Additional Ways to Graduate Quick Reference Guide (2024)

䄀搀搀椀琀椀漀渀愀氀 圀愀礀猀 吀漀 䜀爀愀搀甀愀琀攀 䠀椀最栀 匀挀栀漀漀氀 䐀椀瀀氀漀洀愀 ☀ 䔀焀甀椀瘀愀氀攀渀挀礀 倀爀漀最爀愀洀猀 ㈀ ㄀㜀ⴀ㈀ ㄀㠀 ADDITIONAL WAYS TO GRADUATE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE

YOUR OPTIONS: . Stay at your school. Depending on your age and school history (credit accumulation and Regents examinations) – staying in or returning to – your home school may be the best option for you. . Enroll in a school or program that can help you get back on track to graduation. If staying in current school is not the best option, the schools and programs in this directory might be right for you. They include smaller classes, personalized learning environments, and connections to college and careers. General admissions criteria for schools and programs in this directory are listed below:

TRANSFER SCHOOLS YOUNG ADULT BOROUGH CENTERS HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY . Ages 16-21 (varies by school) (YABCS) PROGRAMS . Must have completed one . Ages 17.5-21 . Ages 18-21 year of high school . Be in the fifth year of high . Attend a full-time or part-time . Number of credits required for school program entry varies by school but . Have, at least, 17 credits . Earn a high school equivalency could be as low as 0 credits . Part-time afternoon/evening diploma (formerly known as a . Full time, day school programs GED®) . Earn a high school diploma . Earn a high school diploma

LEARNING TO WORK Many Transfer Schools and Young Adult Borough Centers are supported by the Learning to Work (LTW) initiative. LTW assists students overcome obstacles that impede their progress toward a high school diploma and leads them toward rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. LTW offers in-depth job readiness and career exploration activities designed to enhance the academic component of select Transfer Schools and Young Adult Borough Centers (YABCs). Schools and programs with LTW include a paid internship.


Review this directory to learn about additional schools and programs to help you graduate.

Ask your family and counselors to help you choose the school or program right for you.

Talk to a Referral Center, Transfer School, or YABC representative to help you enroll. Ask your counselor or Referral Center counselor about other support you might need, like employment or childcare. Visit

Additional Ways to Graduate Directory: High School Diploma and Equivalency Programs 2017-18

It is the policy of the New York City Department of Education to provide equal educational opportunities without regard to actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin, alienage, citizenship status, disability, weight, gender (sex) or sexual orientation, and to maintain an environment free of harassment on the basis of any of these grounds, including sexual harassment or retaliation. Inquiries regarding compliance with appropriate laws may be directed to: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, 65 Court Street, Room 1102, Brooklyn, New York 11201, Telephone 718-935-3320.

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Introduction...... i Know Your Rights ...... ii Choosing the Right Option ...... iii Registering for a School or Program ...... v How to Read the School and Program Pages ...... vii Special Education Services, Site Accessibility, State Accountability ...... x English Language Learners ...... xi Services for Student Parents ...... xii Planning for College and Careers ...... xiii School/Program Description Pages Bronx...... 2 Brooklyn ...... 26 Manhattan ...... 59 Queens ...... 86 Staten Island ...... 100 Family Welcome Centers ...... 107 Referral Centers for High School Alternatives ...... 108 Index: High Schools & Programs in Alphabetical Order ...... 109

Go Green! In an effort to help create a cleaner and healthier New York City, please take only one copy of this Directory home with you. Find us online at

NEED A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? If you are 15-21 years old and have fallen behind in credits, it’s not too late to graduate. New York City has several schools and programs to help you get back on track to graduate and prepare you for life beyond high school, whether your next step is college, work, and/or a training program.

If staying in your current high school is no longer the best option for you, then use this directory to find additional options for you to earn a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma so that you can find your way onto college and a career path. Learn more at:

USING THE ADDITIONAL WAYS TO GRADUATE DIRECTORY Schools and programs are listed alphabetically by borough. Each borough’s section is marked with a color indicator at the top of the page. Note: the information listed in this directory is accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, contact the school or program directly.

Location Every borough section starts a map marking the location of each school in that borough. You can find the best route from your home to a school by subway or bus on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) website at or through

School Name Every borough section features an index on the reverse side of each map. Schools within a borough are listed from alphabetically, along with the corresponding page number. There is a full alphabetical index of all schools (in all five boroughs) on pages 109 of this directory.


KNOW YOUR RIGHTS If you reside in New York City, are under 21 years of age, and have not received a high school diploma: • You have a right to attend school and receive a free public school education from kindergarten to age 21 or receipt of a high school diploma, whichever comes first, as provided by law; students who have been determined to be English Language Learners are entitled to bilingual education or English as a second language program as provided by law; students with disabilities who have been determined to be in need of special education are entitled to a free appropriate public education from age 3 until age 21, as provided by law • You have the right to re-enroll in high school at any time, until the end of the school year in which you turn 21 • You have the right not to be involuntarily transferred to a non-diploma granting or part-time program • You have the right to be provided with the Discipline Code and rules and regulations of the school • You have the right to know what is appropriate behavior and what behaviors may result in disciplinary actions • You have the right to due process of law in instances of disciplinary action for alleged violations of school regulations • You have the right to know the procedures for appealing the actions and decisions of school officials with respect to your their rights and responsibilities • For a complete description of your rights and the applicable procedures, please refer to Chancellor’s Regulations A-240, A- 443 and A-450 • You may not be barred from attending classes solely due to age (unless you are over 21 years old), lack of credits, poor grades, truancy, irregular attendance, or failure to pass Regents or RCT examinations • If you are transferring to a high school equivalency program or another school, you have the right to attend your current school until registered or enrolled at the new school or program

Moreover, you have these rights even if you: • voluntarily dropped out • are currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program • already have a high school equivalency diploma (also known as GED®) or IEP diploma • were in an involuntary setting, such as a correctional facility or substance abuse program • have been subject to discipline by your school • were referred to alternative educational options, such as a high school equivalency or vocational program

Each school year officially begins on July 1. If you will turn 21 on or after July 1 and have not yet received a high school diploma, you are entitled to attend school until the end of that school year. If you are 17 years of age or younger and will turn 17 on or after July 1, you are legally required to remain in school full-time until the end of that school year, unless you have completed a high school or equivalency diploma1. For Chancellor regulations, visit:

If you are having difficulty in school, you may be eligible to receive special instruction and/or services, which may include academic intervention services, student support services, guidance services and/or educationally related support services. Every student or parent has the right to request, at any time, an evaluation to determine whether a student needs special education services. Ask your guidance counselor how to request an evaluation or make a request for an evaluation by writing directly to the Committee on Special Education. For contact information on Committees on Special Education, visit:

1 A District 75 student is eligible for summer school services if his/her 21st birthday occurs between July 1st through August 31. However, the District 75 student will not be eligible to continue school in September of the upcoming/next school year. A District 75 student whose 21st birthday occurs between September 1st and June 30th is eligible to attend school during that period but will not be eligible to receive summer school services during July/August of that year.


CHOOSING THE RIGHT OPTION NEW YORK CITY HIGH SCHOOL ADMISSIONS PROCESS Eligible students apply to New York City high schools through the high school admissions process. For general information, visit:

TRANSFER HIGH SCHOOLS Transfer Schools are small, academically rigorous, full-time high schools designed to re-engage students who are behind in high school or have dropped out. Students between the ages of 15 to 21 who have completed at least one year of high school, are eligible for Transfer Schools. Students attend full time during the day to earn a high school diploma. The number of credits required for entry varies by Transfer School, who determine admission criteria individually.

The essential elements of Transfer Schools include:  a personalized learning environment  rigorous academic standards  student-centered pedagogy  support to meet instructional and developmental goals  focus on connections to college  students graduate with a traditional high school diploma

YOUNG ADULT BOROUGH CENTERS (YABCS) Young Adult Borough Centers are evening academic programs designed to meet the needs of high school students who might be considering dropping out because they are behind or because they have adult responsibilities that make attending school in the daytime difficult. Students between the ages of 17.5 and 21, who are in their fifth year of high school and have earned at least 17 credits, are eligible to attend a YABC. Students attend part time and in the evening to earn a high school diploma. Students graduate with a diploma from their home school after they have earned all of their credits and passed all of the required exams while attending the YABC. Students who are registered in a YABC program remain assigned, for all accountability measures, to their sending school. Attendance is strictly monitored and documented by the YABC program.

To be eligible, students should:  Be enrolled in a New York City high school.  Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school  Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school graduation  Have completed the school year in which he or she turns 17

ACCELERATED ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOLS Accelerated Achievement Schools are small, academically rigorous, full-time high schools designed to meet the needs of first-time ninth graders who are entering high school over-age. Students who meet the admissions criteria for Accelerated Achievement schools must enroll through the high school admissions process. For more information on the high school admissions process, please visit:

iii CHOOSING THE RIGHT OPTION LEARNING TO WORK (LTW) Learning to Work is designed to enhance the academic component of select alternative high schools and YABCs. Department of Education (DOE) staff and a partnering community-based organization (CBO) operate them jointly, with staff located at the program site.

The goal of LTW is to help students overcome obstacles that have impeded their progress toward a high school diploma and to lead them toward rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation.

Services are available on-site to all enrolled students and include: career exploration/development, individual and group counseling, academic support, subsidized internship placement, and college preparation and counseling.

A key aspect of LTW is the Primary Person Model, whereby each student is matched with an advisor who provides support in setting goals, assessing progress, and accessing special services. Students begin working with an advisor immediately upon entering the program and continue through all program phases and after graduation.

Principles of youth development philosophy inform all aspects of the LTW model. Youth development is an approach that emphasizes the strengths of young people instead of a simple disciplinary response to them. This perspective emphasizes providing young people with opportunities and support to enable them to grow, develop their skills, and become healthy, responsible, and caring youths and adults.

PATHWAYS TO GRADUATION (P2G) Pathways to Graduation (P2G) is a District 79 program that prepares students, ages 18-21, to take the TASCTM exam (formerly known as the GED® test) and earn a high school equivalency diploma. The TASCTM exam has 5 sections and is 7 hours long. It is currently administered in English, Spanish, and Braille.

In addition to earning a high school equivalency diploma, P2G students are offered services to help them prepares to advance to college and career opportunities. College and Career Coaches help students plan for their futures, and the Workforce development program offers professional training and paid internships. Classes are held in diverse settings, such as hospitals, non-profits, community centers, and high school buildings.

P2G has locations throughout the five boroughs and are offered to New York City residents at no cost to students. To enroll, students should visit a Referral Center for High School Alternatives. Find locations on page 108 of this directory. For additional information, visit

iv REGISTERING FOR A SCHOOL OR PROGRAM If you have questions or want help choosing a school or program, you can meet with a guidance counselor at your current school or contact a school or program directly for more information. You may also visit a Referral Center for High School Alternatives or a Family Welcome Center, where an experienced New York City public school counselor or social worker can provide additional assistance. Staff members at Referral Centers and Family Welcome Centers are prepared to help you re- enroll in school.

Depending on the school/program option you are interested in, your next steps may vary:


Visit a Family Welcome Center to register for a traditional high school. RADITIONAL IGH CHOOL T H S See page 107 for locations and contact information.

Speak to your guidance counselor at your current school or contact a RANSFER CHOOL T S Transfer School directly to schedule an intake interview.

Meet a guidance counselor at your current high school to obtain the following:  YABC Guidance Referral Form Y-1  YABC Course Requirements Form Y-2  A copy of your transcript  Your immunization records YOUNG ADULT BOROUGH CENTER Complete the first two documents with a guidance counselor, and (YABC) then bring all completed documents directly to the YABC that you want to attend. Eligible students who are not currently enrolled in high school must go to a Family Welcome Center to be enrolled in a high school. For questions, concerns, or to make an appointment, please contact the YABC AP Supervisor at the YABC site. YABC AP supervisors are generally available by telephone from 1:00pm- 9:00pm.

To register for an Accelerated Achievement School, apply through the ACCELERATED ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOLS New York City high school admissions process or visit a Family Welcome Center

Speak to your guidance counselor at your current school or visit a HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM Referral Center to find a program near you

v REGISTERING FOR A SCHOOL OR PROGRAM REFERRAL CENTERS FOR HIGH SCHOOL ALTERNATIVES Located in every borough, Referral Centers for High School Alternatives help students navigate their educational options. Each referral center has guidance counselors and social workers who provide immediate support and guidance for students to determine and pursue their next steps. While Referral Center staff cannot directly enroll students in Transfer Schools or YABCs, they can help narrow down the options. When the best option is a high school equivalency diploma (formerly GED®), Referral Center staff enroll students in Pathway to Graduation. Students under 21 can visit a Referral Center if he/she lives in New York City, doesn’t have a high school diploma, and still wants to pursue a high school credential.

Referral Centers can help you: • Learn about your rights as a NYC Department of Education student If you are 21 or older, visit • Plan to overcome any barriers that prevent you from coming to school • Understand your high school transcript nity/AdultEd for free • Explore all possible paths to a high school diploma or enroll in high educational services through school equivalency program the Office of Adult and • Get referrals for childcare, social work and drug treatment Continuing Education (OACE).

Please bring a photo ID and most recent transcript, if you have them. If you have

a copy of your individualized education plan (IEP), please bring that too. If you don’t have access to them, staff at the Referral Center can still help you. If you do not have a photo ID, ask the School Safety Agent at the entrance to call the Referral Center so that someone may accompany you to the center. Students can visit a Referral Center without a parent/guardian. Students who are 17 years old or younger will need parent/guardian consent to enroll in any alternative school or program.

FAMILY WELCOME CENTERS Family Welcome Center staff members are available to address the enrollment needs of all New York City families with children in pre-kindergarten through high school, including students: new to the City, moving to the City soon, or whose assigned school presents a documented hardship (such as travel, safety, or medical hardship).

For more information on what to bring when you visit a Family Welcome Center, visit:

For Referral Center and Family Welcome Center locations, please see p. 107 in this directory.


HOW TO READ THE SCHOOL AND PROGRAM PAGES This directory is divided into sections by borough. Each borough is marked with color indicator, maps, and profiles of Transfer Schools, Young Adult Borough Centers (YABCs), high school equivalency programs at Pathways to Graduation sites, and LYFE centers. Here are explanations of the information on each page:

Sample Transfer School • DBN 00X000 Transfer School 4 Contact Information 1 Overview Address: 173 Address Street In partnership with students, faculty and families, we will use Brooklyn, NY 11231 innovative methods to support the personal growth of our Phone: 000-000-0000 students and help them succeed in higher education. Each student Fax: 000-000-000 at Sample Transfer School is provided with an advisor whose Email: [emailprotected] responsibilities include individualized academic guidance, college Website: and career preparation, and life skills development. Site Accessibility: Functionally accessible Subway: A, C, F to Street-Stop or R to Street-Stop followed by Bus; F, G to Programs: Learning to Work, intensive literacy classes, Regents & Stop-Street; F, M, R to Number Avenue-Number Street SAT prep courses Bus: Bus to Stop & Street, Bus to Street Partnerships: Community-Based Organization Open House Information: Here is information on visiting the school. Extracurricular Activities: Student leadership program, internship Enrollment 2 program, career exploration, spoken word & digital media courses Admissions Priorities: Open to New York City students 16 years Admissions Information 5 old and older  Students and their parents/guardians should contact the Expected Grade Configuration: School is structured on credit school and schedule an intake appointment. needs, not grade level  Students are requested to provide their transcript and Total Students: 000 immunization record. Students will be asked to meet with Performance 3 school staff for an interview

School Quality Snapshot 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_M000.pdf Curriculum Well Developed Instruction Well Developed Assessing Student Learning Well Developed High Expectations Well Developed Teacher Collaboration Well Developed 100% of students served at this school are over-age/under-credited

1 Contact Information Located at the top left corner of each directory page, this section identifies the address, phone number, and important information on how to contact a school or program.

Site Accessibility Functionally or Not Accessible refers to the extent that students with limited mobility can access the school facilities. For additional information, please see page x.

2 Enrollment The total number of students typically enrolled in the school.

Admission Priorities Admissions Priorities lists the order in which applicants are considered. This might include restrictions or priorities based on where you live or how old you are.


HOW TO READ THE SCHOOL AND PROGRAM PAGES Expected Grade Configuration Transfer schools and YABC programs do not have a grade configuration. Students’ credits vary so students take the courses they need.

3 Performance The New York City Department of Education collects information about school practices and student outcomes, which can help identify each school’s strengths and areas for improvement. The Directory contains some of this information, which is listed on the Transfer School and YABC profiles and explained in detail below. For more information about school performance information, visit:

School Quality Snapshot Each Transfer School and YABC profile links to a School Quality Snapshot, which is a summary report of performance information designed primarily for families and community members.

Transfer School profiles will contain ratings from the Quality Review, which is an evaluation by an experienced educator based on a formal school visit. The educator observes classrooms and engages in conversations with parents, students, teachers and school leaders to assess schoolwide practices. Schools receive ratings of Well Developed, Proficient, Developing, or Underdeveloped on the following indicators:

Curriculum – How interesting and challenging is the curriculum? Instruction – How effective is the teaching and learning? Assessing Student Learning – How well does the school assess what students are learning? High Expectations – How clearly are high expectations communicated to students and staff? Teacher Collaboration – How well do teachers work with each other?

% of students over-age/under-credited A student is considered over-age/under-credited based on the following criteria (where age is as of December 31 of the entry school year, and the credits and Regents are before the start of the entry school year):

Age Criteria 16 Under 11 credits; or under 22 credits and zero Regents passed 17 Under 22 credits; or under 33 credits and zero Regents passed 18 Under 33 credits and four or fewer Regents passed 19 or older Under 33 credits; or under 44 credits and four or fewer Regents passed; or two or fewer Regents passed

For students entering a high school from outside of the DOE, a credits-only criteria is used (because those students generally would not have taken Regents exams at their prior schools).

Age Criteria 16 Under 11 credits 17 Under 22 credits 18 Under 33 credits 19 or older Under 44 credits



4 Overview A brief description, submitted by each school, explaining their mission and approach to learning.

Community-Based Organization Services A list of the services that the community-based organization offers. These services are available at several schools and programs for students enrolled at a Transfer School or YABC. Services include, but are not limited to, youth development programming, case management/counseling, internships, career planning and exploration, guidance.

Internship Highlights Noteworthy internship experiences that students have held through Learning to Work (LTW).

Partnerships A list of corporations, colleges and universities, institutions and organizations that collaborate with a school or program

Program Highlights, Language Classes, Advanced Placement Courses A description of any special programs, Advanced Placement courses and language classes that the school offers.

Extracurricular Activities Activities available for student participation, usually before or after school. Some examples include leadership development, clubs, publications, ethnic/cultural activities, arts activities, sports, and annual theatrical productions. Note that this list is not exhaustive and some schools may not list all of their opportunities. If you are interested in a specific activity but do not see it on the page, contact the school for more information or visit the school’s website.

Public School Athletic League (PSAL) Competitive boys, girls and co-ed sports teams that participate in the PSAL Alternative League.

School Sports School-based athletics and intramural sports.

Admission Information 5 Here you can learn about the various processes used to consider applicants for admission. Each Transfer School determines admissions criteria individually.


SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Students with disabilities may apply to any high school, program, or high school equivalency program listed in this directory. These students should follow the same steps outlined in this directory as their non-disabled peers in order to participate in the admission process for a school or program. Once a student is accepted to a high school, the school will implement the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP team at the school will welcome the student and family, and together will review the IEP to ensure that all of the student’s needs are met. In some cases, the IEP team may convene to refine the IEP to better meet student needs. High school students receiving Integrated Co- Teaching (ICT) or Special Class (SC) services do not necessarily attend classes as a cohort. Each student will have individualized services in accordance with his/her IEP, and may have combinations of these services for all or part of the day, as appropriate. For more information, visit

SITE ACCESSIBILITY The New York City Department of Education (DOE) is committed to ensuring that its programs, services, and activities are accessible to students with disabilities, including students with mobility impairments or other physical disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our school buildings cover several levels of accessibility. The DOE continually reviews its schools to determine which schools are functionally accessible. Each school or program in this directory indicates the Site Accessibility status. There may be multiple school programs within a school building. This Directory lists whether a school is functionally accessible or not accessible. Functionally accessible schools are schools in which an individual with a disability may enter and access all relevant programs and spaces in the building, including science laboratories, library, cafeteria, auditorium, and the gymnasium. In some cases school classes or activities may be relocated to accommodate access. At least one restroom is accessible. Schools that are not accessible cannot provide access to all relevant programs and spaces within a building. If you have specific questions about site accessibility, you should contact the school for more information. Some schools are located in partially accessible buildings that do not provide access to all relevant spaces and services in a school. For example, these schools may be in partially accessible buildings and may or may not have an elevator ramp, but may be able to meet limited mobility needs. For additional information regarding the accessibility status of new schools, please contact the school directly or contact the DOE’s Office of Space Planning at [emailprotected]. For more information about accessibility in New York City public schools, look up the List of Accessible Schools at

NEW YORK STATE ACCOUNTABILITY The New York State Education Department (NYSED) determines the accountability status of schools based on its own set of measures. For more information about New York State Accountability, visit the NYSED website:


ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS English Language Learners (ELLs) may apply to any of the programs listed in this Directory as all New York City Department of Education schools provide a range of supports and services for ELL students to develop their English proficiency and prepare them for success in school, college, and/or careers. There are three different ELL service delivery models offered in New York City public high schools: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Freestanding English as a Second Language programs provide all language arts and other subject area instruction in English through the use of specific instructional strategies focused upon developing English proficiency. ESL programs may vary; some schools may offer stand-alone ESL classes while others may incorporate ESL instruction into subject area classes. Support in the native language may also be available with these programs.

TRANSITIONAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION (TBE) Transitional Bilingual Education programs include language arts and subject matter instruction in the students’ native language and English as well as intensive instruction in English as a Second Language. As the student develops English proficiency using the strengthened knowledge and academic skills acquired in the native language, instruction in English increases and native language instruction decreases.

DUAL LANGUAGE (DL) Dual Language programs are designed to integrate English Language Learners with English-proficient students to receive content instruction in English and a target language. The goal of the Dual Language program is to ensure that students graduate bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. Ultimately, they graduate with a seal of biliteracy.

For the most up-to-date information regarding ELL services at a school, please contact schools directly. For more information about services and supports for English Language Learners (ELLs), call 212-374-6072 or visit the Office of English Language Learners website:


SERVICES FOR STUDENT PARENTS If you are pregnant or have children, you have the right to stay at your school. You are legally required to attend school through the end of the school year in which you turn 17 years old.

Living for the Young Family through Education (LYFE) is a program that provides free childcare to children of student parents enrolled in New York City Department of Education schools. Certified teachers and caregivers at each LYFE childcare site provides safe, nurturing, and meaningful early childhood learning experiences for infants and toddlers– and help their parents do the same at home. Licensed social workers facilitate weekly individual and group sessions to connect student parents to quality referral services. Staff also collaborates with school/community partners to ensure that student parents stay on track toward graduation while successfully transitioning into parenthood.

Run by the New York City Department of Education’s District 79, the LYFE program makes it possible for student parents to stay on track toward graduating from high school (or completing a high school equivalency diploma) by providing consistent, high-quality childcare, academic guidance, and social advocacy services.

To enroll in LYFE, you must: • Be enrolled in a New York City Department of Education school or program (including high school equivalency programs at Pathways to Graduation sites). Staff can confirm whether or are a New York City public school student. • Have a child between the ages of 8 weeks to 3 years. (Your child must be at least 8 weeks old and have all age- appropriate immunizations to be enrolled. Your child can remain enrolled in the LYFE program until the end of the school year in which s/he turns three years old.)

To enroll in LYFE you will need: • Your child’s birth certificate • Your birth certificate • A current Child & Adolescent Medical Examination form for your child • A Current record of your child’s immunizations • Your OSIS number

In some cases, your child can go to the LYFE childcare center while your paperwork is sorted out.

You can enroll your child in any LYFE site. You do not have to attend the same school as the LYFE site in which you wish to enroll your child. To find a LYFE location nearest you: • Visit the LYFE locations map online at • Contract the LYFE Central Office at 212-609-8520 • Call a Referral Center in your borough and say you have a question about LYFE • Go to the “LYFE Program Site Directory” at the end of each borough’s section in this directory • Ask a staff member at your current school

To find out more information about how to enroll in LYFE, visit:






PLANNING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS For the most up-to-date information on graduation requirements, including graduation cards that provide guidance on the courses and assessments students can complete to prepare for college and careers, visit:



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Transfer Schools

Arturo A. Schomburg Satellite Academy ...... 3 Bronx Arena High School ...... 4 Bronx Community High School ...... 5 Bronx Haven High School ...... 6 Bronx Regional High School ...... 7 Crotona Academy High School...... 8 English Language Learners and International Support Preparatory ...... 9 Jill Chaifetz High School ...... 10 Mott Haven High School ...... 11 PULSE – Providing Urban Learners Success in Education High School ...... 12

Young Adult Borough Centers

Adlai E. Stevenson Campus YABC ...... 13 Alfred E. Smith Campus YABC ...... 14 Christopher Columbus YABC ...... 15 DeWitt Clinton YABC ...... 16 Herbert H. Lehman YABC ...... 17 James Monroe Campus YABC ...... 18 John F. Kennedy YABC ...... 19 Walton Campus YABC ...... 20

High School Equivalency Programs

Pathways to Graduation Hub/Referral Center for High School Alternatives ...... 22 Pathways to Graduation Satellite Locations ...... 23

LYFE (Living for the Young Family through Education) Site Directory ...... 24


Arturo A. Schomburg Satellite Academy Bronx • DBN 12X446

Transfer School Contact Information Overview Address 1010 Reverend James A. Polite Avenue Arturo A. Schomburg Satellite Academy Bronx is an Room 209 alternative transfer high school devoted to Bronx, NY 10459 transforming young minds and lives through education. Phone 718-518-3050 The school community is warm and accepting. Students Fax 718-589-3710 focus deeply on a few subjects at a time. Smaller classes and a block schedule support academic rigor Email [emailprotected] and successful completion of classes. We offer Website students an opportunity to prepare for college and career by earning their Regents high school diploma Site Accessibility Not accessible through portfolio based assessments rather than just Subway 2, 5 to Prospect Avenue standardized testing. Students present portfolio Bus BX17 to 164th Street & Prospect Avenue; BX6 to assessments in English, History, Math and Science in 163rd Street & Prospect Avenue; BX4 to 163rd Street order to meet the state graduation requirements; students must also pass the English Regents. We are a & Westchester Avenue creative, compassionate, academically challenging Open House Information Interested students who community with a tradition of inspiring its learners to would like to visit or inquire about upcoming open make positive changes in their lives and the world houses should call our main office at 718-518-3050. while becoming highly prepared for college.

Enrollment Programs Learning to Work Internships; after-school Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents tutoring; evening school classes; College Now classes, 16 years of age with a minimum of 10 credits, vacation and summer school classes 17 years of age with a minimum of 14 credits, 18 years of age with a minimum of 19 credits, Language Classes Spanish and French 19 years of age with a minimum of 28 credits and 2 Partnerships Opening Act Improve, Lorenzo Dance Regents Co., R.F. Art Consultants, East Side Settlement House Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on for the Learning to Work program credit needs, not grade level Total Students 164 Extracurricular Activities Student Leadership, Gay- Performance Straight Alliance, Student Council, Open-Mic Poetry, Singing, Dance School Quality Snapshot PSAL Alternative League Sports Boys Basketball 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X446.pdf Curriculum Proficient Admissions Information Instruction Developing  Applicants must be 16 years of age or older and Assessing Student Learning Proficient have attended high school for at least one year. High Expectations Proficient  Applicants must submit an application and Teacher Collaboration Proficient participate in an interactive interview at the school 74% of students served at this school are over-  Students are requested to provide their transcript, age/under-credited. proof of address, birth certificate, and immunization records. The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a  Students and a parent/guardian will be asked to high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student meet with school staff for the support, career and educational exploration, work interview/orientation to spend time in the school preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare community before finalizing the acceptance students for rewarding employment and educational process. experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Arturo Schomburg is East Side 3 Settlement House.

Bronx Arena High School • DBN 08X537

Transfer School

Contact Information Performance School Quality Snapshot Address 1440 Story Avenue Bronx, NY 10473 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X537.pdf Campus Soundview Educational Campus Curriculum Well Developed Phone 718-860-5056 Instruction Well Developed Email [emailprotected] Assessing Student Learning Well Developed Website High Expectations Well Developed Site Accessibility Functionally accessible Teacher Collaboration Well Developed Subway 6 to Hunts Point or 2, 5 to Simpson Street 64% of students served at this school are over- followed by BX5 age/under-credited. Bus BX5 to Story Avenue & Colgate or Bronx River

Avenue Open House Information Interested students should Overview contact the school to learn about open house times or Bronx Arena High School is a collaboration between the to schedule a visit. Department of Education and SCO Family of Services. We are dedicated to serving over-age, under-credited youth,

inspiring them to re-engage in school and empowering Enrollment them with an education that will prepare them for success in college, career, and life. Using technology to create a Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents 16 personalized academic experience, students work in a years of age or older self-paced learning environment, mastering the skills Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on needed to succeed in the 21st century. credit needs, not grade level Programs Learning to Work, accelerated credit accumulation, iLearnNYC, Connected Foundations, Total Students 214 technology classes, college & career planning, paid internships Partnerships SCO Family of Services The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward Extracurricular Activities Student Leadership, Basketball a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student Club, African Dance, Tech Squad, College Tours support, career and educational exploration, work

preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and Admissions Information educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based  Bronx Arena has a rolling admissions policy, accepting organization (CBO) partner. students throughout the year.  Open Houses are held monthly (twice per month in The LTW partner for Bronx Arena High School is SCO June, July and September). Family of Services.  To apply: Prospective students should call 718-860- 5056 for information about Open House schedules.  Students and a parent/guardian are asked to provide a current high school transcript, attendance history and IEP, if applicable.  Students accepted into the school will be notified upon completion of intake process. 4 Bronx Community High School • DBN 08X377

Transfer School Contact Information Overview In partnership with New York City Mission Society, Bronx Address 1980 Lafayette Avenue Community High School (BCHS) is a small transfer school Bronx, NY 10473 designed for young people who have been truant or Campus Adlai E. Stevenson Educational Campus dropped out of school. BCHS is designed to provide Phone 718-892-1026 intensive support and services to students to ensure Fax 718-892-6941 continued attendance in school. Each student is assigned an Website advisor who works with no more than 25 students. BCHS has Site Accessibility Not accessible an accelerated credit program so that students will have the Subway 6 to Parkchester followed by BX36, BX39 opportunity to earn additional credits. Students graduate with post-graduation plans and participate in employment Bus BX36, BX39 to Pugsley & Lafayette Avenues; BX5 to readiness and skills development while enrolled in school. White Plains Road & Story Avenue (behind shopping Programs BCHS offers Learning to Work. Students will center) participate in community building and community service Open House Information Interested students can contact activities both in school and in the surrounding community. the school for open house dates or to schedule a visit. The curriculum will focus on basic literacy and numeracy Enrollment skills as well as oral communication through a public speaking program. Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents 16 Language Classes Spanish years of age or older. Partnerships New York City Mission Society Extracurricular Activities Group meetings with advocate Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on counselors twice a week, peer counseling, small group credit needs, not grade level. instruction, peer tutoring Total Students 180 Admissions Information Performance  Bronx Community High School has a rolling admissions School Quality Snapshot policy, accepting students throughout the year who are 16 years of age and older, have attended high school for 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X377.pdf at least one year, and have a minimum 6th grade Curriculum Well Developed reading level. Assessing Student Learning Proficient  Students 16 years old must have 5-10 credits; students 17 years old must have 10-25 credits; and students 18 High Expectations Proficient years old must have 25 credits and two Regents exams Teacher Collaboration Proficient with a score of 65 or above. BCHS aims to serve students 65% of students served at this school are over-age/under- from the area surrounding the Stevenson Campus. credited.  Major intake: May-early October (for fall admissions)  To apply: Call the school, or walk in, for an appointment. Students must attend an Open House, engage in an The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward interview and intake process. a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student  Students are asked to provide their transcript, proof of support, career and educational exploration, work address, birth certificate, contact information, preparation, skills development, and internships that immunization record, and RISA report. prepare students for rewarding employment and  Students accepted into the school are notified by educational experiences after graduation. These LTW telephone call to the parent/guardian. supports are provided by a community-based  Students accepted into the program will attend organization (CBO) partner. orientation sessions and be expected to participate in The LTW partner for Bronx Community High School is the school community. New York City Mission Society. 5

Bronx Haven High School • DBN 07X381 Transfer School Contact Information Overview In partnership with students, faculty and families, we will Address 333 East 151st Street use innovative methods to support the personal growth Bronx, NY 10451 of our students and help them succeed in higher Campus Alfred E. Smith Educational Campus education. Each student at Bronx Haven High School is Phone 718-292-3638 provided with an advisor whose responsibilities include Fax 718-292-6065 individualized academic guidance, college and career Email [emailprotected] preparation, and life skills development. Our partnership with East Side House Settlement strengthens our ability Website to serve students by providing social services, college Site Accessibility Partially accessible exploration and meaningful internships. Subway 2, 5 to 3rd Avenue-149th Street Programs Learning to Work, intensive literacy classes, Bus BX2, BX25, BX26, BX29, BX30, BX41 to 149th Street Regents & SAT prep courses, accelerated credit & Courtland Avenue accumulation, academic tutoring (throughout the school Open House Information Prospective students should year, including the summer), advisory groups, college & call the school to get information and set up an career preparation, paid internships, job readiness appointment with us. It is preferred that they bring us program, technology courses a copy of their high school transcript for us to assess whether or not they are eligible for a transfer high Language Classes Spanish school. Open Houses are set up as needed throughout Partnerships East Side House Settlement the year. Interested students should call for dates. Enrollment Extracurricular Activities Student leadership program, internship program, career exploration, spoken word & Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents digital media courses 16 years of age or older. PSAL Alternative League Sports Basketball, depending Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on on student participation credit needs, not grade level. Total Students 192 Admissions Information  Bronx Haven High School has a rolling admissions Performance policy, accepting students throughout the year who School Quality Snapshot are 16 years of age and have attended another high school for at least one year. 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X381.pdf  Major intake: Spring (for fall admissions), November Curriculum Proficient (for December admissions) Instruction Developing  To apply: Contact the school and schedule an intake appointment. Students and a parent/guardian must Assessing Student Learning Proficient attend an Open House, interview, and orientation. High Expectations Proficient  Students are asked to provide their transcript, RISA, Teacher Collaboration Proficient and immunization record. 77% of students served at this school are over-  Students accepted into the school will be notified by age/under-credited. phone and mail, after the interview.

The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Bronx Haven High School is East Side House Settlement.

6 Bronx Regional High School • DBN 12X480

Transfer School Contact Information Overview Founded in 1980, Bronx Regional High School serves Address 1010 Reverend James A. Polite Avenue students, primarily from the Bronx, in a full diploma- Bronx, NY 10459 granting academic program for grades 10-12. Bronx Phone 718-991-2020 Regional is a place where young people and staff work Fax 718-617-0257 together as a caring and nurturing community and explore Email [emailprotected] a variety of educational experiences. We apply an Website enthusiasm for knowledge, a commitment to the environment and social change and an openness for Site Accessibility Not accessible inquiry to our curriculum. Our approach results in the Subway 2, 5 to Prospect Avenue increased self-esteem and the empowerment necessary Bus BX17 to 164th Street & Prospect Avenue; BX6 to to make future educational, career and personal decisions 163rd Street & Prospect Avenue; BX4 to 163rd Street & which will help to create a better, more just world. Westchester Avenue Programs Living for the Young Family through Education Open House Information Interested students can call (LYFE) on campus, Learning to Work (LTW) the school and ask to speak with Modesta Rodriguez or visit our website. Partnerships Montefiore Medical Center, Hunter Enrollment College, Lehman College, Grow NYC, North Central Bronx Hospital, Minnie’s Food Pantry, East Side House for the Admissions Priorities Open to students 16 years of age Learning to Work program and older. Extracurricular Activities PM school, after-school Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on tutoring, extended day-creative arts team credit needs, not grade level. PSAL Alternative League Sports Boys & Girls Basketball, Total Students 237 Co-ed Softball Performance Admissions Information School Quality Snapshot  Bronx Regional has a rolling admissions policy, 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X480.pdf accepting students throughout the year who are 16 years of age or older, with at least 16 credits. Curriculum Proficient  Major intake: August through October and January- Instruction Developing February Assessing Student Learning Proficient  To apply: Prospective students should call the school High Expectations Proficient between 8am-3pm, M-F. The Assistant Principal will call to make an appointment and a meeting with a Teacher Collaboration Proficient member of the guidance team. 64% of students served at this school are over-  Prospective students and a parent/guardian are asked age/under-credited. to provide a current high school transcript (may be faxed or dropped off in advance).

The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in  Students accepted into the school are promised a seat overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a and must return for an orientation. high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner. 7 The LTW partner for Bronx Regional is East Side House.

Crotona Academy High School • DBN 07X321

Transfer School Contact Information Overview

Address 1211 Southern Blvd In partnership with South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO), Crotona Academy Bronx, New York 10459 High School is a school that promotes higher academic Phone (718) 860-5370 expectations with intensive math and literacy remediation Fax (718) 860-5371 for every student. Crotona Academy charts a new path to success for young people who have fallen behind in school Website and are looking for a different kind of high school Site Accessibility Functionally accessible experience. Students are expected to meet high academic Subway 2 or 5 train to Freeman Avenue standards and complete New York City high school Bus BX19 to Freeman Avenue graduation requirements. Open House Information Interested students can call us to schedule an interview at (718) 860-5370. Programs Portfolio Assessment, Competency-Based and Standards-Based Instruction, Learning to Work, College

Now, Internet-Based Math and English Enrichment, Paid Enrollment Internships, College and Career Preparation

Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents at Partnerships SoBRO least 16 years of age, who have a minimum of one year in high school. Extracurricular Activities Before and After School Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on Tutoring, Community Service, Internships, Cultural and credit needs, not grade level. Academic Enrichment Trips, College Trips, Green House Project, Service Learning Projects in Adolescent Sexual Total Students 150 Health, Health Wellness, & Nutrition

Performance School Quality Snapshot Admissions Information  Students 16 years with a minimum of 10 credits; 17 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X321.pdf years with a minimum of 17 credits and have passed 2 Curriculum Developing Regents exam; 18 years with a minimum of 20 credits Instruction Developing and 2 Regents are eligible to apply. Assessing Student Learning Developing  We will consider students who do not meet these High Expectations Proficient criteria on an individual basis through an interview Teacher Collaboration Proficient process. 74% of students served at this school are over-  All students must be accompanied by a age/under-credited. parent/guardian and are requested to bring a copy of transcript, proof of address, immunization records, The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a and any other applicable documentation. high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Crotona Academy High School is SoBRO. 8

ELLIS – English Language Learners and International Support Preparatory • DBN 10X397

Transfer School Contact Information Overview

Address 99 Terrace View Avenue ELLIS Preparatory Academy serves a 16 to 21-year old Bronx, NY 10463 newly arrived immigrant English language learner student Phone 718-220-1889 body, many of whom have interrupted or otherwise limited formal educations. In addition to meeting New Fax 718-901-5928 York State Regents exam requirements, ELLIS students Email [emailprotected] prepare and present two academic portfolios each year and participate in internships for three years. As an Website extended-year school, the ELLIS school year lasts from Site Accessibility September through July. Enrichment opportunities are available through taking CUNY College Now courses. In the Subway 1 to Marble Hill - 225th S summer, highly motivated students can participate in Bus Bx1, Bx10, Bx7, Bx9, M100 College Now institutes and scientific research internships at area universities. College is clearly articulated as the Open House Information Please contact the school for goal for ELLIS students, and over 50% of the inaugural class more information on open houses. of 2012 was accepted to four-year colleges.

Partnerships ISA, YMCA and Bronx Arts Ensemble, High Enrollment Performance Learning Institute at City College of New York (CCNY), Project SEED of the American Chemical Society Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents 16 years of age or older. Extracurricular Activities Please contact the school for the programs and activities offered this school year. Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on credit needs, not grade level. Total Students 384 Admissions Information

 Students must be at least 16 years of age and have Performance completed one year of high school. School Quality Snapshot  Please contact the school for information on the enrollment process. 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X397.pdf Curriculum Proficient Instruction Developing Assessing Student Learning Proficient High Expectations Proficient Teacher Collaboration Proficient 85% of students served at this school are over- age/under-credited.

9 Jill Chaifetz Transfer School • DBN 07X379

Transfer School Contact Information Overview Jill Chaifetz Transfer High School is a community school Address 778 Forest Avenue as well as a small transfer school dedicated to providing a Bronx, NY 10456 challenging education to students who have previously Phone 718-402-2429 been excessively truant or who have dropped out of high Fax 718-402-3120 school. Founded through a partnership with the Website or Department of Education and BronxWorks, our school's mission is to help all of our students earn a high school diploma and graduate prepared for postsecondary Site Accessibility Fully accessible success. Our relationship with BronxWorks strengthens Subway 2, 5 to Jackson Ave; 2, 5 to Prospect Ave our ability to serve our students effectively, providing Bus BX36 to Arthur Avenue; BX15, BX40, BX42, BX55 to academic support and social services to ensure student East Tremont & 3rd Avenues success. Open House Information We welcome visitors from the Programs Learning to Work, Comprehensive Support community, parents and other educational institutions Services, Regents Preparation, Paid Internships to our school. Please contact the main office to arrange a visit. Partnerships BronxWorks, Astor Services, the CATCH program Enrollment Extracurricular Activities Leadership, Tutoring in All Subject Areas, PM School Admissions Priorities Open to New York City residents 16 years of age and older. Clubs: Sports, Basketball, Fitness, Art, Community Garden Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on credit needs, not grade level. Total Students 216 Admissions Information  Jill Chaifetz Transfer High School has a rolling admissions policy, accepting students throughout the Performance year who are 16 years of age and older and have School Quality Snapshot attended another high school for at least one year.  Major intake: Fall and Spring; some limited 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X379.pdf enrollment in December  To apply: Curriculum Proficient Visit or Instruction Proficient call the school for Open House dates. Assessing Student Learning Proficient  Students are asked to provide their transcript, attendance, and immunization records. High Expectations Proficient  Students will meet with school staff for an interview. Teacher Collaboration Proficient  Students accepted into the school will be notified by 51% of students served at this school are over- phone/letter, with an invitation to attend age/under-credited. orientation.

10 Mott Haven Community High School • DBN 07X557

Transfer School Contact Information Overview The mission of Mott Haven Community High School is to Address 455 Southern Boulevard provide a safe, supportive learning environment that gives Bronx, NY 10455 over-age, under-credited students a fresh start and Phone 718-665-8512 empowers them to move forward in a positive direction Fax 718-665-8518 understanding that they can learn from their past and are Email [emailprotected] not bound by it. The components that will help our Website students move forward are our advisory program, mentor Site Accessibility Functionally accessible program, individualized education plans, and internships. Subway 2, 5 to Jackson Av; 6 to E 143rd St-St Mary's St Our students will graduate with a high school diploma prepared for postsecondary success in college and/or a Bus BX17, BX19, BX33, BX4 career in order to become positive leaders in their Open House Information Interested students who community. would like to visit the school or inquire about any upcoming open houses should call 718-665-8512. Programs Advisory Program, Individual Education Plans, Enrollment Learning to Work, Internships, Opportunities for Paid Internships, SAT & Regents Prep Courses, Before and After Admissions Priorities Priority to Bronx residents 16 years School Tutoring, Accelerated Credit Accumulation, Post- of age and older, then to New York City residents 16 Secondary Counseling years of age and older. Language Classes Spanish Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on credit needs, not grade level Partnerships East Side House Settlement

Total Students 242 Extracurricular Activities Dance, Music, Trips, Community Service, Basketball, Baseball, Softball Performance School Quality Snapshot Admissions Information  Mott Haven Community High School has a rolling 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X557.pdf admissions policy, accepting students throughout the Curriculum Proficient year who are 16 years of age and older and have attended another high school for at least one year. Instruction Developing  Major intake: August-September, December-January, Assessing Student Learning Proficient and after May (for September admissions) High Expectations Well Developed  To apply: Call 718-665-8512, email [emailprotected], come to an Open House, Teacher Collaboration Proficient or fax your documents to 718-665-8518 and the 82% of students served at this school are over- school will reply. An in-person interview is required. age/under-credited.  Students are asked to provide their transcript, RISA, immunization records, and IEP (if applicable). The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in  Students accepted into the school will be notified overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a within a week after applying and completing the high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student intake meeting. support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Mott Haven Community High School is East Side House Settlement. 11

PULSE - Providing Urban Learners Success in Education High School • DBN 10X319

Transfer School Contact Information Overview Providing Urban Learners Success in Education (PULSE) Address 560 East 179th Street High School inspires a passion for learning through a Bronx, NY 10457 student-centered curriculum. In this curriculum, students Phone 718-294-0230 learn core subjects through challenging, real-world Fax 718-901-5928 problems and projects. In partnership with FedCap - Wildcat Service Corporation, PULSE High School builds Email [emailprotected] strong connections between academic work, community- Website based partners, pupil personnel services and family Site Accessibility Not accessible support. These connections produce active, engaged students within a challenging but supportive learning Subway 4 to Burnside Avenue; B, D to Tremont Avenue environment. Bus BX36 to Arthur Avenue; BX15, BX40, BX42, BX55 to East Tremont & 3rd Avenues Programs Learning to Work, Classes in Forensic Science, Physics, and Applied Mathematics, College Now at Bronx Open House Information An open house will be held Community College, Campus Friday Initiative at Bronx in the spring. Please contact the school for more Community College information. Enrollment Partnerships Wildcat Service Corporation, Bronx Community College, Theatre Development Fund, Lincoln Admissions Priorities Priority to Bronx residents 17 years Center, Manhattan Theatre Club, American Museum of of age and older, then to New York City residents 17 Natural History, Carnegie Hall, Time Warner Studio in a years of age and older. School, Each One Teach One Youth Leadership Training Program, The Peter Westbrook Foundation Expected Grade Configuration School is structured on credit needs, not grade level. Extracurricular Activities Extended Day, PM school

Total Students 236 Admissions Information  Students must be at least 17 years of age and have Performance completed one year of high school. School Quality Snapshot  There is no minimum number of credits required for admission. The minimum number of credits required 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_HST_X319.pdf for admission is done on a case by case basis. Curriculum Proficient  Major intake: May (for fall admissions), January (for February admissions) Instruction Proficient  To apply: Call the school at any time to make an Assessing Student Learning Proficient appointment to begin the application process. The High Expectations Proficient school will call back to schedule an interview close to the interview period. Students scheduled for an Teacher Collaboration Proficient interview must come to the interview with their 84% of students served at this school are over- parent/guardian. age/under-credited.  Students are asked to provide their current transcript, RISA, immunization record, proof of address, and The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in updated IEP (if applicable). overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a high  Students accepted into the school will be notified by school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills telephone within a week of being interviewed. development, and internships that prepare students for  Students who do not meet the criteria will be rewarding employment and educational experiences after considered on an individual basis through an graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community- interview process. based organization (CBO) partner. The LTW partner for PULSE is FedCap - Wildcat Service 12 Corporation. Adlai E. Stevenson Campus YABC • 08X507

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Performance Address 1980 Lafayette Avenue School Quality Snapshot Bronx, NY 10473 Host School Bronx Community High School 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X507.pdf Campus Adlai E. Stevenson Educational Campus 56% of students served at this school are over- Phone 718-792-8264 age/under-credited. Fax 718-829-4139 Email [emailprotected] Overview Website It is reinforced to students that their primary goal is to Site Accessibility Functionally accessible complete their requirements, graduate, and earn their diploma. Together with our community-based partner, Subway 6 to Parkchester followed by BX36, BX39 Good Shepherd Services, it is our attempt to make this Bus BX36, BX39 to Pugsley & Lafayette Avenues; BX5 to experience as enriching and rewarding as possible. White Plains Road & Story Avenue (behind shopping center) Community-Based Organization Services: All students Registration Contact: Ms. G. Marte: 718-792-8264, receive: Learning to Work, paid internships, individual & group counseling, career opportunities, college tours, ext. 11104 attendance outreach, family engagement, college Open House Information: Call the registration contact planning & exploration to schedule an appointment Internship Highlights: YMCA, Preschool, PS 138 Enrollment & Admissions Information Partnerships: Good Shepherd Services, Bronx Community Total Students 215 College, Sullivan County Community College, Dutchess To be eligible to register, students must: Community College

• Be enrolled in a New York City high school Language Classes: Spanish • Have completed the school year in which he or she turns 17 Extracurricular Activities: Broadway shows, basketball • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school games, trips to parks, college tours graduation • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Recreational Activities: Basketball

The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Adlai E. Stevenson YABC is Good Shepherd Services.


Alfred E. Smith Campus YABC • DBN 11X456

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Performance Address 333 East 151st Street School Quality Snapshot Bronx, NY 10451 Host School Bronx Haven High School 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X456.pdf 58% of students served at this school are over- Campus Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical Education High School age/under-credited. Phone (718) 993-1706 or (718) 993-1846 Overview Email [emailprotected] The Alfred E. Smith Campus YABC Program prides itself on Site Accessibility Partially accessible our mission of connecting with students, providing an Subway 2, 5 to 3rd Avenue-149th Street avenue of support through advocacy and counseling, paid internships, college and career advisem*nt/preparation Bus BX2, BX25, BX26, BX29, BX30, BX41 to 149th Street and, most importantly – motivating students to obtain & Courtland Avenue their high school diploma. The collaboration between our Registration Contact Andrew Buckley (Program community-based organization, East Side House Director) or Daniela Perez (Lead Advisor) at 718-993- Settlement, and the Department of Education has been a 1706 or (718) 993-1846 key point in our success. Working in tandem, we have developed a partnership in which our main goal is to Open House Information Interested students can support and promote the academic/social integrity and schedule an appointment Monday through Thursday success of our youth. All students benefit from a hands-on between 4:00pm-7:00pm. Campus visits/tours are approach to learning in small classes, engaging in available by request. For more information, call the cooperative projects and reinforcing their problem-solving registration contacts, find us on Facebook or Twitter, or skill sets. Regents prep, electives, and individualized email [emailprotected]. tutoring are offered. Community-Based Organization Services Learning to Enrollment & Admissions Information Work, a primary person, individual & group counseling, paid Total Students 215 internships, career/college preparation, career exploration To be eligible to register, students must: & counseling (including resume writing & mock interviews), crisis intervention, mediation, outside agency referrals, • Be enrolled in a New York City high school case management, tutoring, attendance outreach & • Have completed the school year in which he or she support, community & volunteer projects, SAT prep, turns 17 subsidized CUNY fees. • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school Internship Highlights Senior Centers, Day Care Centers, graduation Music Production, and Fashion • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Partnerships East Side House Settlement, Morgan Stanley,

Bronx Community College, The Door, Hostos Community The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in College, Mercy College, New York Cares, RAPP – Relationship overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, Abuse and Prevention Program, Planned Parenthood, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills Technical Career Institute development, and internships that prepare students for Language Classes Spanish rewarding employment and educational experiences after Extracurricular Activities Newsletter, student advocate- graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community- led groups, family events, recreational trips, scavenger based organization (CBO) partner. hunts to cities, volunteer projects, college fairs & trips, staff vs. student basketball game, holiday dinner, unity dinner The LTW partner for the Alfred E. Smith Campus YABC is East Clubs: Poetry, leadership, baking Side House Settlement. Recreational Sports Basketball, flag football, softball


Christopher Columbus YABC • DBN 11X417

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Overview Address 925 Astor Avenue The mission of the YABC at Christopher Columbus High Bronx, NY, 10469 School is to provide a rigorous and innovative, college Host School Pelham Preparatory Academy preparatory curriculum that is geared toward helping Campus Christopher Columbus Educational students meet City and State standards, enabling our Campus students to envision a future filled with many Phone 718-944-3689 possibilities. Together with our community-based Fax 718 944-3682 partner, Good Shepherd Services, we provide an Email [emailprotected] environment where all students are supported and Website nurtured as they successfully earn a high school diploma, Site Accessibility Functionally accessible which will expand students' options towards higher Subway 2, 5 to Pelham Parkway education and meaningful employment. We prepare our Bus BX8 to Williamsbridge Road & Astor Avenue; students to compete in a global marketplace driven by BX12 to Bronxwood Avenue; BX26 to Allerton technology. For students receiving special education Avenue & Boston Road; BX39 to Boston Road & Astor services, we request a copy of an updated IEP. Avenue Community-Based Organization Services All students Registration Contact Jovana Miranda 718-944-3444, receive: Learning to Work, General Family Counseling, Darkis Rodriguez: 718-944-3500 Ext 3613 College Planning & Exploration, Information Counseling, Open House Information Please call registration for Job Readiness Workshops, Paid Internships, Career upcoming open houses or to schedule a visit. Counseling, Postsecondary Planning & Exploration, Students may contact Jovana Miranda, Room 129, Tutoring, Attendance Outreach, a Primary Person, 718-944-3444 on Mondays through Thursdays from Weekly Financial Aid Workshops, a Student Advisory 1:00pm-6:00pm and on Fridays from 8:00am-2:00pm Board

Internship Highlights Morris Park Day Care Center, Enrollment & Admissions Information Morningside House, Bronx House, Jacobi Hospital, Hebrew Total Students 215 Home, Morris Pre-School, Law Offices in the Bronx To be eligible to register, students must: Partnerships Good Shepherd Services, Bronx Community • Be enrolled in a New York City high school College, College of Westchester, Monroe College, City • Have completed the school year in which he or she Tech, Co-Op Technical High School turns 17 • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school Language Classes Spanish graduation Extracurricular Activities Leadership Program, Student • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Advisory, Work Readiness Workshops, College Visits, Job Fairs, College & Career Fairs, Health Fairs, Dance & Performance Theater Talent Show, Fashion Show, Trips to Explore School Quality Snapshot NYC, including museums, Broadway shows, and restaurants 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X417.pdf Clubs: Basketball, Advisory Board 42% of students served at this school are over- Recreational Sports Co-ed Basketball, Volleyball, Flag age/under-credited. Football, Softball

The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Christopher Columbus YABC is Good Shepherd Services.


DeWitt Clinton Campus YABC • DBN 10X668

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Performance Address 100 West Mosholu Parkway South School Quality Snapshot Bronx, NY 10468 Host School DeWitt Clinton High School 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X668.pdf Phone 718-543-1000 Ext. 1024 41% of students served at this school are over- Fax 718-548-0036 age/under-credited. Email [emailprotected] Site Accessibility Partially accessible Overview Subway 4 to Mosholu Parkway; B, D to Bedford Blvd In partnership with Good Shepherd Services, the YABC at Bus Bx1, Bx10, Bx16, Bx2, Bx26, Bx28, Bx34, BxM3, DeWitt Clinton High School focuses on the needs of BxM4 students who are over-age and under-credited. Our goal is to provide a nurturing, engaging and safe academic and Registration Contact Veronica Jackson, Assistant social environment that promotes learning so that Principal: 718-543-1000 Ext. 1024 students can , earn their high school diploma, and gain Open House Information Students may visit the YABC the skills necessary to become functioning members of society. In keeping with this goal, we design rigorous on Mondays to Thursdays in room 102 from 1:00pm- standard-based and student-centered curriculum that 7:30pm or on Fridays from 8:00am-3:00pm. Students will keep students engaged in school and attending can also e-mail [emailprotected] or call 718- classes regularly. Additionally, we maximize the chances 543-1000 Ext. 1024 for students’ success by creating partnerships. Each student is assigned both an academic and advocate counselor who work together to mentor students, Enrollment & Admissions Information monitor their progress , and develop strong relationships Total Students 215 with the students’ families.

To be eligible to register, students must: Community-Based Organization Services All students • Be enrolled in a New York City high school are eligible to receive: individual & group counseling, • Have completed the school year in which he or she career exploration (including resume preparation & job turns 17 readiness workshops), paid internships, outside agency • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school referrals, postsecondary planning, SAT prep, college & graduation technical training program exploration, college planning • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school & exploration (including college visits/tours, as well as support with financial aid & college applications), The Learning to Work (LTW) program is available in all community-building trips and events YABCs to help students overcome obstacles that impede their progress toward earning a high school diploma. LTW Partnerships Good Shepherd Services offers academic and student support services, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills Language Classes Spanish development, and internships that prepare students for rewarding employment and educational experiences after Extracurricular Activities College tours, field trips, graduation. incentive trips, celebratory events, men’s & women’s groups The LTW partner for Dewitt Clinton YABC is Good

Shepherd Services. Recreational Sports Boys Basketball


Herbert H. Lehman YABC • DBN 08X408

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Overview Address 3000 East Tremont Avenue Herbert H. Lehman YABC, in partnership with parents and Bronx, NY 10461 East Side House Settlement, provides an academically challenging and socially supportive educational environment Host School Herbert Lehman High School to meet the needs of all of our students. The nurturing Phone 718-904-4280 climate engages students and enables them to succeed and Fax 718-904-5070 accomplish their high school and postsecondary goals. The Email [emailprotected] school community is dedicated to providing a focused Website academic program that emphasizes success, high Site Accessibility Functionally accessible expectations, creativity, and developing positive citizenship qualities. Subway 6 to Westchester Square-East Tremont

Avenue Community-Based Organization Services East Side Bus BX8, BX9, BX40, BX42 to Westchester Square & House Settlement staff at Lehman YABC believes that, with East Tremont Avenue support, all YABC students are capable of achieving and exceeding the goals they set for themselves. The East Side Registration Contact Martin Smallhorne, Assistant House program supports the academic, personal, Principal: 718-904-4280; Hiedi Sheffer, East Side professional, and postsecondary goals of all YABC students House Settlement Program Director: 917-863-0142 so that they can become independent, successful and Open House Information Campus tours are held Mondays- positive member of the community. Services include Thursdays from 4:00-8:00pm. attendance outreach and support, engagement clubs and groups, trips, guest speakers, postsecondary planning, finances for application fees, assistance with resume writing Enrollment & Admissions Information and career planning, paid internships, professional develop- Total Students 215 ment workshops, assistance finding employment, social To be eligible to register, students must: support services and additional personal and financial supports as needed. • Be enrolled in a New York City high school Internship Highlights East Side House Settlement, Allstate, • Have completed the school year in which he or she Pena & Kahn Law Firm, American Awning & Sign Co., turns 17 Alex Family Group Daycare,, New York • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high Botanical Gardens, Westchester Square Arts Alliance, Jacobi school graduation Medical Center, Personal Touch Homecare, Bremi, Inc. • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Partnerships East Side House Settlement, CUNY, Montefio

re Medical Center, Workforce1, Castle Hill Library, Lehman Performance TV, College Goal NY School Quality Snapshot Language Classes Spanish Extracurricular Activities Learning to Work internship 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X408.pdf program, community service events, tours of NYC museums 49% of students served at this school are over-age/under- & cultural sites, overnight college tours, Broadway shows, credited. professional sporting events, prom, Spirit Week, varsity basketball team, 3 on 3 basketball competitions, school The Learning to Work (LTW) program is available in all YABCs to help students overcome obstacles that impede their progress barbecue & carnival toward earning a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and Clubs: Chess, Enlighten (MEN), Women’s Empowerment, student support services, career and educational exploration, Salsa Club, Anime Club, Hot Topics Discussion Group, Book, work preparation, skills development, and internships that Chess, Debate, Yearbook, Digital Media & Film Making, prepare students for rewarding employment and educational Web Design, Community Service, Student Government experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner. Recreational Sports Yoga, dance, basketball, flag football, kickball The LTW partner for Herbert H. Lehman High School YABC is East Side House Settlement. 17

The YABC at James Monroe Campus • DBN 12X428

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Overview Address 1300 Boynton Avenue The YABC at James Monroe Campus along with families Bronx, NY 10472 and our community-based organization, Good Shepherd Services, are dedicated to providing students with an Host School Metropolitan Soundview High School environment that is supporting, caring, and nurturing. It Campus James Monroe Educational Campus is through this model that we empower students to Phone 718-860-8287 become lifelong learners. We provide an educational Fax 718-893-3262 component that is rigorous, innovative, and project- Email [emailprotected] based geared specifically towards assisting students with meeting all high school graduation requirements. We Site Accessibility Not accessible offer opportunities for online classes on both school Subway 6 to Elder Avenue days and weekends, in additon to services for English- Bus BX4 to Boynton & Westchester Avenues; BX27 to language learners and students with disabilities. We Boynton Avenue; BX36 to E. 174th Street & Bronx engage parents and offer social service & mental health River Avenue referrals that will help improve families’ quality of life. Registration Contact Cathy Ayoub: 718-860-8187 Our Community-Based Organization, Good Shepherd Open House Information We have an open door Services provide students with: Learning to Work, a policy, where students and families are welcome to primary person, individualized & group counseling, visit Mondays through Thursdays during school hours academic support, college planning & exploration and Fridays from 3:00-6:00 PM. (including help with college applications, financial aid, college visits & tours), postsecondary planning, paid Enrollment & Admissions Information internships, career & workforce development (including Total Students 215 cover letter & resume writing workshops & mock interviews), monthly community meetings, workshops To be eligible to register, students must: on conflict resolution, effective communication skills & • Be enrolled in a New York City high school work ethic, healthy relationships, domestic violence, • Have completed the school year in which he or she Legal Aid, immigration. turns 17 Internship Highlights Bronx Suspension Center, Sonia • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school Sotomayor Community Center, YMCA, Armory Dog and Cat graduation Hospital, Bronx River Community Center, Sharon Baptist • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Daycare, South Bronx Concern Citizens Partnerships Good Shepherd Services, Health Performance Department, Planned Parenthood, Covenant House, Neon Program, BEOC, Civilian Complaint Board, Bronx School Quality Snapshot Works,YMCA, Y-Roads, Moody’s, Facebook, Google, ACCESS-VR, Bronx DA Office, Henkels and McCoy, Year-Up 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X428.pdf Language Classes Spanish & French 67% of students served at this school are over- Extracurricular Activities Off-site project-based age/under-credited. activities, social outings, historic tours of Philadelphia and Boston, incentive trips & events, Health and The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in Wellness Week, Future Focus College and Career Day,

overcoming obstacles that impede their progress toward a basketball team, intramural activities. high school diploma. LTW offers academic and student Clubs: Poetry, Survivor’s Forum, Men's & Women's support, career and educational exploration, work Group, V-Day preparation, skills development, and internships that Recreational Sports Basketball prepare students for rewarding employment and

educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for James Monroe Educational Campus 18 YABC is Good Shepherd Services.

John F. Kennedy YABC • DBN 10X504

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Performance Address 99 Terrace View Avenue School Quality Snapshot Bronx, NY 10463 Host School Bronx Theatre High School 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X504.pdf Campus John F. Kennedy Educational Campus 58% of students served at this school are over- age/under-credited. Phone 718-817-7400 ext. 6104 Fax 718-329-0433 Overview The Kennedy Campus YABC, in partnership with Good Email [emailprotected] Shepherd Services, is designed to serve older students who Site Accessibility Functionally accessible may have family or employment responsibilities that have Subway 1 to 225th Street or 231st Street prevented the student from completing high school in the Bus BX1, BX20 to West 231st Street; BX7 to West 225th traditional time frame. Street & Marble Hill; BX9 to Kingsbridge Road & West Community-Based Organization Services All students 225th Street; BX10 to West 231st Street & Tibbett are eligible to receive: paid internships, work-readiness Avenue workshops, career exploration, field trips, professional Registration Contact James Barron, Assistant Principal development, individual youth advocate, one-on-one case at 718-817-7470 or Jennifer Rodriguez-Irizarry, Good management, group counseling, outside agency referrals, Shepherd Services Director at 718-817-7400 ext. 1385 overnight college tours, day trips to local colleges, Open House Information: Students may contact the educational workshops, referral services, life-skills Good Shepherd Services’ office at 718-817-7400 ext. training, resume building & writing, mock interviews, 1385 to schedule a visit or tour. bilingual staff (Spanish)

Enrollment & Admissions Information Internship Highlights Burlington Coat Factory, Jewish Total Students 215 Home Care, Schervier Nursing Home, Children’s Learning To be eligible to register, students must: Company, Kidville Riverdale, Nicholas Cardell, Book Culture, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Riverdale YM & • Be enrolled in a New York City high school • Have completed the school year in which he or she YWHA. turns 17 • Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school Partnerships Columbia Presbyterian, Mt. Sinai, FDNY, graduation Roundabout Theater, Van Cortlandt Park Forest • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Restoration, NY Cares, SUNY Binghamton

The Learning to Work (LTW) program is available in all Language Classes Spanish YABCs to help students overcome obstacles that impede their progress toward earning a high school diploma. LTW Extracurricular Activities Student Council, Honor offers academic and student support services, career and Society, Photography, Videography, Business Enterprise, educational exploration, work preparation, skills Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD), Driver’s Ed. development, and internships that prepare students for Program rewarding employment and educational experiences after graduation. These LTW supports are provided by a Recreational Sports Coed basketball community-based organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for John F. Kennedy YABC is Good Shepherd Services.

19 Walton Campus YABC • DBN 10X503

Young Adult Borough Center Contact Information Performance Address 2780 Reservoir Avenue School Quality Snapshot Bronx, NY 10468 Host School High School for Teaching and the 16/School_Quality_Snapshot_2016_YABC_X503.pdf Professions 44% of students served at this school are over- Campus Walton Educational Campus age/under-credited. Phone 718-329-7380, ext. 3012 Email [emailprotected] Overview Site Accessibility Functionally accessible Together with our community-based partner Good Subway D, 4 to Kingsbridge Road Shepherd Services, our program provides students with Bus BX1, BX2 to Grand Concourse; BX20 to the opportunity of earning their high school diploma in a Kingsbridge Road; BX26, BX28 to Jerome Avenue & supportive environment that is conducive to academic Kingsbridge Road; BX38 to University & Riverdale rigor. Students are also provided with a social support Avenues system that monitors their progress, offers college and career counseling, internships and job-readiness Registration Contact Jesus Hernandez, Program workshops. Director, Good Shepherd Services: 718-329-7380, ext. 3222 or 3221 Community-Based Organization Services All students Open House Information Students may contact Jesus receive: Learning to Work, an advocate counselor, Hernandez to schedule an appointment for a visit individual, family & group counseling, crisis intervention and/or tour. & mediation, outside referrals, assistance with job searching, resume writing, career counseling/exploration (including college searches for a particular career), Enrollment & Admissions Information college fairs, help with college applications & financial aid Total Students 215 forms, Summer Bridge Program (academic assistance to To be eligible to register, students must: pass the CUNY placement exam), college essay writing retreat, paid internships, job readiness workshops, peer • Be enrolled in a New York City high school counseling (students learn leadership skills, listening skills • Have completed the school year in which he or she turns 17 & problem solving)

• Have earned at least 17 credits toward high school Partnerships Good Shepherd Services, Bronx graduation Community College • Be at least in his or her fifth year of high school Language Classes Spanish The Learning to Work (LTW) program assists students in overcoming obstacles that impede their progress Clubs Volunteer services, student government, toward a high school diploma. LTW offers academic and recreational trips, educational trips, charity events (i.e. student support, career and educational exploration, work preparation, skills development, and internships volunteering at a food kitchen, AIDS walk), prom, senior that prepare students for rewarding employment and school trip, recreational trips (i.e. Washington D.C., educational experiences after graduation. These LTW school-wide picnic), awards ceremony in June, supports are provided by a community-based graduation in February & June organization (CBO) partner.

The LTW partner for Walton Campus YABC is Good Recreational Sports Basketball, Softball, Football Shepherd Services.


High School Eq uivalency Programs

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Additional Ways to Graduate Quick Reference Guide (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.