50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (2024)

Africa is the second-largest continent on Earth, encompassing an extensive range of ecosystems. As such, Africa provides several variable habitats for different plants, from succulents to flowering shrubs. In this article, we’ll discover 50 stunning native African flowers and plants.

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (1)

What We’ll Cover


  • How are Africa’s Native Flowers Defined?
  • 50 Types of Native African Flowers
    • 1) African Aloe
    • 2) African Daisy
    • 3) African Iris
    • 4) African Lily
    • 5) African Sage
    • 6) African Violet
    • 7) Anchusa Cape Forget-Me-Not
    • 8) Bird of Paradise
    • 9) Bitter Aloe
    • 10) Blue Lily
    • 11) Blue Hyacinth
    • 12) Blushing Bride
    • 13) Bush Lily
    • 14) Calla Lily
    • 15) Cape Daisy
    • 16) Cape Honeysuckle
    • 17) Cape Primrose
    • 18) Cape Snowdrop
    • 19) Cape Tulip
    • 20) Century Plant
    • 21) Coral Tree
    • 22) Crocosmia
    • 23) Fireball Lily
    • 24) Flame Lily
    • 25) Flowering Grass
    • 26) Gazania
    • 27) Hottentot Fig
    • 28) Impala Lily
    • 29) King Protea
    • 30) Lion’s Ear
    • 31) Leopard Orchid
    • 32) Natal Plum
    • 33) Orange African Daisy
    • 34) Paintbrush Lily
    • 35) Pincushion Protea
    • 36) Pineapple Flower
    • 37) Pink Trumpet Vine
    • 38) Red Cluster Bottlebrush
    • 39) Red Disa
    • 40) Red Hot Poker
    • 41) Red Starburst
    • 42) River Crinum
    • 43) Silver Tree
    • 44) Small Bush Violet
    • 45) Spinning Top Conebush
    • 46) Star-of-Bethlehem
    • 47) Starfish Flower
    • 48) Trailing Lobelia
    • 49) Wild Dagga
    • 50) Yellow Arum Lily
  • Native African Flowers FAQs:
  • Wrapping Up

African Native Range & Growing Zones

Africa is a vast continent that provides an enormous range of plant habitats. North Africa has an arid, desert climate, while Central Africa has a tropical climate. Southern Africa experiences more of a temperate climate.

Africa’s diverse range of climates roughly corresponds to USDA Zones 7 to 13. Most of Northern and Southern Africa corresponds to Zone 10, while Central Africa corresponds to Zone 12.

How are Africa’s Native Flowers Defined?

Africa’s native flowers are defined as plants that originated on the African continent. Many of these species have evolved over thousands of years. However, many plant species now found in Africa were brought from other continents. These species are naturalized rather than native.

50 Types of Native African Flowers

1) African Aloe

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (2)

African aloe comes from the Asphodelaceae family. It’s known as the Uitenhage aloe and is native to South Africa’s Eastern Cape. African aloe starts flowering once it’s four or five years old.

African aloe plants produce tall upright racemes of tubular orange or yellow flowers. The flower tips curve upwards at almost 90 degrees. These aloe plants will struggle if winter temperatures drop below 20ºF.

Scientific Name:Aloe africana
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:Up to 13 ft

2) African Daisy

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (3)

African daisies are charming little flowers from the daisy family (Asteraceae). They’re native to southern Africa and thrive on dry, rocky hillsides. African daisies are grown as annuals in Zones 2 to 8 and as perennials in Zones 9 to 11.

These native African flowers have colorful red, yellow, or white daisy-like flowers with black or yellow central florets. The flowers close at night before unfurling in the sunshine.

Scientific Name:Arctotis spp.
Growing Zones:2 to 11
Flowering Season:Late spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

3) African Iris

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (4)

African irises come from the Dietes genus of the iris family (Iridaceae). The genus contains six species, most of which are native to parts of South Africa and Australia. Dietes iridioides is the most common species.

African iris flowers have six white or yellow tepals with yellow or purple markings that surround three central petals. These flowers only last for a few days.

Scientific Name:Dietes spp.
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:2 to 4 ft

4) African Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (5)

African lily is a beautiful species of Agapanthus from the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). These agapanthus plants thrive on rocky slopes in South Africa. Despite being thousands of miles away from Egypt, these plants are also known as Lily-of-the-Nile.

These native African flowers produce upright stems topped with large, rounded clusters of trumpet-shaped blue flowers. These stems rise up from clumps of leathery, strap-like leaves.

Scientific Name:Agapanthus africanus
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:2 to 3 ft

5) African Sage

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (6)

African sage is a fragrant perennial shrub from the Salvia genus within the mint family (Lamiaceae). It thrives in dry coastal or rocky areas in South Africa. African sage has hairy gray stems that produce a strong fragrance when touched.

African sage has pale blue, pink, or violet salvia-like flowers that emerge from tall inflorescences. African sage also has attractive grayish-green elliptical foliage.

Scientific Name:Salvia africana
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to winter
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:2 to 3 ft

6) African Violet

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (7)

African violets are charming little flowers best grown as houseplants. African violets come from the Saintpaulia section of the Streptocarpus genus within the Gesneriad family (Gesneriaceae).

These native African flowers are native to tropical areas of Kenya and Tanzania in eastern Africa. These plants have clumps of round, succulent-like dark green leaves and small purple flowers with five petals. African violets grow best in well-draining soil in indirect light.

Scientific Name:Saintpaulia ionantha
Growing Zones:11 to 12
Flowering Season:All year round
Light Requirements:Partial shade
Mature Height:Up to 9 inches

7) Anchusa Cape Forget-Me-Not

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (8)

Anchusa Cape forget-me-not is also known as common bugloss and comes from the borage family (Boraginaceae). These plants are native to parts of southern Africa, such as Namibia and South Africa.

Anchusa Cape forget-me-not produces vivid blue flowers that emerge from red flower buds. There are numerous cultivars with blue, pink, or white flowers. The leaves are rough and lance-shaped.

Scientific Name:Anchusa capensis
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

8) Bird of Paradise

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (9)

Bird of Paradise plants come from the Strelitziaceae family and are some of the most popular tropical houseplants in the world. Bird of Paradise plants are native to tropical parts of South Africa.

Bird of Paradise plants have striking orange and blue flowers that are protected by beak-like spathes. Each flower lasts approximately one week, but each flower head can produce 5 to 7 flowers.

Scientific Name:Strelitzia reginae
Growing Zones:10 to 12
Flowering Season:Fall to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:4 to 6 ft

9) Bitter Aloe

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (10)

Also known as Cape aloe, bitter aloe is native to rocky areas and dry shrublands in South Africa. This tree-like aloe produces a single thick trunk up to 10 feet tall with rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves. These leaves can grow up to 3 feet long.

Bitter aloe plants have orange or red flowers that emerge from a crown of inflorescences on top of the plant.

Scientific Name:Aloe ferox
Growing Zones:9 to 12
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:6 to 10 ft

10) Blue Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (11)

Also known as the common agapanthus, the blue lily plant is one of the most popular ornamental agapanthus species. Blue lily plants come from the amaryllis family and are native to South Africa’s Eastern Cape province.

These native African flowers bloom during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere and late winter to spring in South Africa. These agapanthus plants produce large, rounded clusters of tubular blue, white, or purple flowers.

Scientific Name:Agapanthus praecox
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:2 to 4 ft

11) Blue Hyacinth

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (12)

Also known as blue squill, blue hyacinth is a bulb-forming perennial from the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). These deciduous plants are native to parts of Southern Africa and grow in various habitats.

During the spring, blue hyacinth bulbs produce a rosette of veined leaves. The blue, white, or violet flowers are produced on upright racemes. During the evening, these native African flowers emit a lovely honey-like fragrance.

Scientific Name:Merwilla plumbea
Growing Zones:7 to 10
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:1 to 1.5 ft

12) Blushing Bride

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (13)

Blushing bride plants are Critically Endangered evergreen shrubs from the Proteaceae family. These rare flowers are only found in the Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve within South Africa’s Cape Province.

Blushing bride plants produce several flowering stems that branch off from the main stem. These stems produce up to eight pink or white flowers with large central pods. These plants rely on wildfires every two years to produce seeds.

Scientific Name:Serruria florida
Growing Zones:10 to 11
Flowering Season:Winter to
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:2.5 to 5 ft

13) Bush Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (14)

Also known as natal lilies, bush lilies come from the Clivia genus in the Amaryllis family. Bush lilies thrive in woodland areas in several parts of South Africa.

These native African flowers produce clusters of orange, red, or yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. These flowers give off a subtle sweet scent. Due to their need for warm temperatures, bush lilies are best grown as houseplants outside of Zones 9 to 11.

Scientific Name:Clivia miniata
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Partial shade
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

14) Calla Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (15)

Calla lilies are popular ornamental flowers native to parts of southern Africa. These herbaceous perennials grow best in wetland areas or along riverbanks. Calla lilies can be grown outdoors or as houseplants.

Calla lilies have large, beautiful white spathes and a yellow spadix that emits a sweet scent. They also produce clumps of dark green arrow-shaped leaves. However, calla lilies can become invasive.

Scientific Name:Zantedeschia aethiopica
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:2 to 3 ft

15) Cape Daisy

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (16)

Cape daisies are also known as African daisies and come from the Osteospermum genus of the daisy family. Osteospermums have colorful daisy-like flowers with dark blue central florets. The petals come in various shades of blue, pink, purple, yellow, and white.

Cape daisies are native to the eastern and southern parts of Africa. These native African flowers are popular garden plants worldwide and thrive in warm climates.

Scientific Name:Osteospermum spp.
Growing Zones:10 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 3 ft

16) Cape Honeysuckle

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (17)

Cape honeysuckle is a beautiful evergreen shrub from the Bignonia family (Bignoniaceae). It’s native to South Africa but is now grown around the world. Cape honeysuckle has a scrambling habit, allowing it to climb.

Cape honeysuckle has orange or red tubular flowers that bloom throughout the year in warm climates. These native African flowers can’t handle cold temperatures below 40ºF. It can be grown in containers.

Scientific Name:Tecoma capensis
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Fall to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:7 to 10 ft

17) Cape Primrose

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (18)

Cape primroses are attractive flowering perennials related to African violets. Cape primroses can be grown outdoors in Zones 10 to 11 or as houseplants in colder areas. They are native to Africa and Madagascar.

Cape primroses produce orchid-like flowers with five petals. The flowers can be blue, pink, purple, red, yellow, or white. Cape primroses also have wrinkled, strap-like leaves with a velvety texture.

Scientific Name:Streptocarpus spp.
Growing Zones:10 to 11
Flowering Season:All year round
Light Requirements:Partial sun
Mature Height:10 to 12 inches

18) Cape Snowdrop

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (19)

Cape snowdrops come from the Crassula genus in the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae). These small perennial succulents are native to areas of South Africa’s Western Cape province.

These native African flowers bloom in spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere and from fall to winter in their native range. They have white flowers with six petals and rounded succulent leaves with toothed edges.

Scientific Name:Crassula capensis
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:Up to 8 inches

19) Cape Tulip

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (20)

Cape tulips are bulbous flowers from the iris family (Iridaceae). They are native to South Africa but have become invasive in Australia. Cape tulips grow via corms that flower from late winter to early spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

Cape tulips have attractive flowers with six long petals and yellow anthers in the center. These native African flowers can be pink, orange, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Moraea spp.
Growing Zones:9 to 10
Flowering Season:Late winter to early spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:Up to 2 ft

20) Century Plant

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (21)

Century plants are unusual bulbous plants from the Amaryllis family. These plants are indigenous to most of Africa and thrive in dry grasslands. Many of these bulbs can live for decades.

Century plants grow as large bulbs that can grow up to 7 inches tall. They produce umbel-like clusters of small pink or red flowers followed by fans of grayish-green leaves. The flowers give off a sweet fragrance.

Scientific Name:Boophone disticha
Growing Zones:9 to 10
Flowering Season:Spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:Up to 25 inches

21) Coral Tree

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (22)

Coral trees are beautiful trees that come from the legume or pea family (Fabaceae). These trees are native to South Africa and are frequently used as landscaping trees.

Coral trees have smooth gray bark with hooked prickles. Coral trees have fan-shaped leaves with hooked tips. During the spring, coral trees produce racemes covered with long, bright red flowers. The flowers are produced before new leaves emerge.

Scientific Name:Erythrina lysistemon
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:30 to 40 ft

22) Crocosmia

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (23)

Crocosmias are popular, exotic flowers grown around the world. They come from the iris family (Iridaceae) and are native to eastern and southern parts of Africa. Crocosmias are planted as corms and bloom during the summer.

Crosomia plants produce sword-shaped leaves and arching flower stems. These stems erupt with tubular orange or red flowers. The leaves produce a saffron-like scent when dried and exposed to hot water.

Scientific Name:Crocosmia spp.
Growing Zones:6 to 9
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:2 to 3 ft

23) Fireball Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (24)

Also known as African blood lilies, fireball lilies are stunning bulbous plants from the amaryllis family. Fireball lily plants are native to most areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. They are also grown around the world as ornamental plants.

Fireball lilies produce globe-like flower heads containing lots of bright red, star-shaped flowers. These native African flowers are deciduous bulbs that die back before winter before going dormant until spring.

Scientific Name:Scadoxus multiflorus
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Summer to fall
Light Requirements:Partial shade
Mature Height:2 to 4 ft

24) Flame Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (25)

Flame lilies are spectacular members of the autumn-crocus family (Colchicaceae). They’re also one of the rarest flowers in the world. These lilies are native to southern Africa and Asia.

Flame lilies have fiery red or orange flowers with yellow edges and wavy petals that resemble flames. The petals curl upwards and sit above six almost horizontal stamens. Despite their beauty, flame lilies are lethally toxic.

Scientific Name:Gloriosa superba
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:5 to 6 ft

25) Flowering Grass

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (26)

Flowering grass is a member of the iris family native to parts of eastern and southern Africa. In the Northern Hemisphere, flowering grass blooms during the summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, the flowers emerge from October until December.

These native African flowers grow via underground corms, producing a flat fan of slender green leaves. It then produces small, flat flowers that can be red, pale blue, or white.

Scientific Name:Freesia laxa
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:6 to 12 inches

26) Gazania

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (27)

Also known as treasure flowers, gazanias are colorful flowers from the daisy family (Asteraceae). These vibrant plants are native to southern regions of Africa. Gazanias are popular with gardeners worldwide but are listed as invasive in some areas.

Gazania flowers have small overlapping petals surrounding large central florets with dark markings. The petals come in colors like pink, orange, red, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Gazania spp.
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

27) Hottentot Fig

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (28)

Hottentot figs are low-growing succulents from the fig-marigold family (Aizoaceae). Hottentot figs form mats of triangular succulent leaves that turn red as they age. The flowers have lots of thin, long petals surrounding large central clusters of tiny yellow flowers.

Hottentot figs are native to South Africa and frequently colonize recently-disturbed sites. These plants make good low-maintenance ground cover plants. As succulents, Hottentot figs are drought-tolerant.

Scientific Name:Carpobrotus edulis
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:Up to 1 ft

28) Impala Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (29)

Impala lilies come from the Adenium genus of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). These succulent trees have beautiful star-shaped tubular white flowers with dark red edges. These plants have gray bark and look like small baobab trees.

Impala lilies are native to central and eastern parts of southern Africa and thrive in dry woodland or grassland habitats. In the Southern Hemisphere, impala lilies flower from May to September.

Scientific Name:Adenium multiflorum
Growing Zones:10 to 12
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1.5 to 10 ft

29) King Protea

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (30)

King protea plants are impressive woody shrubs from the Proteaceae family. These shrubs are native to South Africa’s southern areas. The king protea is also South Africa’s national flower.

King protea shrubs have round, glossy dark green leaves. They produce large complex flower heads that can grow up to 12 inches wide. The flowers have an outer ring of white bracts which surround the inner flowers.

Scientific Name:Protea cynaroides
Growing Zones:9 to 12
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 6.5 ft

30) Lion’s Ear

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (31)

Also known as Klip dagga, the lion’s ear is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It’s native to tropical regions of Africa and India. It has also become naturalized in Latin America and the southern United States.

Lion’s ear plants produce tall stems with several whorls of tubular, hairy orange flowers. Lion’s ear plants also have green heart-shaped leaves. These native African flowers enjoy a long blooming period.

Scientific Name:Leonotis nepetifolia
Growing Zones:9 to 10
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:6.5 to 10 ft

31) Leopard Orchid

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (32)

Leopard orchids are beautiful orchids native to tropical areas of southern Africa. These stunning orchids have yellow flowers covered with brown spots, resembling the fur of a leopard. Each flower lasts approximately ten days.

Leopard orchids can be epiphytes or terrestrial orchids. The white aerial roots form a protective basket around the large pseudobulbs. The pseudobulbs can grow up to 2 feet long.

Scientific Name:Ansellia africana
Growing Zones:11 to 12
Flowering Season:All year round
Light Requirements:Full sun or partial shade
Mature Height:1 to 4 ft

32) Natal Plum

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (33)

Also known as the large num-num in South Africa, the natal plum shrub comes from the dogbane family. They are native to southeastern parts of South Africa.

These native African flowers have round, glossy green leaves and Y-shaped thorns on the stems. Natal plums produce pure white star-shaped flowers with long petals. The round fruits are bright red.

Scientific Name:Carissa macrocarpa
Growing Zones:9 to 10
Flowering Season:All year round
Light Requirements:Full sun or partial shade
Mature Height:5 to 7 ft

33) Orange African Daisy

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (34)

Orange African daisies are cheery annual flowers from the aster family (Asteraceae). These plants have daisy-like flowers with orange or yellow petals. Some flowers have dark purple rings around the central florets.

Orange African daisies are native to South Africa and thrive in coastal habitats. These daisies bloom in July and September in the Southern Hemisphere. Orange African daisies also grow well in sandy or rocky areas.

Scientific Name:Ursinia calenduliflora
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Winter to spring
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:12 inches

34) Paintbrush Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (35)

Also known as blood lilies, paintbrush lilies are bulbous perennials from the Amaryllis family. These attractive plants are native to southern regions of Africa. These adaptable plants can thrive in several soil types.

These native African flowers produce thick, fleshy stems with two or three leaves per bulb. The flower heads have several bright red spathes surrounding the central mass of tiny flowers that resemble a paintbrush.

Scientific Name:Haemanthus coccineus
Growing Zones:10 to 12
Flowering Season:Summer to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:14 inches

35) Pincushion Protea

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (36)

Pincushion proteas are impressive evergreen plants from the Proteaceae family. These plants are named for their large, prolific flowers. The flower heads contain lots of tiny flower buds and bracts that look like pincushions.

These native African flowers thrive in acidic soils and are native to parts of southern Africa, such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. These plants have simple, leathery leaves that are often covered in soft hairs.

Scientific Name:Leucospermum spp.
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:3 to 16 ft

36) Pineapple Flower

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (37)

Pineapple flowers are not related to true pineapples. Instead, they come from the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). These beautiful bulbous perennials are native to rocky parts of South Africa.

Pineapple flowers are deciduous plants with rosettes of large, sword-shaped leaves with purple spots. The purple or white flowers are borne on tall racemes. A crown of bracts grows on top of the racemes, making the whole plant resemble a pineapple fruit.

Scientific Name:Eucomis comosa
Growing Zones:7 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

37) Pink Trumpet Vine

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (38)

Pink trumpet vines are elegant evergreen shrubs from the trumpet vine family (Bignoniaceae). Pink trumpet vines are native to South Africa but are naturalized in Morocco, Spain, and Central America.

These native African flowers are vigorous climbers with glossy green leaves. These vines bloom prolifically, producing gorgeous trumpet-shaped pink flowers with reddish veins on the petals. The petals are delicate and have a ruffled appearance.

Scientific Name:Podranea ricasoliana
Growing Zones:9 to 12
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:10 to 20 ft

38) Red Cluster Bottlebrush

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (39)

Also known as natal bottlebrushes, red cluster bottlebrushes are attractive shrubs from the Francoaceae family. These deciduous trees are native to South Africa and grow on rocky slopes. The stems and branches are pink and smooth.

As their name suggests, red cluster bottlebrushes produce dense, rounded clusters of red flowers. The stamens protrude outwards and resemble a brush. These native African flowers also have simple, leathery leaves with toothed edges.

Scientific Name:Greyia sutherlandii
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:10 to 25 ft

39) Red Disa

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (40)

Red disa orchids are stunning orchids native to mountainous areas of South Africa’s Western Cape. These orchids thrive in cool or mild conditions and moist soils. Red disa orchids are also known as “pride of Table Mountain”.

Red disa orchids have large, showy flowers with two bright red lower sepals and a pink upper sepal. The upper sepal also has red veins and surrounds the yellow inner petals.

Scientific Name:Disa uniflora
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:6 to 24 inches

40) Red Hot Poker

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (41)

Red hot pokers are some of the most popular African flowers and are grown around the world. These attractive perennials come from the Asphodelaceae family. The Kniphofia genus contains approximately 73 species and numerous cultivars.

Red hot pokers produce upright flower spikes covered in orange, red, or yellow bicolored blooms. The foliage is thin and resembles grass. The nectar-rich flowers are extremely popular with pollinators.

Scientific Name:Kniphofia spp.
Growing Zones:5 to 9
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 6 ft

41) Red Starburst

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (42)

Also known as balloon plants, red starburst plants come from the dogbane family. These soft perennial shrubs are native to southeastern parts of tropical Africa. Red starburst plants prefer grassland habitats or roadsides.

Red starburst plants have lance-shaped light green leaves and produce small, hooded white flowers. The flowers are followed by odd round green fruits. These hairy, inflated fruits eventually split open to release their seeds.

Scientific Name:Gomphocarpus physocarpus
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:4 to 6 ft

42) River Crinum

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (43)

River crinums are bulbous perennials from the Amaryllis family. Also known as Cape coast lilies, river crinums are native to eastern and southern Africa. They are deciduous plants that die back after flowering.

These native African flowers have lance-shaped leaves with wavy edges. The bulbs produce fleshy stems topped with clusters of white bell-shaped flowers with pink stripes on each petal. These flowers produce a pungent scent

Scientific Name:Crinum macowanii
Growing Zones:8 to 10
Flowering Season:Summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1.5 to 3 ft

43) Silver Tree

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (44)

Silver trees are ornamental evergreen trees from the Proteaceae family. It’s named for the silvery appearance of its leaves, caused by the velvety hairs that cover the leaves. The flowers form dense clusters and are pollinated by the wind.

Silver trees are native to South Africa’s Cape Peninsula. These impressive trees are protected in South Africa and are classed as Vulnerable.

Scientific Name:Leucadendron argenteum
Growing Zones:9 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:20 to 30 ft

44) Small Bush Violet

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (45)

Small bush violets are attractive evergreen shrubs from the acanthus family (Acanthaceae). These colorful plants are native to parts of tropical Africa, including South Africa. Small bush violets grow best in woodland habitats.

Small bush violets have large purple or reddish-purple flowers with five to six lobes. As the branches spread, they root in the soil, so they should be kept in check. These native African flowers also have glossy dark green leaves with a soft texture.

Scientific Name:Barleria repens
Growing Zones:9 to 12
Flowering Season:Summer to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:Up to 2.5 ft

45) Spinning Top Conebush

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (46)

Spinning top conebushes are unusual flowering shrubs from the Proteaceae family. These plants are native to shrublands and mountainous areas in South Africa’s Western Cape province.

Spinning top conebushes have bluish-green leaves, sometimes covered in soft hairs. These plants don’t flower in the traditional sense. Instead, spinning top conebushes produce cones made from green bracts topped with small yellow flowers. The seeds spread on the wind.

Scientific Name:Leucadendron rubrum
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Summer to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:Up to 8 ft

46) Star-of-Bethlehem

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (47)

Star-of-Bethlehem plants come from the Ornithogalum genus of the asparagus family. The genus contains approximately 180 species native to Africa and Southern Europe. Star-of-Bethlehem blooms make excellent cut flowers.

Star-of-Bethlehem plants grow from bulbs and have long, lance-shaped leaves. These perennials produce white star-shaped flowers with six petals that close during the evening. These native African flowers grow and spread quickly and can potentially become invasive.

Scientific Name:Ornithogalum spp.
Growing Zones:5 to 10
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:6 to 12 inches

47) Starfish Flower

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (48)

Also known as carrion flowers, starfish flowers are unusual succulents from the dogbane family. Most starfish flowers produce a scent similar to rotting meat to attract flies. These flowers are native to South Africa.

Most starfish flowers are low-growing succulents with large, star-shaped flowers. The flowers often have hairy edges rather than spines. The flowers are cream or yellow and have a fleshy texture. Starfish flowers can be grown in containers.

Scientific Name:Stapelia spp.
Growing Zones:9 to 10
Flowering Season:Fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:Up to 1 ft

48) Trailing Lobelia

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (49)

Trailing lobelias are low-growing herbaceous perennials from the bellflower family (Campanulaceae). These beautiful scrambling plants are native to parts of southern Africa, like Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

Trailing lobelias form spreading mats of bright blue or violet flowers. The flowers also have yellow or white centers. These adaptable plants thrive in various climates but grow best in cooler weather.

Scientific Name:Lobelia erinus
Growing Zones:2 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun to partial shade
Mature Height:6 to 9 inches

49) Wild Dagga

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (50)

Also known as lion’s tail, wild dagga plants are evergreen shrubs from the mint family (Lamiaceae). These plants are native to southern parts of Africa, especially South Africa. Wild dagga plants thrive in moist grasslands.

These native African flowers produce several whorls of tubular orange blooms on upright stems. These stems emerge from clumps of dark green leaves. The leaves have a strong fragrance when crushed up.

Scientific Name:Leonotis leonurus
Growing Zones:8 to 11
Flowering Season:Spring to fall
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:4 to 6 ft

50) Yellow Arum Lily

50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (51)

Yellow arum lilies are deciduous perennials from the arum family (Araceae) that grow from bulbs. These lilies grow in northern parts of South Africa and thrive in woodlands and rocky grasslands.

Yellow arum lilies have arrow-shaped green leaves and beautiful flowers. The main part of the flower consists of a yellow bract surrounding the inner flowers. The yellow bracts have a purple dot at their base.

Scientific Name:Zantedeschia pentlandii
Growing Zones:9 to 12
Flowering Season:Spring to summer
Light Requirements:Full sun
Mature Height:1 to 2 ft

Native African Flowers FAQs:

What is the Traditional Flower of Africa?

The king protea (Protea cynaroides) is one of the traditional flowers of Africa. It’s also the national flower of South Africa. It’s an impressive woody shrub known for its large composite flowers and glossy dark green leaves.

What is the Most Popular African Flower?

Agapanthus are some of the most popular African flowers. These beautiful herbaceous perennials are also known as African lilies. They’re cultivated in gardens across the globe.

What Are Some Iconic Flowers in Africa?

Some of Africa’s most iconic flowers include agapanthus, osteospermums, red hot pokers, and the king protea. Many of these plants are native to southern areas of Africa.

Wrapping Up

Africa is home to an incredibly diverse range of flowers and plants. These range from succulents like aloes to flowering shrubs like the king protea. Many of Africa’s plants are grown in gardens worldwide, including agapanthus and osteospermums.

Edward Hodsdon

Contributing Editor | edd@petalrepublic.com | Full Bio

Edd is a budding content writer and gardener living in the United Kingdom. He has a bachelor's degree in Creative and Professional Writing and has written for several gardening publications online. He is passionate about nature and sustainability with a focus on gardening and wildlife.

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50 Native African Flowers and Plants to Admire (2024)


What is the most famous flower in Africa? ›

The King Protea, (Protea cynaroides), is a flowering plant. Its flower head (what the layman will call the 'flower') is the largest in the genus Protea: the species is also known as Giant Protea, Honeypot or King Sugar Bush.

What is the native flower in Africa? ›

King protea (Protea cyranoides), national flower of South Africa. The king protea is a flowering shrub as beautiful and unique as the country itself … It is also known as Giant Protea, it is a botanical species of phanerogams.

What plant is unique to Africa? ›

Some of South Africa's endemic species include the spectacular bird of paradise flower (Strelitzia reginae), the red disa (Disa uniflora), the cushion restio (Elegia stipularis), the red-hot poker (Kniphofia leucocephala) and South Africa's national flower, the stunning king protea (Protea cynaroides), to mention just ...

What is the spiritual flower of the African? ›

The purple African Iris, in particular, stands tall with connotations of wisdom and courage, making it the perfect tribute for life's significant achievements. The flower's ability to convey a spectrum of spiritual messages is as compelling as its visual allure.

What is the African flower of love? ›

Amazing Agapanthus: The Flower of Love - The Botanical Society of South Africa.

What is the rarest flower in Africa? ›

Pelargonium heterophyllum is probably the rarest and most threatened hoarea in South Africa at present and is one of South Africa's rarest and most endangered plants. It may become extinct in the wild if the habitat degradation and destruction by crop cultivation, which is causing it to decline, continues.

What is the oldest flower in Africa? ›

Proteas are considered to be among the oldest of flowering plants, and from the king protea Protea cynaroides to the tall silver tree Leucadendron argenteum to the nodding pincushion Leucospermum cordifolium, they have the allure of another time. The species in the Proteoideae group are native to South Africa.

What is the queen of Africa plant? ›

'Queen of Africa' is a vigorous, upright annual with pinnate, fern-like, grey-green leaves and large, domed, branched umbels of small, creamy-white flowers in summer.

What is the purple flower from Africa? ›

Violet Saintpaulia flowers, more commonly known as African violets. African violets are small plants with fuzzy leaves that produce clusters of white, blue or purple flowers.

What is 3 of Africa's native plants? ›

Hibiscus <bot588> Yellow Hibiscus sp, Northeastern South AfricaIce Plants <bot157> Crawling Iceplant, Natal, South Africa
Plumbago <bot595> Wild Plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides), Southern Natal, South AfricaProteas <bot617> Protea sp., Cape, South Africa
2 more rows

What plant is Star of Africa? ›

From the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family, the name Astrantia derives from the Latin word 'aster' meaning 'star', which refers to the plant's star-shaped floral bracts. The flowers have a very fine structure.

What fruit is native to Africa? ›

Marula (Sclerocarya birrea), wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca), wild plum (Prunus americana), raisin bush (Grewia flavescens), and sour plum (Ximenia caffra) are among the indigenous fruits found in Africa.

What is the African day flower? ›

Osteospermum, commonly known as African daisy, Cape daisy, or blue-eyed daisy, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, which also includes sunflowers, daisies, and asters. These plants are native to South Africa and are widely cultivated for their attractive, daisy-like flowers.

What flower is important to black history? ›

Periwinkle – This plant is thought to be one of the most popular flowers brought to the graves of the enslaved.

What is the miracle flower? ›

Allow us to introduce Anchusa azurea, a wonder herb that holds the secret to skin's vitality and youth. Revered as a miracle wellness flower throughout history, it was used as a medicinal food and as a healing poultice to treat skin inflammation and wounds.

What is the top 1 flower in the world? ›

Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors.

What are the biggest African flowers? ›

Protea cynaroides, also called the king protea (from Afrikaans: koningsprotea, Xhosa: isiQwane sobukumkani), is a flowering plant. It is a distinctive member of Protea, having the largest flower head in the genus. The species is also known as giant protea, honeypot or king sugar bush.

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