Catastrophic Impact of the Seven - Chapter 72 - MNLAAF_Enclave - 原神 (2024)

Chapter Text

“Agent Thorne, here is your mission.”

An albino man listens to the voice of his handler. He sat within a vehicle, quietly fiddling with a projector. His sunglasses tightly against his face, and his hair in almost perfect condition. He was onboard some sort of craft, speeding just out of Greenland towards Germany at Mach jesus.

But he heard no whipping of the wind, none of that. Instead, all the man felt was just the quiet turbulence that rocked the bird every second of the way. There was nothing beside him, for this craft seated few, and only had the bare necessities to get in and out of the area.

Right now, he had an earpiece in, and he was using his sunglasses to read a summarized memo of what he was going to do. Maps and other details included in the projections. The craft was slowing down, that was something he was able to feel happen, slowly and gradually of course.

”Infiltrate the monster-fallen Germany. Washington’s still suspicious of what the hell just happened here, and we have reports of Panthers engaging Marines in Eastern Turkey. Something f*cking happened here, and Washington’s finally getting around to breathing down our necks about it.”

“You are going to be a part of the first wave, a much heavier contingency is going to be in Denmark, ready to infiltrate the border. All we need you to do, agent, is get to the city of Hamburg and gauge the situation from there.”

”Once you have enough intel, stay alive and gather more from surrounding areas.”

Sounds easy enough, Thorne thinks, reaching for his weapon and charging it up with fresh plasma cells. He has his active-camouflage ready, and he was quietly saying his prayers; But that doesn't mean that it will be.

Without warning, the warbling that was propelling the craft began to slow down, and the agent started to get back on his feet. He grabbed some handle that was above him, and faced towards where a ramp should be. His eyes began to slant, and his sunglasses stopped showing all information.

He readied for the drop, much more than the soldiers down in Venezuela undergoing operation fattywood. He heard the 101st Airborne and the 22nd Air Infantry were going absolutely insane over there, and that the marines and navy participating glassed a lot of Caracas’ supplies that were going to fight the war.

Intelligence is what allowed them to quickly get that done and over with. So, using that logic, they need more information on Germany to fully understand what the hell had befallen the nation and hopefully get the prime minister back in Berlin.

Cause he’s getting antsy from sitting in an emergency diplomatic building in London, trying to shift blame of the disaster that ended his country towards Fontaine for some reason.


Thank you for flying Langley Airlines,” the AI handling the bird calls out through the speakers, “We WILL see you soon.” Thorne gave a nearby camera the wave, before going to get on off through a descending ramp.

He landed in the wilderness outside of Hamburg, trees around him burned with purple runes, and a certain miasma that filled the air. He moved to adorn a mask – rated as high as it could be – and began to move on in.

Germany already looks like it could be the gateway to hell and if that was going to be the case, then let Mr. Thorne in on the action…

Grabbing his plasma rifle and activating something that turned him incredibly translucent, he rushes off towards Hamburg.

Or at least, what remains of the city before the sh*tstorm.

“…Republican Senator Yockey Jr. is now expressing his support for a coalition of citizens within Maine. Now, it should be stated that Yockey was an outspoken ultranationalist during his campaign to win votes in Indiana and Illinois for the regional Congressional…”

“What the f*ck are these clowns doing…?” Marina pinched the bridge between her eyes, leaning embarrassingly on her desk. Her glasses were off, and she was staring solemnly at a holographic screen that was presented before her.

Curtains wide open, the sun bleeding in. Her fan was blowing harshly today. She was glaring down the news footage, annoyance and snark in her eyes.

“The normal, madam president,” an aide in the room speaks up, tapping away at her own tablet. “Fontaine is not doing any better. There’s advocates in the royal admiralty that fully view the Hydro Archons a threat to British sovereignty.”

“Tch—!” Scoffs the president, “You mean their royal navy?” She leans back and taps her table, turning the screens off and looking at the updated Satellite map of the world; “Britain’s naval dominance was breaking after too many years of nothing. They should have invested in more of those Jupiter class battleships if you ask me.”

“But of course, Madam president.” The marine leader looks at the aide, who was tapping away on her tablet. “It should also be known that the current Russian government is upping production of their T-50s… should we start upping our own–”

“The Army's got a lot going for it,” retorts the president, who cautiously eyed the red phone. “Damn thing hasn’t been ringing a lot… how are we looking on our OMT and OMFV production?”

The sound of a couch was heard, creaking as somebody sat down. “Both of these subjects are having their quotas met by the target companies, just enough to where we are going to have a surplus before Mid February.”

Marina leaned back in her seat, hands clasped together and looking unimpressed as another Senator — this one from Oklahoma — turned against the Mondstadtian Aid Project. The power that governed her Congress was finally breaking apart that momentary unity, and it was starting to frustrate her.

”The State of Kansas is demanding that Mondstadt’s territorial violations of its ‘fellow states’ be addressed by the Supreme Court, and we know for for a fact that’s going to bog us down in an incredible amount of work,” the aide coughs, “Enough to put the idiots that preceded Kirkman to shame…”

Ah, Kirkman. How could she ever forget that man? The president sighed as she remembered her conversation that she had not too long ago. It… wasn’t anything special. It was sort of the normal phone call a president could have with an ex-president of the nation.

The 2 discussed some politics, but there wasn’t anything of real note that she could share over the phone without potentially violating some sort of national security law. However, she was grateful that he was able to parse over some of his wisdom.

Things he learned in the chaos of the office, things that she could use effectively considering the approaching situation. Ah, how she can recall that entire discussion now…

”…I mean, this whole situation with Mondstadt…?” Kirkman says, possibly lounging on a couch somewhere in his Minnesotan home, “Sure is interesting…”

”I bet Michigan was easier to handle than this?”

”Oh ho, you betcha.” The 2 laughed for a bit longer, before Tom had to start breaking into the harder things; “Okay, knowing the sh*tstorm that’s coming, here’s what you need to know. First, make sure that you have everybody in order…”

”This includes, but is not limited to; Your fellow government members…”

Marina starts thinking about some of the senators in her congress, as well as some various bureaucrats which she noticed were shifting from place to place.

Everybody could be suspicious, that was something that she was absolutely sure of. Being in the Congo taught you that everybody can and WILL be enemies.

”…your defense contractors… check up on your security forces too.”

Anything she needed to know, she took close note of. From the lowly donut-cop up to… she eyes some of her secret service agents with a hint of suspicion. Everybody needed to have some sort of eye on them at all times.

She needed to ensure that the people are placated or appeased, for they are her votes and they are her taxpayers. Ensure that the police and military are all in order – that one scare during that one training exercise already has some of her advisors shaky.

And of course, “You need to worry about your states.”

That sounded, frankly, like the biggest “no sh*t, Sherlock” in the history of the American presidency. That is if she wanted to be just a little bit snarky. But no, as she looked back out towards the glimmering, semi-neon city of D.C., then she can’t afford to be back to her old Marine mouth days.

“Northern California and Cascadia…” / “Oh those states? They are annoyances, aren’t they?” Texas was loyal to her, that was her home state afterall and it is unlikely that the voter will turn against her as long as she plays her cards right. She was not concerned about the Eastern USA.

Nor was she particularly scared about Alaska, or Hawaii, or Puerto Rico… The continental US is where all of the fun bits are and that is where she needs to worry about voters and loyalty.

The 3 Corners ( rip Colorado ) and the Southwest was a toss up. They usually have been with the New Mexican Governor not being the friendliest, and the Utahian Army and Air Force has been getting uppity…

She probably needs to re-federalize them into a National Guard unit later….

The Midwest, to her, was completely lost to her, out of all regular abilities. The unionization with Mondstadt had practically damned her and all of her political strength in the region, while the Rockies barely cling because of her pledging to invest.

Montana, South Dakota, and others? They were opposing Mondstadt, but they were using it as a platform to also oppose her, which absolutely sucked the ball. But, as long as she keeps Los Angeles, New York, and her main cities in her rapport, all should be alright.

Speaking of the wind born nation…

“Mondstadt’s looking more and more like Fontaine every day!”

As Aether finishes his visit to Wagner — “Not a single second rate item in all these years!” — he couldn’t help but agree with his companion who was floating around in excitement. He did not find any lie in her words, for he was able to see it for himself.

They were back in Mondstadt, and Paimon had fisherman’s toast in hand with the sun on their back. They had arrived directly at the gates not too long ago, leaving Ei to watch over Nahida in the “Truman building” and coming here for a moment to get some things.

They were heading up the Main Street now, passing by hundreds of Mondstadtians who were going out and about. The buildings around them looked more clean, the roofs reinforced by iron and steel. The lights were no longer the lanterns that he knew, but rather more like the streetlights that illuminated the Hydro Nation.

The streets were the same, if not a bit smoother on some spots where there was clearly more work done. His feet practically glided across the floor, which to him said a lot about the quality of the construction work that was done.

“I can’t believe we were just in another city watching over Nahida… and Tone Deaf Bard’s city is becoming more like that Drama Missy’s Fontaine!” He was amazed at her rate of being able to use her brain juice to make insults, but not so much as to remember to watch her own tone and volume.

“But… it sure is nice… gasp, look it's Good Hunter! Come on, Traveler, let’s go eat!” Aether saw her fly ahead, over the crowd — worrying him a little — and causing him to also pick up the pace. Running along, he watched as around him, he was able to witness a rapid modernization before his very eyes.

Mondstadtians lining up to some sort of stand and picking up strange rectangular glass slabs, stores having screens — like the terminals he saw in Fontaine or the strange projections of some Sumeruan technologies — be set up and showing news, and stores being flooded with goods and more goods.

Chatter was high, people seemed to be in a greater mood today as he was able to catch up to his partner. Words flowed like the wind, with the songs and strums of bards and their lyres also intermingling on the breeze of gossip and opinion.

”Did you hear that Jean is going to start expanding on more of those ‘tractors’?”

”The things that our farmers are using now?” / “Hey, I heard those American Farmers in Mondstadt are using them too…”

”Hey, check this thing out! It’s called a cellphone and…” / “The recording feature is so good…?!”

Aether passed by a few individuals — Paimon in his arms now — and looked at them, curiously. They were dressed in rather bright clothing, with yellow helmets upon their heads. In a rather open spot between a few buildings, they were setting something up. Something tall, with strange arms at the top…

”Get this Cell-tower done and we can go to Good Hunter for that Pile ‘em Up dish…” Aether’s ear perked at the mention of the dish, and so did Paimon, who briefly looked their way with that bit of hunger in her eyes.

Seems whoever the more futuristic dressed people are — the Americans I think… — they are more interested in getting the job done… That was something Aether was coming to realize the more he visited Mondstadt. The 3 men and women were wrapping up their work, plugging some wires in, before going to step away and flip a switch.

To him, it was interesting, seeing how quickly this was all going up. There were Knights — dressed in new armor — patrolling with swords and guns, there were the adventurers running around… for some reason, and he also noticed that the nuns were out and about, enthusiastically preaching more and more about Barbatos.

”He has returned! Barbatos has returned!”

“Our prayers are answered, he was with us all along!”

Grace was among them, particularly the most devout. The Traveler couldn’t help but quietly laugh to himself, Paimon snickering as well with her hands trying to do the same. “Oh if only they knew…” pitied the little Fairy. He still doesn’t know to what extent the church knows of Barbatos’ return, but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to the Church of Favonius that Barbatos is…

Well, Venti.

They arrived at Good Hunter soon enough, and they already got their food. Record time actually, since by the time they sat down — to the amazement of Paimon — food was already being set down.

”Woah, that was so fast!” Paimon cheered, looking up from her seat and excitedly kicking her legs, “You guys must have seen us from a mile away and already were making our favorite food, huh?”

Sara giggled, scratching the back of her head, “What can I say? You 2 are one of our most loyal and recurring customers!” She walks away, after of course receiving payment from the Traveler.

Without a second thought, the 2 began to dig in. Listening to the song and dance of lyres all around them, and the tunes and stories of Bards as well. There were people in business suits at some new tables, there were the soldiers of America too, and there were both dollars and Mora being exchanged here and there.

Paimon was already head deep in sticky honey roast when she peeks up over the meat and waves down Aether. He was quietly gulping down some steak, turning his attention to his companion.

”Traveler, it’s almost the end of the Month,” she reminds, pointing a finger up, “Have we done our monthly exploration to the Spiral Abyss?” The pony-tailed blonde’s head shot up at the reminder, much to the dismay of the little one.

He did not notice that about 3 of the business suited individuals turned and looked.

Right… he mentally reprimanded, face palming and almost knocking over one of the stew pots, How could I forget that? With the entire situation that had occured in Fontaine, the Honorary Knight found himself too busy to really even go through it all.

”No,” he responds, quietly and shaking his head, “I forgot to do that…” Paimon let out an exaggerated gasp, and almost flew over the table.

“What?!” She then starts to squeak, “Why?! We need to get down there right now and get all of our goodies and primogems! If we don’t get them, then we won’t get stronger and get ready for Natlan-!”

“Paimon,” Aether interrupts, taking hold of her and coddling her — rubbing the back of her head and laughing, “Relax, we’ll be alright. We’ve fought a lot of things in the Spiral Abyss, what makes you think some Saurians or whatever else is going on down there is going to phase us?”

“Ohhh you’re right!” Paimon then floats and goes back to her food, now happily nomming on a skewer and speaking, “Like that one time we fought 5 Vishaps before fighting those Ruin Graders?” — Aether shudders at the memory — “Or that one time that we fought a bunch of those triangular machines? How about that other time where we fought all of those Fatui?”

And more people began to look.

“There is so much down there in that place,” the Traveler reaffirms, eating again, “I think I would be prepared for anything that comes my way.” He then jabs a fork into a slice of ham and eats, “Just need to get on down there later and start exploring again…”

”That’s the spirit! And hey, maybe at the end of this exploration, we’ll have so much treasure and Primogems that we’ll be rich before Snezhnaya!” That is when she stopped and thought for a moment, “Actually… we need a map, don’t we?”

The Traveler blinks, before looking at the fairy with confusion.

He then realized, bringing that thing up and out of its pack. Golden eyes scanned the pages, and with a sigh he set it down. “You’re right.” Because not only was it completely and utterly out of date, but it was missing the fact that it was now Earth.

Aether would have relied on any mental maps he had of this place, but every time he tries and thinks back to them, he always felt like he was completely and utterly missing something. Never figured out what it was, but he always felt that feeling nagging at him in the back of his head.

And when he tried to rely on any maps, it was only amplified or made worse.

”Well that means we have to get a new one…” Aether and Paimon quickly made a plan, well it was more like the former did, the other just agreed with what she could. So, they began to finish their meals while the sun was still up and beating down on them.

The 2 brought their dishes to Sara — “Thanks Sara!” Paimon cheered — and they began to make their way to the Adventurer’s guild.

They were double timing it, and making their way to a crowd that was forming up as the lunchtime rush was just about to begin.

Come on Traveler, we get a new map, and we go over to Musk Reef!

Loudly Paiming calls out — bringing a smile to the Traveler. And as they approached Katherine, 20 individuals had their close eyes on the recognizable pair.

They were not all of the same organization, but they were all piqued at the words that were spoken. What that little white baby fairy had just spouted out in broad f*cking daylight.

20 individuals.

5 of them were wearing the infamous sunglasses that glinted in the light.

5 of them were wearing business suits and bearing little flags on their lapels.

5 of them were armed with the small bearing of the Cross over their chests.

And 5 of them were bearing the winged star emblems of their service branch.

”Got eyes, person of interest, the Traveler.” / “Nimzicky’s not going to like this…”

”Alert this to the Church, we fear that we have somebody… critical on our hands.”

”What the f*ck?! What’s the Spiral Abyss?” / “The President's hiding sh*t, of course she is!”

An absolute unit of a titan, who was working with some Knights to fix up their walls, also watched as the Traveler ran on by. His long red-hair flowed and blended nicely with the contractor clothing he had adorned.

The horse near him was braying softly, even as the man had a tight grip along its mane. He was not eying him with the intelligence-related scrutiny the other 20 were eying him. Instead he was eying him with a suspicious recognition.

He mutters under his breath, gruff and ancient despite his nature and occupation.

”Hang on a minute… I think I recognize that boy…”

“…and you know, the president just signed off on that big deal with GDLS?”


“The one for more robots?”


“Yeah that one, I heard quite a bit of it might actually come down to some Teyvatians…”


“That’s interesting… excuse me, Master Diluc, may I get another of that Apple Cider?”

“Here you go.” Clink-!

“Thank you very much! Now, I gotta tell you about this thing in Detroit…”

Sitting at his tavern, the Ragvindr was still pondering on the unique situation that he had found himself in. After that whole ordeal to Washington D.C., he was working hard at trying to prepare not only Angel’s Share for the future, but also the whole of Dawnridge — where the winery and a bunch of settlements under his family’s banner.

To be entirely honest, he was not expecting Jean to really take initiative when they came back to Mondstadt and start delegating everything that was practically being gifted to the nation. Better farming equipment, brand new techniques, infrastructure that could actually better support the needs of the nation.

Jean apparently got a computer of some kind, and it was allowing her to breeze through the work of the Knights of Favonius with an unparalleled efficiency. Combining mundane and trivial things, and analyzing the more intricate workings.

All she needed at the end of it all was practically her own signature.

For him, all of his exploring of D.C.’s bars and the economic state of America has already given him an incredible amount of knowledge that was going to serve to be useful. For starters…

”Master Diluc,” he hears his name called from a stool down the end. He looks over and sees that it was one of the knights — to his Chagrin — and he was waving down a number in his hand. He knew exactly what it was corresponding to.

Without so much of a spare bit of effort, he quickly prepares a berry and mint, and slides that on over. “Thank you.”

Even during strange times, the knights are as drunk and inefficient as ever…

…for starters, he learned what kind of an economy that he was looking into when the issue of Earth came up. At least, part of it.

America is called a Metro Economy in this day and age. The big parts of it all were centered around cities, the services, and industries that surround these “metropolitan zones.” It is apparently an evolution of what was once called a Service Economy, and most nations are making that slow swing in that direction.

So what did that mean for him, to ensure that business flows smoothly and that his slice of Mondstadt’s economic power can be handled just right? Well, that he is not sure. But, he has a feeling that the thing his company serves well in — alcohol and drinks — is going to be the proverbial saving grace here.

But selling to one nation’s market is not going to be a great move. He needs to expand outwards and get some markets. But he feels as though he won't garner enough support from one end to get his name really out there other than the owner of Dawn Winery…

They likely would have never heard of him, and those international markets — apart from the Liyuean and other familiar ones — would not be kind to unknown variables.

“…and this place is planning to have the General Election soon too.”

”Is that why the president is so uppity on those Democratic liaisons here…?”

General Election? That was something Diluc never heard of before. That was something new, and anything new always has a chance to make or break things.

He sees Charles over on one side of the bar and nods for him. The man, wordlessly and preparing a drink, goes and covers where Diluc was bartending. This allowed the red haired man to go over and sit with these suited and dressed men and women.

He recognized their dressing patterns. Many of them were present physically during that meeting that day, some of them were attending “virtually” whatever that could actually mean.

Though, he made his approach carefully, for the folks with sunglasses were watching and he still wasn’t sure what to exactly make of those people. They would have given some people the spooks. But for him, all it did was make him respectfully wary.

Stepping close, he fixes himself and greets the first man — a decently styled individual with black hair and a fair tan on his person — with as much hospitality as he could afford. Look good on the first impression.

“Good afternoon, sir, my name is Diluc Ragvindr,” he reaches out his hand and the man’s eyes light up just a little. He seemed a bit elated to see the business owner, and that was the thing that surprised Diluc.

”A pleasure to meet you sir,” he responds in kind, going to shake his hand and nodding at him, “Name’s Albert Nelson, Republican Senator of good ol’ Oregon.” The woman next to him perks up and also outreaches his hand, “This is my fellow senator of the same state, Olivia Branson.”

Diluc goes over and shakes her hand. She looked rather unremarkable, dark hair, pony tail, and a decent business dress that garnered some respect. “A pleasure.” He then takes a seat on a stool that he was able to nick from nearby and sits down, “What brings such a diverse range of political leaders to my Tavern?”

That was something he was interested in, alongside the General Election. Ever since he got back and Mondstadt’s existence was kind of shed upon, he noticed a general influx of America’s leaders into the country. While it was great for revenue, it was also setting off a fair amount of red flags within the red hair’s brain.

Especially since some of them — especially the Texan and Californian senators near Cat’s Tail — were either hostile with each other, or brought along quite a bit of an ensemble to protect themselves. Tanks, troops, and a lot of drones and officers.

Which… well fair. This country does have KLEE after all.

“Sir, that’s sort of easy,” Terry begins, leaning in his stool, “Mondstadt’s not politically well established within America, and much of us politicians realize that due to the lack of certain technologies, we can kinda use this place to speak a bit more freely about some policies.”

Interesting… Diluc nodded and then going to wave a finger at Charles. A couple of drinks were on the way after a few regulars get served. He was picking up a few things from Kaeya, and he wondered something;

Well if some of his techniques worked on the random Eremite mercenary or the token strange man that comes in and drinks, surely it would work on a few democratically elected politicians, right?

”I see,” he responds in tandem with his nod, “And you use this as an opportunity to criticize some things that the public otherwise might not want to hear?”

“That’s correct,” Olivia then leans in, putting on a pair of glasses that she was quietly wiping out of sight; “No cameras, no hidden microphones, no reporters being sneaky. We can say things, and wet our whistle too without somebody familiar spotting us and putting what we say on the internet.”

“Honestly, it feels pretty liberating, cause holy sh*t can the media sh*t on somebody when they find just the tiniest amount of dirt. President did it not too long ago apparently according to some agents…” Terry quietly sips at something, before turning to Diluc again, more measured this time.

”So, what brings you over to our spot? You’re the guy that kinda owns this place, right?”

Carefully, Diluc speaks, leaning in and grabbing a drink that Charles slides over — perfectly measured and stopped by the way; “I heard you all talking about some sort of General… Election that Jean was planning to do… what exactly is that?”

“Well,” Terry had to stop and think for one more moment, before confidently speaking, “General Election is something every state in the Union has. This one is just going to be a snap election because apparently…” he jabs a thumb at a woman near the door, “Her State is up in arms that Mondstadt doesn't have… well anything democratic yet.”

Ah, he somewhat selectively forgot the fact that Mondstadt, in all technicality, has been annexed by the United States and entered into that “Union”. It wasn’t the fatui, something that he consistently tells himself whenever he gets some sort of reminder about the whole situation.

Sure, it might be whatever some of those marines call “Copium” but Mondstadt under any sort of control doesn’t exactly sit well with him. Especially if they are as — or even more — powerful than the Fatui.

“What exactly is a part of this…?”

Terry clasped his hands together. “Glad you asked,” he turns and gives the man full attention, “Okay, let’s break it down. The general election consists of 2 components, the votes and the candidates. There's going to be democracy lessons in Mondstadt soon, so I don’t have to go over that.”

Diluc, of course, plans to attend them in some way. Jean had advertised it as something that should be a quick, few days lesson that can be learned and done within the blink of an eye. “Spare me that.”

“Yeah, got it,” Terry clears his threat, and holds up his hands. Olivia supplementing as well, “Okay, in that case, we are down to the candidates. There’s the Governor, the 2 Senators, the representatives, and the State Council of Advisors. The big 2 are the 2 positions I mentioned.”

Olivia then taps herself, “I’m a Senator, and he is too.”

“Lots of positions,” Diluc absently comments. It drew a nod from the senators around him. “What are the benefits? Why is Mondstadt undergoing this whole process?”

“Representation, really and the fact that the governor of New York wants this all done before mid-March,” Olivia bluntly answers, “2 Senators for the whole of Mondstadt, while representatives are chosen to be proportional to counties and population.”

Diluc took that information in carefully. “Good to know…”

Senators and Representatives, these are figures with a lot of power within the American political system…

but how could I use it to ensure Mondstadt’s safety and sovereignty? He was thinking about business before, but now he’s starting to think about politics. With that, he began to stand and head for the door.

”Thank you very much for that information… Charles, are you able to watch—?”


He barely avoided the entrance coming wide open, “Master Diluc!” And oh Barbatos was that who he thought it was coming on in? With that blue tuft of hair, and with that familiar Cavalry captain uniform and eyepatch, well… “Ahhhh, there you are!”

With an annoyed sigh, especially with the current situation of this happening while in the front of several political figures, he crosses his arms and decides to try and get to the very bottom of Kaeya’s interluding here;

”What brings you here this time, Cavalry captain? Looking for some of your knights, they’re over there in the corner,” he jabs a tired thumb at a group that was enjoying quite a bit of alcohol at a tucked away table.

Kaeya, closing the door behind him and standing confidently and upright, flashed him a familiar, jabbing smirk. Diluc was ready to grumble, just as Kaeya raised the proverbial sword to him. Marked of course, with the Knights of Favonius’ blessing.

”Jean wishes for you to participate as one of the Senatorial Candidates for the upcoming General Election. You are one of the people that she can trust, and she thinks that you are going to do well.”

…When the hell did the Gunnhildr get into politics?!

The Knights of Favonius are starting to let the power get to their heads.

”Hmph…” Diluc looks at him suspiciously, crossing his arms. The Senators and American Agents respectfully went back to their drinks and sobering snacks, thankfully leaving the 2… individuals to their talk.

“What makes her think that I will so easily accept that offer?” Kaeya crossed his arms, as if he was placing on that thinking cap he claims to put on whenever he was around Klee.

“I don’t believe that you would accept that offer just so easily, Jean believed so too.” Diluc has to compliment her for at least recognizing that very fact, “But she has laid out some facts for you, if you care to listen.”

Oh? He noticed that some of the American senators in the area had began to turn away at that, while the agents took off their strange ear pieces for a moment. Diluc’s eyes tightened, and suspicion took hold of him again.

Even as somebody in the back cheers because of a successful business venture.

”Okay then, fire away.”

“Diluc, I know for a fact that you don’t like to stick your nose in the political game, but Jean believes that if you are able to win a position in that big domed building of the Americans, then you can do more pro-active and legal measures to protect Mondstadt.”

Kaeya pauses for a moment, allowing Diluc to think. The red haired man's eyes went close, and he did all that he could to prevent a scowl from forming on his face. Okay, she was going for the weak spots. Kaeya noticed that change in his expression and he pounced.

”Come on, we know you can’t go on about that business forever,” a not so subtle jab that he knows who exactly the Dark Knight of Mondstadt is, “and besides, we know for a fact that America is a nation that can’t be entirely entrusted with just Jean up there trying to play that power game.”

”Okay,” Diluc begins, his arms tightening, “Say I do accept the offer, I do not think that my voice or authority alone within that senate is going to be just enough to pass a law that should guarantee, say, Mondstadt’s alcohol independence.” He was eying Kaeya, who did not seem to be fazed by the counter argument.

“Of course, that is why you will have… let’s say a set of allies when you get up there.”

Set of Allies…? Okay, now he was interested.

Terry just explained it to him not too long ago, right he did mention that there were going to be senators in that race, and not just a single senator. At least somebody else is in this bid, and they’re likely to have some considerable influence…

”Is it going to be Jean?” And to his surprise, Kaeya began to shake his head.

”Not her, she’s planning to run for the Governor position if what I hear from the Knights in the headquarters is correct.” Now that’s another interesting tidbit that his informants and people haven’t figured out. “In fact, according to her, the person she was choosing is going to ‘Secure the northern divisions of Mondstadt.’”

That so, huh…? Diluc’s eyes were opened, and now a hand rested on his chin.

“She has found somebody that could be that politically powerful?”

“Apparently so,” Kaeya scoffed, looking at him with his one eye, “Why, are you interested?” Diluc took just one moment, before giving him a challenge that he once gave to his god when it came to the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

“The reward for your next words will be between either a free drink, or acceptance to get into that big political tent that they,” he not so subtly nodded to the people in his tavern, “are all a part of.” Kaeya chuckled, a quiet one of course.

He was actually a little interested to see who Jean was choosing. There was already one Knight that already has incredible popularity in the south region. If Kaeya says the right thing then the industrial folk that help prop up an incredible section of the Mondstadtian economy will also throw in their vote.

But, statistically speaking, that’s only the capital south and southwest, where much of Mondstadt’s industry is. She needs somebody to win the North, the center of the nation can be… swept aside of course, as long as they win Dornman—

“It’s Eula Lawrence.”

… Eula Lawrence?” Diluc’s eyes had widened, the hand on his chin had tightened incredibly much more. “That’s quite a controversial choice that Jean put on the board… and here I was thinking that Jean had better judgement…”

The Senators were fully detached from that discussion, thankfully…

The Alberich before him smirked, recognizing that tone, “Come on Diluc, give it some thought.”

“Let me see the method behind Jean’s madness here,” challenged the Ragnvindr, his eyes turning sharp.

“With pleasure,” and the captain began to continue, “With Eula as the second option, she was aiming to knock out 2 birds with one stone, 3 if it goes exceptionally well. If she goes up there and wins the support of Dornman, well that secures the north side.”

”…if she actually wins,” Diluc began to craft in his head, “Then not only would she have greater power over the Lawrence Clan, but she would have greater protections against such a clan and their words…”

With that power, she might be able to get enough support for those within the Lawrence clan to start breaking away from the poisoned mess of a noble house. Those within being the small sect that don’t believe the lies that Adolphus spouted might turn to somebody with actual power…

which means that with Eula in power, she was going to…

His eyes went wide ever so slightly further.

… okay, he’s going to give it to Jean here, that is actually pretty good.

But it depends on what exactly is the process behind the General Election.

She was laying foundations for one of the best political moves in the history of all of Mondstadt, as well as cause the political destruction of perhaps one of the most annoying and disruptive clans in the nation’s history.

An interesting formula… There was no doubt a 3rd thing that Kaeya mentioned. But, considering the equation that the Acting Grandmaster was making, there were a few variables that she needed to consider.

He was worried however, that this might be a power grab however this Election goes. And of course, there was the problem of the political power that was about to be put into play. And of course, the situation with the Senate…

During that whole first meeting, Mondstadt had the backing of the US Marines and the actual President of the United States practically behind them. The senate and House of Representatives were placated, because why else would there be all of those troops in the floor room and around the edge?

”I mean…” he side eyes the Oregon senators who were enjoying their drinks. “If he was able to offer up some good deals for the next State Senate meeting…”

“I think we’d win some of our Salem supporters alone through a few good co*cktail parties…”

Hmmm… it’s settled.

Diluc spent a moment more cementing his decision, looking at Kaeya with a more confident accepting this time. “Ding ding ding,” he sarcastically rings, “You’ve won the lottery.” His arms went free, falling to the side. “The prize? My acceptance of Jean’s offer.”

Kaeya chuckles, before tapping a little pouch on his side, “Glad to hear. Now…” he raised that pouch, with a bit of glee in his features, “I got some dollars to spend, just need to wait for Rosaria.”

”Tch… of course…” Diluc shuffled past the captain, before giving him a look, “I’ll pass that on to Jean myself, do not waste a bit of effort.”

”Ahh… how considerate, master Diluc!” Kaeya then turns to the politicians within the room, “I guess I’ll fraternize with our new guests here.”

When he stepped away, Diluc was able to step outside. He posts his body against one of the pillars, and lets out one long breath. Well, he thinks to himself, this it, my official bid to get into that circus that people call politics.

He wanted more time to think, but apparently the deadline for this “snap election” was starting to come up. Almost a month and a half, a pitifully short time period that was imposed on them by the president.

But, he can make it work.

There were just a few details that he was missing.

What in the name of Barbatos was Democracy? That was something he read up on when he was in the capitol building, but all he really knew is that the Americans were obsessed with it. They were going to host lessons on it too.

If Freedom is to Mondstadt, then the ideals of Democracy and Liberty were to the U.S.

He was not going to get anywhere by idly wondering on its foundations. If he remembered, he needed to quickly tell Jean of what exactly he was going to do in regards to that election bid.

And afterwards, he needs to check on his business.

There was finally some out-of-Mondstadt orders that were going to Liyue because of the Port of Lewiston in “Idaho” finally opening up, and apparently the state of Louisiana was also finding some favorable business. Afterwards, he needs to check on the industries within Dawnridge too…

Lots of things that need to be done. He just hopes that within the time crunch of around 45-50 days, he was going to be able to accomplish it.

Same wishes to anybody else involved in this twisted game.

”I see… that is what those commoners are doing…”

”Adolphus, what is your plan…?”

”Learn more, keep our people in the dark…”

”We do not wish for more of the commoners within our own lands getting ideas.”

”Of course, your esteemed grace…”

Catastrophic Impact of the Seven - Chapter 72 - MNLAAF_Enclave - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.