,928 151 3,079 13 175 63 626 71 1,678 23 461 170 2,940 3,110Syosset 6,041 2,139 36 358 24 335 21 137 21 2,969 102 3,071 13 229 25 389 31 1,925 21 337 90 2,880 2,970Wantagh 5,726 2,089 14 311 24 214 20 210 9 2,824 67 2,891 13 101 55 608 29 1,550 20 459 117 2,718 2,835Freeport 5,629 1,368 73 404 102 250 161 170 164 2,192 500 2,692 208 207 187 405 118 1,257 86 469 599 2,338 2,937Hunterspoint Avenue 5,224 0 2,930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,930 2,930 0 0 120 0 2,174 0 0 0 2,294 0 2,294Manhasset 5,117 1,844 24 369 25 313 5 99 10 2,625 64 2,689 3 194 35 317 18 1,485 6 370 62 2,366 2,428Massapequa 4,768 1,737 14 232 9 159 21 207 8 2,335 52 2,387 6 85 24 478 23 1,411 42 312 95 2,286 2,381Lynbrook 4,654 1,286 58 309 43 249 70 144 37 1,988 208 2,196 72 168 68 468 78 1,088 60 456 278 2,180 2,458Long Beach 4,561 1,579 0 428 0 276 0 56 0 2,339 0 2,339 0 150 0 429 0 1,199 0 444 0 2,222 2,222Wyandanch 4,217 1,427 47 227 50 80 42 106 65 1,840 204 2,044 31 53 77 444 58 1,162 51 297 217 1,956 2,173New Hyde Park 3,984 1,333 52 150 16 169 53 79 25 1,731 146 1,877 25 95 26 239 63 1,325 39 295 153 1,954 2,107Westbury 3,861 1,149 54 136 30 193 45 126 38 1,604 167 1,771 25 248 54 312 47 1,103 41 260 167 1,923 2,090Massapequa Park 3,827 1,386 12 216 9 144 12 127 11 1,873 44 1,917 7 69 39 370 35 1,018 11 361 92 1,818 1,910Farmingdale 3,820 956 76 242 25 356 20 175 31 1,729 152 1,881 14 333 46 369 42 866 29 240 131 1,808 1,939Seaford 3,796 1,433 3 158 11 133 15 130 2 1,854 31 1,885 6 67 10 252 30 1,293 4 249 50 1,861 1,911Bethpage 3,631 1,338 39 170 13 125 9 81 9 1,714 70 1,784 6 72 40 378 30 1,093 16 212 92 1,755 1,847Central Islip 3,627 1,235 8 248 7 148 9 155 14 1,786 38 1,824 12 135 18 395 8 986 10 239 48 1,755 1,803Little Neck 3,354 1,138 2 331 10 101 15 53 6 1,623 33 1,656 7 55 2 219 5 1,094 9 307 23 1,675 1,698Lindenhurst 3,178 1,057 8 201 9 133 22 121 12 1,512 51 1,563 13 88 23 355 12 889 5 230 53 1,562 1,615Floral Park 2,922 1,088 8 128 12 103 11 70 11 1,389 42 1,431 24 62 9 186 4 1,018 16 172 53 1,438 1,491Auburndale 2,907 1,062 3 229 10 81 17 66 12 1,438 42 1,480 18 24 14 155 3 866 2 345 37 1,390 1,427Brentwood 2,906 816 20 279 22 99 9 154 28 1,348 79 1,427 11 87 30 431 30 623 17 250 88 1,391 1,479Cold Spring Harbor 2,809 1,230 39 95 3 80 1 22 3 1,427 46 1,473 1 23 3 161 11 996 2 139 17 1,319 1,336Copiague 2,629 819 15 188 14 110 29 96 26 1,213 84 1,297 30 76 48 302 20 647 14 195 112 1,220 1,332

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAYEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

PM Reverse Peak PM PeakWESTBOUNDWeekday East/West

Total On/Off Overnight Weekday TotalAM Peak Midday Off PeakEASTBOUND

AM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak Overnight Weekday Total

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WEEKDAY 2 of 3

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 660,752 111,328 111,915 23,609 23,654 17,604 17,589 10,479 10,335 163,020 163,493 326,513 11,935 11,951 31,041 31,000 96,233 95,470 28,306 28,303 167,515 166,724 334,239

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAYEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

PM Reverse Peak PM PeakWESTBOUNDWeekday East/West

Total On/Off Overnight Weekday TotalAM Peak Midday Off PeakEASTBOUND

AM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak Overnight Weekday Total

Amityville 2,607 662 34 210 26 186 36 107 13 1,165 109 1,274 28 156 40 244 38 621 17 189 123 1,210 1,333Oceanside 2,506 1,014 20 129 3 82 6 21 1 1,246 30 1,276 5 54 11 182 12 827 2 137 30 1,200 1,230Douglaston 2,478 887 4 209 9 101 7 62 2 1,259 22 1,281 3 48 0 170 5 769 6 196 14 1,183 1,197Rosedale 2,476 931 3 156 0 61 11 28 4 1,176 18 1,194 5 37 2 171 5 857 5 200 17 1,265 1,282Broadway 2,400 797 5 206 9 104 17 65 22 1,172 53 1,225 26 38 10 160 10 611 7 313 53 1,122 1,175Hempstead 2,367 515 0 245 0 183 0 147 0 1,090 0 1,090 0 190 0 351 0 550 0 186 0 1,277 1,277Northport 2,335 954 15 104 16 47 3 39 6 1,144 40 1,184 21 49 22 209 21 675 6 148 70 1,081 1,151Stony Brook 2,330 408 17 243 42 322 3 172 2 1,145 64 1,209 3 311 17 337 22 305 21 105 63 1,058 1,121Flushing Main Street 2,224 214 61 163 154 111 195 26 98 514 508 1,022 184 58 124 153 132 320 67 164 507 695 1,202Forest Hills 1,967 392 127 84 45 40 104 27 45 543 321 864 66 7 99 65 133 407 67 259 365 738 1,103Merillon Avenue 1,882 636 13 74 0 79 21 83 3 872 37 909 5 33 9 133 21 636 8 128 43 930 973Hewlett 1,838 661 18 91 10 104 6 31 2 887 36 923 2 75 14 152 16 560 8 88 40 875 915Island Park 1,838 717 3 138 1 59 7 17 2 931 13 944 1 33 1 166 5 556 3 129 10 884 894Laurelton 1,832 705 4 98 2 60 4 25 4 888 14 902 6 23 3 133 8 618 0 139 17 913 930Kew Gardens 1,778 539 37 120 16 69 48 38 30 766 131 897 46 11 26 88 36 388 22 264 130 751 881Woodmere 1,767 632 19 128 6 121 9 24 3 905 37 942 3 87 8 99 20 523 1 84 32 793 825Queens Village 1,756 606 0 87 5 69 18 56 8 818 31 849 11 41 10 134 2 579 0 130 23 884 907Nassau Boulevard 1,709 513 6 107 6 164 5 77 0 861 17 878 1 152 8 148 3 455 1 63 13 818 831Stewart Manor 1,654 676 4 65 8 63 9 49 5 853 26 879 5 37 6 77 5 576 1 68 17 758 775Kings Park 1,484 633 8 49 2 17 10 41 8 740 28 768 8 8 9 119 1 466 4 101 22 694 716Cedarhurst 1,453 439 4 118 10 132 10 32 0 721 24 745 1 104 11 115 12 399 3 63 27 681 708Bay Shore 1,431 474 11 76 13 65 13 41 19 656 56 712 9 62 8 74 27 250 30 259 74 645 719Locust Manor 1,389 433 9 112 14 47 6 36 11 628 40 668 11 21 3 113 4 409 3 157 21 700 721Port Jefferson 1,375 434 0 144 0 30 0 49 0 657 0 657 0 33 0 204 0 376 0 105 0 718 718East New York 1,358 9 244 9 97 5 172 7 106 30 619 649 185 3 224 6 167 12 103 9 679 30 709Hillside 1,357 18 136 141 41 170 4 18 38 347 219 566 25 240 326 116 23 2 37 22 411 380 791Bellerose 1,278 469 2 48 6 50 8 35 6 602 22 624 6 10 4 65 5 471 1 92 16 638 654Nostrand Avenue 1,217 0 158 8 89 7 194 5 111 20 552 572 195 2 170 4 155 5 110 4 630 15 645Murray Hill 1,203 356 1 120 9 37 9 27 23 540 42 582 28 21 9 71 11 304 13 164 61 560 621Patchogue 1,191 290 15 119 1 76 3 70 7 555 26 581 2 66 8 104 18 193 21 198 49 561 610Gibson 1,146 466 10 83 3 29 13 17 5 595 31 626 6 15 11 60 13 381 0 34 30 490 520Plandome 1,135 486 5 52 4 36 1 14 1 588 11 599 1 20 4 52 3 392 0 64 8 528 536Garden City 1,133 408 2 55 2 89 0 24 2 576 6 582 0 60 1 68 1 377 1 43 3 548 551Sayville 1,078 379 6 83 5 50 2 42 2 554 15 569 7 37 2 56 7 225 6 169 22 487 509Islip 1,028 379 16 50 2 40 3 30 4 499 25 524 3 26 5 54 8 175 7 226 23 481 504Greenlawn 1,010 406 19 27 12 16 10 5 7 454 48 502 13 12 19 67 19 323 3 52 54 454 508East Rockaway 1,003 394 15 51 6 55 2 14 2 514 25 539 1 25 11 95 12 269 2 49 26 438 464Roslyn 968 352 6 52 3 75 2 19 1 498 12 510 3 65 2 52 4 252 4 76 13 445 458Centre Avenue 961 380 1 50 3 25 3 3 1 458 8 466 0 14 9 71 3 338 2 58 14 481 495Carle Place 921 299 5 59 5 48 12 12 5 418 27 445 3 31 11 85 10 261 12 63 36 440 476Smithtown 904 307 9 50 8 21 8 25 10 403 35 438 3 38 16 94 7 241 17 50 43 423 466Malverne 825 362 1 28 0 10 0 30 0 430 1 431 1 0 0 17 1 343 1 31 3 391 394

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WEEKDAY 3 of 3

On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 660,752 111,328 111,915 23,609 23,654 17,604 17,589 10,479 10,335 163,020 163,493 326,513 11,935 11,951 31,041 31,000 96,233 95,470 28,306 28,303 167,515 166,724 334,239

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAYEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

PM Reverse Peak PM PeakWESTBOUNDWeekday East/West

Total On/Off Overnight Weekday TotalAM Peak Midday Off PeakEASTBOUND

AM Reverse Peak Midday Off Peak Overnight Weekday Total

Inwood 755 258 0 59 0 35 0 11 2 363 2 365 0 21 0 58 0 255 0 56 0 390 390St. James 750 301 5 38 9 20 5 13 4 372 23 395 6 6 4 82 7 195 2 53 19 336 355Lawrence 726 215 0 63 2 53 0 25 0 356 2 358 0 34 1 78 2 213 0 40 3 365 368East Williston 724 252 11 29 0 22 1 24 1 327 13 340 2 14 3 23 8 291 1 42 14 370 384Country Life Press 717 287 1 23 0 45 0 20 2 375 3 378 0 28 2 39 0 239 0 31 2 337 339Glen Head 657 261 7 42 3 20 1 20 1 343 12 355 0 17 2 42 4 186 2 49 8 294 302Westwood 610 243 0 15 0 4 1 25 0 287 1 288 0 1 0 19 1 275 0 26 1 321 322Mastic-Shirley 605 200 0 29 1 14 6 36 8 279 15 294 2 11 1 6 2 139 0 150 5 306 311Lakeview 592 244 0 19 0 5 0 28 0 296 0 296 0 4 0 18 1 245 1 27 2 294 296Locust Valley 576 201 3 77 3 27 1 16 2 321 9 330 0 22 1 37 2 148 3 33 6 240 246Far Rockaway 560 120 0 68 0 51 0 23 0 262 0 262 0 22 0 76 0 128 0 72 0 298 298Sea Cliff 519 190 3 47 1 17 1 9 0 263 5 268 1 13 2 38 3 149 2 43 8 243 251Albertson 512 192 5 27 0 30 0 10 0 259 5 264 0 19 1 25 1 164 2 36 4 244 248Oakdale 498 139 2 45 6 32 2 21 0 237 10 247 2 35 2 36 5 111 4 56 13 238 251Glen Street 476 165 0 28 3 23 3 23 2 239 8 247 4 29 4 30 4 104 4 50 16 213 229St. Albans 461 136 1 28 9 17 13 0 4 181 27 208 9 9 5 22 7 168 4 29 25 228 253Glen Cove 435 148 4 26 3 13 4 10 1 197 12 209 1 11 6 46 1 129 0 32 8 218 226Hollis 413 145 4 18 1 17 3 12 3 192 11 203 5 5 8 29 1 113 0 49 14 196 210Hempstead Gardens 368 157 0 10 0 9 0 4 0 180 0 180 0 4 0 15 0 145 1 23 1 187 188Boland's Landing 330 2 179 4 11 0 0 0 7 6 197 203 0 1 124 2 0 0 0 0 124 3 127Great River 310 104 0 23 3 17 0 9 3 153 6 159 0 21 0 19 0 44 3 64 3 148 151West Hempstead 297 115 0 9 0 14 0 12 0 150 0 150 0 7 0 9 0 115 0 16 0 147 147Oyster Bay 286 47 0 46 0 22 0 15 0 130 0 130 0 22 0 39 0 63 0 32 0 156 156Greenvale 237 66 3 13 5 30 0 9 0 118 8 126 1 23 2 12 5 54 1 13 9 102 111Speonk 180 49 1 9 0 7 1 11 0 76 2 78 0 9 0 4 0 43 1 45 1 101 102East Hampton 123 15 1 13 0 7 1 4 0 39 2 41 0 10 0 24 5 36 1 6 6 76 82Long Island City 101 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 0 0 7 0 14 0 0 0 21 0 21Bellport 78 18 1 6 0 1 1 4 1 29 3 32 0 2 0 1 1 15 1 26 2 44 46Hampton Bays 78 23 1 5 0 12 0 0 2 40 3 43 0 4 0 4 2 15 1 9 3 32 35Riverhead 75 20 0 26 0 5 0 2 0 53 0 53 0 4 1 4 0 13 0 0 1 21 22Southampton 72 7 0 5 1 14 0 5 1 31 2 33 1 11 1 8 0 11 2 5 4 35 39Bridgehampton 57 12 1 6 0 5 0 2 0 25 1 26 0 6 0 4 1 15 1 4 2 29 31Montauk 55 5 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 16 0 16 0 10 0 12 0 11 0 6 0 39 39Medford 42 10 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 16 1 17 0 2 0 3 0 20 0 0 0 25 25Pinelawn 36 0 0 16 2 1 0 0 0 17 2 19 0 2 3 12 0 0 0 0 3 14 17Yaphank 30 16 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 17 1 18 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 1 11 12Westhampton 27 2 1 2 0 10 1 0 0 14 2 16 1 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 10 11Greenport 21 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 13 13Amagansett 20 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 5 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 14 14Mattituck 15 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 5 5Southold 10 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2Mets-Willets Point 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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WEEKEND 1 of 4

On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 553,476 76,394 76,433 58,666 58,351 135,060 134,784 269,844 77,923 77,627 64,204 63,878 142,127 141,505 283,632

Penn Station 164,603 0 46,746 0 32,770 0 79,516 79,516 46,812 0 38,275 0 85,087 0 85,087Jamaica 95,007 11,436 13,152 10,309 11,344 21,745 24,496 46,241 15,127 11,377 12,528 9,734 27,655 21,111 48,766Huntington 19,481 3,499 1,499 2,712 1,396 6,211 2,895 9,106 1,321 4,049 1,532 3,473 2,853 7,522 10,375Hicksville 19,393 4,733 930 3,164 580 7,897 1,510 9,407 830 4,849 630 3,677 1,460 8,526 9,986Babylon 15,262 3,649 1,056 2,318 873 5,967 1,929 7,896 839 3,437 563 2,527 1,402 5,964 7,366Atlantic Terminal 15,072 0 3,852 0 4,252 0 8,104 8,104 3,790 0 3,178 0 6,968 0 6,968Ronkonkoma 14,302 3,987 0 2,862 0 6,849 0 6,849 0 4,155 0 3,298 0 7,453 7,453Mineola 12,355 2,995 420 2,181 317 5,176 737 5,913 454 3,111 340 2,537 794 5,648 6,442Woodside 9,238 496 1,802 384 1,705 880 3,507 4,387 2,173 476 1,788 414 3,961 890 4,851Rockville Centre 8,230 1,581 1,021 1,175 161 2,756 1,182 3,938 794 1,624 589 1,285 1,383 2,909 4,292Valley Stream 6,628 1,413 228 1,076 231 2,489 459 2,948 249 1,742 253 1,436 502 3,178 3,680Freeport 5,986 1,171 447 827 450 1,998 897 2,895 475 1,197 417 1,002 892 2,199 3,091Bayside 5,701 1,590 87 1,059 48 2,649 135 2,784 78 1,495 64 1,280 142 2,775 2,917Great Neck 5,699 1,459 102 1,253 72 2,712 174 2,886 91 1,195 108 1,419 199 2,614 2,813Baldwin 5,217 1,302 120 919 94 2,221 214 2,435 183 1,309 123 1,167 306 2,476 2,782Port Washington 5,042 1,389 0 1,016 0 2,405 0 2,405 0 1,360 0 1,277 0 2,637 2,637Lynbrook 4,882 1,031 347 713 176 1,744 523 2,267 257 1,251 172 935 429 2,186 2,615Long Beach 4,836 1,411 0 966 0 2,377 0 2,377 0 1,480 0 979 0 2,459 2,459Merrick 4,820 1,235 116 865 42 2,100 158 2,258 125 1,312 64 1,061 189 2,373 2,562Bellmore 4,698 1,321 119 831 55 2,152 174 2,326 82 1,270 64 956 146 2,226 2,372Deer Park 4,675 1,254 88 828 49 2,082 137 2,219 92 1,287 65 1,012 157 2,299 2,456Wantagh 4,376 1,220 144 614 76 1,834 220 2,054 165 1,181 97 879 262 2,060 2,322Syosset 4,246 1,115 53 941 40 2,056 93 2,149 50 1,118 42 887 92 2,005 2,097Manhasset 3,966 1,049 56 839 32 1,888 88 1,976 43 954 24 969 67 1,923 1,990Brentwood 3,749 941 67 713 63 1,654 130 1,784 61 1,070 68 766 129 1,836 1,965Flushing Main Street 3,714 509 481 358 436 867 917 1,784 422 573 418 517 840 1,090 1,930Farmingdale 3,467 874 108 604 68 1,478 176 1,654 106 968 93 646 199 1,614 1,813Wyandanch 3,443 781 199 544 168 1,325 367 1,692 195 818 123 615 318 1,433 1,751Westbury 3,223 744 107 615 87 1,359 194 1,553 99 844 100 627 199 1,471 1,670Central Islip 3,145 809 41 654 36 1,463 77 1,540 45 886 30 644 75 1,530 1,605



2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

SaturdaySaturday Weekend Total

Weekend East/West Total

On/OffWeekend Total

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WEEKEND 2 of 4

On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 553,476 76,394 76,433 58,666 58,351 135,060 134,784 269,844 77,923 77,627 64,204 63,878 142,127 141,505 283,632



2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

SaturdaySaturday Weekend Total

Weekend East/West Total

On/OffWeekend Total

Massapequa Park 3,144 840 89 535 67 1,375 156 1,531 58 790 53 712 111 1,502 1,613Forest Hills 3,118 482 329 425 266 907 595 1,502 370 582 273 391 643 973 1,616New Hyde Park 3,099 766 89 570 47 1,336 136 1,472 84 803 74 666 158 1,469 1,627Massapequa 3,098 891 49 550 39 1,441 88 1,529 38 840 32 659 70 1,499 1,569Lindenhurst 2,602 791 47 455 35 1,246 82 1,328 33 680 22 539 55 1,219 1,274Broadway 2,560 671 62 430 58 1,101 120 1,221 42 673 43 581 85 1,254 1,339Stony Brook 2,528 662 26 501 36 1,163 62 1,225 26 508 34 735 60 1,243 1,303Amityville 2,522 585 122 447 65 1,032 187 1,219 81 620 51 551 132 1,171 1,303Copiague 2,476 635 84 395 85 1,030 169 1,199 70 627 53 527 123 1,154 1,277Kew Gardens 2,468 667 115 435 94 1,102 209 1,311 89 551 65 452 154 1,003 1,157Little Neck 2,390 719 27 460 16 1,179 43 1,222 18 592 18 540 36 1,132 1,168Auburndale 2,365 729 33 409 25 1,138 58 1,196 31 630 32 476 63 1,106 1,169Bethpage 2,357 652 53 419 43 1,071 96 1,167 58 611 42 479 100 1,090 1,190Hempstead 2,270 567 0 456 0 1,023 0 1,023 0 651 0 596 0 1,247 1,247East New York 2,134 22 531 32 450 54 981 1,035 583 23 458 35 1,041 58 1,099Nostrand Avenue 2,109 16 591 25 569 41 1,160 1,201 502 12 390 4 892 16 908Patchogue 2,015 433 57 375 121 808 178 986 33 563 50 383 83 946 1,029Rosedale 1,952 507 10 354 3 861 13 874 17 621 17 423 34 1,044 1,078Seaford 1,925 535 34 327 27 862 61 923 44 532 32 394 76 926 1,002Cold Spring Harbor 1,786 496 4 421 7 917 11 928 10 473 12 363 22 836 858Floral Park 1,643 421 26 348 36 769 62 831 34 428 30 320 64 748 812Port Jefferson 1,579 351 0 427 0 778 0 778 0 428 0 373 0 801 801Douglaston 1,502 444 10 315 8 759 18 777 19 368 6 332 25 700 725Murray Hill 1,462 384 32 252 47 636 79 715 44 377 44 282 88 659 747Merillon Avenue 1,435 361 13 286 2 647 15 662 17 433 10 313 27 746 773Locust Manor 1,413 381 8 266 12 647 20 667 5 395 18 328 23 723 746Bay Shore 1,318 302 70 261 63 563 133 696 80 249 95 198 175 447 622Cedarhurst 1,296 233 3 442 12 675 15 690 11 215 7 373 18 588 606Hewlett 1,270 315 11 309 16 624 27 651 28 297 31 263 59 560 619Laurelton 1,232 352 7 228 5 580 12 592 7 390 9 234 16 624 640Island Park 1,224 305 7 269 5 574 12 586 8 351 6 273 14 624 638Oceanside 1,209 297 35 234 16 531 51 582 26 344 16 241 42 585 627

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WEEKEND 3 of 4

On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 553,476 76,394 76,433 58,666 58,351 135,060 134,784 269,844 77,923 77,627 64,204 63,878 142,127 141,505 283,632



2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

SaturdaySaturday Weekend Total

Weekend East/West Total

On/OffWeekend Total

Sayville 1,165 215 15 397 16 612 31 643 16 302 16 188 32 490 522Queens Village 1,142 252 12 263 14 515 26 541 15 303 13 270 28 573 601Woodmere 1,135 210 17 313 8 523 25 548 20 253 7 307 27 560 587Northport 1,004 225 36 240 28 465 64 529 27 185 23 240 50 425 475Far Rockaway 870 229 0 189 0 418 0 418 0 233 0 219 0 452 452Carle Place 867 262 16 140 11 402 27 429 25 208 21 184 46 392 438Mastic-Shirley 866 219 11 248 35 467 46 513 6 140 12 195 18 335 353Lawrence 706 167 0 195 4 362 4 366 2 165 5 168 7 333 340Kings Park 705 169 18 170 18 339 36 375 19 149 15 147 34 296 330Bellerose 696 138 10 176 4 314 14 328 6 196 12 154 18 350 368Gibson 685 169 26 141 22 310 48 358 12 166 16 133 28 299 327Nassau Boulevard 672 168 6 124 1 292 7 299 6 212 1 154 7 366 373East Rockaway 651 141 26 114 21 255 47 302 31 170 14 134 45 304 349Stewart Manor 634 165 14 124 15 289 29 318 12 152 13 139 25 291 316Islip 594 179 20 117 19 296 39 335 21 117 29 92 50 209 259Roslyn 591 167 10 122 16 289 26 315 12 125 15 124 27 249 276Smithtown 561 124 22 101 24 225 46 271 38 133 10 109 48 242 290Plandome 533 143 8 137 4 280 12 292 4 115 0 122 4 237 241Glen Street 530 168 8 99 4 267 12 279 6 139 7 99 13 238 251Inwood 519 120 0 139 2 259 2 261 0 116 2 140 2 256 258Centre Avenue 499 139 28 98 10 237 38 275 21 114 10 79 31 193 224Montauk 476 147 0 186 0 333 0 333 0 89 0 54 0 143 143Garden City 447 106 4 114 2 220 6 226 0 130 1 90 1 220 221Speonk 433 79 1 151 3 230 4 234 8 108 12 71 20 179 199East Hampton 428 63 4 167 7 230 11 241 5 113 5 64 10 177 187St. James 419 110 14 91 12 201 26 227 20 80 12 80 32 160 192Locust Valley 393 89 6 96 4 185 10 195 3 119 2 74 5 193 198Sea Cliff 383 103 0 64 4 167 4 171 2 125 8 77 10 202 212Hollis 381 94 9 70 12 164 21 185 5 82 8 101 13 183 196Glen Cove 380 100 11 88 0 188 11 199 4 95 3 79 7 174 181Glen Head 354 112 3 62 7 174 10 184 3 82 7 78 10 160 170Hampton Bays 319 45 10 142 5 187 15 202 10 43 11 53 21 96 117Southampton 310 45 13 117 6 162 19 181 3 89 5 32 8 121 129St. Albans 307 53 6 52 11 105 17 122 21 78 25 61 46 139 185

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WEEKEND 4 of 4

On Off On Off On Off On/Off On Off On Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 553,476 76,394 76,433 58,666 58,351 135,060 134,784 269,844 77,923 77,627 64,204 63,878 142,127 141,505 283,632



2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

SaturdaySaturday Weekend Total

Weekend East/West Total

On/OffWeekend Total

Oakdale 288 63 11 67 7 130 18 148 9 60 12 59 21 119 140Oyster Bay 270 71 0 60 0 131 0 131 0 77 0 62 0 139 139Bridgehampton 260 37 4 94 2 131 6 137 1 88 2 32 3 120 123Greenlawn 250 55 22 34 15 89 37 126 26 37 18 43 44 80 124Hillside 249 37 22 23 45 60 67 127 31 27 19 45 50 72 122Country Life Press 236 57 1 48 1 105 2 107 1 70 0 58 1 128 129Great River 223 76 3 37 12 113 15 128 4 47 9 35 13 82 95Greenvale 212 58 3 51 4 109 7 116 17 40 5 34 22 74 96Albertson 209 64 4 32 2 96 6 102 2 45 4 56 6 101 107East Williston 203 59 5 39 3 98 8 106 14 47 7 29 21 76 97Westhampton 132 22 3 43 4 65 7 72 2 46 1 11 3 57 60Bellport 125 49 6 26 6 75 12 87 5 20 5 8 10 28 38Pinelawn 113 17 1 25 3 42 4 46 3 21 11 32 14 53 67Amagansett 92 8 0 42 2 50 2 52 1 31 0 8 1 39 40Boland's Landing 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hunterspoint Avenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Long Island City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Greenport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hempstead Gardens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Lakeview 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Malverne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mattituck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Medford 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Riverhead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Southold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0West Hempstead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Westwood 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Yaphank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mets-Willets Point * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Mets-Willets Point counts were removed at the request of LIRR.

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On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,214,228 163,020 163,493 326,513 135,060 134,784 269,844 298,080 298,277 596,357 167,515 166,724 334,239 142,127 141,505 283,632 309,642 308,229 617,871

Penn Station 379,755 0 107,079 107,079 0 79,516 79,516 0 186,595 186,595 108,073 0 108,073 85,087 0 85,087 193,160 0 193,160Jamaica 193,228 20,382 26,381 46,763 21,745 24,496 46,241 42,127 50,877 93,004 29,188 22,270 51,458 27,655 21,111 48,766 56,843 43,381 100,224Hicksville 41,317 8,963 1,452 10,415 7,897 1,510 9,407 16,860 2,962 19,822 1,858 9,651 11,509 1,460 8,526 9,986 3,318 18,177 21,495Atlantic Terminal 36,901 0 11,382 11,382 0 8,104 8,104 0 19,486 19,486 10,447 0 10,447 6,968 0 6,968 17,415 0 17,415Huntington 33,451 5,720 1,167 6,887 6,211 2,895 9,106 11,931 4,062 15,993 1,303 5,780 7,083 2,853 7,522 10,375 4,156 13,302 17,458Ronkonkoma 29,323 7,653 87 7,740 6,849 0 6,849 14,502 87 14,589 71 7,210 7,281 0 7,453 7,453 71 14,663 14,734Babylon 28,628 4,885 1,111 5,996 5,967 1,929 7,896 10,852 3,040 13,892 1,608 5,762 7,370 1,402 5,964 7,366 3,010 11,726 14,736Mineola 25,440 5,248 1,288 6,536 5,176 737 5,913 10,424 2,025 12,449 1,379 5,170 6,549 794 5,648 6,442 2,173 10,818 12,991Woodside 16,410 676 3,095 3,771 880 3,507 4,387 1,556 6,602 8,158 2,835 566 3,401 3,961 890 4,851 6,796 1,456 8,252Rockville Centre 15,760 3,339 286 3,625 2,756 1,182 3,938 6,095 1,468 7,563 363 3,542 3,905 1,383 2,909 4,292 1,746 6,451 8,197Great Neck 15,471 4,628 188 4,816 2,712 174 2,886 7,340 362 7,702 261 4,695 4,956 199 2,614 2,813 460 7,309 7,769Valley Stream 14,444 3,337 433 3,770 2,489 459 2,948 5,826 892 6,718 482 3,564 4,046 502 3,178 3,680 984 6,742 7,726Bayside 13,606 3,777 86 3,863 2,649 135 2,784 6,426 221 6,647 114 3,928 4,042 142 2,775 2,917 256 6,703 6,959Port Washington 12,501 3,797 0 3,797 2,405 0 2,405 6,202 0 6,202 0 3,662 3,662 0 2,637 2,637 0 6,299 6,299Baldwin 12,145 3,320 139 3,459 2,221 214 2,435 5,541 353 5,894 168 3,301 3,469 306 2,476 2,782 474 5,777 6,251Merrick 12,055 3,585 91 3,676 2,100 158 2,258 5,685 249 5,934 88 3,471 3,559 189 2,373 2,562 277 5,844 6,121Bellmore 11,662 3,421 77 3,498 2,152 174 2,326 5,573 251 5,824 77 3,389 3,466 146 2,226 2,372 223 5,615 5,838Freeport 11,615 2,192 500 2,692 1,998 897 2,895 4,190 1,397 5,587 599 2,338 2,937 892 2,199 3,091 1,491 4,537 6,028Deer Park 10,864 2,928 151 3,079 2,082 137 2,219 5,010 288 5,298 170 2,940 3,110 157 2,299 2,456 327 5,239 5,566Syosset 10,287 2,969 102 3,071 2,056 93 2,149 5,025 195 5,220 90 2,880 2,970 92 2,005 2,097 182 4,885 5,067Wantagh 10,102 2,824 67 2,891 1,834 220 2,054 4,658 287 4,945 117 2,718 2,835 262 2,060 2,322 379 4,778 5,157Lynbrook 9,536 1,988 208 2,196 1,744 523 2,267 3,732 731 4,463 278 2,180 2,458 429 2,186 2,615 707 4,366 5,073Long Beach 9,397 2,339 0 2,339 2,377 0 2,377 4,716 0 4,716 0 2,222 2,222 0 2,459 2,459 0 4,681 4,681Manhasset 9,083 2,625 64 2,689 1,888 88 1,976 4,513 152 4,665 62 2,366 2,428 67 1,923 1,990 129 4,289 4,418Massapequa 7,866 2,335 52 2,387 1,441 88 1,529 3,776 140 3,916 95 2,286 2,381 70 1,499 1,569 165 3,785 3,950Wyandanch 7,660 1,840 204 2,044 1,325 367 1,692 3,165 571 3,736 217 1,956 2,173 318 1,433 1,751 535 3,389 3,924Farmingdale 7,287 1,729 152 1,881 1,478 176 1,654 3,207 328 3,535 131 1,808 1,939 199 1,614 1,813 330 3,422 3,752Westbury 7,084 1,604 167 1,771 1,359 194 1,553 2,963 361 3,324 167 1,923 2,090 199 1,471 1,670 366 3,394 3,760New Hyde Park 7,083 1,731 146 1,877 1,336 136 1,472 3,067 282 3,349 153 1,954 2,107 158 1,469 1,627 311 3,423 3,734Massapequa Park 6,971 1,873 44 1,917 1,375 156 1,531 3,248 200 3,448 92 1,818 1,910 111 1,502 1,613 203 3,320 3,523Central Islip 6,772 1,786 38 1,824 1,463 77 1,540 3,249 115 3,364 48 1,755 1,803 75 1,530 1,605 123 3,285 3,408Brentwood 6,655 1,348 79 1,427 1,654 130 1,784 3,002 209 3,211 88 1,391 1,479 129 1,836 1,965 217 3,227 3,444

Westbound TotalWeekday Total Weekday TotalWESTBOUND EASTBOUND

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAY & WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

Weekend Total Eastbound TotalWeekend Total

Weekday & Weekend East/West Total


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On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,214,228 163,020 163,493 326,513 135,060 134,784 269,844 298,080 298,277 596,357 167,515 166,724 334,239 142,127 141,505 283,632 309,642 308,229 617,871

Westbound TotalWeekday Total Weekday TotalWESTBOUND EASTBOUND

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAY & WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

Weekend Total Eastbound TotalWeekend Total

Weekday & Weekend East/West Total


Bethpage 5,988 1,714 70 1,784 1,071 96 1,167 2,785 166 2,951 92 1,755 1,847 100 1,090 1,190 192 2,845 3,037Flushing Main Street 5,938 514 508 1,022 867 917 1,784 1,381 1,425 2,806 507 695 1,202 840 1,090 1,930 1,347 1,785 3,132Lindenhurst 5,780 1,512 51 1,563 1,246 82 1,328 2,758 133 2,891 53 1,562 1,615 55 1,219 1,274 108 2,781 2,889Little Neck 5,744 1,623 33 1,656 1,179 43 1,222 2,802 76 2,878 23 1,675 1,698 36 1,132 1,168 59 2,807 2,866Seaford 5,721 1,854 31 1,885 862 61 923 2,716 92 2,808 50 1,861 1,911 76 926 1,002 126 2,787 2,913Auburndale 5,272 1,438 42 1,480 1,138 58 1,196 2,576 100 2,676 37 1,390 1,427 63 1,106 1,169 100 2,496 2,596Hunterspoint Avenue 5,224 0 2,930 2,930 0 0 0 0 2,930 2,930 2,294 0 2,294 0 0 0 2,294 0 2,294Amityville 5,129 1,165 109 1,274 1,032 187 1,219 2,197 296 2,493 123 1,210 1,333 132 1,171 1,303 255 2,381 2,636Copiague 5,105 1,213 84 1,297 1,030 169 1,199 2,243 253 2,496 112 1,220 1,332 123 1,154 1,277 235 2,374 2,609Forest Hills 5,085 543 321 864 907 595 1,502 1,450 916 2,366 365 738 1,103 643 973 1,616 1,008 1,711 2,719Broadway 4,960 1,172 53 1,225 1,101 120 1,221 2,273 173 2,446 53 1,122 1,175 85 1,254 1,339 138 2,376 2,514Stony Brook 4,858 1,145 64 1,209 1,163 62 1,225 2,308 126 2,434 63 1,058 1,121 60 1,243 1,303 123 2,301 2,424Hempstead 4,637 1,090 0 1,090 1,023 0 1,023 2,113 0 2,113 0 1,277 1,277 0 1,247 1,247 0 2,524 2,524Cold Spring Harbor 4,595 1,427 46 1,473 917 11 928 2,344 57 2,401 17 1,319 1,336 22 836 858 39 2,155 2,194Floral Park 4,565 1,389 42 1,431 769 62 831 2,158 104 2,262 53 1,438 1,491 64 748 812 117 2,186 2,303Rosedale 4,428 1,176 18 1,194 861 13 874 2,037 31 2,068 17 1,265 1,282 34 1,044 1,078 51 2,309 2,360Kew Gardens 4,246 766 131 897 1,102 209 1,311 1,868 340 2,208 130 751 881 154 1,003 1,157 284 1,754 2,038Douglaston 3,980 1,259 22 1,281 759 18 777 2,018 40 2,058 14 1,183 1,197 25 700 725 39 1,883 1,922Oceanside 3,715 1,246 30 1,276 531 51 582 1,777 81 1,858 30 1,200 1,230 42 585 627 72 1,785 1,857East New York 3,492 30 619 649 54 981 1,035 84 1,600 1,684 679 30 709 1,041 58 1,099 1,720 88 1,808Northport 3,339 1,144 40 1,184 465 64 529 1,609 104 1,713 70 1,081 1,151 50 425 475 120 1,506 1,626Nostrand Avenue 3,326 20 552 572 41 1,160 1,201 61 1,712 1,773 630 15 645 892 16 908 1,522 31 1,553Merillon Avenue 3,317 872 37 909 647 15 662 1,519 52 1,571 43 930 973 27 746 773 70 1,676 1,746Patchogue 3,206 555 26 581 808 178 986 1,363 204 1,567 49 561 610 83 946 1,029 132 1,507 1,639Hewlett 3,108 887 36 923 624 27 651 1,511 63 1,574 40 875 915 59 560 619 99 1,435 1,534Laurelton 3,064 888 14 902 580 12 592 1,468 26 1,494 17 913 930 16 624 640 33 1,537 1,570Island Park 3,062 931 13 944 574 12 586 1,505 25 1,530 10 884 894 14 624 638 24 1,508 1,532Port Jefferson 2,954 657 0 657 778 0 778 1,435 0 1,435 0 718 718 0 801 801 0 1,519 1,519Woodmere 2,902 905 37 942 523 25 548 1,428 62 1,490 32 793 825 27 560 587 59 1,353 1,412Queens Village 2,898 818 31 849 515 26 541 1,333 57 1,390 23 884 907 28 573 601 51 1,457 1,508Locust Manor 2,802 628 40 668 647 20 667 1,275 60 1,335 21 700 721 23 723 746 44 1,423 1,467

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On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,214,228 163,020 163,493 326,513 135,060 134,784 269,844 298,080 298,277 596,357 167,515 166,724 334,239 142,127 141,505 283,632 309,642 308,229 617,871

Westbound TotalWeekday Total Weekday TotalWESTBOUND EASTBOUND

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAY & WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

Weekend Total Eastbound TotalWeekend Total

Weekday & Weekend East/West Total


Bay Shore 2,749 656 56 712 563 133 696 1,219 189 1,408 74 645 719 175 447 622 249 1,092 1,341Cedarhurst 2,749 721 24 745 675 15 690 1,396 39 1,435 27 681 708 18 588 606 45 1,269 1,314Murray Hill 2,665 540 42 582 636 79 715 1,176 121 1,297 61 560 621 88 659 747 149 1,219 1,368Nassau Boulevard 2,381 861 17 878 292 7 299 1,153 24 1,177 13 818 831 7 366 373 20 1,184 1,204Stewart Manor 2,288 853 26 879 289 29 318 1,142 55 1,197 17 758 775 25 291 316 42 1,049 1,091Sayville 2,243 554 15 569 612 31 643 1,166 46 1,212 22 487 509 32 490 522 54 977 1,031Kings Park 2,189 740 28 768 339 36 375 1,079 64 1,143 22 694 716 34 296 330 56 990 1,046Bellerose 1,974 602 22 624 314 14 328 916 36 952 16 638 654 18 350 368 34 988 1,022Gibson 1,831 595 31 626 310 48 358 905 79 984 30 490 520 28 299 327 58 789 847Carle Place 1,788 418 27 445 402 27 429 820 54 874 36 440 476 46 392 438 82 832 914Plandome 1,668 588 11 599 280 12 292 868 23 891 8 528 536 4 237 241 12 765 777East Rockaway 1,654 514 25 539 255 47 302 769 72 841 26 438 464 45 304 349 71 742 813Islip 1,622 499 25 524 296 39 335 795 64 859 23 481 504 50 209 259 73 690 763Hillside 1,606 347 219 566 60 67 127 407 286 693 411 380 791 50 72 122 461 452 913Garden City 1,580 576 6 582 220 6 226 796 12 808 3 548 551 1 220 221 4 768 772Roslyn 1,559 498 12 510 289 26 315 787 38 825 13 445 458 27 249 276 40 694 734Mastic-Shirley 1,471 279 15 294 467 46 513 746 61 807 5 306 311 18 335 353 23 641 664Smithtown 1,465 403 35 438 225 46 271 628 81 709 43 423 466 48 242 290 91 665 756Centre Avenue 1,460 458 8 466 237 38 275 695 46 741 14 481 495 31 193 224 45 674 719Lawrence 1,432 356 2 358 362 4 366 718 6 724 3 365 368 7 333 340 10 698 708Far Rockaway 1,430 262 0 262 418 0 418 680 0 680 0 298 298 0 452 452 0 750 750Inwood 1,274 363 2 365 259 2 261 622 4 626 0 390 390 2 256 258 2 646 648Greenlawn 1,260 454 48 502 89 37 126 543 85 628 54 454 508 44 80 124 98 534 632St. James 1,169 372 23 395 201 26 227 573 49 622 19 336 355 32 160 192 51 496 547Glen Head 1,011 343 12 355 174 10 184 517 22 539 8 294 302 10 160 170 18 454 472Glen Street 1,006 239 8 247 267 12 279 506 20 526 16 213 229 13 238 251 29 451 480Locust Valley 969 321 9 330 185 10 195 506 19 525 6 240 246 5 193 198 11 433 444Country Life Press 953 375 3 378 105 2 107 480 5 485 2 337 339 1 128 129 3 465 468East Williston 927 327 13 340 98 8 106 425 21 446 14 370 384 21 76 97 35 446 481Sea Cliff 902 263 5 268 167 4 171 430 9 439 8 243 251 10 202 212 18 445 463Malverne 825 430 1 431 0 0 0 430 1 431 3 391 394 0 0 0 3 391 394Glen Cove 815 197 12 209 188 11 199 385 23 408 8 218 226 7 174 181 15 392 407Hollis 794 192 11 203 164 21 185 356 32 388 14 196 210 13 183 196 27 379 406

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On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off On Off On/Off

TOTAL 1,214,228 163,020 163,493 326,513 135,060 134,784 269,844 298,080 298,277 596,357 167,515 166,724 334,239 142,127 141,505 283,632 309,642 308,229 617,871

Westbound TotalWeekday Total Weekday TotalWESTBOUND EASTBOUND

2012-2014 LIRR OD COUNTS: WEEKDAY & WEEKENDEast/West Total By Station in Numerical Order

Weekend Total Eastbound TotalWeekend Total

Weekday & Weekend East/West Total


Oakdale 786 237 10 247 130 18 148 367 28 395 13 238 251 21 119 140 34 357 391St. Albans 768 181 27 208 105 17 122 286 44 330 25 228 253 46 139 185 71 367 438Albertson 721 259 5 264 96 6 102 355 11 366 4 244 248 6 101 107 10 345 355Speonk 613 76 2 78 230 4 234 306 6 312 1 101 102 20 179 199 21 280 301Westwood 610 287 1 288 0 0 0 287 1 288 1 321 322 0 0 0 1 321 322Lakeview 592 296 0 296 0 0 0 296 0 296 2 294 296 0 0 0 2 294 296Oyster Bay 556 130 0 130 131 0 131 261 0 261 0 156 156 0 139 139 0 295 295East Hampton 551 39 2 41 230 11 241 269 13 282 6 76 82 10 177 187 16 253 269Great River 533 153 6 159 113 15 128 266 21 287 3 148 151 13 82 95 16 230 246Montauk 531 16 0 16 333 0 333 349 0 349 0 39 39 0 143 143 0 182 182Greenvale 449 118 8 126 109 7 116 227 15 242 9 102 111 22 74 96 31 176 207Hampton Bays 397 40 3 43 187 15 202 227 18 245 3 32 35 21 96 117 24 128 152Southampton 382 31 2 33 162 19 181 193 21 214 4 35 39 8 121 129 12 156 168Hempstead Gardens 368 180 0 180 0 0 0 180 0 180 1 187 188 0 0 0 1 187 188Boland's Landing 332 6 197 203 0 2 2 6 199 205 124 3 127 0 0 0 124 3 127Bridgehampton 317 25 1 26 131 6 137 156 7 163 2 29 31 3 120 123 5 149 154West Hempstead 297 150 0 150 0 0 0 150 0 150 0 147 147 0 0 0 0 147 147Bellport 203 29 3 32 75 12 87 104 15 119 2 44 46 10 28 38 12 72 84Westhampton 159 14 2 16 65 7 72 79 9 88 1 10 11 3 57 60 4 67 71Pinelawn 149 17 2 19 42 4 46 59 6 65 3 14 17 14 53 67 17 67 84Amagansett 112 6 0 6 50 2 52 56 2 58 0 14 14 1 39 40 1 53 54Long Island City 101 0 80 80 0 0 0 0 80 80 21 0 21 0 0 0 21 0 21Riverhead 75 53 0 53 0 0 0 53 0 53 1 21 22 0 0 0 1 21 22Medford 42 16 1 17 0 0 0 16 1 17 0 25 25 0 0 0 0 25 25Yaphank 30 17 1 18 0 0 0 17 1 18 1 11 12 0 0 0 1 11 12Greenport 21 8 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 13 13 0 0 0 0 13 13Mattituck 15 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5Southold 10 7 1 8 0 0 0 7 1 8 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2Mets-Willets Point * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Mets-Willets Point counts were removed at the request of LIRR.

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