His Premier (Sizzling Miami #5) (2024)

Tanu Gill

574 reviews264 followers

June 26, 2017

This was another great addition to the series, and I cried my fair share of tears for this one. The pain Arnaud suffered physically and Colin, emotionally was enough to bring me to my knees.

It was heart-rending watching them get together with the help of their families. Even though the other couples played much shorter roles in this book than in the other books of the series before this, it was still enough to make me feel as if I had had a wonderful meeting with them all.

Colin and Arnaud are very strong men, and they show their strength by beating the circ*mstances that would have demolished a weaker man. It was heartbreaking and yet so insipiring to read their story, and I really cannot wait to read their sequel. :)

Joyfully Jay

8,123 reviews473 followers

September 21, 2016

A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

His Premier is the sixth book in Jessie G’s Sizzling Miami series, a series I am really enjoying. From a plot standpoint, this one can be read as a standalone as long as you are ok not knowing the backstories on the various friends who show up for cameos. So for fans of the series, you get a chance to reconnect with a lot of the guys, but for new readers this one works fine alone.

This book focuses on Colin, one of the men who lives in the group house with the rest of our series regulars. The book begins with the men meeting, and we can see Colin’s passion and intensity when he is with Arnaud. Colin is a man who grew up with everything he could desire, and with nothing he lacked, he had little real motivation or excitement about anything. So we can see how moved he is by Arnaud’s commitment to his dancing, his determination to succeed, and his enthusiasm and passion. When Colin watches Arnaud dance, he just lights up. We are then taken to present day where we see that Colin has become a shell of himself. He blames himself completely for the accident and doesn’t feel he deserves any real happiness. So when Arnaud returns, determined to reunite, Colin can’t help but hesitate.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.



775 reviews13 followers

June 17, 2021

È tutto così angstoso e dolcetto che awwwww adoroooohhhh

Ma che bello questo 2021 che mi sta dando tante soddisfazioni letterarie 😍 anche questo ennesimo libro si è rivelato adorabile e vincente tirandomi un po' su di morale. È una storia che riesce ad essere subdola al punto giusto giocando con le emozioni. Inizia regalandoci tutta questa sensazione positiva di amore, coccole e tenerezza, presentandoci due ragazzi alle prese con lo sbocciare della loro relazione, due ragazzi diversissimi tra loro, da una parte Colin il ragazzo benestante e di una famiglia prestigiosa (i Sinclair) e dall'altra Arnaud decisamente più modesto e con una famiglia non così prestigiosa, due ragazzi che nonostante le differenze sembrano riuscire a unire i loro mondi nel nome della loro passione e dei loro sentimenti. Un momento dolce e coccoloso che ti fa desiderare cose belle e poi... Pufff il dramaaaaa! La traggggedia!!!! Inizia quel angst selvaggio che tanto amo ma che tanto spezza l'anima. Dopo dieci anni Colin e Arnaud si ritrovano divisi e spezzati. Dieci anni prima, quando i due erano ancora fidanzati per colpa di un litigio Colin ubriaco si era messo con il fidanzato alla guida provocando un incidente. La rottura era stata inevitabile così come i commenti da parte dei mass media, pronti a puntare il dito contro il ragazzo bello, ricco ma irresponsabile e questo aveva portato il giovane a pagare con la galera quel gesto avventato e sconsiderato. Dopo dieci anni Colin è distrutto, il carcere lo ha cambiato, si sente responsabile e simile a un mostro per aver ferito l'uno che amava. È convinto che l'uomo della sua vita sia finito su una sedia a rotelle per sempre e neanche dopo aver scoperto la verità, che Arnaud non solo non è rimasto paralizzato ma ha realizzato il suo sogno di diventare un ballerino famoso, riesce a trovare pace. Colin desidera l'oblio, vivere circondato dai sensi di colpa e dal dolore fino a che non morirà e la sua pena... è straziante. Una condizione che grazie alle parole dell'autrice viviamo sulla nostra stessa pelle... Un dolore palpabile e reale che si fonde a quello di Arnaud. Il giovane ballerino è stato fortunato, è uscito fisicamente illeso, le ferite che ha riportato sono state curate e nel giro di poco tempo ha potuto riprendere a fare quello che amava ma questo non gli ha comunque portato la gioia che sperava. Ha visto i suoi genitori distruggere l'uomo che amava, ha visto il ragazzo della sua vita portato in una cella e non ha potuto fare nulla per comunicare con lui, per potergli stare accanto. Sa che Colin non era certamente innocente quella notte e che si è comportato in modo sconsiderato ma anche lui era in macchina, era presente e... non lo aveva fermato, non gli aveva impedito di mettersi alla guida ubriaco, il litigio era avvenuto anche in parte per colpa sua e questo gli ha fatto capire come tutto sia stato ingiusto. Colin è stato l'unico condannato, l'unico che ha messo in pausa la sua vita per dieci lunghi anni e l'unico che non ha ottenuto la pace che meritava dopo aver pagato il suo errore. Arnaud rivuole quel giovane coraggioso e spensierato che lo faceva sentire vivo e amato, rivuole la gioia di quei momenti, rivuole nella vita l'unico uomo che lo ha sempre spronato a combattere. Arnaud soffre a vedere Colin a pezzi e desidera stargli accanto e aiutarlo in un percorso di redenzione completo e perdono. La loro storia è dolcissima e straziante. Chi non vorrebbe nella propria vita una persona disposta a comprendere e capire i nostri errori, perdonarci dopo aver visto la parte peggiore di noi? La storia di questi due uomini è meravigliosa perché colpisce per il suo realismo e per la capacità di commuovere e far riflettere. La storia di Colin potrebbe essere quella di molte persone. Quanti sono i ragazzi che come lui si mettono alla guida dopo aver bevuto per imprudenza, menefreghismo o semplicemente per qualcosa di stupido come un litigio. Sono tantissimi e spesso le conseguenze sono disastrose, mortali per qualche sfortunato. L'autrice vuole mostrarci il punto di vista di una di queste persone che noi siamo abituati a etichettare. È così facile sentire del ragazzo che ha fatto l'incidente e dire che è un mostro, che era un tossico, un alcolista ecc senza però pensare a quello che ha spinto quella persona e sopratutto cosa succederà. L'autrice non vuole dare il messaggio "Va tutto bene e nessuno si fa male ❤️" ma semplicemente spingerci a farci una nostra idea e capire che tutti hanno bisogno di essere perdonati e capiti. Colin ha sbagliato e ha pagato per i suoi errori e quando una persona capisce e paga per quello che ha fatto è davvero giusto continuare a odiarla? A tormentata? A etichettata? Colin è un bell'esempio così come il suo compagno perché ci insegna che tutti possiamo dall'alto del nostro piedistallo sbagliare e rischiare di perdere tutto ma che nonostante il dolore, la perdita, gli errori in un modo o nell'altro troveremo sempre una persona disposta a tenderci la mano e perdonarci. È una storia di rinascita e crescita e che mi ha colpito per la delicatezza con cui è stata trattata. I due giovani sono dolcissimi e vederli rincorrere il loro lieto fine lottando contro tutto e tutti mi ha colpito. I personaggi secondari hanno aiutato molto dandoci un bel quadro di come la società o la famiglia possa reagire a determinati avvenimenti. Ho amato la dolce nonnina disposta a fare da Cupido per il bene del nipote, gli amici/fratelli maggiori disposti a spronare la coppietta per fare quei passi avanti necessari per chiarirsi, il padre disposto al perdono per il bene del figlio e in qualche modo... Ho anche apprezzato la madre di Arnaud che seppur crudele nei modi è comunque stata utile per capire come sia delicato il rapporto genitori e figli e come spesso una tragedia possa avere mille sfaccettature. Mi è piaciuta un sacco come storia. Ha un bel messaggio, un bello sviluppo e per una volta la quasi mancanza di sesso almeno fino alla fine del libro l'ho apprezzata molto, mi è piaciuto come ci sia arrivati piano piano senza passare al "Facciamo le cose sporcaccine mentre cerchiamo di perdonarci a vicenda"
Un libro leggibilissimo anche come singolo ma che potrà essere sicuramente apprezzato meglio come parte di una serie e che piacerà sia ai fan dell'autrice sia a quelli che si avvicinano per la prima volta. Per chi ama le storie dolci, piene di lacrime, sospiri, dolore ma anche piene di tanto amore e amicizia sarà perfetto.

    2021 blog-arc ebook


3,697 reviews373 followers

October 27, 2017

I loved this one, it was so completely different than the others in the series and it was a very pleasant surprise.

Colin has been there in the background, mentioned but not really with any clear focus and so this book all about him seemed to come a bit out of left field but it was a joy to read.

I've always loved dance, dancing, dancers and this book has a brilliant one as the other MC who typifies all about the inhibitions of just feeling something inside you have to let out and bring emotional entertainment and connectivity to those who watch.

Arnaud and Colin had three almost perfect (on the surface) years before an error in judgement during an argument left them broken and Colin in prison for 10 years. In the four years since his release, he'd continued to mistakenly believe he'd left his dancer paralyzed and he dwelled in his grief every day.

This book had me tearing up quite a few times. It never made me full on cry but it came so close, closer than any of the others in the series because I could connect to it on a powerful level, having once been a dancer myself (although never with any intentions of a professional career!)

Colin's pain at thinking he'd taken away the very essence of the man he loved was palpable and it weighed so heavy on him he was bowed and crushed under it, not even the guys at Saul's had managed to pull him fully from the darkness.

This is a gorgeous second chance romance because Arnaud had never stopped dancing, he'd fought his way back to fitness and stardom and when Colin's scheming grandmother gets him to the theatre under false pretences and he sees his love on stage performing, it's almost a step too far.

Planning to run, Colin is stopped in his tracks by Arnaud's own guilt at how wrapped up he'd been in his own fledgling career to not see how controlling and selfish he was of and with Colin at the time of the accident. He's never stopped loving him and he's beyond determined to win him back.

Reading their attempts to reconnect, because all the love is just shimmering under the surface, is heart-wrenching but nothing is better than being offered - and taking - a second chance and they do just that. The fact it didn't bother me at all that the first sex scene doesn't occur until almost the end is a testament to how much these men are able to say so much to each other without it.

This is a truly beautiful love story.

Feel The Book

1,739 reviews53 followers

May 10, 2021

Recensione a cura di Raksha per Feel the Book

Colin era un ragazzo con il destino già scritto; una famiglia ricca alle spalle, un lavoro ad aspettarlo, un’eredità impossibile da deludere. La sua vita era già pronta e lui era rassegnato, pronto a realizzarla. Poi ha incontrato Arnaud.

Arnaud era un talentuoso ballerino, capace, tramite il ballo, di far risplendere la sua vitalità, la sua gioia, la sua spensieratezza, come il sole d’agosto. Gli sono bastate poche parole e qualche passo di danza per stravolgere la vita di Colin e diventare il nuovo centro del suo mondo.

Due giovani uomini che hanno intrecciato le loro vite non senza difficoltà, non senza sacrifici.

Poi è accaduta la tragedia.

Un errore che ha distrutto la vita di entrambi e li ha gettati in un baratro di solitudine, che li ha tenuti lontani per anni.

Colin ha abbandonato la sua vita e, dopo anni in carcere, ha rimesso insieme i pezzi e si è affidato a un gruppo di uomini che sono diventati la sua famiglia, la sua corazza, il suo sostegno. Un gruppo di uomini che gli hanno dato una seconda possibilità, senza giudicare, senza fare domande, solo fidandosi.

Colin pensava di aver spezzato Arnaud, ma ora se lo ritrova davanti, bellissimo, sorridente, senza rancore.

Entrambi devono ritrovare un equilibrio, devono capire come poter restare vicini mettendo da parte un passato che non li abbandonerà mai. A piccoli passi, tra parole e gesti, confessioni e silenzi, Colin e Arnaud si riscoprono innamorati persi l’uno dell’altro.

Nulla è cambiato.

Tutto è diverso.

I primi a doversi dare una nuova occasione, a mettere da parte le paure e i dubbi, sono proprio loro stessi.

È un ballo lento, fatto di tre passi avanti e due indietro, fatto di tentennamenti, di sussurri e incertezze. Colin e Arnaud sono dolcissimi ed è impossibile non sperare per loro in un bellissimo lieto fine.

Una storia molto piacevole, ricca di sentimenti, con personaggi completi e diversi.

Una lettura scorrevole che ho molto apprezzato.

Lara Di Iorio

388 reviews12 followers

March 4, 2021


September 23, 2016

4.5 stars. What an enchanting story of second chance love! I really couldn't remember much about Colin from the previous books. I'm pretty sure he was mostly on the edges or in the background. So it was an intriguing new storyline, learning about his past with Arnaud. The story starts with Arnaud, dancer and rising star, meeting Colin, son of wealth, privilege and high expectations, at 17 and their intense love for each other. We then learn the tragic details of the event that drove them apart and sent Colin to prison. 10 years later, Colin is still trapped in neverending guilt, when he's tricked into seeing Arnaud again. I was just teary-eyed after those chapters!

Arnaud is determined to at least clear the air between them, as he harbors a lot of guilt as well. Of course Colin resists his efforts and it takes the support and advice of his friends to try and reconnect with Arnaud in some way. It's a struggle for both of them as Colin still resists and Arnaud persists! I did get rather irritated with Colin at times as he kept beating himself up and denying his own accomplishments. I kind of wants to smack him sometimes. I hated Arnaud's mother and I understand acting in grief, but she was so cruel and her treatment of Michel was horrible. His father achieved some redemption but he wasn't a favorite either. I loved seeing the other guys again, including more of Jacky and the connection he felt with Colin. Owen plays a big part as Colin's business partner and friend. Jessie G. creates some the best characters and they develop so organically as she reveals more and more about each of them in every book.

This is even more character driven than prior books had been. There's really no great drama or angst past the beginning. But the pacing and flow of the story just kept me turning pages as fast as I could. It's hard to describe just what made the story connect so well for me. I'm usually an action/suspense kind of reader. I guess it was the suspense of seeing just how Colin and Arnaud would get through the obstacles of the past and learn how to be together in the future. It just worked on so many levels. The sexual tension and UST was palpable as they moved forward at a very slow-burn pace! There is only one sex scene in the story, near the end, but it was sooo worth waiting for!

I guess we will get to see more of Colin and Arnaud in another book. Then there's another coming for Saul, Javier and Kyle. I loved this series from the start, when I read Past Hurts, and I've snapped up every book as they come out. This is a highly recommended story and while it could be read as a standalone, you should read the series to understand the love and loyalty of this whole group of friends.


Mandie Foxylutely

948 reviews96 followers

October 23, 2016

His Premier is the sixth book in the Sizzling Miami series. It is not necessary to read the other books in the series for this one but new readers may get lost with who the other men are who make cameo appearances. Even I still struggle trying to remember who is who and who is with who in this series when first reading a new book in the series, but then it all comes rushing back at me. This time though I struggled to remember Colin as he is a little known character so here was my chance to find out who this enigma of a character is. It was also great this was a second chance romance. My favourite!

Colin and Arnaud were young lovers. From the moment they meet eyes after Arnaud had delivered a captivating dance performance, they both knew this was special. However as all good love stories go, the excitement of young love can become entangled with real life getting in the way and throwing them a huge curveball.

Arnaud was a dancer and his dream was to see the World and become a recognised name in the art of dance. Colin was from a staunch business family, well known in society but his devotion and support to Arnaud and his dream was undisputable. That is until the stress of separation for Arnaud to appear at various places across the states took its toll. On that fateful night when everything goes to hell, would there be any way that they could come back from this?

This was told in a flashback from the beginning so it was easy to keep the storyline fresh in my mind on what happened a decade back to what was happening now. The backstory for these two and the devastation that took place wasn’t as drama filled as the other men’s story in the series but an impact that happens all too frequently in real life. The pieces that were missing for me though were the separation years and why Arnaud would not try what he eventually did before a decade had passed. Yes I knew about the contact with the lawyer but it just seemed a little too late for me or maybe I missed something.

However I loved the connection between the two and the re-establishment of their love was not hashed out with too much backwards and forwards going on. The chemistry was recognisable which was cleverly done as there was not much on page between the sheets action until late in the book. For me to not realise that until I had finished just encapsulates what an engaging read it was.

Overall this was a great addition to the series and was good to catch up with all the men from previous books (although I did have to keep pausing to remember them – apart from Bull and Red who have always been my favourites but don’t tell the others!)

I would definitely recommend this series and this would be a good one for the new reader to dive in to see if it was for them. I think it would be! Four and a half stars.

ARC kindly provided by the author to Foxylutely Books

    arc m-m prison

Christina Wade - BFD Book Blog

1,446 reviews31 followers

September 12, 2016

I absolutely love second chance romances. They usually are really angsty which I typically don’t love but there is something so fulfilling about two lovers getting another chance at discovering each other and their love. Reading about two characters with history that they have to work through just does it for me.

If you follow my reviews, or follow me or my posts on Facebook you know I’m a huge fan of this series and the Devil’s Pride series (they overlap at times). I was warned that this book would be hard to read. And after a bit of reflection, I remembered that ALL the books in this series have some extremely painful scenes/life stories in them. I almost couldn’t read about and had to skip over what happened to Davin. Red’s story damn near broke me. Don’t even get me started on the agony of Javier and Saul in The Protector. I had to set my kindle down after reading the prologue in Tricking Chase and take a break before continuing. Micah and Garrison���s anguish is palpable in their SHORT STORY. BUT, none of that prepared me for what Colin and Arnaud went through and I had no idea that was coming. And now, I really want to go back through this series and Devil’s Pride (again) to see if I can pick up anything I missed about Colin in those books.

These guys…I won’t tell you what happened but I will tell you it was absolutely tragic. And the full impact of what happened isn’t fully realized until almost the end of the book when Colin reflects back during the benefit performance and recognizes everything he’s missed for the last 10 years. When they forget the past and stow away the pain, they are beautiful together. Arnaud’s pushy, quirky, exuberant personality is the perfect balance for Colin’s reserved controlled, privileged personality. Arnaud absolutely brings out the best in Colin. Colin’s adoration of Arnaud had him willing to make every sacrifice for him. In this story, we not only learn of their history and experience the beginning of their healing in the present; Jessie has paved the way for their future. Thankfully, we’re informed at the end of the book there is more to come because these guys aren’t done yet. And we’re not done with them yet.

As always it was awesome to see most of the guys from the series in this book…Saul, Chris and Owen play pretty big roles here and of course take over their scenes. We also get a fantastic surprise cameo from a couple of fellows in New York. And never fear; the Queen of Teasing didn’t let us down as there are quite a few teasers of what’s to come with Jacky and damn if I’m not as curious as ever with that one.


1,723 reviews30 followers

October 13, 2016

His Premier takes the second chance trope and knocks it out of the ballpark. There is no shortage of emotion between Colin and Arnaud-not when they first meet, not on the fateful night that rips everything apart, and definitely not once they come together again. This story grabbed a hold of me from page one, and even though I finished it, it still hasn't let me go.

Colin always went along with the path his father had laid out for him, being the good son and following in his father's footsteps while trying not to appear as a stuck-up rich boy. Arnaud is a constant uplifting whirlwind of positivity and energy, with dance at the root of his life. From the moment they lay eyes on each other, they both know they have found the one. But you know how one wrong choice can change everything...and a bad decision turns into tragedy for both of them. Colin takes responsibility for his part-which really bolstered my opinion of him even more-and it changes both of their lives.

When they find each other again (thanks to Colin's wonderful, meddling grandmother-I REALLY liked her), Colin has changed drastically, and Arnaud has to really work to bring their second chance to fruition. Watching this unfold was a bit heartbreaking with Colin as he was so resistant, wanting to continue taking the blame for what happened. But Arnaud also accepts responsibility, and the two of them have to come to terms with both of their actions-regardless of who did and said what ten years ago. Their journey is emotional and I felt so drawn in and invested in them that any outcome other than reconciliation would have devastated me.

While this story is part of the Sizzling Miami series, it can definitely be read as a standalone...though it will make you want to read all the previous books if you haven't already. The supporting characters will have you intrigued for their own stories, and they all help bring depth to this book. The support of Colin's friends is amazing, and is one of the reasons you'll find yourself wanting to read the entire series.

His Premier was a fantastic 5-star read for me, and I highly recommend this story to M/M romance fans. This book is meant for readers 18+ due to adult language and M/M sexual content. One of the things I liked best about this story was how the M/M relationship was treated like any other relationship, and the story didn't have the extra stresses of whether an M/M matchup is acceptable that you normally find in gay romance-it comes across as accepted and normal in today's world, which is refreshing and a welcome change.

Mari Cardenas

2,148 reviews25 followers

October 12, 2016

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie in exchange for a fair and honest review. ***

I have to make a confession, I haven't read any of the previous books in this series, I have read and loved the books in the Devils Pride MC series, though, which are a spin-off of the Sizzling Miami series. That said, this book can perfectly be read as a standalone. Yes, there are a lot of recurring characters and yes, it's probably best to read the other books at some point (which I'll do, as soon as I have some free time), but I didn't feel too lost, since the main focus is on the main couple, Colin and Arnaud and their journey.

Colin and Arnaud met when they were just 17 years old. Arnaud was a driven middle-class boy with dreams of making it big as a dancer and Colin was born to a wealthy family and was just going through the motions, knowing his life had already been mapped out for him by his father. Once they start going out, Arnaud becomes the driving force for Colin's life, his dream and passion. But when tragedy strikes, Colin's dream will turn into a nightmare he can't wake up from... until they meet again ten years later. Will they be able to get a second chance at love?

This book was amazing! All I could've hoped for after reading the blurb and more, so much more. From the first few chapters where Colin and Arnaud met and then through the despair when things started going wrong for them, Jessie G captured both my heart and my attention. I fell hard for Colin and I just wanted to cuddle him and promise it'll all be alright. And while I was kind of angry at some point with Arnaud, the author actually made it so that I ended up falling for him when he did all he needed to prove to Colin he was worthy of forgiveness and love again.

I really enjoyed the secondary characters as they added a lot of depth to the story, without robbing protagonism to Colin and Arnaud. I would've like to see more of Charlotte, but I hope we get more of her in the next book, which will be the continuation of Colin and Arnaud's story.

All in all, this has been one of my favorite reads this year! It was enthralling, angsty, yet filled with love and hope and forgiveness, with engaging characters I couldn't get enough of and written in a very realistic manner considering all the issues dealt with in the book!

Highly recommendable!

Rating: 5+ Stars!!!


843 reviews56 followers

December 1, 2016

Second chance romance is one of my favorite tropes. Past Hurts and Micah's Soldier are two that I love by Jessie. Now I can add His Premier to that list.

His Premier is book 6 in the Sizzling Miami series and while you could read it as a standalone why would you want to deprive yourself a trip into this wonderful world? Go ahead, read them all...I'll wait.

There is a beautiful imperfection in Jessie's characters that gets the readers fully invested in her stories. Did I want to knock some sense into Colin a few (read many) times? Of course! His anguish hurt! I had to put down the book a few times to take a breath.

Arnaud took his time, waiting for the right time to reappear and get his man back. While I always wish for true love to win the first time it always will prevail. Arnaud's trust and certainty that he was meant to be with Colin gave me hope that Colin would also believe. This barrier was the biggest for them to overcome.

Colin and Arnaud took turns being strong and needing strength. They were a true balance for each other. That their love was infinite...sigh.

Of course Jessie also gives us a treat by having all of my favorite men and kids play a part in this story. (Another reason to read the Sizzling Miami and Devil's MC series, hint hint!) This gave the story more depth and feeling.

I love getting any time with this made family and can't wait for more, so get working Jessie! ;)


565 reviews

January 26, 2021

Ma che bello questo 2021 che mi sta dando tante soddisfazioni letterarie 😍 anche questo ennesimo libro si è rivelato adorabile e vincente tirandomi un po' su di morale. È una storia che riesce ad essere subdola al punto giusto giocando con le emozioni. Inizia regalandoci tutta questa sensazione positiva di amore, coccole e tenerezza, presentandoci due ragazzi alle prese con lo sbocciare della loro relazione, due ragazzi diversissimi tra loro, da una parte Colin il ragazzo benestante e di una famiglia prestigiosa (i Sinclair) e dall'altra Arnaud decisamente più modesto e con una famiglia non così prestigiosa, due ragazzi che nonostante le differenze sembrano riuscire a unire i loro mondi nel nome della loro passione e dei loro sentimenti. Un momento dolce e coccoloso che ti fa desiderare cose belle e poi... Pufff il dramaaaaa! La traggggedia!!!! Inizia quel angst selvaggio che tanto amo ma che tanto spezza l'anima. Dopo dieci anni Colin e Arnaud si ritrovano divisi e spezzati. Dieci anni prima, quando i due erano ancora fidanzati per colpa di un litigio Colin ubriaco si era messo con il fidanzato alla guida provocando un incidente. La rottura era stata inevitabile così come i commenti da parte dei mass media, pronti a puntare il dito contro il ragazzo bello, ricco ma irresponsabile e questo aveva portato il giovane a pagare con la galera quel gesto avventato e sconsiderato. Dopo dieci anni Colin è distrutto, il carcere lo ha cambiato, si sente responsabile e simile a un mostro per aver ferito l'uno che amava. È convinto che l'uomo della sua vita sia finito su una sedia a rotelle per sempre e neanche dopo aver scoperto la verità, che Arnaud non solo non è rimasto paralizzato ma ha realizzato il suo sogno di diventare un ballerino famoso, riesce a trovare pace. Colin desidera l'oblio, vivere circondato dai sensi di colpa e dal dolore fino a che non morirà e la sua pena... è straziante. Una condizione che grazie alle parole dell'autrice viviamo sulla nostra stessa pelle... Un dolore palpabile e reale che si fonde a quello di Arnaud. Il giovane ballerino è stato fortunato, è uscito fisicamente illeso, le ferite che ha riportato sono state curate e nel giro di poco tempo ha potuto riprendere a fare quello che amava ma questo non gli ha comunque portato la gioia che sperava. Ha visto i suoi genitori distruggere l'uomo che amava, ha visto il ragazzo della sua vita portato in una cella e non ha potuto fare nulla per comunicare con lui, per potergli stare accanto. Sa che Colin non era certamente innocente quella notte e che si è comportato in modo sconsiderato ma anche lui era in macchina, era presente e... non lo aveva fermato, non gli aveva impedito di mettersi alla guida ubriaco, il litigio era avvenuto anche in parte per colpa sua e questo gli ha fatto capire come tutto sia stato ingiusto. Colin è stato l'unico condannato, l'unico che ha messo in pausa la sua vita per dieci lunghi anni e l'unico che non ha ottenuto la pace che meritava dopo aver pagato il suo errore. Arnaud rivuole quel giovane coraggioso e spensierato che lo faceva sentire vivo e amato, rivuole la gioia di quei momenti, rivuole nella vita l'unico uomo che lo ha sempre spronato a combattere. Arnaud soffre a vedere Colin a pezzi e desidera stargli accanto e aiutarlo in un percorso di redenzione completo e perdono. La loro storia è dolcissima e straziante. Chi non vorrebbe nella propria vita una persona disposta a comprendere e capire i nostri errori, perdonarci dopo aver visto la parte peggiore di noi? La storia di questi due uomini è meravigliosa perché colpisce per il suo realismo e per la capacità di commuovere e far riflettere. La storia di Colin potrebbe essere quella di molte persone. Quanti sono i ragazzi che come lui si mettono alla guida dopo aver bevuto per imprudenza, menefreghismo o semplicemente per qualcosa di stupido come un litigio. Sono tantissimi e spesso le conseguenze sono disastrose, mortali per qualche sfortunato. L'autrice vuole mostrarci il punto di vista di una di queste persone che noi siamo abituati a etichettare. È così facile sentire del ragazzo che ha fatto l'incidente e dire che è un mostro, che era un tossico, un alcolista ecc senza però pensare a quello che ha spinto quella persona e sopratutto cosa succederà. L'autrice non vuole dare il messaggio "Va tutto bene e nessuno si fa male ❤️" ma semplicemente spingerci a farci una nostra idea e capire che tutti hanno bisogno di essere perdonati e capiti. Colin ha sbagliato e ha pagato per i suoi errori e quando una persona capisce e paga per quello che ha fatto è davvero giusto continuare a odiarla? A tormentata? A etichettata? Colin è un bell'esempio così come il suo compagno perché ci insegna che tutti possiamo dall'alto del nostro piedistallo sbagliare e rischiare di perdere tutto ma che nonostante il dolore, la perdita, gli errori in un modo o nell'altro troveremo sempre una persona disposta a tenderci la mano e perdonarci. È una storia di rinascita e crescita e che mi ha colpito per la delicatezza con cui è stata trattata. I due giovani sono dolcissimi e vederli rincorrere il loro lieto fine lottando contro tutto e tutti mi ha colpito. I personaggi secondari hanno aiutato molto dandoci un bel quadro di come la società o la famiglia possa reagire a determinati avvenimenti. Ho amato la dolce nonnina disposta a fare da Cupido per il bene del nipote, gli amici/fratelli maggiori disposti a spronare la coppietta per fare quei passi avanti necessari per chiarirsi, il padre disposto al perdono per il bene del figlio e in qualche modo... Ho anche apprezzato la madre di Arnaud che seppur crudele nei modi è comunque stata utile per capire come sia delicato il rapporto genitori e figli e come spesso una tragedia possa avere mille sfaccettature. Mi è piaciuta un sacco come storia. Ha un bel messaggio, un bello sviluppo e per una volta la quasi mancanza di sesso almeno fino alla fine del libro l'ho apprezzata molto, mi è piaciuto come ci sia arrivati piano piano senza passare al "Facciamo le cose sporcaccine mentre cerchiamo di perdonarci a vicenda"
Un libro leggibilissimo anche come singolo ma che potrà essere sicuramente apprezzato meglio come parte di una serie e che piacerà sia ai fan dell'autrice sia a quelli che si avvicinano per la prima volta. Per chi ama le storie dolci, piene di lacrime, sospiri, dolore ma anche piene di tanto amore e amicizia sarà perfetto.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    2021 arc da-rileggere-appena-possibile
October 16, 2016


So beautiful and heart warming story. A second chance at love + healing.Low steam but the moment they were together was so hot and full of love and trust and that was everything.

This book is definitely my favorite of this series. I cried for everything Colin had been through. I felt his pain, his fears an his doubts. I know there are times that Arnaud moves a bit strong and fast knowing Colin's fears but that's what he is but when he realized his mistake he did gave Colin his space.

This book starts with Colin watching a ballet practice with his grandmother and there on that stage he saw Arnaud and that was it for him.

He’d been captivated at first look, gone at first smile, and head over heels at first touch.

From that moment they fall in a relationship and Colin was so supportive of Arnaud.

But because of the mistake that happened they were separated for 10 years. So when they saw each other again, the pain, hurts and love was still there and Colin and Arnaud did their best to past that and the ending was beautiful and i was so engrossed that i didn't notice i am already reading the epilogue.

I want more if Colin and Arnaud and thank god for Extended Run, I can't wait for it.



379 reviews1 follower

September 20, 2016

Another emotionally charged story in this series...

Love... that is all I can really say. I loved Colin and Arnaud soooo much.

I felt for Colin throughout. He was punishing himself over and over again for what he did as a stupid kid.. But even through all that he still made a success of himself with his business partnership with Owen.

Arnaud really is the perfect opposite for Colin. I loved him for realizing that Colin needed time and being willing to give it and still work towards their new relationship.

I can't wait for the next story in the series. I really need for Jacky to have his own story soon also.


2,163 reviews41 followers

July 13, 2017

Gah, this book made me so weepy! It's like I could feel Colin's pain and it was endless. Another hit in the Sizzling Miami series. Great second chance romance with a ton of angst but a whole lot of sweet and hope thrown in there. We got to see all the other guys in the house, which I love, but the main focus stayed on our MCs. Really loved this one.

    aa-recommend athletes contemporary


1,707 reviews6 followers

April 29, 2017

I loved this story of Colin and Arnaud, especially being a second chance romance. The attraction between them was instantaneous even though they come from very different backgrounds. This instalment was about loving, tragedy, separation, reconnecting and healing. You are on a roller coaster of emotions. Wonderful addition to this fantastic series.

Valeria DePaula

928 reviews5 followers

March 20, 2021

✔ Letto! Adesso Colin Sinclair, il meno presente nelle storie precedenti e quello che so di meno della sua vita, solo del suo fondo fiduciario. Adesso desidera raccontarmi la sua storia.
E aveva tanto da dirmi.
Abita nella casa di Saul insieme agli altri, ma ha voluto raccontarmi come un ricco rampollo della borghesia snob di Miami sia finito li e perché considera quella la sua nuova famiglia.
Colin è un giovane diciassettenne quando accompagna la nonna a una prova per un spettacolo e verrà rapito, folgorato e stregato da questo ragazzo, u ballerino bellissimo che brilla sul palco. È magico, è fluido, è la pura essenza del ballo. Una attrazione così forte non poteva che finire con loro due che si innamorano e per due bellissimi anni, Arnaud sta per consolidare i suoi sogni, e Colin a differenza di quello che pensano la gente da persone ricche come lui, è devoto ad Arnaud, lo ama e lo sostiene e far avverare i sogni del suo amato è il suo scopo, non ha intenzione di essere un ostacolo. Ma a quanto sembra, non è abbastanza quello che ha fatto finora. Il mondo chiama Arnaud, ma Colin ha ancora il suo percorso da seguire e questo genera un spacco tra di loro finito in tragedia che fino a 10 anni dopo, Colin starà ancora pagando per colpe che sono solo nella sua testa. Non si è mai permesso di essere felice di nuovo, non dimentica il dolore che ha causato ad Arnaud e a altre persone. Vive nella angoscia e apatia.
C'è ne bisogno del ritorno di un più che determinato Arnaud nella sua vita per poter assolvere quelle colpe che rischiavano di distruggerlo. Arnaud è uno che ha sempre lottato, sa cosa sia la fatica e quanto duro lavoro c'è ne sia bisogno per raggiungere i propri scopi. La sua vita non è niente senza l'amore della sua vita e non molle finché Colin non capisca che il perdono dovrà dare a sé stesso.
Il libro all'inizio può sembrare che non ci sia niente a che vedere con gli altri, ma è perfettamente parte di esso.
Una serie veramente molto bella, um mix diversificato e ricco di bontà d'anima.
Un libro che parla di perdono e redenzione. Di guarigione e il potere dell'amore.
Per me è ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

P.s.: Jack in questo libro mi ha fatto tantissima tenerezza. E già in quello di Saul mi ha stuzzicato con la sua storia. Non vedo l'ora di ascoltarlo.


1,428 reviews65 followers

May 1, 2021

I'm rounding this down only because I felt like I needed more progress for their relationship. Almost like it was angst, angst, angst, then BAM - all's good.

That said, Colin is absolutely wonderful! His progress throughout was just lovely.

Love this series, though, and can't believe there are only 2-3 more books.


522 reviews4 followers

December 22, 2020

Anche questo 6° libro della Serie è stato veramente bello. La vita anche se sbagli, ti dà delle seconde possibilità, e Colin e Arnaud se lo meritano, dopo tutto quello che hanno sofferto.
Consigliato ❤❤❤❤❤

Francesca Vallicelli

520 reviews10 followers

November 11, 2020


Uno slow burn molto bello. Mi è piaciuto molto come l’autrice e i protagonisti abbiano affrontato una “ricostruzione” passo passo, soli e insieme, conoscendosi l’un l’altro.


905 reviews

October 31, 2016

4.5 out of 5 stars

Description ~

Born into wealth and privilege, Colin Sinclair was raised on the knowledge that money could buy anything and everyone had a price. Trouble was no trouble at all, not when the money was there to sweep it under the rug. But those lessons, learned at the knee of his father, were going to be challenged in a way that would change Colin forever.

In middle class suburbia, Arnaud Dechene learned the value of hard work, focus, and dedication to a dream. He was well on his way to achieving it, the role of Premier, when he catches Colin’s eye. Rich snobs didn’t usually do it for him, but there was something about Colin that made him impossible to resist.

Despite being opposites in every way, falling into a relationship was surprisingly—and deceptively—easy, but Arnaud never lost sight of his dream and Colin had trouble accepting that he was second place to anything. When a stupid argument leads to a reckless act, the repercussions leave Arnaud fighting for his life and Colin paying with his own.

With a little meddling from an aging schemer and intentions that are more well-meaning than realistic, their paths will cross again. However, Colin and Arnaud aren’t the same men who loved with abandon. They are older and wiser, with a history that might be too big to overcome.

Fans of the series know revenge is a double-edged sword, forgiveness doesn't always come easy, and forgetting is damn near impossible. But love...well, that may just conquer all.

My Review ~

His Premier is the sixth book in the Sizzling Miami series and can actually be read as a standalone. For a richer reading experience though you may want to read the other books in the series as those characters make appearances in this book.

His Premier is actually the first book that I've read by this author and it definitely won't be the last. In fact, after reading this one I went and scooped up the rest of the books in the series to squeeze into my reading schedule. I really enjoyed the premise of the over arcing series with the men all living together and helping each other get through life after having such awful things happen in their lives.

This story is a second chance romance with a heavy dose of hurt/comfort on both Colin and Arnaud's past and present. They were each other's first love until tragic circ*mstances tore them apart and sent Colin to prison for most of his 20's. Now, out of prison, he's learning his new normal but with a very heavy dose of guilt still hanging over him. Colin's family and Arnaud conspire to have Colin see Arnaud dance one of his performances. Instead of helping Colin remove some of his guilt, he feels even worse and considers leaving town and his support network. Arnaud and Colin finally meet on neutral ground again and come to an agreement while Arnaud also offers Colin's company a job redoing a historical building for him. While Colin's inner thoughts are in turmoil he can't push Arnaud away.

The reason this book grabbed my attention at first, is Arnaud's character being a dancer. They are one of my weaknesses as a main character in a book. I wasn't sure what to expect out of the rest of the book but I was very pleased with the storyline and both the main and secondary characters. His Premier is a very well written story but it does jump timelines as it tells the main characters history in a series of flashbacks. While I know this is a sticking point for some readers, the flashbacks are well done and fit into the story perfectly.

The author does not miss a beat with either the backstory or their current re-introduction and the romance that redevelops between them. This is a couple that is meant to be with each other even after eight plus years apart and so many obstacles that could have easily kept them apart even longer. This is one I'd highly recommend to read both as part of the series and as a standalone second chance at love romance. I look forward to reading much more from this author in the future.

    2016 kindle-reads m-m-romance-romantica


Author4 books50 followers

October 4, 2016

Listed as 6th in the series, His Premier is more of a stand-alone than some of the other books. We've met Colin before but his backstory, including his history with Arneaud, is all new material. The characters from previous books make brief appearances but they're not integral to this story, which makes this a good choice for readers who are interested in the series but haven't been following along from the start. That being said, the overall tone of His Premier is very different from the previous books. While a convicted felon, Colin is more of a criminal by accident, rather than choice or circ*mstance, which is a huge difference to me.

The story opens with Colin and Arneaud's early years, bounces forward to present time, and uses flashbacks and recollection to fill in the details in-between. Normally that wouldn't bother me but because I started reading His Premier with the expectation it would be similar to others in the series, and was already having trouble wrapping my mind around the white-collar/rich boy criminal element, the lack of flow in the timeline made it that much more disjointed.

It was obvious from the start that Colin carried a huge weight of guilt and pain from the past. Much more, by comparison, than Arneau and I just didn't understand where that boy was coming from. By the time he and Colin meet face to face for the second time he seems ready to throw himself 100% into recapturing his love but, despite a couple of minor road blocks he had to overcome, I still got the feeling it only because it fit into his timeline and not a moment before.

Full of grand gestures and noble sacrifices, I probably would have liked this story much more had it NOT been part of a beloved series. As such, I had a hard time taking Colin and Arneaud seriously. Their pain was very real--to them--but I had a hard time swallowing it when compared to the blistering heartbreak the others have suffered. What happened to them was sad, but not insurmountable, and... unfortunately... the circ*mstances were quite a bit of their own making. Basically, I wanted to knock them both upside the head, tell to take a good look around, quite complaining and be grateful their stories weren't worse.

My OFFICIAL REVIEW written for Carly’s Book Reviews.



731 reviews36 followers

September 28, 2016

I love this series.
This book is about Colin and Arnaud. Colin was hooked when they met as teenagers when he watched Arnaud dance for the first time. I think Colin was a complete goner when Arnaud's first words were " Did you love it?" Falling in love comes easily to the two of them and so does staying in love but a tragic accident pulls them apart. Guilt, pain, and misunderstandings keep them apart for ten years.
Second chances are not always easy but when they are given to the man you are meant to be with your heart can heal and this it was Colin is coming to terms with in this book.
I loved having some characters from previous books making appearances, Chris & Owen showing up, giving a little glimpse of how well Owen is doing with Chris in his life. Then there is Saul, (my man) giving his words of wisdom to Colin and helping like he always does. Plus we get a little taste of Jacky, now he is one I can't wait to get to know more about. He holds a special place in Colin's heart so he must be a great guy that needs someone special to love him.
The family dynamics in this book were very well written, from a much loved Grandmother to a very controlling "stage" mother. Colin's rich family was so standoffish except for his Grandmother, maybe his Mom tried but IMHO not enough, then you get Arnaud's mother, what a bitch. Jessie can write a bitchy Mom character, LOL. I'm not sure there was anything about her I liked. Arnaud's father on the other hand, he came around, he wasn't that bad.
I look forward to reading more about Colin and Arnaud and following them on their journey, let's hope they move into Saul's house with the rest of the guys soon!

Anera Shell

175 reviews4 followers

September 25, 2016

The sweetest one of the bunch

If you follow this series you know all the men are working on second chances. Most are caused by terrors out of their control. This, one, is more personal. Fighting back from mistakes you caused and overcoming guilt is probably the hardest battle in life. Colin's story doesn't have the drama or danger of the rest of the series. Instead, it has heart and love and the power of redemption.

Dara Nelson

Author14 books33 followers

October 2, 2016

Yes! I loved this book. Now I know Colin's backstory, now I know where his pain comes from, where his big heart comes from. And to meet Arnaud and the see the joy that he brought to Colin when they first met and the hope that everyone was rooting for when Arnaud came back into Colin's life again. What a beautiful story of forgiveness and second chances and starting over - it touched me in more ways than I ever thought it would.


2,020 reviews1 follower

April 14, 2021

Arnaud and Colin story. Great addition to the series.
Really not impressed with Arnaud's Mum Aileen. Yes I know she is upset about the accident that Colin caused and nearly ended Arnaud promising Ballet dancing career, But I just cant for some unknown reason stomach Aileen. Arnaud's Dad seems like he has forgiven, not forgotten, but forgiven Colin, But Aileen, I think she would be the type of person who would try to get blood out of a stone.

Missy Fern - BFD Book Blog

494 reviews6 followers

October 7, 2016

Loved this book. Major second chance romance. It was a quick read, some issues fell to the background for the romance to take center stage. So excited a second book for them is coming!

Arnaud and Colin. It was so amazing to see the evolution of their love before and after the tragic event that tore them apart for 10 years. Loved the humor!

Perfect as always! Big fan of J!

Jillian Byrd

58 reviews1 follower

November 26, 2016


Jessie never disappoints. I always get sucked in too the story and I can never wait to see what happens next. I'm so excited to read the rest if their story, I think they're my favorite couple besides Red and Bull of course.

Lindsay Crook

1,019 reviews35 followers

February 1, 2017

I loved it!!!

Holy wow!!..This is quite an emotional read...I really liked this book reading Colin's story was heart breaking you just want to wrap him hip in a hug.Another well written book by the marvelous Jessie G.

His Premier (Sizzling Miami #5) (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.