Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (2024)

Kelly (and the Book Boar)

2,584 reviews8,810 followers

September 21, 2017

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If you follow my reviews you know that I generally try to make something from any new cookbook I receive. This one actually arrived a couple of weeks ago and I even have all of the ingredients ready to make this . . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (2)

But Mother Nature has decided to be a real turdburger and it’s been about 12,000 degrees with 1,000,000% humidity since it got here so I’m saying screw it and my family is living on cereal until the heat wave breaks. (If you’re just dying with anticipation to see what kind of godawful concoction I can churn out, you’ll have to settle for the Great Goat Sacrifice of 2016. Oh, and YOU’RE WELCOME Cubs fans – my family’s misery is what ended a 108 losing streak and 71-year-old curse.)

Tomorrow is the first official day of Fall and *crossing fingers* sweater weather will be here any second. Of course, with sweater weather brings my most hated basic white girl obsession of them all . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (3)

But today we’re going to ignore all that and focus on the glory which is Martha.

I’ve been a Martha Stewart fan since Jesus was a toddler. That being said, I’ll be the first to admit that back in the day I didn’t really tune in to her show for the food – since it was super uppity and I am super trailer parky – but I luuuuuuuuurved all the dang craft segments. Martha is the reason I know what a “cloche” is and how I should shove a bunch of miniature sh*t in one in order to make a tiny “winter wonderland.” Speaking of tiny, just when I thought I was really kicking ass with my “Hobbit Haven” . . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (4)

Martha one-ups me by making a fairy garden with Mary Effing Poppins!

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (5)

All the above is to say that I’ve been a superfan since way back when Martha came off with this kind of air about her . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (6)

But when she came out of the pokey???? Now that is a girl I want to hang with . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (7)

I’ll be 100% honest and admit I was a tad bit apprehensive at the idea of Martha Stewart tackling a crockpot recipe book since she isn’t what you’d necessarily call relatable. However, the very first line addressed the giant pink elephant in the room . . .

“To tell the honest truth, I have never, ever, really used a slow cooker.”

Awesome. OF COURSE YOU DIDN’T! You’re Martha (f*cking) Stewart FFS! Since she’s Martha (Expletive Deleted) Stewart, she knocked this one out of the ballpark. Her (way more advanced palate than my family’s) had her attempting things like slow cooker versions of Vietnamese Short-ribs or Chicken Tagine, while also (maybe surprisingly) going with tons of basics such as . . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (8)

Or . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (9)

It has stuff my kids would happily gobble down . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (10)

As well as stuff they wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole, but that I will eat when they piss me off in order to fart them out of the house . . . .

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (11)

Obtaining a Martha Stewart selection for zero dollars was pretty much my only bucket list item when it comes to reviewer copies. I am so happy it did not disappoint. It had everything I want in a cookbook – pretty pictures, ingredients that are either already in my pantry or easily obtainable and most importantly EDIBLE recipes. And really, the $26.00 price point isn’t horrible either compared to other, lesser-known, foodie books I’ve obtained in the past.

Endless thanks to the publisher for making all of my wildest dreams come true!

    arcs get-in-my-belly like-this-or-we-cant-be-friends

Deb (Readerbuzz) Nance

6,015 reviews303 followers

January 4, 2018

Martha Stewart admits she did not grow up with a slow cooker nor did she ever use a slow cooker until she decided to write this book. But she's a convert now.

The second cookbook I received (after, of course, the ubiquitous Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook) at my wedding shower was a crockpot recipe book. This was the 70's and I was determined to both work and cook well for my man. The crockpot cookbook was perfect for us. I'd start it up at seven before I left for work and, when we arrived home at five, we had a pot of amazing food.

So we (my man has learned to use the slow cooker, too, over the years) have continued to use this cookbook for the past forty years. I thought I knew everything about crockpots.

Then I read this book.

Martha Stewart had the luxury of having a panel of editors and recipe developers create and test recipes that enhanced the strengths of a crockpot for more than a year. Martha shares a list of ten Slow Cooker Commandments, all new to me, and a list of tips for best using the crockpot (all new to me). These alone are worth the price of the book.

Then I tried out the recipes. My husband and I sticky-noted recipes that sounded good to us---Chili Chicken Tacos, Sausage and Vegetable Ciambotta, Brisket and Onions---and over a few weeks, we tested Martha's testers.

Our results?

We've set our tattered and splattered forty-year-old crockpot standard in the pantry for now, and replaced it with Martha's shiny new book in our cookbook stand.

Here's one of our (new) favorites:

Martha Stewart's Slow-Cooker Brisket and Onions

1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
1 first cut of beef brisket (4 pounds), trimmed of excess fat
Coarse salt and ground pepper
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves, for serving

1. In a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker, combine onion and garlic. Season brisket with salt and pepper and place, fat side up, in slow cooker. Add broth. Cover and cook on high until brisket is fork-tender, about 6 hours. Remove brisket and thinly slice against the grain. Serve with onion and some cooking liquid; sprinkle with parsley.

2. If you make this ahead of time, cover and refrigerate brisket in cooking liquid, up to 1 week. Reheat in a 300-degree oven.

    cooking foodie

Rebecca Angel

298 reviews12 followers

September 20, 2017

I tried several and they really are delicious, but too many of the recipes had you cooking before using the slow cooker. I'd rather have recipes to save time!

Santi Ruiz

64 reviews36 followers

October 14, 2021

yes I am counting this, also the chicken with 40 cloves of garlic is literally the easiest meal in the world


Michaela Buccola

206 reviews4 followers

June 12, 2020

3.5 ⭐️ My quarantine hobby has become the crockpot. And there are some awesome recipes in this book (the seafood laksa being one of the best things I have ever cooked) but the whole part of the crock pot to me is the one pot, not too many step, concept. And these of course, being Martha, are way complex.

September 7, 2020

My family and closest friends know that I collect cook books and that I am a big fan of Martha Stewart, whether it be her cookbooks or non-fiction, her t.v. variety show and her cooking shows. I particularly like her cooking teaching shows. For many years, we have decorated our house from Martha’s Christmas-themed holiday books. I’ve even cooked whole meals during the holidays from her holiday-oriented cookbooks. The whole family has enjoyed our Martha themes.

This cookbook is another joy to add to my collection. I discovered the Rival crockpot about 35 years ago and added one to my kitchen appliances inventory. When both of us were working, it was a way to prepare a healthy and substantial meal for our family-of-four dinner. At the end of the day, when we would walk into the house after work, the house smelled wonderfully of pot roast or spaghetti sauce or chili or soup or chicken and vegetables. The Rival cookbook that came with our crockpot was adequate, but quite simple.

This book includes eight chapters from Meat, Seafood, Side Dishes, Sweets, Stick and Sauces. What I found refreshing is the geographic and ethnic diversity of the recipe choices, suck as: Sicilian-style Beef Stew, Carne Guisada, Italian Pot Roast, Vietnamese Pho, Southwestern Pork Posole, German-style Pork Chops, Chicken Curry, Chinese Hainanese Chicken, Saag Paneer (India), Harira (Morocco), Grits with Greens and Fried Eggs, and hundreds more. Desserts too: Creme Brûlée, Blueberry Cornmeal Buckle, Sticky Toffee Pudding and Wine-Poached Pears. Yumm!

I am so looking forward to trying some of the unique and diverse recipes, as well as sauces and spices I’ve never previously tried. I’ll post pictures on Facebook.

    cookbooks martha-stewart

371 reviews102 followers

September 8, 2017

There are so many good recipes in this collection with beautiful photos to go with them. Several of the meals are taken to the next level, making everything that much more of a great addition to any kitchen. It has perfect recipes for poaching fish, making scalloped potatoes, and even one for cheesecake and cinnamon rolls.

It makes the simple slow cooker recipes into dishes that are more complex, but without all the work of cooking straight on the stove. It’s a cookbook that makes several meals a lot easier to make as you just place it in the slow cooker for whatever time and heat specified and that is all there is to it. It makes it even easier with the tips added throughout the pages, along with the basics at the beginning and a how-to for those needing a little extra help in the use of the slow cooker.

There are some recipes that have a little more steps than others, but the process is worth it once you get to serve it to your family and friends. Especially once they get to eat it and it tastes like you took all day in the kitchen to make it. Some of those recipes include Duck Ragu, Indian-Style Fish Curry, Root Vegetable Confit with Pistachio Pesto, Sticky Toffee Pudding, and many more.

This collection has a variety of recipes and all have been tested before added into the pages, along with a photo of each recipe throughout the book. It makes this cookbook that much better as there aren’t many out there with colorful photos for every single recipe. This one has 110 of them, plenty to choose from and try out.

It’s definitely a cookbook to have for any person that uses a slow cooker often and those that are new to it will find that they will love cooking with it also. Especially with all the little extras almost to the end of the book, it is the perfect slow cooker cookbook to have in once kitchen or to gift to a loved one.

***I received this copy from Crown Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***

The Coat

101 reviews7 followers

February 1, 2023

This is weirdly good. I randomly checked this out searching for a way to cook a whole chicken in my new-from-craigslist crock pot. The recipe for Hainanese Chicken is, shockingly, absolutely delicious, though not particularly faithful (tastes more like Pho).

Edit: minus a star for calling shakshuka "Israeli breakfast"



1,954 reviews71 followers

June 27, 2022

Look, if I am interested in a slow cooker recipe it's because I want to dump things into my crockpot and then eat in a few hours.

I am not interested in cooking three different ingredients in different pans on my stove AND THEN putting them in the crockpot!

This does have nice pictures though.



75 reviews

October 2, 2017

Gorgeous photos and everything looks delicious. But honestly? I am way too lazy for half of these recipes. Was hoping for more simplicity. Can't spend $75 on herbs for one recipe, Martha.



1,818 reviews14 followers

March 26, 2024

Hahahaha- Martha!!

This is not your typical slow cooker cookbook. I’m used to the ‘5 ingredient slow cooker magic’ type books where everything comes out tasting like hot dish. There isn’t a can of cream of mushroom soup in this book! Prepare yourself for some prep work. Oh, and these will be expensive. Even beef chuck in today’s economy is out of my price range, so a lot of these recipes are beyond me at the moment. If I can’t afford beef chuck, I definitely can’t afford 4lbs of brisket.

But looking at the recipes was fun and some looked very delicious. Of course they will be delicious. It’s Martha! She knows what she’s doing, she’s just not a cook for the economically challenged people of this world.

    2024 cooking ebook


460 reviews27 followers

December 17, 2019

I love the amount of pictures and the general outline of recipes. However, when I want to use a slow cooker or an instant pot, I'm looking to do things mostly as one-pot-wonders. There's way too many... braise this, broil that, [insert fancy ingredient here], [insert other gadget there]. I may refer back for ideas, but likely not.
PS. If you don't mind all the extra steps, the recipes look tasty.



569 reviews

February 28, 2018

Great easy to follow recipes! Purchased after borrowing from library!

1,045 reviews37 followers

December 15, 2017

Oh, Martha. It's like you've never encountered a slow cooker before... I don't need more recipes for chili, pulled pork, pot roast, chicken stock, overnight oats, or applesauce. I don't need 4 different recipes for duck, nor can I afford recipes calling for 6 C. duck fat, 2 C. of olive oil, or 2 whole branzino. These are all great ideas and the recipes sound lovely, but Martha is writing for people for whom slow cooking is a novelty, not a way of life for those of us trying to cram in healthy, tasty food while juggling work, commute, family, and other daily activities.

I bookmarked two recipes that felt unique and relatively easy to prepare.

Marmalade and Vinegar Pork (64): Preheat a slow cooker. Generously salt ~5 lb pork shoulder, cut into 2" pieces. Place pork in slow cooker. Separately, mix together 1 tsp. toasted fennel seeds [I would omit this.], 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes, 3/4 C. orange marmalade, 1/4 C. red wine vinegar, 1 rosemary sprig, and 4 garlic cloves, smashed. Pour over pork. Cover and cook on LOW for ~8 hours, or until meat is pull-apart tender. Strain meat from sauce, then pour sauce through a sieve to filter out the solids. Skim the fat off the sauce. Serve with orange wedges. Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Herbed Creme Fraiche (191): Preheat a slow cooker. In a bowl, combine 3 TBSP butter at room temperature, 1 tsp. onion powder, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 1/2 tsp. dried sage, 2 tsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Rub 6 sweet potatoes (scrubbed and pierced with a fork) with the butter mixture. Tightly wrap each potato in parchment paper, then in foil. Put in slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 6-7 hours, or until potatoes are tender. Thickly slice the potatoes. Separately, combine 1/2 C. creme fraiche, 1 TSBP mixed fresh herbs (like parsley, tarragon, or chives), and the zest of 1 lemon. Season with salt and pepper, and serve with the potatoes.

h/t: Washington Post
Perhaps I should track down The Chef and the Slow Cooker instead...



690 reviews13 followers

November 2, 2017

I enjoy my slow cooker and I like Martha Stewart but there wasn't a thing in here that appealed to me. I really am a very lazy cook and I love to just throw stuff in to cook and walk away. Anything labor intensive about slow cooking beyond opening a can and I lose interest.


Virginia Campbell

1,282 reviews332 followers

August 27, 2017

When it comes to preparing food with slow cookers, there are usually two types of cooks: those who regularly make use of this wonderful kitchen helper, and those who dust the cooker off now and then for holidays, pot-luck dinners, and the occasional pot roast. Slow cookers come in a wide range of sizes, functionality, and visual appeal. I still have my original Crock Pot (avocado green), and it still works quite well. I have newer cookers, one small and one large, but the “green machine” is still my favorite. It holds a lot of memories of good food and good family times. “Martha Stewart’s Slow Cooker: 110 recipes for Flavorful, Foolproof Dishes (Including Desserts!), Plus Test-Kitchen Tips and Strategies” shines a new light on this old kitchen favorite, making it a “go to” meal-maker for modern families. More than a year’s research went into developing recipes and cooking techniques which make the most of the slow-cooker’s steady, even heat, minimal pot-watching, and the added benefits of less fat and more moisture in the prepared dish. Try poaching root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, and beets (Root-Vegetable Confit), and serve them over cooked grains, or as a flavorful side dish. Slow cookers are unbeatable at taking tougher, less-expensive cuts of meat like flank steak and turning them fork-tender (Ropa Vieja). Fish fillets will cook to perfection (Indian-Style Fish Curry). For richer flavor and deeper color, brown meats and sauté onions before adding them to the slow cooker (Persian Lamb Stew). It goes without saying that soup is a slow cooker classic, and you can make a spectacular vegetarian version (healthy, hearty Italian Ribollita Soup). For your sweet-tooth try delicious desserts (Cinnamon Buns) which are made even more scrumptious by the moist heat of the slow cooker. This is a delightful cookbook filled with mouth-watering food photos and recipes that will have you rethinking your tried & true menus and meal preparations, and you will appreciate the savings of food costs and time.

Book Copy Gratis Clarkson Potter Publishers via Blogging for Books

    cookbooks non-fiction

Sherri Smith

299 reviews2 followers

September 28, 2017

I was truly excited to get this book in the mail, because it’s always my goal to utilize my crock pot more than I currently do. Especially with cooler months coming along and the days are dark so much sooner.

To be honest, I’ve always been a bit leery about trying Martha Stewart’s cooking books, partially due to her crafty side that I always tended to attribute her skills towards. But, after watching her on the public television station, when I had the opportunity to try out this cookbook, I jumped at it.

The book overall is well put together and speaks quality. It isn’t something where the pages are a thin quality and cheaply put together. A lot of time and effort was spent in the design process.

Many of the recipes sound truly delightful and the carrot/honey was very tasty.

The one thing I had a problem with was that the recipes I would not necessarily classify in the “easy” category. There are a slew of ingredients, many of which, the typical home would not have on hand. Therefore, it would require a stop at the grocery story to stock up.

For me, the main issue was the amount of steps before placing all the ingredients into the crockpot to cook. Typically, when I start the slow cooker, it’s in the morning before work. So I do not have a lot of time to do very much prep to get the meal ready. What I can do in the evenings, I do. This is a book that would be great if you had someone who could do all the work for you, so that when you arrive home in the evening it is done. Or, you prepare on the weekends when time is a bit more plentiful.

All in all, I did enjoy the cookbook and will use it more in the future. Once I get all the ingredients and a weekend ready to try another recipe out.

This review contains my own thoughts and opinions. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.


117 reviews17 followers

August 28, 2017

You’ll never look at your slow cooker the same way again!

I have a whole new appreciation for my slow cooker and what it can do after looking through this book. While this book does provide some traditional slow cooker recipes for meals that can cook while you're out at work for the day, this book is a bit different and also includes some new recipes that show you how to utilize the unique benefits of the slow cooker cooking style to accomplish some amazing new feats. There are lots of recipes with new international flavors and styles. This is not just a collection of stew and chili recipes.

Martha Stewart shows how to combine the unique attributes of slow cooking with some additional cooking steps such as adding fresh herbs or broiling the final dish to get crispy chicken skin or a “sticky-glaze finish” on the ribs. I had never thought about poaching salmon in a slow cooker, but it seems to be a perfect process to cook salmon with the guarantee that you will not dry it out or overcook it. And it only takes an hour to poach salmon in the slow cooker.

In addition to a lot of main dish recipes this book also includes ideas for side dishes, breakfast, and some desserts (cheesecake!). My favorite part is that every recipe has a picture to show you what the end result should look like.

What a great update this recipe book gives to my old slow cooker. I've always loved that appliance and now there are so many more reasons to love it! I can't wait to try several of the recipes.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my fair and unbiased review.


Monica H (TeaandBooks)

732 reviews64 followers

August 29, 2017

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker is full of beautiful, colorful photos to accompany the 110 recipes in this book.

Interestingly enough, Martha Stewart said she only recently started using a slow cooker and her mother didn't use one growing up. However, she said she has been impressed with the slow cookers she has tried out in recent years and now thinks of it as a "smart cooker." In the beginning of this book, she offers basic advice for using a slow cooker including the "Slow Cooker Commandments" and "How to Use a Slow Cooker" basics which include a few tips that I didn't know before. There are chapters on meat, poultry, seafood, meatless, side dishes, breakfast, sweets, and stocks and sauces.

My family eats more chicken and meatless dishes than other meats Martha includes. As a result, recipes for Pho, Chicken Chili Tacos, Chicken with 20 cloves of garlic, Coq au Vin, Barley Risotto with Fresh Mushrooms, Ribollita (Italian vegetarian soup, Maple Granola, Overnight Oatmeal, Peach Pecan Grunt, Sticky Toffee Pudding and Butterscotch Bread Pudding with Brown-Butter Rum Sauce.

I also think the recipes for basic stocks, sauces and jams will be good to use.

I think I will use about a quarter of these recipes. I wish there were more than that but we don't cook much for seafood since we live in the middle of the country where we don't get a lot of really fresh seafood like they do in New England. But the recipes I want to try look simple to follow with great pictures and good instructions.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.



453 reviews6 followers

September 4, 2017

Great Photos, Interesting Recipes

The best thing about this cookbook, next to the recipes, is the mouth watering pictures of the finished dishes. It made me want to try all of them.

The recipes are good and generally easy to make. However, there are often several steps that are done before or after using the slow cooker. This has the advantage of increasing the flavor of most dishes, but also adds preparation time. It’s a trade-off.

The book features useful information such as the Slow Cooker Commandments and The Basics, which are information included at the beginning of each chapter. The book contains recipes for meat, seafood, poultry, side dishes, stocks and sauces, breakfast and sweets. I found the content heavy on meat dishes. We don’t eat much meat. I would have preferred more meatless dishes. However, Spaghetti Boulognese is excellent.

The chapter on sauces and stocks is very helpful. The slow cooker is an excellent device for preparing stocks. The chapter on fish was also useful. We eat a great deal of salmon. It’s easy to overcook it. However, poaching in slow cooker makes it come out perfect.

I hadn’t really tried baking in a slow cooker, but the Blueberry Cornmeal Buckle turned out very well as did the Apple-Cranberry Crisp.

If you enjoy slow cooker cooking, this is a very helpful book.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.


469 reviews57 followers

August 28, 2017

This is another great Martha Stewart cookbook. I use my slow cooker a lot and this book is filled with wonderful recipes with great pictures included. There are the usual slow cooker recipes that I expected to find like beef stew and coq a vin, but there were a lot of recipes in here that surprised me like pho and Vietnames baby back ribs. There are lots of international recipes that look great. There is also a section at the end for basic bases and sauces that I found very helpful. All in all this is a great new addition to my cookbook collection.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for an honest review.


2,456 reviews

January 18, 2021

Hubby retired 8 1/2 years ago and announced he would clean up after every meal I cooked from then on. Yes! (Before long he was asking if it was necessary for me to dirty every pot in the house when I cooked.) We laugh about some of the messes I make, and he really appreciates when I make dinner in the crockpot. I'm very impressed with this cookbook that is full of exotic recipes that aren't difficult to make. Each one has a beautiful photo. Once again I was able to find a Like New copy online with free shipping at 1/3rd the normal price. Although it's a paperback, it's a nice size that opens all the way and has larger, easier to read print.


Sarah Lee

529 reviews15 followers

February 21, 2018

Okay, so the recipes are good and sound. Why I marked this down, Martha states that she is not a user of a crock pot and obviously does not understand that they are usually used by people to make life easier. Several recipes require precooking ingredients, cooking parts of the meal after the crock pot items are complete and others were just very complicated. Also a lot of the recipes are things that the average user would already know how to do so I would have said it was a good book for people using their first crock pot, except for the complexity of the recipes.

    read-in-2018 recipes


40 reviews

January 20, 2021

The recipes I’ve made so far weren’t amazing, and some of the ones I skipped sounded disappointing compared to relatively easy recipes without a slow cooker. Often, I wondered if the slow cooker was necessary rather than stove-top.
With that said, I did learn some techniques for how to use a slow cooker (let it pre-heat) that I found useful, and I appreciated the additional steps (usually browning) rather than just dumping all the ingredients in and turning on. I borrowed this book from the library, and after trying a number of recipes, I won’t miss the book after I return it.


85 reviews1 follower

August 11, 2022

There are a lot of great recipes in here. There were quite a few negative reviews complaining about having to use another pot or pan, even though you may have to in order to get the best flavor. Some people complained about the "strange" recipes, or hard to find ingredients. I think some of these reviewers may prefer a Family Circle Magazine type of cookbook. I love Martha, and I think there is a nice variety in here, inspiring pictures. Sometimes if the recipe doesn't turn out for me, the pictures are still inspiring to try again, maybe with a different recipe.


2,223 reviews

January 8, 2018

Great book for the tips and strategies, but if you use a slow cooker often you're going to have a lot of these recipes already. She really excels at veggies and sides; also, the pictures are great. While a lot of these have some prep beforehand, if you have the kind of slow cooker that also browns, these are still one-pot meals.

It's a solid book, but I really expect groundbreaking, creative recipes from Martha and it kind of feels like she's hopping on the bandwagon here.


21 reviews2 followers

September 9, 2017

If you want to take your slow cooker to the next level, then this is the book for you. There is a nicely international selection of recipes, accompanied by delicious photos. There are tips to help you create more taste and texture in your slow cooked dishes, whether you follow these recipes or more familiar standbys.

Sandra de Helen

Author16 books44 followers

December 2, 2019

The Meatless, Side Dishes, and Sweets sections are the areas that most interested me as I am a vegetarian. I found several recipes I’d like to try, should I ever get a slow cooker. Even if I don’t, there are recipes I want to make, based on the ingredients. I’m sure I’ll be able to find similar recipes on Martha Stewart’s website for regular cooking and/or baking.


209 reviews7 followers

June 11, 2020

Although I use mine in regular rotation, slow cookers can have the reputation of being a little bland in output. Upon flipping through this, I thought Martha could change that. Upon reading through it, I was convinced! These sound like extremely delicious and more high-end recipes for this overlooked kitchen wonder. I can't wait to start cooking through this.



48 reviews

March 18, 2021

I liked this book enough that I actually bought it after borrowing it from the library. You can make a lot more than beef stew in the crockpot. Martha Stewart doesn't give you the same old boring "chicken and a can of mushroom soup" type of recipes. And she also gives tips I never would have thought of, like warming up the crockpot before you put stuff in.

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker: 110 Recipes for Flavorful… (2024)


How do I get more Flavour in my slow cooker? ›

If you take an extra 10 minutes to sauté the aromatics before scraping them into the slow-cooker, the finished dish will have deeper flavor and better texture. (And some new slow-cookers allow you to sauté right in the insert, so you don't have to wash a separate skillet.)

How do I get the best results from a slow cooker? ›

Avoid overcrowding: For the best results, fill a slow cooker between one-half and two-thirds full. Go ahead and cook big roasts and whole chickens; just make sure you use a large crock and that the lid fits snugly on top. Trim fat: For silky sauces and gravies, take a minute or two and cut the excess fat from the meat.

What vegetables should not be added to a slow cooker? ›

Tender vegetables

Vegetables such as peas, asparagus and peppers can become a flavorless, mushy mess in a slow cooker.

Is it better to do slow cooker recipes on low or high? ›

Foods take different times to cook depending upon the setting used. Certainly, foods will cook faster on high than on low. However, for all-day cooking or for less-tender cuts, you may want to use the low setting.

Why are my slow cooker meals tasteless? ›

When you're cooking on the stovetop, you are usually seasoning your ingredients as you sauté or fry. With a slow cooker, you're leaving those ingredients to fend for themselves. Many slow cookers users also add water to their recipes instead of broth, which can make the food taste rather bland.

How do you add flavor to bland stew in a slow cooker? ›

Sugar enhances savoury food and adds the final dimension that is often missing. A small amount of brown sugar, honey, chutney or marmalade balances out the flavours and complements both meat and veggie recipes.

Is 4 hours on high the same as 8 hours on low in a slow cooker? ›

The difference between "High" and "Low" on slow cookers seems to differ with every brand and model. One thing that is consistent, though, is that food takes seven to eight hours to reach a simmer point (around 210°) on low; versus three to four hours on high.

Do potatoes go on top or bottom of meat in a crockpot? ›

In general, if you place vegetables on the bottom, hard vegetables like carrots and potatoes will get softer faster, both due to the heat and ultimately being submerged in any juices from the roast.

Is 3 hours on high the same as 6 on low crockpot? ›

If a dish usually takes: 15-30 mins, cook it for 1-2 hours on High or 4-6 hours on Low. 30 mins – 1 hour, cook it for 2-3 hours on High or 5-7 hours on Low. 1-2 hours, cook it for 3-4 hours on High or 6-8 hours on Low.

When should I add potatoes to a slow cooker? ›

Tender vegetables such as zucchini and beans can be added to your dish in last ¾ - 1 hour of cooking when cooking on High, or 2 hours if cooking on Low. Hard, starchy vegetables like potato and carrots are best added around 3 hours before the meal is done if cooking on High, and 4 hours on Low.

What is the difference between a crockpot and a slow cooker? ›

However, Crockpots generally have ceramic or porcelain pots, while most slow cookers have a metal pot. As with a lot of cooking appliances, the biggest difference comes from the distribution of heat.

Can I leave food in a slow cooker overnight off? ›

On some occasions, you'll want to leave food in the slow cooker to keep warm, during Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner, for example, or any other event or holiday. While it's perfectly ok to use your crock pot in this way, try to avoid leaving food on the warming setting for more than four hours.

Is 6 hours on low the same as 4 hours on high? ›

One hour on HIGH generally equals two hours on LOW.

What can I put in my slow cooker to make meat more tender? ›

Reheat with a liquid: One way to add moisture back into the beef is to reheat it in a liquid such as broth or gravy. You can do this by placing the beef in a pot or slow cooker with the liquid and heating it until it's heated through and tender.

How can I improve my cooking flavor? ›

Acidic ingredients help lift and balance flavor. Use small amounts of ingredients with bold flavors such as pomegranate seeds, chipotle pepper or cilantro. Give a flavor burst with condiments such as horseradish, flavored mustard, chutney, wasabi, bean purees, tapenade and salsas of all kinds.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.