5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (2024)

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (1)

Does your backyard need a makeover? The ideal backyard looks different to everyone, but the concept of the ideal backyard is universal. We put together five ways to create your very own backyard oasis.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (2)

Few things compare to grilling out on the patio with the sun shining and your favorite drink in hand while the kids play and run around like the little wild children they are. The only thing better than that is having a beautiful and well-kept yard to top it off. When it comes to wanting a backyard oasis, you are not alone. In fact, according to a recent poll conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of theTurfMutt Foundationin 2022 found that 76% of Americans say the family yard space is one of the most important parts of the home. Not only do we love our yards, but we are also willing to invest in them and find working in our yards to be mentally stimulating.

For homeowners, yards have become an extension of the home itself. No longer is having a well-manicured lawn just about status, it’s about feeling good and creating an enjoyable, livable space for the family to relax in. A backyard oasis doesn’t just happen overnight and it certainly doesn’t just maintain itself. Whether you prefer to hire someone to do the job or do it yourself, we have you covered with our top 5 ways to create a backyard oasis.

1. Shape Up and Ship Out

Before we get to the real fun, we need to focus on the landscaping. Okay, let’s be honest, this part is fun too…who’s with me? Anyone? Anyone at all? In all seriousness though, what better way to spruce up the yard and add curb appeal to your home at the same time. For a clean-looking yard, you have to plant, trim, and pull. Say it with us now. PLANT, TRIM, PULL! PLANT, TRIM, PULL! Plant everything you can get your hands on but be cognizant of where you plant and consider sunlight and drainage. It’s always good to start with decent soil. Trim those hedges and bushes. If you just so happen to be a natural at sculpting, that’s even better or if you’re like us you will surely end up with uneven hedges but, hey, that’s better than overgrown ones. Pull those weeds! There is no better way to kill a yard’s vibe than with weeds, so kick them to the curb…like literally kick them to the curb for garbage pickup. A great way to freshen the yard’s look and make sure those weeds can’t get back in the club is to lay down mulch. Also, don’t forget to edge! Okay, now that we have the yard looking so fresh and so clean let’s talk about taking your yard to the next level.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (3)

2. Tree Makeover

Trees make any yard instantly more beautiful but there are a few simple ways to make the most out of them. First, pruning dead, diseased, or broken branches is important for the health of the tree and the overall look of the yard. Pruning trees also helps stimulate proper growth, avoid safety hazards, and improve overall tree structure. If you want to cut or trim other branches, be sure to research best practices to avoid causing damage to the tree. Another great way to neaten up the yard is to place mulch around trees. Mulch can be good for a tree by retaining moisture and improving the soil but make sure not to stack mulch against the tree as this can lead to decay.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (4)

3. Yard Clean Sweep

Just like we like to relax in a tidy home, we also like to relax in a tidy yard. That’s right. Tidy up that yard. Trust us. It makes a big difference. Clean up the grass clippings and leaves from last Fall unless you like to use them as fertilizer or compost. Clearing your yard of leaves and debris can also benefit your lawn. If you have too much debris covering your lawn it can block vital sunlight from getting to your grass stunting growth. To give your grass the best chances of being green and healthy, regular maintenance is required. While the backyard can be our oasis, it can also be our kid’s and pet’s oasis too, so, make sure to get storage for toys and lawn games. Nobody wants to come over for a party outside with a yard full of landmines, so make sure to clean up after your furry friends. Outdoor storage sheds for your lawn equipment and gardening tools aren’t just to tidy up your yard, it’s also important for safety reasons and the longevity of your equipment.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (5)

4. Backyard Glam Up

This is where the creator within us gets to come out and play to give our yard style and charm. Maybe it’s a firepit to gather around, a hammock to relax in, or a raised bed garden to tend to. Throw some string lights up around the patio or build a path through your garden with pavers or bricks. Build a decorative privacy wall for your patio or add artificial ivy to your privacy fence to give it extra character. Whatever you choose, it’s about making it your own and creating a space that you and your family can enjoy. We love the idea of making your yard unique and at the end of the day, this is about creating a space for you to decompress and enjoy the outdoors.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (6)

5. Patio Life

As kids, we may have mostly just been passing through the patio to get out to the yard, in college it was a place for late nights with friends debating the meaning of life or whether the '90s Bulls were the greatest dynasty of all time, but as adults it takes a new meaning. The patio is a place where we go to relax with our morning coffee or to grill out with friends and family. There are so many ways to put your personal touch on the patio. Greenery like ferns in large planter pots or hanging baskets is always a great addition. Bring style and convenience to your patio with furniture sets or seating like an egg chair or bench. Patio storage boxes or storage benches not only help tidy the yard up but they also are dual threats providing extra seating as well. Outdoor rugs are perfect for protecting against damage to your patio but also a way to cover older-pitted concrete. If you want to take on a DIY project, you can find an assortment of concrete paint and you can even add designs using stencil patterns.

5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (7)

There is plenty of literature and data to support that the benefits of spending time outdoors have a direct impact on our overall physical and mental well-being. Manicuring a beautiful lawn can certainly up your curb appeal game, but taking care of your yard is also essential to creating a space you can relax in while getting the benefits of fresh air and sunlight. Whether it be tending to the garden or reading a book on the patio or deck, our backyard is a place we can go to reduce stress levels, boost our mood, and even help our immune system with vitamin D and less time exposed to indoor air pollution. As you plan for and create your backyard oasis, make sure to take stock of some of your ideas and go-to strategies to share back with us. As we aim to build a community around keeping our homes tidy, we always want to hear from you!

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5 Ways To Create A Backyard Oasis (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.